Tutorials and How To's

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Taking A Short Break!!

With only a little less that 2 weeks before my kids go back to school, I'm gonna take a break. 
They are going to a new school this year after a very stressful year last year. I hoping things will be much better at this new school. 
So, this break will also give me some time to re organize and clean out some things, I hope.....
My space is screaming for an overhaul!

With that I leave you with a few sneak peeks of what is going to be happening in the episodes.
Restaurant MaCherie....
Picking up where I left off, Scott and Krystal are going out for dinner,
in Part 2 of 
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly....
Also someone wants to temp fate, by visiting a psychic....

Diorama Fun Find!

 This idea came to me the other morning while digging through my junk bin. I have a bin that I save all my little odds and ends in. You never know when something will come in handy!
So.....all I did was cut up and plastic target bag tape up the sides then added it to the tictac container, and voila! Instant diaper pail ^_^


 And Last I leave with a few quick pictures of Luke and Laura...
and Baby Phoenix
These two have been busy, busy bees lately and settling 
quite well into parenthood....
 I can never stop snapping pictures of them!
See you all in a couple weeks!


  1. I am with you on wishing you a great school year! Thanks for the teasers. Looking forward to your return! :-)

  2. Hello from Spain: Great picture. Enjoy your holiday. In my country children start school on September 10. Keep in touch

  3. The teasers are awesome! I hope your kids have a blessed school year.
    See you soon!! :D

  4. Have a nice break. Looking forward to your return and for the new stories.

  5. You will be missed. Thanks for the pictures. I clearly see why you are enjoying snapping pics of Luke, Laura, and baby Phoenix. They are all adorable.

  6. Genius idea with the diaper pail. I am intrigued about that psychic. Hope you enjoyed your time off. Two weeks is almost over.

  7. Oh, no!!!! Don't do this to me!!!!! eheheheh... I'm kidding. Luck to your kids at new school, and you: back as soon as possible. I love your story! (An huge fan from Brasil)

  8. I'll use this time wisely and catch on all the episodes 've missed the last few months!

  9. I've been enjoying the stories. Love that diaper pail! I'm going to have to make one of those!

  10. Love what you did with the Tic Tac container. Looks great as a diaper pail.

    Hope you have some rest during your break ;-) Happy Fall.


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