Tutorials and How To's

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Post Wedding Photos.....

Following the wedding ceremony  everyone gathered for some pictures before making their way to the reception.
Of course a picture of the wedding party. Then followed by pictures with their parents. 

Then some pictures of the happy couple, just the two of them.

Finally some pictures of Luke and Laura and Baby Phoenix. These are also their first formal family photos.

After all the photos have been taken everyone mingles for a short time before heading off to the reception. 
Aric and Roxie take a moment to congratulate Luke. As a wedding gift to Luke and Laura they offered to throw them their reception at Bull Tavern.
*Aric* "Feel any different?"
*Luke laughs* "No. Why am I supposed to?"
*Aric laughs* "I am happy for you two."
*Roxie* "Congratulations, Luke....Laura made you one lucky man...."
*Luke* "Thanks you, you two, I do feel lucky. Wait, was that what I was supposed to feel?"
*Aric busts out laughing* "As long as your happy......just remember happy wife, happy life and you'll do fine."
*Roxie* "Aric! Leave him alone. We need to get going anyways."
*Aric* " Yeah, better go check on the bar and make sure everything is ready for the reception."
*Luke*  "Sure, thanks again for hosting the reception."
*Aric* "It's are pleasure....see ya in a little while."
While Luke was visiting with Aric and Roxie. Laura takes a moment to show off Phoenix to Penelope.
While Michelle, Benjamin, Amari, and Brooklyn chat.
Benjamin is giving Amari directions on how to get the the bar. She is just visiting from Houston where she lives and grew up.
Penelope is just blown away by all that has happened in the 
past year. She thinks Phoenix is a doll and looks 
like his Daddy from what she can see. 
*Penelope* "He is just adorable...I bet your super busy now."
 *Laura* "Yeah, it's been pretty busy lately, but I'm hoping things will calm down now that the wedding is done. It'll be nice to just veg a little."
  *Penelope* "Well, I think you deserve it....I know how much you like to work and keep busy."
Phoenix starts to fuss a little.
*Laura* "I think someone is getting hungry....I better go nurse him in the car 
before we head to the reception."
*Penelope* "Awww, he is so sweet!  Well, I guess I'll see you over at the reception.
 I'm gonna say hi to Isolde."
*Laura* "Okay...."

That's it for now....
Everyone is now making their way to Bull Tavern for the reception. 
See you all on 


  1. Love your pictures! I especially like the family photos of Luke, Laura and Phoenix. He is such a cute baby. You made him didn't you? Can't wait for the reception!

    1. Hi Phyllis,
      Thank you I don't think I'll ever get tired of taking pictures of them lol!
      no I didn't make him. I found him on eBay by lovelylittlebabies The seller just listed a new baby the other day I did however make the baby that was shown at birth :)

  2. Great wedding photos. Weddings are always so exciting. If I could, I would attend a wedding every month. I'm looking forward to the reception.

    1. Hi Vanessa :)
      Thank you, yes weddings are an exciting event.....

  3. Hello from Spain: fabulous photos. A great wedding. I really like the garden that you create. Great diorama. Very inspiring for me. Keep in touch.

    1. Hi Marta!
      Thank you, yes! I do plan on making them a tiny wedding album :)
      So glad you liked the dio I had a lot of fun working on it I hope they add more to it in the future.

  4. Hola, que bonitas fotos, una boda es tan romantica. Que bonita ropa llevan todos. La foto del baby y los esposos me agrado mucho. Saludos.


    1. Hola Linda muchas gracias! muy contento de que haya disfrutado de la boda, que tenía un montón de diversión poner todo junto :)

  5. Hi, the pictures will make a beautiful wedding photo album :-). Sweet pictures of Laura holding the baby! Your wedding is beautifully done, great job!!!

    1. thank you. It was nice to take some pics of them and baby Phoenix.

  6. Beautiful wedding... Best wishes to Luke and Laura, and to baby Phoenix :) Excited to follow them at the Bull Tavern - excited to see your diorama setup there!

    1. Hi Sasha
      Thank you they are very happy. I was so glad to finally pull off a wedding for them :)
      I couldn't resist anymore and decided to give the bar a remodel hope to finish it tomorrow:)

  7. the photos are beautiful. they look so real.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Tracy :) I plan on making them a miniature photo album :)


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