Tutorials and How To's

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween Night at OneSixthAvenue....

Just some fun pics of Halloween from the last few weeks!
James and Peter, hung out together while Isolde worked the bar. 
These two are becoming good friends.
Also Michelle and Benjamin made an appearance....
And of course Luke and Laura with their little man Phoenix. They stayed for a short while, Laura likes to keep Phoenix on a schedule. So their late nights are far and few between now.
Later that night.....
Hannah was spotted, leaving Bull Tavern late 
Halloween night with Peter.
Somewhere else, way acrooss town 
is an old cemetery, Cade and Fionna are wreaking havoc....
I think Cade has turned Fionna over to the
 darkside permanently....
And last someone went to visit the 
Psychic again.......
That's it for now! 
Hope to have another episode up by the end of the week!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much it's always fun to come up with costumes for them

  2. Great costumes! Fionna and Cade actually look really good together! Maybe they are a good match after all. Rufus is holding a child in her arms?!! Can't wait to see how that plays out!

    1. Hi Phyllis!
      Yes Cade and Fionna seem to have hit it off. As for Rufus she has been very sketchy as to what she is up to.....

  3. Wow, you have such intricately designed sets and clothes!! I don't think I have the patients to put so much time and effort into creating such backgrounds and outfits.

    1. Thank you so much! It's a lot of work and I learn as I go. It definitely tries my patience at times but in the end it's worth it!

  4. Great costumes and settings...I like especially Fiona and Cade....They are a crazy couple!

    1. Thanks Billa!
      Yes Fionna and Cade have been up to no good! I would say crazy suits them well :)

  5. Mask of Peter is so awsome! Did you make it by yourself?
    Cade and Fiona are always fun to watch, real "rock and roll" couple! Ther cloths are great too.

    1. Hi Jewel snake!
      Thanks....Peter's mask is a Halloween decoration that I cut in half to make for him ;-) yeah Cade and Fionna are true walk on the wild side kinda people lol!

  6. Awesome photos! And Rufus, the bad girl is baccckkk..... :D

    1. Hi Shasha!
      Thanks so much....Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year :)
      Yeah Rufus is still around.....

  7. So fun! I just love your work Miranda <3

    1. Thanks you so much Valsays!
      I have so much fun with these stories and building dios :)

  8. This was so awesome! Man, Fionna and Cade scare the sh*t outta me, lol.


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