Tutorials and How To's

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Day After...Part 2

Picking up where we left off Peter and Luke had just came into the house, Laura wanted to talk to Luke again but apparently Peter's problem was more pressing. So they head upstairs to Luke's office...
*Luke* "Okay...What the f*ck is so important?..."
*Peter sighs* "Cade was at my place this morning, when I got back from Willow's..."
*Luke anxious* "And? What did he say?"
Peter pulls the weed out of his pocket and 
tosses it on the table.
*Luke* "Holy Sh*t!..."
*Luke snaps* "What the f*ck, Peter! You bring this sh*t here? 
Around Laura and the kids..."
*Peter* "I had no choice, Man! Cade is trying to get me to plant it here..."
*Peter continues* "That's why he was at my place! He wants me to 
f*cking leave it here for the cops to find."

*Luke* "And then what?"
*Peter* "I don't f*cking know!...You think he is gonna tell me why?!"
*Luke* "Your more chummy with him than I am?!"
*Peter scoffs* "What the f*ck, MAN! I came here to figure this sh*t out! 
Peter pulls off his coat, both men are now pissed and 
arguing with each other.
*Peter continues* "I'm sticking my f*cking neck out here for you! You know he 
threatened me if I don't do it..."
*Luke* "Cade wouldn't even be here causing trouble if your dumb ass hadn't
f*cking called him in the first place!..."
*Peter* "You know why I called him! All you did was b*tch and moan about Rufus!..."
*Luke* "I was avoiding Rufus just fine till you called that f*cking maniac!...
Which means I never would have found myself at her hotel room!"
*Peter* "Oh, so now all this sh*t is my fault?!"
*Luke* "I told you I didn't want his help...You know what went down all those years ago..."
*Peter* "You didn't have to take his help...that's on you!"
*Peter continues* "I know I screwed up and that's why I'm here, cuz 
I'm not gonna do what Cade wants me to. I'm trying to make my part in all this sh*t right!
Luke lets out a long sigh, Peter is right they have both screwed up, but Luke unfortunately has more at stake than Peter does....These two have known each other for a very long time, and while they have both made bad decisions, they know they can always still count on each other for when the "Sh*t hits the fan"...
*Peter* "I think we should call Hayden, tell him about the weed and go from there..."
Luke agrees and calls Hayden, he tells him that Cade threatened Peter trying to force him to plant it somewhere in the house, Hayden believes him and says that it makes sense, after some evidence they found at Rufus' hotel room. Hayden tells them to sit tight, that he is on his way to drop off Ruby and will pick it up. Luke ends the call with Hayden, then plops down in the seat across from Peter.
*Luke* "He's on his way..."
*Peter* "I guess we'll find out more when he gets here..."
*Luke* "Yeah, and you better stick around Hayden wants to talk to both of us."
*Peter* "That's fine...I don't need to be into work till later anyways....
You really think Ruby is your kid?"
*Luke sighs* "I don't f*cking know....But Hayden said Margaret is flying in, she'll know the truth."
*Peter* "She still works for Rufus?"
*Luke* "Apparently....Ruby said she takes care of her."
*Peter* "But even if, Margaret says it's true, you really don't know what Rufus told her."
*Luke* "True, but Margaret can smell bullsh*t from a mile away, plus I really
don't think Rufus would lie to her..."
*Peter* "Speaking of lies...did you tell Laura about what happened at Rufus' hotel room..."
That is the last thing Luke wants to think about, he could see Laura wanted to finish their conversation from earlier this morning. He rubs his face, feeling even more tense and nervous.....
*Luke* "We talked a little this morning...I told her everything but THAT!..."
*Peter* "Are you gonna tell her? What if she ends up talking to Rufus and finds out? I mean if Ruby is yours...Rufus isn't going anywhere."
*Luke* "What? You don't think I've f*cking thought about all of that, sh*t?! I was banking on the fact that she had packed up and moved back to LA..."
*Peter* "Yeah...Well....Good f*cking luck with that...I don't think Rufus is gonna leave.
Just come out and say it, rip it off like a band-aid, see how she reacts..."
*Luke* "I don't know....I don't think telling her right now is a good time..."
*Peter* "When will it ever be a "good time"?...Just tell her truth...I can see this sh*t is eating 
away at you. It has been for awhile now..."
And then in a flash Laura is standing at the top of the stairs 
looking at the two of them.
*Laura* "Tell me the truth about what?"
Both of them are frozen with fear for a second, wondering 
how much she heard. Then her eyes dart to the weed sitting on the table.
*Laura* "Ohmygod! Is that what I think it is?!"
*Peter starts getting up* "And that's my que to get outta here..."
Peter gets up and grabs his coat. Laura's walks over and faces Luke. She has a dozen questions flashing across her face.
*Laura* "So, why is there a huge package of weed in our house?"
While Laura is looking at Luke, Peter puts on his coat, then 
gestures ripping of a band-aid.
*Peter* "I'll be outside waiting for Hayden, so you two can talk..."
Then Peter heads downstairs, Laura sits down and waits 
for Luke to start talking.
*Luke* "Hayden is on his way with Ruby, he'll be picking up the weed as evidence."
*Laura* "Why is it evidence?"
 *Luke* "Cade is trying to get me into trouble somehow, he tried to force Peter to plant here..."
 *Laura* "Oh my god! So Peter told you about it instead?"
*Luke nods*Yeah...Hayden will tells us more when he gets here."
*Laura* "Why does this Cade hate you so much? Is it because of what happened
 that day at the hotel?"
Luke gets tense and Laura reaches out and grabs his hand.
 *Laura* "Baby, it's okay...I'm not mad anymore that you went there to stop this
Cade guy...I understand!"
Then she stands up to face him, she can see his
 too tense to sit down, and knows he's not done 
telling her everything.
*Laura* "I love you, Luke...you know you can tell me anything."
*Luke* "I love you too, Babe....but I...I did something I'm not proud of...
And I'm terrified I'll loose you!"
 *Laura* "I know your no saint...but you should know by now that, 
that doesn't matter to me....Just say it, what is it?"

Once those last few words leave her lips,
he just keeps hearing Peter's voice in his head 
"Just come out and say it, rip it off like a band-aid.."
and so he does.
*Luke* "That day at the hotel...I had sex with Rufus..."
Laura pushes him away, shock, anger, hurt 
flashing across her face.
*Laura* "You?!...what?!"
*Luke* "Please, just let me explain..."
 Emotions takes over her body and Laura's arm reaches out 
and slaps him hard across the face.


Laura starts to wipe tears away...
*Laura* "Explain what, Luke? That it meant nothing...That's you weren't thinking
straight and it just 'happened"?...Or Oh I know!....She just accidentally fell on your d..."
Luke stops her from saying the last word, and tries to reach out to her, she is shaking with anger and hurt.
*Luke* "Stop!...Please, Babe...Just let me explain."
*Laura* "Don't touch me.."
She pushes his hands away then she spins around tears taking over, she can't believe what she is hearing.
*Laura crying* "I can't believe this is happening!...After everything we've  been through...You promised me twice! Twice, Luke! That you had no feelings for her, have you completely forgotten what you said to me that night in the hospital?"
*Luke* "No, I haven't and I meant every word...I don't have any feelings for her."
Then he comes in closer to her, trying to comfort her, but knowing it was him who has caused the pain, Laura doesn't want his comfort.
*Luke* "I know I f*cked up, I mean I really f*cked up but I don't love her...Baby, look at me...Please, I never wanted to hurt you..."
Laura doesn't move so Luke turns her to face him...
*Luke continues* "I was angry about so much that had happened that day and I'd just finished 
getting my ass kicked by Cade, I'm sorry, I felt like sh*t after it happened..."
*Luke* "I love you...Please just try and understand..."
 *Laura still crying* "How can you stand here and say you love me, when you had sex with someone else?! Your Ex! Were you ever planning on telling me the truth?! Or do feel backed into a corner right now knowing Rufus could come and tell me everything!?!"
*Luke at a loss for words* "Babe....I...I'm.."
*Laura* "I....I...I can't do this...I can't even believe this is happening!"
Then she turns and starts walking away...
stopping about halfway to the stairs.
*Laura* " Once Hayden leaves....I think you should too."
*Luke* "What?! Babe?!..."
But she doesn't look back again and makes her way 
downstairs to go check in on Phoenix, who was napping.
*Luke cursing to himself* "F*CK!!!...."
Luke flops down on the stool near him, he knew she would be heartbroken, but what could he do? She needed to know the truth and Luke couldn't live with himself much longer, knowing what he'd done, the memory constantly lurking in the back of his mind. Laura is right, if they want this relationship and marriage to work then they both need to be honest with each other, but is it too late? Did he break Laura's trust too much, is their relationship still worth saving?
Then voices trail up the stairway, Luke gathers himself together and heads downstairs to greet Hayden and Ruby...He just hopes he Laura can forgive him...

To be Continued...

I am hoping to have to next part up soon! Early next week sometime....so I can catch up ^_^

In the meantime you can check out a tutorial I posted on how to make a lamp for your dolls.  Up at the very top of my blog page up the "OneSixthAvenue" sign is a new section of pages.
I hope to post more tutorials in the near future!


  1. What a relief that Peter told Luke! Ha, Luke deserved that smack LOL. I hope Laura can forgive Luke :-). Looking forward to the next part! I love tutorials, glad you added it to your blog!

    1. Yes it is a relief Peter told Luke, these two are good friends and Peter would never do something like that ;-)
      Yeah, she was pretty upset, when he told her...I hope she can forgive him too, but this is gonna be a hard thing to forgive.
      I hope to post more tutorials glad you enjoyed it all!!

  2. I am glad that Peter told Luke what Cade wanted him to do instead of just doing it. It is good that Luke came clean with Laura, but will their marriage be able to handle this betrayal? Can't wait to see how things play out with Rufus and Ruby. So much more to this story! Looking forward to the next episode.

    1. I think Peter realizes it's better to have Luke and the cops on his side than deal with Cade, lets hope he made the right choice.
      Luke could not take the weight of that huge betrayal anymore, he thought it would go away, but it looks like that isn't happening. Laura may have a hard time letting this one go...
      More will definitely be revealed on Ruby and Rufus in the next episode. So glad you are enjoying it all!!

  3. Since I'm totaly failing on seeing Laura as a sweet girl I'm quite happy that Luke and she have problems in relationship, as awful as it sounds. Peter is a loyal friend, but he should be careful to not provoke Cade to leave in his house such "nice" package too. But I think it was too much of bothering from Cade side, maybe Luke already had some weed in his home, since he is smoking it anyway :P I can't wait for another part!

    I have to add that I was quite angry when I saw Laura smacking Luke, I don't think violence will solve anything, and she is clearly enjoying the fact that he is not allowed to fight back, even if he would want to (obviously I know he doesn't want it), and that she, as a woman have a free pass for beating her husband.

    I have never notice this cross before! Are they religious or is it decoration?

    1. Well....no relationship is perfect, they take a lot of work, and when one person is struggling more than the other it can be frustrating...As for Peter, I agree he is a loyal friend, him and Luke are close and so betraying Luke is something he could never do. I don't think Cade will f*ck with Peter. His main goals are Rufus and Luke...and Yeah it would be too much of a hassle for Cade to go after Peter. LOL! Yeah he probably does have weed stashed somewhere, and Peter would know that too ;-)

      I don't think violence solves anything either, but Laura is not being violent and she is not enjoying it...she is hurt, she's in pain, she smacked him one time and that was it. Emotions are a powerful thing. She is not trying to start a fight or asking for him to hit her back...Luke knows she slapped him, because he hurt her emotionally and understands she is deeply hurt. I don't think one single slap is a beating. It's not a habitual thing for Laura to smack him...

      No Luke is not religious, but he does like religious artifacts... I hope to put a more mix of religious items as I find them ;)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have mixed feelings about Luke telling Laura. It is best to be honest, but I hate to see Laura get hurt again over Luke's foolishness. Great story! Looking forward to the next episode as always.

    1. Georgia Girl, you know Luke had to tell her. There is nothing worse than hearing something like that from someone else, especially if that someone else is the person he cheated with. I think in the end she will appreciate that he was forthcoming with the truth no matter how much it hurt. At least that's how I would feel.

    2. I understand where your coming from Georgia Girl.....It's hard to take in what just happened. I think being honest is always best. Yeah she is getting hurt again by his foolishness, but like Vanessa said, I think it's better he told her than her hearing it from Rufus... Let's hope she can forgive him.

  5. Have you ever wanted to take back a moment in your life were you made the wrong decision so badly? Just thinking about feels like walking into the end of a bed frame over and over. I feel bad for Luck even though he caused this. I hope Laura can forgive him because the guilt he has been carrying was a big punishment in itself.

    1. LOL! You said it perfectly! We all have moments in life we wish we could take back, whether it was something little or something big, like what Luke did. I feel bad for him too, but he's gotta learn to be honest, he's only got himself to blame for jumping in bed with Rufus, he did kinda take advantage of her. Yeah, I'm sure carrying that guilt around has been a punishment, but he just destroyed her trust in him....and he knows that, so it's gonna take a whole lot for her to forgive him

  6. I do feel sorry for both Luke and Laura. They are newlyweds and new parents, who should be enjoying this precious time of life, and instead they are caught up in craziness. I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Sometimes we think marriage will make everything so blissful and sometimes it's just the opposite. I hope they can see their way out of this. I think if Rufus isn't pregnant they can possibly recover, but if there is a new baby on the way, that would be so much harder.

    1. Hi Vanessa!
      It is rough for them right now I agree, they should be enjoying all that, but it is what it is. Life never goes the way you plan or think it will go. I agree marriage is a whole lot of work, and I'm hoping they can get past all of it.
      As for Ruby and Rufus we will find out more in the next part! :)

  7. Sigh... while I was reading through the story, I kind of imagined Laura forgiving him right away, but plans on doing something to get even... But, well it's just my evil little sister talking hehehe... That was tense! Awesome job as always, Miranda! And thanks for the lamp tutorial; I sure badly need me some lamps for my girl's place, too. Excited for the next episode!

    1. Yeah it would be nice if she could forgive him, but I honestly don't know if she can... You can love someone madly but if they keep breaking your trust, then it just hurts too much to love them. Lol! I don't think Laura wants to get even, she isn't like that. Me on other hand Haha! I might want to get even ;-)
      It was tense but it's still not over! I hope to post the next part soon!
      Glad you enjoyed the tutorial...hope to post more of those as well

    2. Poor Luke he is always in the dog house.

    3. Yeah! Luke seems to be digging a big hole. Let's hope he gets it together ;-)

  8. This was awesome! Ok, normally I go on and on about a guy cheating but I feel for Luke and his decision making. He's a good guy at the core and Rufus took advantage of that (the night of the hotel situation.) has Laura ever been in love prior to Luke? That'd be interesting to learn at some point but if not, I think it's harder for her to understand how Luke slipped up. I also totally agreed with Peter...snatch that bandaide off, lol. Peter messed up by brining Cade in without consulting Luke first but ultimately, Luke's choices got him into deep sh@t. I am glad Peter came clean about the weed bag. He may be a player but he's a loyal friend it looks like.

    I dunno...I can't see Laura keeping Ruby without Luke being there and I can't see her turning her away. I think Luke may have lucked into staying by default. :-)

    Sooo excited for next episode!

    1. Hi Tracy
      I agree...you want to be mad at him but then again you feel sorry for him cause he keeps making things worse for himself. And Rufus does love to toy with his feelings, she knows he's attracted to her.
      As for Laura I think Luke is her first serious relationship, she might have loved other guys but not the way she loves Luke.
      Haha! Yeah Peter May be a player but he can thoughtful too! He knew Luke was worried and needed a pep talk to get him going in the right direction

      Yeah she is pretty mad and I don't think she wants him anywhere near her at the moment. With a Ruby around or not but we'll see!

  9. Oooohhh, this is sooo good, I can hardly wait till next time ...
    You do a sensational job in your stories, the dolls and everything in and around them is just plain fabulous ... I so appreciate the details you include and the lighting is phenomenal. I swear to God I can see the doll's expressions change between different shots.
    I discovered your site last Thursday and since then I have been physically addicted to your stories, spent the entire time reading and rereading to the beginning of 2014 and back again (I saved 2013 to read while I'm waiting for the next episode, lol). You bring the dolls to life, you really do.
    Could you please tell me where you got the doll tattoos - and if they came tattooed, do you have any ideas as to how to get tattoos on existing dolls?
    Thanks so much for all your hard work, I do sooo love what you do and share with the world.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Hi!
      Thanks for taking the time to comment :) so glad you are enjoying the episodes. I think posing the dolls body language helps bring out the expression of their moods...it's not easy but always worth it. Some shots take forever to get right!
      I try to post weekly to give people a chance to read :)
      The tattoos are just temporary tats you can buy I just make sure they are a good scale for the dolls :) Luke or any of the others didn't come with tats I added them ;-)
      Thanks so much!


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