Tutorials and How To's

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Cookies...

It's the day before Christmas Eve and Laura has been baking all day for Christmas at her parents house. It's late into the evening and Phoenix is in his PJs ready for bed. Laura tries to finish up the last batch but he's getting fussy.
 Laura presses out cookies while holding Phoenix 
in the other arm.
*Laura* "This is really hard to do with one arm, Pumpkin...
Mommy needs to put you down."
*Phoenix* "No! No! Cookie!..."
*Laura* "It's too late for you to have anymore cookies. Besides, these are 
for Christmas Day when we go to Nana and PawPaw's house."
Phoenix leans in and tries to reach for an unbaked cookie.
*Phoenix* "Mama! Cookie!...."
*Laura* "Nu-uh! Mister...these still have to bake in the oven..."
Laura straps Phoenix into his high chair so he can finish 
drinking his milk, while she puts another batch in the oven.
*Laura* "You ready to go to bed?..."
*Phoenix begins to fuss* "Coooookieeee! Cooookieeee!...."
*Laura* "No more cookies, Phoenix, it's your bedtime, well it's way past your bedtime."
Luke comes into the kitchen, he's just finished 
showering after a long day at work.
He snatches himself a treat and offers to put Phoenix to bed, 
so Laura can finish up in the kitchen.*Luke* "Say goodnight to Mama..."
*Phoenix starts to cry* "Maaaamaaaa! *sniffle* Cooookieeee!...." 
Poor little Phoenix, he's so tuckered out, all he really 
wants is his Mommy.
*Laura's heart breaks a little* "Awwww! Daddy is gonna tuck you in tonight. Goodnight, Pumpkin. Mommy loves you!..."
Laura kisses him on the forehead and then Luke takes him upstairs to put him down for bed. After the last batch has gone into the oven, Luke comes back downstairs...
 *Laura* "Did he give you a hard time?..."
*Luke* "A little...but he's out like a light now..."
Luke snatches a few more chocolates, 
they're his favorite.
 *Laura* "I already told Phoenix, no more cookies...
Luke strides over to Laura...
*Laura* "There's only one more cookie I want tonight."
*Laura laughs* "You naughty, boy....you know Santa might not bring 
you any gifts this year..."
*Luke* "As long as I have you, that's all I need..."
*Laura* "Help me clean the kitchen first?..."
*Luke* "You're the boss, what you want me to do?"
Luke helps Laura tidy up the kitchen after a long day of baking...
then they head off to bed. 


Later into the night Phoenix dreams about
 those yummy cookies...
Looks like Phoenix got that last cookie
 he wanted after all!
Merry Christmas Everyone 
and Happy New Year!
Hoping all your dreams, wants and wishes are within reach in this coming new year!


  1. what a wonderful story! So realistic! Merry Christmas!

  2. What a great story! Perfect for the Holidays! Merry Christmas!

  3. A very sweet Christmas story :-). The mini items look very real! Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year to you!

  4. Merry Christmas Miranda to you and yours!! Beautiful story by the way!

  5. Cute story. I love all the treats! Did you make them?

  6. So cute! I probably said it before. You pose your people so realistically. The best in the coming year!

  7. Just wanted to let your know I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Participate only if you feel like it! Here is a link to my post: http://adayinthelifeofmydolls2.blogspot.com/2016/01/liebster-award-2016.html


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