Tutorials and How To's

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

It's early Sunday morning on Mother's Day 
and Laura is still sleeping...
 Luke woke up quietly to go gather some things and get Phoenix, 
they then come back into the room to surprise Laura.
 *Luke* "Laura wake up, Phoenix has something for you..."
Laura wakes up to be surprised by flowers and gifts from
 the two most handsome men in her life.
 She's a little speechless since this is their first Mother's Day
 together last year Luke and Laura were still separated...

 Luke hands the flowers to her and Laura smiles brightly, 
taking them from his outstretched arm.
*Luke* "Happy Mother's Day, Babe..."
Laura holds the bouquet in close and smells them.
*Laura* "These smell lovely..."
 *Phoenix* "Mama!....I smell!...I smell!...." 

 *Laura* "Of course you can smell them, Pumpkin..."

 Phoenix leans in and smells them, the flowers tickling his nose. Phoenix giggles and rubs his nose *Laura* "Did the flowers tickle your nose?"


 *Phoenix nods* "Tick-le..."
 *Laura* "You know who else needs tickles?....
Go get him!"
 Phoenix pounces onto Luke's chest and he pretends to be 
scared of the impending tickles to come.
 *Luke* "NOOOO! Nooo! Not the tickle monster!!!"

 Phoenix grins from ear to ear, and so does Laura she so happy that things are good. Even though life is never perfect she couldn't ask for anything better than these two and the joy they bring her.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there! You work hard and deserve a day
 to relax and be taken care of...


  1. What a sweet story. Happy Mother's Day!!! Phoenix is getting to be such a big boy. Nice to see the family happy together.

  2. I could have cried. Mostly because Luke almost ruined this family being together and they have had some beautiful moments since reconnecting. I know he's trying hard to let Laura know he loves her, but I still look at Luke sometimes and think, "cheater." He didn't even cheat on me and I'm barely over it. LOL! I wonder if it still goes through Laura's mind. They make a great family, but he has that one thing still looming for me.

  3. Nice story! I just love Luke's robe and tattoos. I'm going to have to find my Jack doll.


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