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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Meet David...

I figured since the cat is out of the bag on Ruby's paternity, that I would go ahead and introduce Luke's dad to everyone with an official biography. So we can all get to know him a little bit better.
 Next week I will continue where we left off with Peter and Coco.

So without further ado I introduce to you!...
David Randall Cooper
Age: 52
Birthday: March 14th
Hair: A Greying Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6' 2''
Occupation: Whatever pays the bills...
Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Currently: Las Vegas, NV
 Marital Status: Divorced and Single
Children: Luke Allen Cooper and Ruby Lynn Cooper
 Hobbies: Living life in the fast lane, his bike, women, 
and the open road...
    David and Cynthia were, well definitely not high school sweethearts, they were young, hot for each other and both wild at heart.  When Cynthia turned up pregnant at 17, both were convinced a shotgun wedding was needed at 18 years of age.
 A year later, after many fights arguments, and disagreeing on just about everything, they divorced and Cynthia raised Luke all on her own. David was young and still wanted to see the world, he never wanted to be tied down with a wife and kids. So he took to the open road with his bike and a few small belongings and never looked back.
 That is until Luke along with his girlfriend at the time, Rufus Blue, had tracked him down in Las Vegas. They convinced David to come party with them but David ended up bringing an even bigger entourage, resulting in a epic party that Luke, Rufus, Peter, Shaun and a few others never expected and have never forgotten. Luke was curious to see his Dad, vaguely remembering him and only getting the occasional Birthday card from him as a kid, so this was a big deal and he thought his father would feel the same way.
But he didn't, David was the life of the party that night and he commanded attention, even Rufus', who happened to be totally swept off her feet by his bad boy essence. That night, for David was about making money, high rollers meant more money, and more money meant more partying, which made him more money and then there was Rufus.
 As an alpha male, David always sets his sights on the biggest prize, and that night that prize was Rufus. She was all too willing to comply, seeing so much of Luke times ten in him that is drove her insane. That one night wasn't enough for Rufus, after Luke decided to leave, she managed to find him again.
David of course didn't stay long, but long enough to
  father another child, Ruby Lynn is her name, she's a sweet lovely little girl, but all that is a story for another day! ^_^


  1. HERE COMES TROUBLE........ I can't wait
    wink wink.....;0

  2. First of all, I love, love, love David! His beard, his hair, his bad boy good looks are all spot on and it is so obvious that he is the perfect choice to be Luke's father.I am so looking forward to the drama he will add to the story! As always, I can't wait (but I will!) for the next episode!

  3. You gave a perfect look to Luke's father! Can't wait to see him showing up in the story.

  4. OMG.. will he be reunited with Rufus?

  5. I can hardly wait to see David's appearance. I can only imagine how Luke will react and I don't suspect it will be good.

  6. Love him! You did an excellent job on him. His bike is fabulous, too. This is my first time hearing about the paternity (missed that episode). How juicy! Looking forward to what transpires going forward.

  7. Interesting guy,alreay like him, hope it will stay like that :D Poor Rufus, always getting the second best. She should search for some young rock guy, like Luke and not his father.


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