Tutorials and How To's

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Valentine's Day Date...(S1-E5)

Laura has temporarily moved back in with her parents until they find a new place to move into. Tonight Luke has come to pick her up for a romantic 
Valentine's Day date. Both of them have been so busy lately that they have looked forward to spending a quiet evening alone together. Luke looks extra handsome tonight in his black button down 
shirt as he smiles and greets Laura.
*Luke smiles* " Happy Valentine's Day babe."
*Laura* "Awww! You brought me chocolates and a rose....you're so sweet thank you!"
Laura turns and sets the gifts on the table and then almost instinctively looks in the mirror at herself.
*Laura* "My hair will just not cooperate today!"
*Luke* " You look gorgeous. Let's get going so we are not
 late for our dinner reservations."
*Laura* "Okay...let's go..."
Laura turns and Luke pulls her to him 
and kisses her softly. He has never felt so drawn
 to another person than the way he does with Laura.
*Luke* "I love you. You look perfect."
*Laura smiles* "I love you too, baby. "
*Luke* "I'm starving let's go eat."
Luke takes Laura by the hand and they head off 
for a romantic evening together at a lovely french restaurant 
that he had to get reservations for weeks in advance. So missing this meal is not an option even though the two would be happy 
with just takeout, Luke wants this date to be special
 it's their first fancy meal since becoming a couple. 
Much later into the evening the two talk of their future 
together back at Laura's parents house, trying to make this evening last as long as it can. They sit at the small breakfast table in the kitchen while Luke snacks on homemade chocolate Valentine's day candy.
*Luke* "These chocolates your Mom made are delicious. I see now where 
you get your love of cooking and baking from."
Laura nods and smiles as she 
begins to speak.
*Laura* "Oh, Mama is always cooking something. She always had something ready for us when my sister and I came home from school. The house always smelled of home cooking. It still does.  
I can't wait to do the same for my kids. Our three kids will come home from school and we will all make dinner together and then when you come home from work we will all 
sit down and eat as a family. Those are the best moments."
Laura smiles she looks forward to all these things happening 
having a successful career and a wonderful family. She can 
imagine all of it with Luke, thing is does he feel the same way?
 *Luke* " Wow! Shit....three kids huh? Such the planner. You know 
what day you want to get married too?"
Luke jokes to offset the awkwardness he feels talking about kids and raising a family. He has always just lived in the moment and never thought too much about what exactly the future would hold for him. But when he looks at her he does find himself thinking the same thoughts
 and he can't imagine a future without her.
Laura gets up and walks over to him. 
*Laura* " Silly boy that all depends on you. So you better start planning the mother
 of all proposals.  Cause I do have a tentative date set."
*Luke laughs and pulls her closer* " I have other things on my mind right now."
Before the two can take it any farther a third voice enters 
the kitchen and startles the two lovebirds.
*Krystal* "Ya'll have a good time tonight?"
*Laura* "Mama!..."
*Luke* "I think I found the only French restaurant in town that Laura hadn't been to."
*Krystal* "Is it the new one that opened up downtown? I need to get Scott to take me down there. 
It looks very nice. Did you like the food sweetie?"
*Laura*"Yes the same one, it was very good. They have a great menu. Very fresh and up to date. 
I would love to open my own place like that someday."
*Krystal* "Sounds great! When did you two get back?"
*Laura* " A little while ago. Did Daddy take you out for dinner?"
*Krystal* "No, we decided to have a nice quiet meal here at home. Maybe in a couple weeks I'll get your Father to take me out. He has been working long hours with his company.
 Well, I'm off to bed now. Goodnight you two."
*Laura* "Goodnight Mama."
*Luke* "Goodnight Mrs. Lavigne."
As much as Laura would love for Luke to stay the night. She knows her mother would be way too uncomfortable with that scenario. 
Plus they both have to be up early tomorrow for work. Laura reaches up and wraps her arms around him and kisses him goodbye for the evening.
*Laura* "Don't forget we have some condos to checkout this weekend."
*Luke* "Okay, I'll make sure that Jacob opens up the shop for me this weekend.
 Goodnight babe, I'll call you tomorrow."
*Laura* "Goodnight..."
Laura sighs squeezing him tight as she holds onto this moment just a little longer. Taking in his scent and his warmth before it's gone and she'll be missing him all over again till they have time to see each other this coming weekend.

To Be Continued...



  1. Oh Laura.. why couldn't you let Luke be my valentine for once?! Hahaha ;)

  2. Lol! My husband says the same thing about Laura. She is one of his favorite of my girls. =D


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