Tutorials and How To's

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Bull Tavern Remodel...(S1-E7)

Aric and Roxie Metzger are in the process of moving and remodeling their business. Bull Tavern is a popular hangout for the up and coming neighborhood that their business is located in. So when some prime commercial real estate went on the market they decided to jump on it and move into a much larger space. Aric has invited Luke Cooper to come check out his new purchase and meet with the architect Kyu who will be redesigning this old building into the new and improved Bull Tavern! 
Since moving here Luke and Aric have hit if off as friends. They both like beer, bikes, and business. 
Naturally where ever Luke now goes Laura does too...
Luke* "Hey, man we're here!"
 Aric* "Hey y'all, I'm glad to see you two made it. Kyu should be here shortly
 and we can get down to business."
*Luke* "Cool, the place is looking good so far..."
The girls could care less about business talk 
and head off to the bar to get some wine.
Roxie* " I love your skirt. Is that from that vintage shop off of 6th street?"
Laura*"It sure is. I just got it yesterday. You have to go shopping there with me 
sometime. You never know what you're gonna find. I love it there."
 Roxie*"Yeah...I've been meaning to check it out. How about this weekend? I could use some downtime after all this crazy business with the bar. 
*Laura* "Sure I could meetup this weekend."
*Roxie* "And I know it's gonna get more stressful once the remodel gets underway. 
 I say let the boys have their fun here and we can go spend some money!"
*Laura laughs* "Sounds like a plan to me!..."
So as they begin to plan their "girls only" weekend of fun. 
Luke and Aric start a game of pool while they wait for the remaining members of this small get together.
Not long into the game Kyu shows up with his girl Jasper 
and playtime is over. Lucky for Aric though cause Luke
 is very good at the game of pool, lol!
Kyu* "Hello everyone I hope we're not too late."
Aric* "Come in, Come in!....Naw, we were just killin' some time."
Kyu* " Great! Well, this is my girlfriend Jasper. She is just tagging along.
 I hope that is okay. We plan on hitting the town after this."
Aric* " It's quite all right. Let's go ahead and sit down and get down to business."
So the boys sit down with a cold mug of beer
 in one hand and talk shop.
Kyu* " Well, I must say you have found a great place to relocate your bar, and having your apartment on the next two levels will be a great convenience for starting out here. All the original brick will be redone and the use of rustic reclaimed accents to give this place some nice architecture."
Aric* " You're speaking my language Kyu. I also want to expose the ceiling beams and refinish them. These boring outdated ceiling tiles have got to go."
Kyu* "Definitely I agree. Well, if everything goes according to plan you can have this place up and running in a couple months.Then we can just continue to renovate your upstairs living space." 
Aric* "Perfect! Yeah, we can't afford to let this move and renovation take too long. Luke and a few others will be helping me demo this place out this weekend and get it ready for the contractor to come in."
Kyu* "That sounds great. I know contractors will charge an arm and a leg for demo and clearing out. You will see a big savings on that part. All I need now is for you to go over these specs
 and sign the paperwork."
As the boys finish business the girls are getting to know
 Jasper and have invited her to their "girls only" weekend.
Roxie* " That is so cute. He is an architect and you design clothes. You two are peas in a pod." 
Jasper* "I never really thought of it that way, but you're right we are both passionate about design. 
Only thing is he gets to do it for a living. As mine is just a hobby right now..."
Laura* "I love your dress did you make it?"
Jasper* "Yeah I did, thanks! I love to use vintage fabrics. I am all about upcycling
 and repurposing old items."
Laura* "Then you are gonna love that vintage shop! 
Ladies, I think this weekend is going to be a lot of fun"
The girls giggle and sip their wine as they contemplate what the upcoming weekend will hold. 

To be continued...



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Cat!
      It's great to hear from you :)

  2. The new bar looks great. Love the pool table.

    1. Thanks Vanessa! I can't wait to get it all complete.

      Frankly I have been getting a little obsessive with this particular diorama. I have been going crazy. I hope in the end it is all worth it and I am satisfied with the outcome


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