Tutorials and How To's

Saturday, July 28, 2012

After the BBQ...(S1-E9)

Originally years ago these pictures were only ever posted on Flickr, I never made an actual story for the blog about how Michelle and Benjamin first met each other. This story I wrote here took place right afterwards but to give some better context I have decided to add it in here since I no longer have Flickr and well it just makes sense to add it anyways...
Since Aric and Roxie's business, Bull Tavern was currently 
under remodel. The two had time to throw a 
small Fourth of July get together, inviting close
 friends and family.
Luke and Laura were invited along with Aric's younger 
twin sisters, Mila is here showing up with some of her friends.

Laura's parents and her sister Michelle were invited too, 
as well as Benjamin Aric's oldest and closest friend.
Mina, who is Mila's twin shows up with 
her long time boyfriend  Jai.

As well as Kyu and Jasper to finish
 off this small gathering.

The last couple of photos were inspired by
 the popular summer song of 2012

Before leaving the party Michelle gives Benjamin her 
phone number. Laura is not happy.

Original Blog Post...

So to recap this takes place late in the evening after the BBQ at Aric and Roxie's place. Laura is so mad she could scream. Her younger sister Michelle gave Benjamin (Aric's old high school buddy) her phone number. Why is Laura upset? Well, Benjamin has already dated two of her close friends but neither relationship ended well. As Benjamin always says "I can't help it if girls want to throw themselves at me." He has quite an inflated ego and thinks very highly of himself. This is why Laura is freaking out. She is worried her sister is going to be seriously emotionally hurt by his womanizing ways. But Michelle has been off at college for the past 3 years; so Laura is not up to date on ALL that her sister has been up to.  So later after the party Luke has to listen to all of Laura's ranting...
While she is putting away dishes she starts again.
*Laura*"Ugh! I cannot believe she did that and right in front of you too. And you looked as if you were about to bust out laughing....I have told her about him and what he did to Isolde and to Penelope too. Especially Penelope, she was really into him. Then finding out he was hooking up with some bimbo at a nightclub when she had to work nights. Luckily someone she knows saw him there and sent her a text or he would have kept on doing what he was doing. Why?...Why would Michelle want to hook up with him? Who knows how many women he has been with! Ugh! He is so repulsive!"
Laura turns around and notices that Luke is looking at his phone. 
*Laura* "Luke?"
*Luke* " Umm...yeah?"
*Laura* " You didn't hear a word I said did you?"
*Luke* "I was checking my emails, but I heard you. You're mad at your sister for giving Ben her phone number. You haven't stopped talking about it since we left the BBQ! Michelle is a big girl. I'm sure she can handle Ben, beesides she approached him. I think she knows what she is doing, babe.  
She's a grown woman and can make her own decisions on who she dates."
*Laura* " Well, I still don't like it! And I am calling her first thing in the morning and reminding her what she is doing is crazy. [sighing] Anyways... I am off to take a shower and get the smell of smoke and BBQ off of me. You coming to bed?"
*Luke* " I will be up in a bit just gonna watch the news and email back my Mom. She says she is coming making plans to come down this Christmas. She wants us both to pick her up at the airport."
*Laura* " Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about her coming down. I will make sure I got that day off from work. She staying here with us?"
*Luke* "No, she'll book a hotel to stay at. I told her that was the only way
 I could handle her being down here for 2 weeks."
*Laura* "Well, I can't wait to meet her but I am nervous at the same time too. Okay, I am off to take a shower. Don't take too long." [smiling at him as she heads for the stairs]
Laura finally comes out of the bathroom taking much
 longer than she planned and sees that
 Luke is already in bed.
*Laura* "You still awake?"
*Luke* [in a sleepy voice] " Just waiting for you...."
Laura walks around the bed to her side, Luke smiles sleepily
 at her as she moves the bed covers so she can slide
 into bed next to him. Laura looking back at him still has 
that disappointed look as she crawls into bed.
*Luke* "Ah c'mon Laura you can't find it the least bit humorous?"
*Laura* "No! You know I can't stand Benjamin and the
 whole idea just makes me so frustrated."
*Luke* "Maybe your sister is just doing it on purpose. You said it before she always liked
 to stir things up. [Luke chuckles] Maybe they are meant for each other and it's just fate."
*Laura* "Don't say that! Just hold me and kiss me and tell me
 that everything is going to be okay. "
Luke rolls over and pulls her in kissing her softly.
*Luke* " Babe, I love you but you worry too damn much."
*Laura* "I love you, too, but she's my little sister and
 I can't help but worry..." 

Fade to black...
To be Continued



  1. Love it! Your room setups are fabulous. I'm with Luke. Laura worries too much, but I understand why she is worrying.

    1. Thanks Vanessa!! I really enjoy putting dioramas together. :)
      I agree too. Laura is worrying too much hopefully it will all work out. She is just being a overprotective big sister :)

  2. That kitchen is awesome!!!!!! Great story too.

    1. Thanks Mustiwait!! I am very glad you enjoyed the story and dioramas as well :)

  3. Hi! Im new here :) i was inspired! I followed you on IG. Im starting my own story soon :) any advice?


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