Tutorials and How To's

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Phone Call...(S2-E1)

After sleeping in some the next morning after the party. Laura heads downstairs to make some coffee and call her sister. She feels she needs to warn her before it is too late.
Since Michelle moved back home she has been living at her 
parents house. She is sitting in the living room 
already primping for her date with Benjamin later tonight. He sent 
her a text late last night and they made plans to go out. 
Michelle grabs her phone and sees that her
 sister is the caller.
*Michelle* "Hey Laura! What's up?"
*Laura* "Well, I wanted to know why you gave Benjamin your number? You left right afterwards and I didn't get a chance to talk to you about it then. You remember what I told you he did to Penelope, right? I just don't get why you're interested in him. He is a complete jerk!"
*Michelle* " Yeah, I remember you telling me about it. It always seemed to me that she let herself get hurt. Look, I just want to have a good time and Ben is that kind of guy. I am not looking for a serious relationship right now. We are just going out for some fun...."
*Laura* " Michelle you need to be careful. He...he is just not the kind of guy you should be dating...."
*Michelle* "Oh my god Laura! You are seriously not gonna do this to me right now...are you? Who I date and hangout with is my choice. I cannot believe you! You're one to talk, Laura. 
Didn't you sleep with Luke after your first date with him?!"
*Laura* " Um, No! You need to get your facts straight. Yes, I did SLEEP with him but we didn't have sex. We stayed up nearly all night talking then fell asleep together."
*Michelle* " Well.... I don't think you should be lecturing me. I have been on dates with other guys like Ben before. Look,  I will be careful. I am always careful. Listen I gotta go. 
I am going out with Ben tonight."
*Laura* "Wow! He doesn't waste time does he?"
*Michelle* "Bye Laura! I'm done talking about this."
Michelle hangs up and puts the phone down. Krystal walks
 into the living room and sees that her baby girl is upset.
*Krystal* "Were you just on the phone with your sister? You look upset what happened sweetie?"
*Michelle* "Laura called to lecture me about giving my phone number to Benjamin and going out with him tonight. I know she doesn't like him, but she hardly knows him. I mean look at her she moved in with Luke after knowing him for what 6 months?! I just wish she wouldn't tell me what to do when she is doing her own crazy stuff."
*Krystal* " Well, sweetie no one is perfect. Your sister loves you and is just being overprotective after what happened to her friend Penelope. She just doesn't want to see you get hurt and I don't either. I have heard a little bit about this Benjamin fellow and I do feel you need to be cautious with this guy. I think that is all that your sister wants too. I know dating is different than when I was young woman but I still think you can never be too careful. "
*Michelle* " Your right Mom...and I promise I will be careful. I just want to go out and have some fun. I don't see myself falling for Benjamin.  I'm not ready for a serious relationship."
*Krystal* " Well, I'm not gonna lecture you anymore either. I know you're a responsible 
young woman and I love you no matter what."
Laura sits with her head in her hands and thinks back though the conversation she has just had with her sister.  She wishes now she had handled the phone call differently. But it was too late now. Maybe she underestimated her sister and shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. 
Laura talking to herself...
*Laura* "Oh,well I guess it could have been worse. She is not gonna wanna talk 
to me for awhile after I lectured her on her love life"
 She sighs and then suddenly Luke appears after coming down
 the stairs in a sleepy stupor and a headache to go with it.
 He can see she is upset though and asks about the
 phone call Laura was so hell bent last night.
*Luke* " I'm guessing the phone call to your sister didn't go as you planned?"
*Laura* " Yeah, she was not happy I told her she shouldn't be
 going out with Benjamin. I screwed up. I talked to her like she was some hormonal teenager
 who needed to be lectured."
*Luke* " I told you... you worry too much. You said yourself you haven't been that close to your sister for the past 3 years. I am sure she has had her heart broke by some guy at least
 once since she's been at college."
*Laura* " You're right...I haven't been close to her since she went to college. We have both been so busy with our own lives.... We used to be close. I guess that is why I was trying so hard to tell her what to do."
*Luke* " You gonna eat this?"
*Laura* [sighing] "No I'm not that hungry. I'll eat something later at the restaurant.
 I gotta go to work."
*Luke* " I thought you were off today? So... no breakfast uh? [rubbing his head as he speaks]
 I was hoping for some of your homemade waffles to cure my killer hangover."
 *Laura* " Sorry honey, I got an email this morning and they need me today at the restaurant today. 
You'll have to make your own breakfast this morning.
 I'm already running late."
She kisses him and heads up stairs to get ready for work.
*Luke* [looking at the danish on the plate in front of him] " Damn! Well, I guess you'll have to do. [he grabs it and takes a bite] "Mmmm....not too bad for store bought."

Stay tuned...



  1. Oh my goodness, why am I just finding you?! I love your sets and your pictures. Holy moly, I'd move in with Luke after 6 months too. Love the tattoos! Are those temporary tattoos? I need to try that! My folks are missing some ink!

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment :)
      I am still getting used to blogging but I hope to post some story line every Saturday.
      I did Luke's tats after a tutorial I found online
      Thanks again for taking a peek at my blog....

  2. Great story, I love Laura's hair what doll is she.

  3. Hi Juanita!
    Thanks so much I am glad you enjoyed the story. :)
    Laura is Barbie Basics 002 model #4 she is on a Pirates of the Caribbean Penelope barbie body.

  4. I just found your blog via Doll Divas. I really enjoyed your story. Now I'm off to check out your older post.

    1. Hi Georgia Girl!
      Thanks for checking out my blog! I am so happy you enjoyed the story. I hope to post more story this coming Saturday :)

  5. What a tough situation for Michelle. But, people change and they might just be right for each other.

    Luke, is just too hot for tv! WOW, Laura's a lucky girl! ;)

    1. Hey Tracy!
      Michelle is always one to do the opposite of what everyone advises her to do.
      I agree Laura is one lucky girl...Luke is the resident hottie around here.LOL! A lot of my girls would love to be in her place :)


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