Tutorials and How To's

Friday, August 10, 2012

Michelle & Benjamin's First Date...(S2-E2)

Benjamin has come to pick up Michelle for their very first date. After Michelle boldly put it out there she was interested in Benjamin at Aric and Roxie's 4th of July BBQ, Benjamin did not hesitate to make a move. They've been texting back and forth for a bit and finally both found the time to go out on a date.
Krystal is the one to answer the door when 
 he arrives.
*Krystal* "Please come in and sit. Michelle will be down in a moment."
*Benjamin* "This is quite a lovely house you have here Mrs. Lavigne. 
You and your husband have restored it wonderfully."
*Krystal* "Why thank you, Benjamin. It has taken a lot of years to get this 
house back to it's former glory."
 *Benjamin* " Growing up as a contractor's son I have seen some fantastic restorations. 
This house is mighty fine."
*Krystal* "That's right your family runs Trudeau Construction. My husband is a contractor as well, 
but is an architect. So he's had some business dealings in the past with your family."
*Benjamin* "Yes, ma'am. My father has been preparing me my whole life to take over when he retires."
Krystal nods as she listens to Benjamin's response. The two
 sit there quietly for a moment before Michelle can be heard
 as she makes her way down the stairs, smiling brightly
 as she enters the room.
*Michelle* "Okay...I'm ready."
*Benjamin* "Wow! You look great, Michelle. You know we're just going to dinner and a movie, right?"
Benjamin teases as he tries to hold back the fact that his eyes are popping, and he's following those long legs up to her chest finally settling on her face as she listens to her mother respond to Benjamin's comment.
*Krystal* "I agree, you look lovely Dear. Well, you two have a good time."
*Michelle* "I'm sure we will Mamma, and don't wait up for me. We'll probably catch a late movie anyways, so I'll be home after that."
*Krystal* "Okay, Dear. Y'all be safe and have a good time."
*Benjamin* "Bye, Mrs Lavigne."
*Krystal* "Bye, Benjamin take care of my baby girl."
Benjamin takes Michelle to his favorite Chinese restaurant "The Golden Dragon".They have just been seated and the waitress 
has come to take their drink order.
*Waitress* "Hello, I'll be your waitress this evening. What would you like to drink?"
*Benjamin* "We'll take a bottle of your best wine and an order of oysters."
*waitress* "Wonderful! I will be back with your wine and put the order for the oysters in."
*Benjamin* "Thank you."
Moments later the waitress comes back with glasses and a bottle of wine.
Before leaves to get their oysters she takes their food orders.
*Benjamin* "To good food n good friends."
*Michelle* "Cheers to that!  Mmmm...good wine."
While they begin chatting the waitress comes back 
with their appetizer of oysters.
*Benjamin* " This place has the best Chinese food in town."
*Michelle* "I didn't know this place existed..."
*Benjamin* "It's not super well known but they sure make some good food here.
*Michelle* " Mmmm these are delicious. I haven't had oysters in forever."
Benjamin nods in response as he takes an oyster for himself.
*Benjamin* "So what movie do you wanna see?"
*Michelle* " Oh, that new cheesy horror movie looks like fun to watch."
*Benjamin* "You like those kinda movies? I would have thought you'd want to see the latest romance novel turned epic movie franchise instead."
*Michelle* "Nah! I can't stand all that sappy romance. I'd rather see action or horror. 
Much more entertaining." 
Michelle laughs and Benjamin smiles in response as his
 interest in Michelle peaks even more.
*Benjamin* "You surprised me there. You don't seem much like your sister."
*Michelle* "Laura and I are nothing alike. Sorry, I am a little upset with her right now. She called earlier today to tell me I was crazy to even talk to you and warned me I was in for heartbreak."
Michelle is always blunt and to the point, something Benjamin begins to realize he likes about her. No guessing games or feelings to tiptoe around.  Benjamin nods as their conversation is momentarily interrupted while the waitress brings their food.
*Benjamin* "Yeah she don't like me too much....I was wondering if she was gonna come storming over and pull your phone number right outta my hand that day at the barbeque. She didn't look happy at all."
*Michelle* "So you admit to being the bad guy?"
*Benjamin* "To an extent. I should have stopped dating Penelope sooner. She was getting way to possessive to the point of embarrassment. So I went out one night with some friends and got a little too drunk and was caught dancing with some girl."
*Michelle* "That is not the story I heard. They made it sound a lot worse like you were all over every girl there. I believe you though I know Penelope and she is a bit dramatic. Her and my sister have been friends since high school. So she is always gonna side with her no matter what."
*Benjamin* "I hope us dating doesn't cause major problems with you and your sister. I would really like to get to know you."
Benjamin smiles that gorgeous crooked smile of his that makes all the ladies swoon. Especially when it hits his eyes and they twinkle that bright blue. Michelles snaps out of it and responds quickly...
*Michelle* "Don't worry about Laura I can handle her. Besides I would like to
 get to know you better too."
They continue to talk as they each finish their meals. 
A short while later the waitress comes back to clear their plates and leave them the bill for this evening's meal. Benjamin hands her his credit card before she can even set it on the table.
*Waitress* "Thank you...I'll be right back."
After Benjamin pays for their dinner and leaves a generous 
tip the two begin to get up from their seats quiet fills the void as they get ready to leave. Michelle still wondering how the rest of the evening will go so far he has not said anything too absurd or insensitive. Benjamin on the other hand already knows he is ready to go out again
 even though the night isn't over yet.
*Benjamin* "You ready to go see that movie?"
*Michelle* "Sure! Let's get outta here."
Benjamin watches her as she walks to the door. Michelle's
 hips sway as she walks, almost hypnotic....Thinking 
to himself she is one beautiful woman.
Michelle sensing his eyes following her, knows she has got his full attention but what will she do now? Lead him on or will she fall for him? Ah the games we play...when it comes to love and romance.

Stay tuned to see the conclusion to their first date!!




  1. Do you know how irrevocably excited I was to see this posted when I first turned on my laptop?!?!? I am dying to see the finish to their date.... (^_^) So well shot!!

    1. Oh yay!! I am so glad you liked it :) You made my day with your comment Cat!! Took me half a day earlier this week just getting the scenes shot and the pictures edited. But it was so much fun to do :) I hope to post the rest of their date next Friday or Saturday.....

  2. That was a really good way to use that barbie dream house nice picture taking too. I can't wait to see the rest of the story.

    1. Thanks Mustiwait :)
      I was trying to find a good setting for the restaurant scene. I am glad it turned out well :) Now I gotta think of a movie setting...

  3. Nice story Mianda! I hope she gives him a taste of him of his own medicine. : )

    1. Thanks Georgia Girl :)
      I hope so too Benjamin needs to understand there is more to women than just a warm body next to him ^_^


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