Laura has just gotten home with the boys, it's a chilly Friday afternoon in late January and Phoenix is now going to preschool full time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This gives Laura a break and allows her to get things done but even still there never seems to be enough time to squeeze it all in. She is currently busy on the phone making some preparations and inquiries for baby Fin's upcoming birthday, who will be the big one year old this February!
*Laura* " you have anything available that Saturday?...The 10th yes...
The whole weekend is booked?..."
The whole weekend is booked?..."
Ugh, okay but there is an opening for the 17th?...
What time?...Nothing earlier in the day?"
Phoenix meanwhile tries to get mom's attention...
*Phoenix* "Mamma, wook!....Mamma!"
Laura looks down at Phoenix and smiles nodding
her head in acknowledgment
*Laura* "Okay well, just put me on the call back list yes...
I'd prefer the 10th if possible.
*Phoenix* "Mamma! Can go oweside?!...Mamma?"
*Laura* "Phoenix, I'm on the phone...Sorry yes..."
What time?...Nothing earlier in the day?"
Phoenix meanwhile tries to get mom's attention...
*Phoenix* "Mamma, wook!....Mamma!"
Laura looks down at Phoenix and smiles nodding
her head in acknowledgment
*Laura* "Okay well, just put me on the call back list yes...
I'd prefer the 10th if possible.
*Phoenix* "Mamma! Can go oweside?!...Mamma?"
*Laura* "Phoenix, I'm on the phone...Sorry yes..."
Laura continues to talk on the phone,
while Phoenix waits for mom to finish her phone call.
while Phoenix waits for mom to finish her phone call.
Oh and lookie there! There is Fin playing
nice and quiet on his own...
Hi, Fin! Hi! 👋👋👋
Awe! Looks like we got his attention! He's such a cute
little fella and gettin' so big...Oh, but Phoenix is growing too! This big bro will be 4 years old in July, wow how the time flies,
even in my dolls lives, haha!
Laura hangs up the phone, she may just have to have Fin's
birthday here at the house. Then abruptly changes her mind and decides to call one more place...
Phoenix gets tired of waiting on mom and goes to see
what little brother is doing.
*Phoenix* "No, Fin! Dat goes on here..."
Phineas looks at his older brother, he's been
enjoying sucking on the star shaped puzzle pieced toy,
a favorite baby pastime for sure...
a favorite baby pastime for sure...
*Phoenix* "Gimme da toy Fin! I need it!..."
Phineas is not quite understanding what big brother wants from him. He babbles back and Phoenix shakes his outstretched arm
at him trying to get him to hand the piece over.
Phineas then reaches out like he is about to hand it to Phoenix then has a change of heart and goes back to sucking on the plastic star puzzle piece. This of course infuriates Phoenix, who does not understand why his little brother would ever do such a thing!
*Phoenix squealing* "Noooo! Fin, I need it!..."
Then he yanks it out of baby Fin's hand, who
topples back and begins to cry.
*Phoenix* "My toy!..."
Laura immediately turns and heads towards the boys. Phoenix is at that age when he can squeal like nobodies business. You know the high pitched cry that makes you drop everything and instantly go see what has happened.
*Laura* "I'm sorry, I will have to call back...Thank you!..."
She quickly hangs up the phone and sets it down on the coffee table. Laura scoops up Fin, and cradles him against her. Soothing him from his cries, which were caused by the moment brother yanked his toy away.
*Laura* "Your brother was playing with that...You need to hand it back to Fin."
*Phoenix* "No! My toy!..."
*Laura* "Those toys are yours and your brother's as well..."
Phoenix is being stubborn and does not want to
give the toy back. Laura sighs it has been a long day and she does not want to get into a shouting match with a toddler...
So calmly she tells him one more time.
*Laura* "Hand it back, Phoenix..."
*Phoenix* "Nooooo!..."
Phoenix turns and looks away and tries to begin playing with the toy. Laura then holds out her hand and puts down an ultimatum...
*Laura* "Phoenix, I'm gonna count to 3 and if you don't hand me the toy
then you will sit on time out..."
*Phoenix* "No! I don't like time owe!..."
*Laura* "Then you better hand me that toy by the time I count to three."
Laura begins to count at steady slightly slower pace.
*Laura* "One...Two...Three..."
And as soon as she is done counting to three,
Phoenix makes a last second decision,
he turns around and hands Mom the toy.
*Laura* "Good job. Thank you, for listening..."
Fin immediately wiggles when he sees the toy so close
in view now. He babbles and reaches out.
*Laura* "See look how happy you have made Fin now, he's not upset
anymore. Can you say sorry to your brother?..."
Phoenix jumps up and stretches out his arms...
*Phoenix* "Sorry, Fin!!...."
*Laura smiles* "Yes, good job! So how about a snack now
before we have dinner later?"
*Phoenix* "Yes! Snack!...."
After Laura gets the boys settled in the kitchen for their snacks, she begins to drift off in thought about a conversation she had with Luke a few days ago pertaining to what happened Christmas night.
If you missed all the action it can be viewed here
or you can just keep reading, and leave it to your imagination 😉
Laura sips her water and hopes that her monthly visitor will show up soon, like now soon! She is really not ready to be pregnant again.
Then Phoenix brings her out of her trance with a shout!
*Phoenix* "Mamma! Mamma?! Can go oweside?!..."
*Laura* "I'm sorry pumpkin, what did you say?"
*Phoenix* "Go pay oweside..."
*Laura* "Why do you want to go outside?"
*Phoenix* "Pay on my scoootor...."
*Laura* "It's already gonna be dark soon and it's quite chilly, too cold for your brother.
Phineas is not quite understanding what big brother wants from him. He babbles back and Phoenix shakes his outstretched arm
at him trying to get him to hand the piece over.
Phineas then reaches out like he is about to hand it to Phoenix then has a change of heart and goes back to sucking on the plastic star puzzle piece. This of course infuriates Phoenix, who does not understand why his little brother would ever do such a thing!
*Phoenix squealing* "Noooo! Fin, I need it!..."
Then he yanks it out of baby Fin's hand, who
topples back and begins to cry.
*Phoenix* "My toy!..."
Laura immediately turns and heads towards the boys. Phoenix is at that age when he can squeal like nobodies business. You know the high pitched cry that makes you drop everything and instantly go see what has happened.
*Laura* "I'm sorry, I will have to call back...Thank you!..."
She quickly hangs up the phone and sets it down on the coffee table. Laura scoops up Fin, and cradles him against her. Soothing him from his cries, which were caused by the moment brother yanked his toy away.
*Laura* "Your brother was playing with that...You need to hand it back to Fin."
*Phoenix* "No! My toy!..."
*Laura* "Those toys are yours and your brother's as well..."
Phoenix is being stubborn and does not want to
give the toy back. Laura sighs it has been a long day and she does not want to get into a shouting match with a toddler...
So calmly she tells him one more time.
*Laura* "Hand it back, Phoenix..."
*Phoenix* "Nooooo!..."
Phoenix turns and looks away and tries to begin playing with the toy. Laura then holds out her hand and puts down an ultimatum...
*Laura* "Phoenix, I'm gonna count to 3 and if you don't hand me the toy
then you will sit on time out..."
*Phoenix* "No! I don't like time owe!..."
*Laura* "Then you better hand me that toy by the time I count to three."
Laura begins to count at steady slightly slower pace.
*Laura* "One...Two...Three..."
And as soon as she is done counting to three,
Phoenix makes a last second decision,
he turns around and hands Mom the toy.
*Laura* "Good job. Thank you, for listening..."
Fin immediately wiggles when he sees the toy so close
in view now. He babbles and reaches out.
*Laura* "See look how happy you have made Fin now, he's not upset
anymore. Can you say sorry to your brother?..."
Phoenix jumps up and stretches out his arms...
*Phoenix* "Sorry, Fin!!...."
*Laura smiles* "Yes, good job! So how about a snack now
before we have dinner later?"
*Phoenix* "Yes! Snack!...."
After Laura gets the boys settled in the kitchen for their snacks, she begins to drift off in thought about a conversation she had with Luke a few days ago pertaining to what happened Christmas night.
If you missed all the action it can be viewed here
or you can just keep reading, and leave it to your imagination 😉
Laura sips her water and hopes that her monthly visitor will show up soon, like now soon! She is really not ready to be pregnant again.
Then Phoenix brings her out of her trance with a shout!
*Phoenix* "Mamma! Mamma?! Can go oweside?!..."
*Laura* "I'm sorry pumpkin, what did you say?"
*Phoenix* "Go pay oweside..."
*Laura* "Why do you want to go outside?"

*Phoenix* "Pay on my scoootor...."
*Laura* "It's already gonna be dark soon and it's quite chilly, too cold for your brother.
How about
we go upstairs and play for a while then we can make dinner..."
*Phoenix* "Can go oweside morrow?..."
*Laura* "Sure pumpkin...We can go outside tomorrow
after breakfast, sound good?"
*Phoenix* "Oh-kay..."
*Laura* "Hey, did you have fun at school today?"
*Phoenix* "Uh huh!..."
*Laura* "Yeah...was Parker there? Did y'all play?"
*Phoenix* "Uh huh!...Mamma, we pay twucks and rwan oweside!"
*Laura* "That's wonderful, pumpkin. I'm glad you had fun."
Later on that evening after dinner and cleanup Laura sits and nurses Baby Fin to sleep. Luke has been working late getting
things in his store ready for inventory and tax season.
She again sits and ponders her current state, she cannot help but let it nag at her. It has definitely put stress on both her and Luke as they both play the waiting game here lately. She stares up at the letters on the wall that spell out Phineas' name and wonders...
"Am I pregnant? No, no way. I made sure, I took precautions, I can't be, can I?! Crap what was I thinking? If I am this makes things so much more complicated! We have no space for a third child.
Luke would definitely have to give up his man cave..."
Then Laura hears her husbands voice from the
other side of the door calling her.
*Laura* "I'm in here..."
Luke steps into the room. He smiles at her but it looks a bit nerve wrecked. The long days and sleepless nights can do that.
*Luke* "Hey..."
*Laura smiles back* "Hey, baby..."
*Luke* "Is he asleep?..."
*Laura* "Yeah I think so. Did you just get home?"
*Luke* "Yeah. How was your day?"
*Laura* "Good. Phoenix had fun at school. He really likes seeing Parker there..."
*Luke* "That's good I'm glad he is happy."
*Laura* "What about you? Your day go well?"
*Luke* "Uh, inventory almost done. Jacob can practically
run the store himself now, which is a really big help."
*Laura smiles* "Oh yeah? Maybe we could finally take that honeymoon then since
Jacob knows how to run the shop so well now."
And Luke's face gets serious, he quietly closes the door to the nursery. He does not want to wake Phoenix.
*Luke* "Not if your pregnant...Then you can definitely kiss any kind
of traveling goodbye. Anything yet?"
*Laura* "No. I haven't got it yet..."
Then Laura turns away to get up. She knows he is not happy. A baby right now would put a huge kink into everything and all their plans.
Luke runs his fingers through his hair.
*Luke* "Fuck, Laura! I don't need this shit happening right now...I knew it,
I fucking knew this shit would backfire on me..."
Luke is beyond frustrated with himself for letting Laura convince him that night that it would be okay to go au natural, but in the end what's done is done. He chose to go along with it.
Laura turns to look at him.
*Laura* "Luke....I don't want to be pregnant either! I told you it's still too soon.
Menstrual cycles are not an exact science they can fluctuate. It will be here!"
*Phoenix* "Can go oweside morrow?..."
*Laura* "Sure pumpkin...We can go outside tomorrow
after breakfast, sound good?"
*Phoenix* "Oh-kay..."
*Laura* "Hey, did you have fun at school today?"
*Phoenix* "Uh huh!..."
*Laura* "Yeah...was Parker there? Did y'all play?"
*Phoenix* "Uh huh!...Mamma, we pay twucks and rwan oweside!"
*Laura* "That's wonderful, pumpkin. I'm glad you had fun."
things in his store ready for inventory and tax season.
She again sits and ponders her current state, she cannot help but let it nag at her. It has definitely put stress on both her and Luke as they both play the waiting game here lately. She stares up at the letters on the wall that spell out Phineas' name and wonders...

"Am I pregnant? No, no way. I made sure, I took precautions, I can't be, can I?! Crap what was I thinking? If I am this makes things so much more complicated! We have no space for a third child.
Luke would definitely have to give up his man cave..."
Then Laura hears her husbands voice from the
other side of the door calling her.
*Laura* "I'm in here..."
Luke steps into the room. He smiles at her but it looks a bit nerve wrecked. The long days and sleepless nights can do that.
*Luke* "Hey..."
*Laura smiles back* "Hey, baby..."
*Luke* "Is he asleep?..."
*Laura* "Yeah I think so. Did you just get home?"
*Luke* "Yeah. How was your day?"
*Laura* "Good. Phoenix had fun at school. He really likes seeing Parker there..."
*Luke* "That's good I'm glad he is happy."
*Laura* "What about you? Your day go well?"
*Luke* "Uh, inventory almost done. Jacob can practically
run the store himself now, which is a really big help."
*Laura smiles* "Oh yeah? Maybe we could finally take that honeymoon then since
Jacob knows how to run the shop so well now."
And Luke's face gets serious, he quietly closes the door to the nursery. He does not want to wake Phoenix.
*Luke* "Not if your pregnant...Then you can definitely kiss any kind
of traveling goodbye. Anything yet?"
*Laura* "No. I haven't got it yet..."
Then Laura turns away to get up. She knows he is not happy. A baby right now would put a huge kink into everything and all their plans.
Luke runs his fingers through his hair.
*Luke* "Fuck, Laura! I don't need this shit happening right now...I knew it,
I fucking knew this shit would backfire on me..."
Luke is beyond frustrated with himself for letting Laura convince him that night that it would be okay to go au natural, but in the end what's done is done. He chose to go along with it.
Laura turns to look at him.
*Laura* "Luke....I don't want to be pregnant either! I told you it's still too soon.
Menstrual cycles are not an exact science they can fluctuate. It will be here!"
Laura turns to set baby Fin down in his crib.
*Laura* "I made sure and I took precautions but 'If' I am then I will get a job.
We will make it work somehow."
Laura takes a moment before she turns back to face him. Luke and her have definitely considered having another baby but not right now,
not yet.
not yet.
Laura still really wants that little girl, with a house full of boys be nice to have a daughter to balance it out some.
*Luke* "If?! Now there's a fucking 'If' in there? Just a second ago you said the opposite...Babe, we can't pay for another baby and remodel the house at the same time. It's one or the other..."
Laura finally turns around to face him. He is right. She cannot have both they either fix the house or get ready for another baby.
*Laura* "I'm not pregnant. I think I would know if I was...I don't have any symptoms."
*Luke* "Except for being fucking late!..."
Her woman's intuition is not enough to settle Luke's
*Luke* "If?! Now there's a fucking 'If' in there? Just a second ago you said the opposite...Babe, we can't pay for another baby and remodel the house at the same time. It's one or the other..."
Laura finally turns around to face him. He is right. She cannot have both they either fix the house or get ready for another baby.
*Laura* "I'm not pregnant. I think I would know if I was...I don't have any symptoms."
*Luke* "Except for being fucking late!..."
Her woman's intuition is not enough to settle Luke's
nerves and current state at the moment. A simple pregnancy test would make him feel a little more relieved but Laura continues to insist it's too early or irrelevant.
*Luke* "Babe, you went for 2 fucking months without realizing you were pregnant
with Phoenix! My own mother knew before you did..."
*Laura* "That was different. I'd never been pregnant before."
*Luke* "Just piss on a fucking stick. You do have some right?"
*Laura sighs* "Fine...Yes I think I still have some..."
*Luke* "Good. I'll be downstairs...Dinner in the fridge?"
*Laura* "Yes, I left you a plate in there."
Then Luke exits the room. He heads downstairs to try and
relax, after scarfing down dinner he sits on the couch beer in one hand and his phone in the other. About half an hour later Laura comes downstairs, test strip in hand.
Luke looks up at her coming across the living room suddenly getting a flashback of Christmas night when she came down the stairs pretty much the exact same way except with a whole lot less clothes on. He then immediately regrets that night and is now so
anxious to know what the results are.
Laura sits down on the couch and Luke struggles to read her face, her reaction to whatever the results are. She's not
smiling but she's not frowning either...
*Luke* "So?...Don't leave me fucking hanging..."
Laura sets the test strip down on the coffee table so Luke
can see too for himself what the result was.
Luke leans forward as she speaks.
*Laura* "It's negative...I'm not pregnant..."
Then he springs back so relieved to hear it is negative. It too was nagging at him all day. It has been one of those days and
this just added more stress he did not want right now.
*Luke* "Ah, thank fuck for that....You have no idea how much it's been bothering me."
*Laura* "I know but I told you I wasn't..."
Luke looks back over at Laura. He was a little hard on her about it and realizes it now that his mind is not so overwhelmed by it.
*Luke* "I'm sorry babe, you were right...C'mere."
Laura gets up and cuddles in next to him.
*Laura* "It's okay...You're right though. Better to just take the test and make sure."
*Luke* "You know I would've been okay if you were..."
*Laura* "I know, day. I still want that baby girl you know"
Luke smiles at her. He would love to be able
to give her what she wants, but not right now!
*Luke* "I know you do, Babe...Someday, just not today."
Laura lays her head on his chest. Nothing is better than cuddling up next to him. Now that Luke's mind is not being overwhelmed with baby thoughts he remembers what else he was going to tell Laura.
*Luke* "Yeah today was just one of those days, I had all kinds of shit to deal with...
Oh and then on top of that guess who called me today..."
*Laura* "Who?..."
*Luke* "Shaun. He's flying into town as we speak..."
Laura's head flies up off of Luke's shoulder. Shaun
has been gone for almost a whole year, well more like 9 months...but you get the idea. He left town fast when Rufus called
and hasn't been in touch much since.
*Laura* "No?! Are you for real?..."
*Luke* "Yeah he wants to fucking meet up for lunch tomorrow with Peter and me.
*Laura* "Oh my gawd. What about Leila, doesn't he want to see her."
*Luke* "Uh yeah...I think that's the whole reason he's back for a while."
*Laura* "I hope so too, he has missed out on so much already."
*Laura* "So is he done with Rock Candy and the album?..."
*Luke* "He said they finished the he's taking a short
break until a few more things are finalized and they go on tour..."
*Laura* "That's fast."
*Luke* "Yeah, well uh...apparently Rufus had a lot of new songs already written so...."
Then Luke's voice trails off, he already knows some of those songs will definitely be about him and what happened a few years ago. Laura lets it go and continues the conversation in another direction.
No need to hash up the past.
*Laura* "Did he say how long he would be in town?"
*Luke* "A few weeks I think."
*Luke* "Babe, you went for 2 fucking months without realizing you were pregnant
with Phoenix! My own mother knew before you did..."
*Laura* "That was different. I'd never been pregnant before."
*Luke* "Just piss on a fucking stick. You do have some right?"
*Laura sighs* "Fine...Yes I think I still have some..."
*Luke* "Good. I'll be downstairs...Dinner in the fridge?"
*Laura* "Yes, I left you a plate in there."
Then Luke exits the room. He heads downstairs to try and
relax, after scarfing down dinner he sits on the couch beer in one hand and his phone in the other. About half an hour later Laura comes downstairs, test strip in hand.
Luke looks up at her coming across the living room suddenly getting a flashback of Christmas night when she came down the stairs pretty much the exact same way except with a whole lot less clothes on. He then immediately regrets that night and is now so
anxious to know what the results are.
Laura sits down on the couch and Luke struggles to read her face, her reaction to whatever the results are. She's not
smiling but she's not frowning either...
*Luke* "So?...Don't leave me fucking hanging..."
Laura sets the test strip down on the coffee table so Luke
can see too for himself what the result was.
Luke leans forward as she speaks.
*Laura* "It's negative...I'm not pregnant..."
Then he springs back so relieved to hear it is negative. It too was nagging at him all day. It has been one of those days and
this just added more stress he did not want right now.
*Luke* "Ah, thank fuck for that....You have no idea how much it's been bothering me."
*Laura* "I know but I told you I wasn't..."
Luke looks back over at Laura. He was a little hard on her about it and realizes it now that his mind is not so overwhelmed by it.
*Luke* "I'm sorry babe, you were right...C'mere."
Laura gets up and cuddles in next to him.
*Luke* "You know I would've been okay if you were..."
*Laura* "I know, day. I still want that baby girl you know"
Luke smiles at her. He would love to be able
to give her what she wants, but not right now!
*Luke* "I know you do, Babe...Someday, just not today."
Laura lays her head on his chest. Nothing is better than cuddling up next to him. Now that Luke's mind is not being overwhelmed with baby thoughts he remembers what else he was going to tell Laura.
*Luke* "Yeah today was just one of those days, I had all kinds of shit to deal with...
Oh and then on top of that guess who called me today..."
*Laura* "Who?..."
*Luke* "Shaun. He's flying into town as we speak..."
Laura's head flies up off of Luke's shoulder. Shaun
has been gone for almost a whole year, well more like 9 months...but you get the idea. He left town fast when Rufus called
and hasn't been in touch much since.
*Laura* "No?! Are you for real?..."
*Luke* "Yeah he wants to fucking meet up for lunch tomorrow with Peter and me.
*Laura* "Oh my gawd. What about Leila, doesn't he want to see her."
*Luke* "Uh yeah...I think that's the whole reason he's back for a while."
*Laura* "I hope so too, he has missed out on so much already."
*Laura* "So is he done with Rock Candy and the album?..."
*Luke* "He said they finished the he's taking a short
break until a few more things are finalized and they go on tour..."
*Laura* "That's fast."
*Luke* "Yeah, well uh...apparently Rufus had a lot of new songs already written so...."
Then Luke's voice trails off, he already knows some of those songs will definitely be about him and what happened a few years ago. Laura lets it go and continues the conversation in another direction.
No need to hash up the past.
*Laura* "Did he say how long he would be in town?"
*Luke* "A few weeks I think."
*Laura* "I sure hope he can work things out with Mari...She
does miss him you know..."
*Luke* "I know babe, Mari is brave...I'm glad she is standing up against Shaun...I didn't think he'd react this way, but then again Shaun has been used to just living more free and careless."
*Laura* "I'm so glad you're here to help me. I was absolutely terrified you might up and leave one day when I was pregnant with Phoenix. So I guess I kinda know how she may feel...."
*Luke* "I'm sorry, Babe...It was scary as shit to know I was gonna be dad, not that
I didn't love you but all that uncertainty it does freak a man out..."
*Laura* "So you think Shaun chose the easy road out?"
*Luke* "No...I think he chose the harder one. Amari is a sweet girl and I think he could have worked it out with her but now he will have to deal with the awkwardness of shared custody and all. Just seems like more work than working it out."

*Laura* "Yeah, that's true, I guess. I just hope he sticks to his word about being a good father..."
*Luke* "I don't think Shaun will go back on his word but like I said he is used to living free and not being tied down and for some men, most men, it takes them a while to
realize that monogamy is not so bad."
*Laura smiles and rolls her eyes* "Yeah like Peter..."
*Luke* "Yeah like Peter...Speaking of Peter, he is fucking pissed at him for ditching us for Rufus and the band...Shit I don't think things will be so pleasant tomorrow if Peter chooses to be a dick about it."
*Laura* "Oh really think Peter will be that upset?"
does miss him you know..."
*Luke* "I know babe, Mari is brave...I'm glad she is standing up against Shaun...I didn't think he'd react this way, but then again Shaun has been used to just living more free and careless."
*Laura* "I'm so glad you're here to help me. I was absolutely terrified you might up and leave one day when I was pregnant with Phoenix. So I guess I kinda know how she may feel...."
*Luke* "I'm sorry, Babe...It was scary as shit to know I was gonna be dad, not that
I didn't love you but all that uncertainty it does freak a man out..."
*Luke* "No...I think he chose the harder one. Amari is a sweet girl and I think he could have worked it out with her but now he will have to deal with the awkwardness of shared custody and all. Just seems like more work than working it out."

*Laura* "Yeah, that's true, I guess. I just hope he sticks to his word about being a good father..."
*Luke* "I don't think Shaun will go back on his word but like I said he is used to living free and not being tied down and for some men, most men, it takes them a while to
realize that monogamy is not so bad."
*Laura smiles and rolls her eyes* "Yeah like Peter..."
*Luke* "Yeah like Peter...Speaking of Peter, he is fucking pissed at him for ditching us for Rufus and the band...Shit I don't think things will be so pleasant tomorrow if Peter chooses to be a dick about it."
*Laura* "Oh really think Peter will be that upset?"
Luke lifts his feet up and rests them on the
coffee table with a sigh....
*Luke* "Babe...Peter is a fucking ass and I know I'm gonna have to be mediator for this shit...I'm mad at Shaun too but Peter will stay mad till he's fucking blue in the face.
Not looking forward to this."
*Laura sighs* "I sure hope he doesn't...."
Then when Laura finally realizes he has his big black boots on
her brand new furniture she turns to look and waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.
*Laura* "Hey now! Get your dirty Docs off my new furniture, mister!.."
*Luke smirks* "You know getting angry at me is a turn on, so maybe I'll just leave them there."
Laura turns to look at him and speaks...

*Laura* "Uh huh, and maybe I'll just stay mad and go upstairs to take a
nice hot steamy shower instead to cool me off."
*Luke* "Fuuuck, over a coffee table?..."
*Laura* "Baby, the kids hands touch that table...And then they stick
their hands in their mouths...So..."
Luke pulls his feet off the coffee table. Laura is
right, she's always right, haha!
Not looking forward to this."
*Laura sighs* "I sure hope he doesn't...."
Then when Laura finally realizes he has his big black boots on
her brand new furniture she turns to look and waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.
*Laura* "Hey now! Get your dirty Docs off my new furniture, mister!.."
*Luke smirks* "You know getting angry at me is a turn on, so maybe I'll just leave them there."
Laura turns to look at him and speaks...

*Laura* "Uh huh, and maybe I'll just stay mad and go upstairs to take a
nice hot steamy shower instead to cool me off."
*Luke* "Fuuuck, over a coffee table?..."
*Laura* "Baby, the kids hands touch that table...And then they stick
their hands in their mouths...So..."
Luke pulls his feet off the coffee table. Laura is
right, she's always right, haha!

*Luke* "Sorry, babe..."
*Laura smiles* "Hey maybe you want to join me in the shower?..."
Laura runs her thumb down the length of his
zippered fly on his jeans.
*Luke* "Sure...but he's wearing a fucking raincoat this time. I don't need
anymore stress about it.
*Laura* "I agree no more stressing about it."
So with that Luke and Laura call it a night and head off upstairs. Tomorrow Luke has to deal with Shaun's arrival back in town, hopefully Peter can handle it and keep his cool. Everyone was definitely disappointed in him when he up and left and now suddenly he is back for how long we don't know.
Stay tuned to find out!
See y'all next week!
Yay, so glad you are back with your stories again! Those boys are getting big! Love that you are growing them up. I am curious to see what you do to age them! So is this Fin the old Phoenix at that age? It is such a cute baby boy! I love the clothes he has on! Phoenix is on an Obitsue 11cm body, right? What will be next for him?
ReplyDeleteHi Phyllis!
DeleteThank you, it has been a struggle to try and balance the blog and everything else.
Yes the boys are getting bigger that's for sure! I am not sure what body to put phoenix on next. I have looked into some but most bjd bodies are so expensive. And I'd really dislike the Chelsea body it's not even an option for me. I plan to keep Phoenix on this body for at least another year or so, we'll see! yes he is currently on an 11cm obitsu body. And Fin is the old Phoenix doll for now until I make one.
I hope shaun will work things out,and be around for his childs birth. I love the story
ReplyDeleteHi Angelia,
DeleteWell Shaun was absent for the birth, Leila was born back at the end of November. It's all explained in the episode before this one. We will see what will happen between them very soon ;-)
those two are so lovely!
ReplyDeletelooking forward for next week
Thanks so much! I am glad you enjoyed it :)
DeleteFor a minute I was thinking it would be nice for these two to have a girl. But it is a little too soon. I'm excited to see what happens with Shaun and Amari. I hope Shaun takes one look at Leila and realizes what a fool he's been.
ReplyDeleteYes I agree it would be nice but right now is not a good time for a third child. As for Shaun we will get to hear his side of the story next week!
Deleteok, I'm ok with this! *phew* I was feeling nervous too worrying about whether or not Laura was pregnant even though it wouldn't even be my baby, lol! For as long as I've been following and reading your blog I still can't get over the props you have that add to the realness. The toys that the boys are playing with??? Amazing! Bravo!
ReplyDeleteLol! Yeah it's she is not pregnant again. Things right now are already crazy enough. Awe, thank you. I truly enjoy working on their house just as much as I do writing their story. The baby toys are Mattel actually from the old Happy Family dolls.
DeleteI'm curious to see how everybody will react to Shaun! I hope Laura will get her baby girl, but later, when it's more convenient in the couple's life :-).
ReplyDeleteYes I sure some drama will be had with Shuan's return...As for Luke and Laura they are not in any rush yet for another baby,lol so definitely later on ;-) Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
DeletePoor Luke should get vascetomy, next time maybe he wouldn't be such lucky.They have enough copies of themselves already, two more than world needs, as there's over 7 billons of people already,world can't even feed those already existing ones, so there's no need for any other kid.
ReplyDeleteGreat that you are back !
Haha! Yes he may have to get one of those done eventually. Good thing they are only dolls and don't really need to eat then... ;-)
DeleteThank you! I'm glad to be back. And I'm glad you're enjoying the drama :)
Brand new to this blog. I'm wondering where you get your child dolls? They're cute.
ReplyDeleteHi Thank you for stopping in! :)
DeleteThose two dolls are OOAK creations one I bought from a miniature artist on Etsy but sadly she longer has her store open :( And Pheonix is a Kelly doll head I cut the hair on and put on a 11cm obitsu body
I love looking for all the details in your dioramas. Your dolls are so naturally posed! You have the coolest props.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! It so much fun working on their dollhouse and bringing it to life I truly enjoy it and so glad you're inspired by it too :)
DeleteAwesome episode! I was thinking that Laura was going to be pregnant. I look forward to them having their baby girl. She will be everyone's little princess! I hope that Shaun has a change of heart and will come back to make things right with Amari. Leila deserves both parents.
ReplyDeleteHi Georgia Girl,
DeleteThank you so glad you enjoyed the episode ^_^
Yeah those two especially Laura are holding out for baby number 3 to be a girl..We will soon see how it goes between Shaun and Amari :)
Wow! I have missed you and the gang! I went back to the Christmas have a little more catching up to do. Ok. I see they have new furniture. Did they get a whole new house?
ReplyDeleteAwe, Thank you....I'm glad to be back. I am slowly working on the current dollhouse they have had. It is taking me years to get it done but I'm on a mission to complete their house eventually!