Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Future Meets the Past...Part 4 (S10-E32)

Nearly four weeks later the after math of that fateful Friday still threatens Luke and Laura's future. Laura has barely been able to eat or sleep, not knowing what will happen to their marriage let alone Luke's legal problems he now has to face. She sits in the same small coffee shop where she first met Luke and talks with her lawyer sister about what is going on. What can possibly be done to help Luke, that is if he wants help. He has completely put up walls nearly shutting her out entirely.

Laura's parents agreed to watch the boys for the day while she hopes to get through to Luke what he needs to do to get out of the possibility of facing jail time. Laura does not understand why he is choosing the part of his family he barely knows over her and their two sons. Luke has barely spoke two words to her about that Friday that she thought things would finally turn around, instead he continues to sulk in his motel room that Rufus agreed to continue to pay for along with his bail money, legal fees and clout to keep this matter out of the media spotlight.

Laura sits at the far corner of the coffee shop feeling like a disheveled mess as she watches her sister come over and take a seat across from her. She looks fresh faced and glowing despite all the drama circulating their family circle. "Thanks for meeting me on such a short notice." Laura says her words coming out somber and unenthusiastic. 

"Of course.", Michelle says with a quick smile. "How are you holding up?"

Laura looks over at her sister with watery eyes, "Barely...", she mumbles. "Did you find anything out?" Hopeful her sister has some good news for being that she works for the D.A.'s office.

Michelle sips her cup of tea and sets it back down, "So I spoke to Ryan he is in charge of prosecuting the case against Luke. He said that if Luke wants any kind of deal he needs to start talking. Give up any info he can on Margot DeRozen."

Laura shrugs, "But I don't think Luke even really knows her, he didn't even know he had a brother. He was dragged into all this because of his father. There is no way out of this? He's innocent, he has to be. This just doesn't feel like the Luke I know!" That last sentence comes out strained and desperate.

"Sis he shot Hayden and he almost died!...", Michelle reminds her. "Even if he wasn't intending to kill him he still has to face the consequences of what happened. He hasn't told you anything?"

"No, he won't talk to me. As if he is scared to involve me I guess.", Laura replies with a defeated shrug.

"Well then try to convince him to talk to the D.A. He needs to talk. Rufus' lawyer team is good, but this won't get him off Scott free, ya know? How are the boys?" Michelle gently asks changing the subject for now.

"They're scared, especially Phoenix...He thinks Luke hates him. I can't convince him to come over and visit." her tone continuing to sound distraught and defeated.

"Where are they now?", Michelle asks.

"They're with mom and dad for the weekend. I need a break and I need to try and get through to Luke. I don't know what else to do!", her voice cracks and the tears flood her eyes as her head dips, cupping her face catching the falling tears. "I feel like I'm drowning without him...And to make it worse I'm...I'm.", Laura stutters not sure she wants to say it out loud.

Michelle lays her hand out on the table while the other continues to grasp her teacup. "Laura we will get through this...As long as Luke lets those lawyers do their job."

Laura lifts her head a little, but does not meet the stare of her sister's concerned look. "I'm pregnant.", Laura blurts, knowing she needs to tell someone. "I'm pregnant and I'm scared that Luke and I are over even if those lawyers do their job well. I didn't want another baby like this, not without him." Laura sobs.

Michelle gasps realizing now just how much her sister's life could be changing, "Oh Laura...Does he know? Have you told him?". Michelle immediately asks.

"No. I just found out last night, after taking 3 pregnancy tests.", with all the drama unfolding it became an after thought until last night when she remembered she was actually late this month. She looks up at her sister. "It's why I asked mom and dad to take the boys for the weekend."

"You've got to tell him. He needs to know, maybe this will give him something worth fighting for.", Michelle replies as she takes another sip of her tea.

"I know, I need to tell him, but I'm so scared to see him I haven't seen his face in over a month sis. Look at me! I'm a complete wreck. I have never felt so lost in all my life.", the tears begin to hit her vision again. "I have been wearing his flannel for days now. It's the only smell I can stomach without feeling like I'm going to be sick."

Michelle cringes, "Ugh morning sickness...Is it that bad this time around?" She asks continuing to sip on her tea. Laura gasps hands flying to her face, "What? What is it?" Michelle says a little worried.

"Are you pregnant?!", Laura asks. "You never drink tea...", she observes knowing that her and Benjamin have been actively trying to get pregnant unlike her and Luke.

Michelle's eyes go a little wide. "Um...Please don't tell mom.", she begs a little with a smile. "We plan to tell her and dad soon. And of course Erica too."

Laura squeals her hands flying up to cover her excitement this time. "No, no of course not I won't say anything! Oh my gosh this is wonderful! How far along are you?" Laura immediately asks curious to know. "Have you been to the doctor?"

"We go next week for my first visit. I think I'm probably about six to eight weeks now." Michelle gathers. "I've been so busy I didn't even realize I was late last month."

"Are you having any morning sickness?, Laura asks. "For me it was so random my first time that I didn't realize right away either. This time around the smells again just make me so nauseous" she makes a face as
she reaches for her coffee cup.

"A little yeah...", Michelle nods. "Is that what gave me away?"

"That and the fact that you're drinking tea and avoiding too much caffeine.", Laura replies. "You never drink ever."

"So how come you're drinking coffee then if you're pregnant too?", Michelle asks realizing Laura has been sipping on a latte.

"Oh I ordered decaf...", Laura says. "But today is an exception. I needed to talk to you."

"Of course! Anytime sis, call me day or night. When will you talk to Luke?"

"Tonight. I'm sure he is at work right now trying to keep busy somehow...Though I doubt the record shop is open...", Michelle nods and Laura continues. "So you really think these lawyers Rufus hired can help him if he talks to the D.A.?"

Michelle nods again, "Most definitely...I hate to say it, but he is damn lucky Rufus is helping him out."

Laura sighs, "Another thorn in my side placed there by none other than Rufus herself..."

"Are you worried she will come between y'all again?", Michelle asks knowing Rufus undoubtedly would do anything to win Luke over once more.

"I think he's done plenty of damage already all on his own.", Laura says with sadness. "It's why I need to tell him I'm pregnant. I feel like if he knows this then it might change things...I dunno it sounds silly when I say it out loud." she pauses thinking of that dream she had a month ago. 

The door chimes with a new customer popping her out of her daydream and into another. She imagines Luke there instead at the register, ordering his coffee, then walking towards her with the biggest smile on his face. Laura grabs her bag and jumps up feeling panicked by her intrusive thoughts. "I should go! I forgot I need to run an errand and then do some chores before I go see Luke later..."

Michelle quickly gets up and towers over her older sister stopping her before she leaves. "Laura pleas call me if you need anything. I can even send our maid over to your house once a week so you don't have to wear yourself out sis. Think of the baby.", Michelle cautions, she already knows how high strung her sister can be. She was there years ago when she collapsed from stress brought on by her pregnancy and a meddling Rufus. 

Laura gives a weak smile, "I will. I promise. Just pray I can get through to Luke tonight. Once I know where we stand then maybe I can get him to talk to the D.A." 

Michelle smiles and nods, "Okay...Just remember to rest and drink your water. And call me, let me know how it goes..." Michelle can nearly feel all the stress just radiating off of Laura. These last four months since Laura's birthday have been difficult for her and Luke. Now on top of it all Luke has agreed to legally be Ruby's father in addition to possibly facing jail time for shooting a cop.