"Well then try to convince him to talk to the D.A. He needs to talk. Rufus' lawyer team is good, but this won't get him off Scott free, ya know? How are the boys?" Michelle gently asks changing the subject for now.
"They're scared, especially Phoenix...He thinks Luke hates him. I can't convince him to come over and visit." her tone continuing to sound distraught and defeated.
"Where are they now?", Michelle asks.
"They're with mom and dad for the weekend. I need a break and I need to try and get through to Luke. I don't know what else to do!", her voice cracks and the tears flood her eyes as her head dips, cupping her face catching the falling tears. "I feel like I'm drowning without him...And to make it worse I'm...I'm.", Laura stutters not sure she wants to say it out loud.
Michelle lays her hand out on the table while the other continues to grasp her teacup. "Laura we will get through this...As long as Luke lets those lawyers do their job."
Laura lifts her head a little, but does not meet the stare of her sister's concerned look. "I'm pregnant.", Laura blurts, knowing she needs to tell someone. "I'm pregnant and I'm scared that Luke and I are over even if those lawyers do their job well. I didn't want another baby like this, not without him." Laura sobs.
Michelle gasps realizing now just how much her sister's life could be changing, "Oh Laura...Does he know? Have you told him?". Michelle immediately asks.
"No. I just found out last night, after taking 3 pregnancy tests.", with all the drama unfolding it became an after thought until last night when she remembered she was actually late this month. She looks up at her sister. "It's why I asked mom and dad to take the boys for the weekend."
"You've got to tell him. He needs to know, maybe this will give him something worth fighting for.", Michelle replies as she takes another sip of her tea.
"I know, I need to tell him, but I'm so scared to see him I haven't seen his face in over a month sis. Look at me! I'm a complete wreck. I have never felt so lost in all my life.", the tears begin to hit her vision again. "I have been wearing his flannel for days now. It's the only smell I can stomach without feeling like I'm going to be sick."
Michelle cringes, "Ugh morning sickness...Is it that bad this time around?" She asks continuing to sip on her tea. Laura gasps hands flying to her face, "What? What is it?" Michelle says a little worried.
"Are you pregnant?!", Laura asks. "You never drink tea...", she observes knowing that her and Benjamin have been actively trying to get pregnant unlike her and Luke.
Michelle's eyes go a little wide. "Um...Please don't tell mom.", she begs a little with a smile. "We plan to tell her and dad soon. And of course Erica too."
Laura squeals her hands flying up to cover her excitement this time. "No, no of course not I won't say anything! Oh my gosh this is wonderful! How far along are you?" Laura immediately asks curious to know. "Have you been to the doctor?"
"We go next week for my first visit. I think I'm probably about six to eight weeks now." Michelle gathers. "I've been so busy I didn't even realize I was late last month."
"Are you having any morning sickness?, Laura asks. "For me it was so random my first time that I didn't realize right away either. This time around the smells again just make me so nauseous" she makes a face as
she reaches for her coffee cup.
"A little yeah...", Michelle nods. "Is that what gave me away?"
"That and the fact that you're drinking tea and avoiding too much caffeine.", Laura replies. "You never drink tea...like ever."
"So how come you're drinking coffee then if you're pregnant too?", Michelle asks realizing Laura has been sipping on a latte.
"Oh I ordered decaf...", Laura says. "But today is an exception. I needed to talk to you."
"Of course! Anytime sis, call me day or night. When will you talk to Luke?"
"Tonight. I'm sure he is at work right now trying to keep busy somehow...Though I doubt the record shop is open...", Michelle nods and Laura continues. "So you really think these lawyers Rufus hired can help him if he talks to the D.A.?"
Michelle nods again, "Most definitely...I hate to say it, but he is damn lucky Rufus is helping him out."
Laura sighs, "Another thorn in my side placed there by none other than Rufus herself..."
"Are you worried she will come between y'all again?", Michelle asks knowing Rufus undoubtedly would do anything to win Luke over once more.
"I think he's done plenty of damage already all on his own.", Laura says with sadness. "It's why I need to tell him I'm pregnant. I feel like if he knows this then it might change things...I dunno it sounds silly when I say it out loud." she pauses thinking of that dream she had a month ago.
The door chimes with a new customer popping her out of her daydream and into another. She imagines Luke there instead at the register, ordering his coffee, then walking towards her with the biggest smile on his face. Laura grabs her bag and jumps up feeling panicked by her intrusive thoughts. "I should go! I forgot I need to run an errand and then do some chores before I go see Luke later..."
Michelle quickly gets up and towers over her older sister stopping her before she leaves. "Laura pleas call me if you need anything. I can even send our maid over to your house once a week so you don't have to wear yourself out sis. Think of the baby.", Michelle cautions, she already knows how high strung her sister can be. She was there years ago when she collapsed from stress brought on by her pregnancy and a meddling Rufus.
Laura gives a weak smile, "I will. I promise. Just pray I can get through to Luke tonight. Once I know where we stand then maybe I can get him to talk to the D.A."
Michelle smiles and nods, "Okay...Just remember to rest and drink your water. And call me, let me know how it goes..." Michelle can nearly feel all the stress just radiating off of Laura. These last four months since Laura's birthday have been difficult for her and Luke. Now on top of it all Luke has agreed to legally be Ruby's father in addition to possibly facing jail time for shooting a cop.
Four weeks prior...
While things begin to get heated in the back room between Margot and her son Sebastian. Luke and Peter hang out in the store with 2 more men watching their every move. Luke stays behind the counter like they are working, while Peter continues to put records away very carefully as the two men with guns watch.
Peter has a sudden realization as he walks over to the counter and speaks out, "Hey maybe this is what that creole guy was talking about...He said today was the day you had to make a choice!"
"Yeah? No shit Sherlock...", Luke replies sarcastically. "Just forget about it Pete. That guy is probably working for Rufus."
"I bet you he is not. That guy sounded fucking legit man", says Peter.
Legit how?", replies Luke. "You don't seriously believe this guy can see into the future, do you?"
As Danny stands there, and listens even he gets curious, "What the fuck yous two talking about?"
"Right before all of you got here this guy comes in the shop and tells Luke he can see into his future, and that today is the day his timeline shifts.", Peter explains to Danny.
"What the fuck?!", Danny blurts. "Yous guys serious?"
"It's not real.", says Luke as he looks over at Danny. "I think the guy and his sister were paid off by Rufus. That whole story sounds like something she would want me to believe."
"Yous talking about that broad from that band you knocked up?", Danny asks him. "If I were you, I'd let her have her way with me. Yous be set for life. Wouldn't have to work here...That's my advice.", he adds.
"Rufus isn't worth it, trust me...", Luke mumbles.
"Fuck Rufus. I still think this guy was the real deal.", Peter tells the two of them. "You didn't tell him about how his sister came in here, and freaked the shit out of you with her palm reading. And that was the day before the press release about Ruby."
"Is dis guy for real?", Danny says. Or are you twos playing a game here?". he asks with skepticism.
"I'm with motor mouth...", grumbles Badger who has been listening in the entire time. The other three turn to look at him while he continues to speak. "I've seen some fucking weird shit out in the desert. I'd be careful if I were you."
"Oh yeah...Like what?", Danny asks him. "I've lived there for years."
"That time Travis and I rode our bikes way out into the desert. We saw a house that vanished before our eyes and then reappeared. Then we came across a man, who said he lived in that house like a hundred years ago and we were out in the middle of fucking nowhere."
Danny quickly interrupts, "That story sounds like a load of bologna...Yous two were high as fucking kites."
"No we weren't!", Badger snaps as his fist beats down on the small drum in front of him. "We were out there doing shit for your boss." his eyes looking wild.
"The boss would never send yous two morons that far out in the desert.", Danny replies. "Sounds like the two a ya was hallucinating...All that desert heat melting ya brains."
Badger glares over at Danny, clearly these two do not like each other, but are currently forced to work together. "Boss always sends me to clean up your mess. You owe me, and Badger always gets his man." he growls out the threat referring to himself in third person.
"See?! I'm not the only one in here who thinks it's legit...", Peter blurts trying to loosen the tension that suddenly shot up in the room as if things were not all ready escalated to begin with.
In the back room Lorenzo has just been instructed to haul Eva Marie out to the car. Baz wails in the background as Travis keeps his eyes on David. "Don't you move Cooper...", he warns him. "Let the kid throw a fit he needs to learn a hard lesson."
"You wouldn't be saying that if you were in my place...", David says with hands still stretched out beside him in surrender to Travis. "Just cause we're shitty fathers don't mean we don't give a damn."
"Speak for yourself...", huffs Travis.
Suddenly Baz yanks a piece out from behind him and aims it directly at Lorenzo "Don't come any closer or I'll shoot!", he stammers not knowing what else to do. Fearing if him and Eva get separated he will never see her again.
Margot rolls her eyes, "Is a single one of you at all competent?!", she rages. Thinking her men made sure that the others were unarmed. "Sebastian! Put the gun down now!", she scolds her son like a two year old which only fuels his stubbornness.
Lorenzo's hands slowly go up as he speaks, "Listen kiddo...Just put the gun down like yous moms said, mkay?"
"No! Just let me and Eva go!", Baz pleads again. "That's all we want is to just be left alone for a little while."
In the adjacent room Travis' eyes dart to the commotion in the small office space wondering if now is the time to make the switch, "Looks like you're in a pickle cause if you aim that gun at my boy I'm coming after you." David grumbles in a low voice.
Travis stands silent for a moment, contemplating his next move. Sebastian is an unhinged desperate man right now worried that the woman he is love with is on borrowed time because of his selfish ways. "Don't make me regret this...", whispers Travis who then suddenly turns the gun on Lorenzo pressing the barrel into his back. "Twitch and I blow a hole right through you."
Lorenzo's hands pop up signaling his surrender. "Yous making a big mistake Travis." Baz follows keeping his pistol on Lorenzo as him and Eva stand up.
"Keep them arms raised.", Travis speaks low but audibly not wanting to signal the guys out front. "Walk forward slowly, turn around, and sit down." As soon as Lorenzo follows Travis' orders, David grabs the bag of money. Once Lorenzo is neutralized, Baz and Eva make a run for it out the back door quickly disappearing.
David walks in the small room after the young couple's exit, and holds the large black bag out in front of Margot who is now seated next to Lorenzo. "Paid in full with interest baby doll..."
Margot looks up and glares at him crossing her arms out in front of her in protest, "You're gonna pay for this..." she seethes out not expecting this double cross from Travis. "You have no right to take my son away from me you know what is at stake!"
"You need to calm down Margot, the boy will be back. Just let him do his thing for a bit.", David tries to assure her. "In the meantime take this and head back home to Vegas. I'll let you know how Baz is doing in a few weeks."
"David...You can't be serious?! Baz needs to understand what is at stake.", Margot explains in frustration.
David plops the large bag down on Margot's lap and takes ownership of the pistol that Lorenzo just gave up. "He understands Margot...Besides you're not retiring right now. Just give him a few year to enjoy life out on the open road. Your constant meddling is why we're in this fucking position right now."
"I don't meddle!...I'm his mother! I'm...I'm just doing what is best for him.", Margot stammers. "That floozy will not make a good wife. Just like you never made a good husband." Narrowing her eyes at him hoping for a reaction, but the honeymoon faze for her and David is long gone.
David looks back at her, "Stop comparing the two, let the boy be happy. You and I never got married cuz it's not what you wanted." Margot's chest rises and falls as she lets all this sink in. She never allowed herself to be happy at all, diving right into the family business and preparing Baz as her legacy. Still she can't let David get away with this he will pay somehow. David nods seeing the change in her demeanor then turns towards Travis. "You got this?", he asks him tilting his head toward the other two in the room.
"Yeah, don't worry about me I can handle it.", replies Travis.
David turns and looks at him one more time, "And Badger? I'm guessing he isn't in on this."
"You know Badger his mind is like a rabid animal. I couldn't risk it telling him." Travis says to David "Talk 'em down slowly. If anyone can get through to him, it's you brother."
After threats are thrown around to get back to looking busy, Peter walks over, and puts records away again as silence fills the large room once more. The shuffling of records and Peter's footsteps are the only sound as Peter feels that nervous knot in his stomach form again, hoping their plan works out.

Across the room Danny insists Luke make himself look busy, but not too busy. "An keep ya hands where I can see em!" Danny hisses. "Don't ya got paperwork or something you can fiddle wif?"
"No...Everything is digital, and my laptop is in the office.", Luke informs him. "I'll just close out the till...No point in using that right now."
Danny nods, "Fine do that.", he replies in a sorta grumpy tone. "So maybe you can git me some tickets and backstage passes to that broads show, eh?"
"You mean Rock Candy?", Luke asks looking up from the tablet screen on the cash register. "I think they already finished their tour on the west coast." As the two men are talking they hear a third voice coming down the hallway...
"You like to dance to music, Badger?", David shouts as he begins to walk closer holding Lorenzo's piece in his hand pointing it out at Badger. Luke knows that's his cue to grab the pistol that was stashed down under the counter while Danny is distracted by the commotion. Just like Peter he too hopes this insane plan of theirs will work.
Luke was not too crazy about this part of the plan, but his dad was right he was probably going to need it at some point. Peter offered to be the one behind the counter, but Luke insisted he do it. This really was not Peter's fight to get involved with. As much as Luke still struggles to get past what Peter did all those years ago deep down he knows he needs to let it go. Luke nervously pulls the hammer back and points it at Danny, "Don't...Put the gun down on the counter."

"Yous serious aren't you pretty boy...", Danny taunts him. "Yous don't got the guts to shoot."
"Fuck around and find out...", Luke boldly states, hoping Danny doesn't call his bluff. Feeling nervous as hell standing here holding a gun to someone. Luke's been shot before so he is not too keen on the chances of being shot again, especially something more life threatening.
Badger takes a step in closer to David and nearly audibly growls like an animal. "Nuh-uh! Don't move...Remember where your loyalties lie...You're a brother Badger true to that patch I put on your vest..." David says to Badger hoping he can talk him down. David was the one who had Badger as a prospect for the MC years ago. The two have history.
Badger does not say a word, but holds his rabid gaze with David who still has his pistol aimed at his head. "C'mon Badger. You don't even like these people. Stay loyal to the MC first...Travis already has the back room secure. You can take care of Danny." This brings a twinkle to his eye as David continues to talk. "Badger I know you want to settle that score, this is your chance."
Peter stands there behind Badger debating whether he wants to jump in if a fight ensues between the two. Glad that Luke made the choice to be the one at the counter. This mobster life is definitely not for him, haha! Peter is more of a lover who likes to fight sometimes...
Meanwhile across the shop... "Slowly.", says Luke as he watches Danny set the gun down on the counter not being able to see his eyes makes him a bit nervous, hard to know what he is thinking. Luke quickly slides it closer to him. "Now backup hands up..."
"C'mon Badger...This is your chance.", David says again. "Gimme my Glock and you can escort Danny boy personally with his own gun."
Badger grunts and nods his head okay, "Fine...I'll play your game. You are more my brother here than anyone else."
David sighs with relief, "Good man...good."
Moments later Badger has Danny as he escorts him to the back and sends him on his way along with Margot and Lorenzo. The plan is for Travis, David, and now Badger to escort them back to Vegas. The flight home should help Margot to calm down, hopefully.
"I'll be right behind you brother, just let me wrap things up here.", David tells Badger.
Danny tries to lunge at David angry that he let his guard down, "You're all gonna pay for this!". He points to David, "The boss won't stand for this Cooper! Ya dead meat!"
Badger quickly yanks him back, "Shut up or your dead meat..." Badger snarls the threat.
"You know what...Tell Travis to load up and head out, I'll meet up afterwards.", David decides it's better if they clear out quickly. "Cops are already sniffing around best we get outta dodge pronto."
Meanwhile Luke looks over at Peter who looks a little pale, "You okay man?" Luke steps around the store counter, and walks towards Peter.
"Fuck!...Yeah, yeah man...", Peter mumbles scratching his head. "Shit, that was pretty fucking intense. You think everything is good now?"
"I sure fucking hope so.", says Luke walking to meet Peter on the other side of the counter.
David, overhearing their conversation jumps in, "I think we're good, but I'll know for sure once I get back to Vegas. You wanna hand me that?" David asks nodding to the gun Luke is still holding. His adrenaline still pumping after all that just transpired.
"Shit!", forgetting he still had it in his hand. "Yeah, yeah...take it.", Luke says holding it down and out for his father to take.
"Unless you wanna keep it. I have no use for that old thing luckily it was still on my bike when I left.", David replies.
Luke quickly shakes his head, "No! No! I'm good...take the damn thing. I definitely don't want it."
Meanwhile an unexpected visitor has entered in through the back door. Hayden decided to stop by follow up again. Upon noticing Luke's business was closed for the day the shades drawn on the front windows of the shop. He then spots Margot and 4 men getting into a car and speeding off out of the back alleyway. After calling into dispatch for a nearby patrol car to follow them Hayden decides to head inside and see if he finds anything or anyone.

David is about to grab the pistol when they all hear that tell tale sign of a squeaky door opening and closing. Their attention immediately darts to the hallway, all three men thinking maybe Margot and her men are back.
"Shit! Stay quiet.", David says softly as he slowly takes a step back away from the view of the hallway to the backroom. "Luke go get behind the counter." David's mind is already in survival mode, and instructing his son what to do as he takes position behind the display shelf in the middle of the store.
But before Luke and Peter can do that Hayden appears pointing a gun at them. Luke already holding his gun points it at Hayden in reaction to his presence not realizing at first it is actually Hayden. "Luke!", Hayden shouts. "Put the gun down!"

"Holy shit! It's Hayden.", blurts Peter his hands immediately flying up in instant panic mode as all this commotion quickly plays out. Neither of them prepared for what happens next...
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