Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Future Meets the Past...Part 3 (S10-E31)


Margot steps inside the small record shop, Lorenzo and Danny tailing behind her. She quickly startles the two as she brazenly steps up towards Luke solemnly taking him in. David has never shared photos of Luke with either her or Sebastian. And neither one ever followed the rock and roll scene to notice his face plastered all over magazines alongside Rufus Blue.

"Luke Cooper.", says Margot her fingers snaking up around the nape of his neck. "You look a lot like your father. Too much I'd say.", her voice quips with a bit of anger. 

"You have the money?", she says as she steps forward even more looking Luke straight in the eyes. He softly nods yes. "Or should I say where is that wayward half brother of yours...Sebastian?!", Margot says in a loud stern voice. "I know you're here."

"Oh shit!", whispers Baz as Eva gasps. "Mom is here?!" 

David puts a hand out signaling them to be quiet..."Stay put.", he whispers. And before the 3 of them can react the back alley door swings open as the sound of a shotgun is racked back. David quickly turns finding himself staring down the barrel, his hands instinctively fly up. "Travis! You fucking traitor! How much is she paying you?"

"Enough to make it worth my while. Thanks to you and your boy ruining our cash flow for the MC when you stole those drugs.", Travis tells him. "Badger, grab his gun." Travis instructs the other guy. In the commotion Baz discreetly puts his revolver behind him again. Luckily for him Travis does not notice as he closely watches David while he gives up his gun over to Badger. "Don't try anything stupid Cooper."

"Drugs?! What drugs?!", Eva shouts, she thought Baz told her everything. "Baz what is he talking about?!"

Badger swipes the gun from David as he puts his hands back up again. "The only one making stupid decisions is you. I told Margot I had this handled. I've secured the product.", David informs Travis. 

"It doesn't matter anymore, the MC took a vote, your ass is out Cooper.", Travis tells them. "Now step back! Keep your hands where I can see them. You too Baz sit down, stay quiet, and keep your old lady in line."

David backs up against the old desk as Baz and Eva take a seat. "Lemme talk to Margot, she's got this all wrong!"

"You're not the boss anymore, I don't take orders from you.", Travis spits out. "You're a fucking traitor leaving the MC high and dry. Maybe I should just take you out now save the new boss the trouble." Travis jiggles the shotgun in David's direction. Margot gave the pair orders to clear the back and separate Baz and his wife from the rest if they find him.

"Travis!...David is right. We have the product plus the cash! Just get my mom and we can settle this shit already..." Baz tries to deescalate the tension between the two, but it does not help.

Eva looks over at Baz her brow furrowed and she glares at him, "You lying son of a bitch!"

"I lied to protect you.", Baz says without looking at her.

Eva scoffs, "That's every man's lame excuse..."

"Shut the fuck up!", Badger shouts at the two. "Before I knock you both sideways."

"This is all a misunderstanding.", says Baz. "You're making a mistake."

"I think, you made a mistake thinking you could steal from your mother. You're a fucking fool Baz", Badger reasons. "But that's what happens when you're young, dumb and in love. That's the kinda shit that gets you killed in this line of work." 

While Badger argues with Baz and Eva, Travis instructs David to follow him, "Pick up the bag...", he grunts pointing with the shotgun. "And walk towards me slowly." 

David does as he is told and walks the bag into the small storage hallway with Travis watching his every move. "You really think working for Margot is gonna change things?" David asks him.

"Tension is high between the casino and the MC thanks to you...So yeah I do.", Travis quips. "If I hadn't agreed to tail you all the way here to New Orleans then the MC would be out of work."

While Travis and Badger secure the backroom. Margot and the other two hangout in the main room of the shop. Everyone can hear the shouts and shuffling of feet going on in the back room. "How many are back there?" Margot asks.

"Three.", Luke quickly replies. "I have the money."

"I'm sure you do, and who is this?" Margot asks looking over at Peter.

"My other employee...That's...That's all...", Luke says stumbling over his words as she continues to keep her hand on his shoulder. Her eyes closely watching him reading his face like she is trying to catch him in a lie.

"You've done well." Margot says as she looks around the space. "I'm sure business is good, but for today I'm gonna need you to close up shop. So I can get down to business...Lorenzo, you come with me. Danny, you keep these two company." Then she walks off down the small corridor, Lorenzo following her. "David." she says as she walks up on him and Travis.

"Call off your dogs Margot this is not necessary.", David says to her. "We recovered the product."

"This is all over when I say it's over...", she spits out as she continues to walk into the small office. "Sebastian DeRozen...Your little getaway has cost me a lot of money." She tells her son. "You better have a damn good reason why!"

"Does it even matter anymore?!", Baz replies. "I tried to tell you many times that I hate the casino. Find someone else to take over after you."

"Keep an eye on him.", Lorenzo tells Travis. "We don't need Daddy Dear here causing a ruckus." 

"This is all bullshit, Enzo.", David says. "Margot needs to just take this drama back to Vegas. The local PD is already sniffing around!"

"What'd I tell yah?", he says to Travis. "Already causing a ruckus."

Margot looks over to Badger, "You can leave now, go keep an eye on things out front with Danny." Badger nods as Lorenzo takes his place by Margot's side. Margot steps all the way into the office and gets right down to business. "Now, tell me exactly why I should let you get away with any of this? Did she put you up to this?" Margot points to Eva Marie. 

"No! This was all my idea she had nothing to do with any of it!", Baz blurts. "I took the drugs and I stole the money. I swear! Please don't punish her."

"Oh, I'm not gonna punish her.", Margot says a bit cold and flat. 

Baz a little shaken by her tone. "You're not?"

"Mother, please don't hurt her! I love her...", Baz exclaims. "Dad told me you sacrificed everything so you could take care of me. That you really didn't want this life and had no choice. Please mom, let me have that choice."

"He told you that?!", Margot's cheeks burn hot. "He's lying. Just like your father always does.", she seethes out. "You know this Casino has to stay in the family."

"Why though?", Baz pleads. "All the years and you never tell me why."

"I've told you why...Because your grandfather made promises that we too have to keep."

"How do you expect me to want this when you always give me lame reasons to believe anything you say anymore. Dad made it sound like you wanted to run away, but gave up everything instead.", Baz tells her.

Margot takes a deep breath, "Sebastian...Your grandfather was not an easy man to get along with, but he was good with money. Too good in fact. That he barely spent any of it on me or your grandmother because he didn't want to spoil us. So I decided to make my own money and started my own business with your father selling drugs to casino customers.", Baz opens his mouth like he is about to speak but Margot stops him. "Hold on let me finish."

"When your father lost those drugs you stole off his bike that night, it was like history repeating itself. You see that happened to us too, and well the men that I and your father work for were not too happy. I didn't know what else to do. Then to top it all off I found out I was pregnant. We had no where to go, and no where to hide, so I swallowed all my pride, asked your grandfather for help. He was not happy at first, but then money and greed soon took over and he made a deal for my life and your father's. The casino would run the money side and the mc would move the product. And that's the way it's gotta be from now on." Baz scoffs he is not too sure if she is being sincere or trying to manipulate him.

"If I let you walk out that door then everything I have worked for will be for nothing!, Margot spits out. "Your grandfather's legacy will be for nothing! This is not just about you, you selfish little bastard, but the whole DeRozen family!"

"Nothing about this is normal!", Baz shouts. "You're just like grandpa. You and dad love this life yet act like you want out. Everything you've said makes no sense. I don't believe a word you have said."

"You wanted the truth...Would you rather I make Eva here pay for your betrayal against the casino and the MC? I'm giving you an out Sebastian, just not the one you hoped for."

"No! Most definitely not!", Baz shouts.

"Then it's settled. You're coming back to Vegas, both of you."

"We want to stay here.", Baz puts a hand across Eva's lap. "Eva is pregnant. We want to raise our baby here..." Eva's eyes go wide in shock.

"Just let me in there, Enzo! It's a family matter and I need to talk to Margot.", David knows if they all stick around too long that detective might come snooping around again.

"The boss says no, so youz gonna stay put.", Lorenzo replies.

"Im telling you, man. There was a detective here yesterday asking around. They know too many of us are here in town! Margot needs to know."

"Pregnant?!", Margot blurts "From the looks of your wife's face I'd say she didn't know she was pregnant either." 

"It's true.", says Baz stutters. "Why would I lie?!"

"Eva?", Margot looks to her. "Are you pregnant?" Eva shakes her head no.

"Where am I gonna go? I'm cornered in a small space. Just let me in the room...", David tries to reason with Lorenzo but he will not budge unless the boss gives the okay. 

"Fine, fine don't git your panties in a twist. mmkay...", Lorenzo says to him.

"Sebastian, I have had enough of your childish ways!", Margot shouts. "Enzo! Come in here. I need you to personally take Eva back to Vegas. My son needs to learn to grow up."

"You heard the lady. Now stay put, or Travis will blast your ass into next week."

"No mother, no! Please don't do this!", Sebastian pleads not knowing what else to do or say. "I'll go back to Vegas. I'm sorry!"

"It's too late!", Margot hisses. "I've made up my mind."

"Margot!", David shouts. "Go easy on the boy."

"Stay put!", Lorenzo warns him one last time as he turns to walk into the small office to retrieve Eva and do what the boss asks of him.

To Be Continued!...

We will pick back up with Part 4 On Saturday February 24th ^_^

Thank you to my Patreon members for your continued support!
Shoutout to

Robin, Danny, Susie, Cathryn, Jackie, Whitney, Kennith, JC, Sugar Magnolia,  Nicole, Heather, Nan, Malia, Can, and Ellie

You can read next month's episode on My Patreon Page memberships start at $1 a month for early access to episodes.

See you all back here in March on the 30th. There will not be a new episode next month, but an exclusive Valentine special will be available in February on Patreon.

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