Picking up where we left off, Luke has taken his old friend Naomi out to lunch at Bull Tavern. They slide into Luke's favorite booth and sit across from each other. The bar is quiet. Monday's usually are,
especially since the lunch crowd is not quite in full force yet.
*Naomi* "Okay, where the hell is Luke Cooper and what did you do to him?!..."
*Luke perplexed* "What do you mean?..."
*Naomi* "This bar? What the actual fuck? haha! A western bar, really? I thought
you loathed country and kickers?..."
*Luke smiles* "It's good here, besides they make a fucking mean burger.
And I know the owner he's a great guy. We ride our hogs together sometimes."
*Naomi* "Oh, okay...I'll trust you on that one..."
*Luke* "I could same the same shit about you. I mean, damn you fucking changed,
way more than I did...What happened?"
*Naomi shrugs* "I grew up..."
*Luke nods* "Fair enough."
*Naomi* "You changed too, you know! A lot more tattoos than the last time I saw you..."
Last time Luke saw her she dressed in tattered jeans
and flannels, lugging around her skateboard. Luke dressed the same a few tats less than what is covered all over his body now.
Then in an instant Hannah is at their table ready to take
their order. She immediately spies this "other
woman" and is immediately curious as to who she may be.
*Hannah* "Hey, Luke...having a business lunch today?..."
Luke can see she is curious about who Naomi is.
Hannah was always a nosy little thing. She's
nice but loves to gossip.
*Luke* "HUH? Ummm no, no this is my old friend Naomi. We grew up together
in Seattle. She's just in town for work. So we're catching up..."
Hannah just smiles and continues on. She doesn't believe him
at all, knowing the gossip over the years, and the
reputation Peter and Luke had with women.
*Hannah* "Uh huh, okay so you ready to order?..."
*Luke* "Yeah I'll take my usual...Burger and a beer."
*Hannah* "Okay..."
Then Hannah finally turns to face Naomi asking
her what she would like.
*Hannah* "And for you, Miss?..."
*Naomi* "Iced tea and a salad?....If you have that."
*Hannah* "Sure do, I recommend the Cobb salad it's good."
*Naomi* "Okay, I'll have that..."
*Hannah* "Sweet or unsweet tea?"
*Naomi* "Unsweet, thank you."
Hannah nods then lets them know their food
will be out soon. And a short while later she
comes back to serve it to them..."
*Hannah* "Just let me know if y'all need anything."
*Luke* "Will do. Thanks, Hannah..."
Naomi, is just as curious as Hannah. He seems to be
super friendly with the waitress. Who is obviously
way younger than the both of them.
*Naomi* "She like a ex or something? She was eyeballing you hard..."
*Luke* "What?! Hannah?...*Naomi nods*..."Fuck no, she's Peter's ex...
That's the only reason I know her so well."
*Naomi* "When you say Peter..you mean Morrissey?"
*Luke* "Yeah..."
*Naomi* "I didn't know he lived down here too."
*Luke* "Yeah we worked for Rock Candy for years, until all the shit with
Rufus hit the fan and I left. A couple years after
I settled down here, he decided to do the same..."
Luke grabs his beer to take a sip. Talking about Peter
leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He is not as
angry anymore about Peter's lies, at least he doesn't think he is,
but it all still bothers him immensely.
*Naomi* "Well that's wonderful...Is he married with kids as well too?.."
*Luke* "Uh...no. At least I don't think so. We're not friends anymore after
I found out he'd been fucking my mom all these years...."
Naomi nearly chokes on her salad. Her eyes bugging out of her head at the mental image of Peter and Cynthia in an intimate relationship.
She remembers Luke's mother was a beautiful woman,
so young still herself...
*Naomi* "What the fuck?! Seriously?..."
*Luke* "I overheard their conversation at my son's one year birthday party
last year...A year ago to be exact..."
Luke continues on shaking his head. He cannot believe a
whole year has passed since all that took place.
*Luke continues* "They thought they were alone...Then as I came down from my office, I heard their voices and stopped. I mean, I get why my mom would never fucking admit some shit like that to me but Peter....Fuck!...All these fucking years! And not once, not once does he ever admit to me that my fucking mother was the one he lost his virginity to. Instead I had to hear...I to
hear them fucking flirting with each other about it..."
Luke's voice shows how utterly and completely disgusted he is by it. The friendship meant more to him than anything,
they were like brothers...Never any secrets
between them or so he thought.
*Naomi* "Oh wow...I thought Peter...You know, screwed some
other chick from his high school or something..."
*Luke* "Yeah, I know that's what I thought too. Now that I think back on it he must have just lied from the beginning. Not wanting anyone to know he was still a virgin. Then my
mom gets her claws into him and fuckin' ruins his innocence."
Peter never went to the same high school as
Luke and Naomi did. So now looking back on it,
it was easy for Peter to fabricate a story.
*Luke* "I'm sorry you had to find out like that. I know your mom
was not the best mother in the world but she loves you. I'm sure she never
meant to do what she did."
*Luke* "Maybe...I'm over it now I guess. Just shit got
so much worse with her after my Gram died, but this was a true shock for me."
*Naomi* "I know, I remember."
After Luke's grandmother passed, who was the owner of the house, Luke's mother inherited it. Naomi's parents were good people and good friends with his grandmother, they often fed Luke dinner on
nights his mom worked late. So naturally Naomi and him bonded
at an early age, friends since grade school.
*Naomi* "Hey, you remember that kid Jeremy? What was his last name?..."
*Luke* "Oh, yeah Jeremy Langecaster, right?"
*Naomi* "Yes! Him!..."
*Luke* "That kid was a douche....Wasn't he supposed to be
like two grades ahead of us? Yeah,
I wonder what kinda looser he turned into..."
Naomi smiles. Luke eats and continues to listen to her.
*Naomi* "Totally...I remember he used to bully me. Little, tiny me
who hadn't quite hit a growth spurt yet...He didn't know we were friends
and tried to get you to join his dumb ass gang of losers...walking home one day."
*Luke laughs* "Haha, oh yeah...I told him to fuck off or I'd beat the
shit out of him for bulling my friend...Walked home with my first fucking shiner that day."
Naomi grabs her drink to take a sip. She remembers too, Luke
stood up to the bully not backing down and took a hit for her.
Jeremy never bothered them again after that. Luke
realized he could take a punch and survive, making
his confidence grow at a young age.
*Naomi* "Yeah, you were a true friend that day. I'll never forget.
And I'm sure Peter will come around eventually and
realize he should have just been honest..."
*Luke* "I doubt it. He's such a fucking egomaniac. You never got to
know him as well as I do...uh did. Whatever you know what I mean."
*Naomi* "True but I know you..."
Naomi dips her head to sip her drink again. Her tone goes
from friendly to a little bit flirty. Luke picks up on it of
course and tries to just ignore it.
*Luke* "Naomi, I have done plenty of shit I'm not proud
of since we last saw each other....Trust me. I'm fucking lucky I'm still
alive or not in prison."
*Naomi* "Oh please, I know you're not perfect....I remember we got into
our fair share of trouble as well."
*Luke smiles* "Yeah we did..."
*Naomi* "Hey remember that time we TP'd and egged Mr.
Koch's house. Then set the bag of dog shit on fire on his porch.
He was such a dick."
Luke busts out laughing he totally forgot about that. They had the most annoying Principal in middle school. All the kids hated him with a passion. Luke especially since he was one of the cliche skater kids, he liked to make Luke's life a bit miserable along with a few others.

*Luke laughs hard* "Haha. Yeah!....Yeah! He was a fucking asshole. Hated grunge,
punk, whatever the fuck it was that wasn't normal to him....and long hair. I was always
getting in trouble for some stupid shit. Saying I was a distraction to the
other kids and needed to find a way to fucking fit in..."
*Naomi* "You were kinda a distraction..."
Luke was always a cute guy. The girls naturally flocked to him. And the more they grew up around each other the harder it was for Naomi to ignore that fact. Luke was a rare guy though, a good friend. He may have been a troublesome teen, did his fare share of petty crimes and such but over all he was a good kid. Now she wonders what life might have been like if they had never parted ways after high school.
*Luke* "You know you fucking loved it..."
*Naomi clearing her throat* "Ah, hem...yes, well
we made a good team. You and I."
*Luke* "Yeah we did..."
*Naomi* "You ever wonder what things would be
like if we never grew apart?..."
*Luke shrugs* "Sure I've thought about it...I mean shit. We're fucking
lucky we never ended up teen parents. Things definitely
would have been different."
Naomi nods and agrees. Luke and her dated off and
on in middle school and high school. Not always practicing very safe sex. Responsibility and accountability often flew out
the window when hormones were raging, but always
in the end ending up just as friends again.
Things just always felt better that way.
*Naomi* "Oh, well as I recall it only lasted about 10 seconds..."
*Luke* "Whoa, whoa....10 seconds? Hey, I lasted longer than that."
Naomi busts out laughing. Recalling their first time together. It was also their first time ever. Naomi remembers turning on
the TV thinking it would help distract
them from being so nervous but it ended
up becoming the opposite.
*Naomi still laughing* "Oh my gawd! That was the most
awkward moment of my life!..."
*Luke begins laughing as well* "You're the one who decided to turn on the TV. Next thing I know... fucking Mr. Rogers' is asking me if it's a beautiful day in my neighborhood."
Naomi busts out laughing again. He's right, that day was so damn awkward, with Mr. Rogers sitting there watching
and singing. To look back on it all now is comical,
but back then not so much.
*Luke smirks* "I last longer than 10 fucking seconds now, babe..."
*Naomi blushes* "Oh..I...I'm sure you do..."
Then Luke immediately regrets gloating about
his abilities in the bedroom. Naomi is no doubt a beautiful
woman now, and he's sure she has the men lining up
too, just waiting to get to know her.
*Luke* "Shit! I shouldn't have said that.
If you're looking for a hook up, then I'm sorry to disappoint."
*Naomi* "Oh no, no, no....I...I mean, I'm not gonna lie. I kinda was at first but then when I
realized you were married I knew then...It just wasn't gonna happen."
Luke can tell she is being honest and genuine.
*Luke smiles* "I'm sorry I...I just hope you're not thinking I was leading
you on...I may have fucked around a lot back in the day, but I love my wife."
*Naomi* "Oh c'mon Luke! It's me! I think we both know things for us
were just better off as friends. I don't ever regret my first time being with
you, but I think we just naturally grew apart from there...ya know?"
*Luke* "Yeah I know..."
Naomi reaches out to touch his hand. Not in a flirting
manner but to reassure him that she is not mad
and that she has enjoyed seeing him, catching up,
and just hanging out like old times.
*Naomi* "Friends first...Right?...That's what matters..."
*Luke* "Hey, as long as you're cool with it..then I'm cool with it..."
Naomi breaks her hand away then goes back to
eating her food. Luke takes a bite of his food as
well then speaks when he is done chewing.
*Luke* "You know I always just assumed you'd be the one to
settle down and have a couple kids. Not me..."
*Naomi* "I know! Which is why I was really surprised to find that out. She
must be an amazing woman to have snagged you..."
*Luke* "Shit! I don't think I fucking deserve her, she's definitely amazing. Puts up with my shit and takes care of our boys and the house. And runs a small catering business
on the side. She's a fucking amazing cook, Naomi. You'll have to try her food one day."
*Naomi* "Wow! Yeah, Yeah of course....You better hold on
to that one. You have any pictures of them?"
Luke quickly pulls out his phone
out of his back pocket. He speaks as he scrolls through
his camera roll on his iPhone.
*Luke* "Fuck yeah, I do...My youngest, Phineas, he just turned 2 last week."
*Naomi* "Awe...I really can't believe you're a Dad...."
*Luke smiles and laughs* "I know!...believe me I was scared shitless with the first one.
My son Phoenix. We didn't plan for her to get pregnant."
Luke finally finds the pictures he was wanting to share
then holds the phone up for Naomi to see them.
*Luke* "That's Phoenix and Laura...He's a redhead like his mom. And that is Finn.
He's...shit, probably about a year old there..."
*Naomi* "Awe they are so precious! I can see now why you fell in love.
She's a beautiful woman. What was her name again?"
Naomi can hear and see in his face how happy he is. It
makes her happy to know at least one of them
settled down and had a family.
*Luke* "Laura...Maybe if you have time you can meet them,
come by for dinner or something..."
*Naomi* "Um, my schedule will be pretty busy starting tomorrow. I dunno."
*Luke* "Well whatever, you're welcome to if you have time."
Naomi smiles and nods. They continue talking for a while longer.
Naomi tells him about her job and her life in
New York. Fills him in on gossip she's heard from
her parents about the old neighborhood where they grew up together. Then before they both realize it time has flew by and Luke gets a text from Laura reminding him to not forget about Phoenix.
*Luke* "Shit!..."
*Naomi a little panicked* "What is it?"
*Luke* "It's my wife. Reminding me I need to pick up Phoenix...."
*Naomi* "Oh..."
Luke responds to Laura's message then looks
back over across the table at Naomi.
*Luke* "I'm sorry but I need to head out..."
*Naomi* "It's fine but I left my rental at your business."
*Luke* "Oh!...Well the school is kinda on the way back to the shop. I'm taking
Phoenix back there with me sooooo...I can give
you a ride if you don't mind the detour."
Sometime later Luke finally makes it over to the school.
Between running
late and being caught in afternoon traffic...The teacher
looks up and smiles, as well as Phoenix.
*Miss Watson* "Phoenix look who's here...."
*Phoenix* "DADDY!!!!...."
He gets up out of his chair immediately so happy
to have Dad pick him up from school today,
even if he is late.
*Luke* "Ssshhhi...I...I'm sorry I'm late...I hope I didn't keep you long."
*Miss Watson* "No, it's quite alright. We've only
been waiting for a few minutes..."
Phoenix jumps up into Luke's outstretched arms.
So ecstatic that Dad finally made it.
*Luke* "Hey little man, have a good day today?..."
*Phoenix nods and smiles* "Uh huh!!..."
*Luke* "Okay, lets get going...so Misses?..."
*Miss Watson* "Watson! Miss Watson..."
*Luke* "Misses Watson, I'm sorry I should know that...."
She smiles brightly and blushes a little.
Something all women tend to
do when they are in Luke's presence.
He kinda just has that affect...
*Miss Watson* "Oh, no it's quite alright....Have a good afternoon!..."
*Luke smiles* "Thanks, you too, Miss Watson..."
Then he gathers Phoenix's belongings and
begins to walk out of the classroom with Phoenix hanging
off of his side. The two walking and talking.
And Miss Watson tries her best to not stare
too hard at Luke's backside as he walks away.
Sweet Bejeebus!!! haha!
*Luke* "So what do you want to do?...You hungry?"
As they step outside Luke's other passenger waits while
he went inside. Phoenix immediately points her out.
Noticing the cigarette in her hand.
*Phoenix* "Daddy! That wady smwoking!!!..."
*Luke* "Yeah I see that...Old habit's die hard, eh?"
Naomi shrugs, she has definitely kicked a lot of old
bad habits to the curb, but smoking was
one she always had a hard time giving up.
*Naomi* "Yeeeaah...you know how it goes..."
*Luke* "You know you're not supposed to smoke on
school grounds anymore?...They write tickets now."
She quickly tosses it down on the ground
then grinds it out with the bottom of her shoe.
*Naomi* "Oh, shit! Really?"
*Luke* "YES. Besides if you want a ride
no lighting up around my boy."
*Naomi* "Oh, right...yes of course...."
Luke turns to look at Phoenix
and introduces the two.
*Luke* "This is my oldest, Phoenix...Say hi, little man."
*Phoenix* "HI!!!!..."
*Naomi* "Hi, Phoenix, I'm Naomi...You know, your Dad
and I used to be friends we were kids..."
Phoenix just nods and tries to understand what she is saying,
but it is hard for a four year old to fully comprehend
and understand that dad was once a kid at one time.
*Naomi smiles* "Awe....I don't think he
gets what I mean...
*Luke laughs* "Probably not....It's fine. So you ready?"
*Naomi* "Yes definitely!
Phoenix gets excited, wiggling and calling out "Daddy"
getting Luke's attention. He sets him down
on the hood of the jeep. Phoenix is getting
bigger and a bit heavier these days.
*Phoenix* "Daddy, daddy! I want ish crweam..."
*Luke* "Ice cream? right now?..I dunno little man."
*Phoenix* "Pwease, pwease....buy me ish crweam!"
*Luke* "I don't think we have time for that today. I need to get Naomi
back to her car and I need to get back to work."
Phoenix begins to pout. Laura is very strict when it
comes to the boys having sweets to eat. She doesn't like it
ruining their appetite for real food.
*Naomi* "You know what Phoenix?! I'll buy...I'd love
to have some ice cream..."
*Luke* "Naomi....really you don't have to...."
*Naomi* "Nonsense! I want to and who can
resist such a cutie asking for ice cream?..."
Luke doesn't argue. So they head out and pickup some ice
cream on the way....Phoenix couldn't be happier. As he hangs on
to Dad and licks at the ice cream cone he is holding.
*Naomi* "Well this is it. I'm gonna have to say adios to you two handsome
fellas and get ready for work tomorrow...."
Luke nods, he has to get back to work too. The hours he spent
catching up with Naomi will definitely be spent working
over time tonight after the shop closes.
*Luke* "Same here....It was good seeing you though. Maybe next time
you can meet Laura and Finn..."
*Naomi* "Yeah, yeah of course..."
Naomi looks over to see Phoenix has
a huge glob of ice cream
just hanging on his chin. He is
thoroughly enjoying the sweet treat.
*Naomi* "Oh my goodness, look at you. You have the biggest
ice cream goatee I've ever seen...Now you look like Daddy."
Luke smiles and laughs as Naomi reaches in and
swipes the vanilla ice cream off of Phoenix's chin.
*Naomi* "There we go. Much better. Don't want to ruin
that awesome sweater you're wearing."
Naomi smiles. She didn't think she would be so
enthralled with Phoenix but he is adorable and sweet
and his personality is so much like dad's.
*Naomi* "Well, Phoenix....It's been swell little one.
You take care of your dad and behave okay?"
Phoenix nods as he continues to lick at the ice cream. Naomi reaches in and hugs Luke. Even though things didn't pan out like she thought
they might. She was really happy to see him and happy that he
is happy. Now if only she could find a man as awesome as
Luke then maybe she'd settle down one day.
*Naomi* "You know I hate goodbyes..."
*Luke* "Yeah, I know..."
*Naomi* "Bye, Phoenix..."
*Phoenix* "Byyeee!"
*Luke* "You got my number now, stay in touch..."
*Naomi* "I'll try...Bye now!"
Naomi walks away and Luke turns
to talk to Phoenix.
*Luke* "I'm gonna sit you down next to Jacob, okay?
*Phoenix* "Okay..."
*Luke* "I need you to stay put till I come back for you. And
listen to Jacob, okay?..."
*Phoenix* "Okay...I eat my ice crweam?"
*Luke* "You can have a little bit more then that's it..."
Luke begins to turn around shuffling Phoenix in his arms and the ice cream while he tries to get the door open. Before he has time to react Laura is right up on him and not looking one bit happy...
Luke and Phoenix both jump at her sudden outburst.
*Laura* "Luke?! What the hell?..."
*Luke* "Laura! Where the fuuu...Shit! Where the hell did you come from?!"
*Laura* "I just parked and got out. Did you not see me?..."
*Luke* "No...I missed that. So you just got here?"
*Laura* "Yes, that's what I said..."
Laura still looking upset. Luke is thinking that she must have saw Naomi and that is why she is so upset. He's not sure
if she saw her or not, but he's also not sure now is
a good time to tell her about Naomi...
*Laura* "Luke, why are you letting him have sweets?! It will spoil his dinner."
*Phineas* "I want ish cweam!!!"
*Luke* "It was just a little snack, he hasn't had much, Babe..."
Luke puts Phoenix down who is getting heavier by the second and turns back to Laura. Phineas wiggles and cries, continuing to beg
for some of the ice cream Dad is holding.
*Laura* "It doesn't take much sugar to ruin a kids appetite..."
*Luke* "Yeah but I didn't know how long you were gonna
be so I just decided to let him have some."
Phineas begins to fuss louder. He is not happy brother had
some and he didn't. Laura isn't happy either,
because she will be the one who has to deal with
a cranky four year old later on.
*Laura* "It's nearly five o'clock Luke...It's way too late
for him to have sweets!"
*Luke* "Shit! It's that late already?..."
Luke totally wasted his day and now he's paying for it. He
walks around the corner to toss the ice cream cone in the
trash bin. Then comes back to two fussy kids upset
that dad threw away the treat.
*Luke* "Lemme carry him...I'll walk you to the car."
*Laura* "He's a bit fussy since he got some shots today..."
Luke follows Laura across the street to the parking
lot where her car is parked. The storefront that Luke's business is in has limited parking out front. So customers have to either park in
back or over in the side parking lot across the street.
Phineas fusses in Luke's arms while Laura
gets Phoenix into his car seat.
*Laura* "I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just been a crazy day."
*Luke* "You don't need to apologize, Babe. I'm the one who gave you a hard
time this morning. You know work is stressing me lately..."
*Laura* "I know it is...I'll help with the shop in any way I can...
Jacob leaves in a month, right?"
*Luke* "No, less than that like two weeks."
*Laura* "Oh...I thought you had more time..."
Laura takes Phineas and then buckles him into
his car seat. Then slides the door closed. Luke holds his
arms out and gestures for her to come closer.
*Luke* "C'mere, Babe..."
When she does just that, Luke pulls her in
closer then softly kisses her lips.
*Luke* "I'm sorry I've been a fucking dick
lately...but I'm working on it."
*Laura* "I know, just consider talking to someone at least."
Luke pulls away a little and looks down at her.
Her green eyes show she is sincere and
truly worried about how stressed he is lately.
*Luke* "I'll think about, but I'm not making any promises...I won't have
much free time except to maybe sleep once Jacob is gone."
*Laura* "Just think about it. The boys are getting restless I better get them home."
*Luke* "Okay, don't wait up for me. I'll be home late tonight."
*Laura* "Okay..."
Luke kisses her goodbye and then Laura gets into
the Van with the boys as Luke watches them leave.
*Luke* "Love you, babe..."
*Laura* "Love you, too."
A short while later after they are on the road and
about half way home. Laura looks back
into the rearview mirror and talks to Phoenix.
*Laura* "Did you have a good time with Daddy?..."
*Phoenix* "Uh huh! Daddy brwing his friend too..."
*Laura* "What's that pumpkin?..."
*Phoenix* "Da wady that buy my ish crweam..."
Laura begins to get confused by what
Phoenix is trying to tell her.
*Laura* "I don't understand, Pumpkin...what Lady?"
*Phoenix* "Daddy's frwiend! No-mi!..."
*Laura* "Daddy doesn't have a friend named that, are you
sure you heard it right?"
Now Phoenix begins to get frustrated because
mom keeps asking him to repeat himself. The light up
ahead turns red so Laura turns her
head back some to look at Phoenix.
*Laura* "Are you sure it wasn't someone else?..."
*Phoenix huffs* "Nooo! She said her name is No-mi and Daddy was
her frwiend. She bought me ish crweam...."
*Phineas* "I wan ish crweam!..."
Laura tries to recall anyone Luke may know by that name, but she can't think of who it could be. She decides to ask Phoenix one more question before getting more answers from Luke about who this mystery woman(who he failed to mention only moments ago)is...
*Laura* "Where did you meet her? At the ice cream parlor?"
*Phoenix* "No, in Daddy's car...At school."
The light turns green again and Laura turns her
attention back to the road, but her anger begins to burn red at who this mystery woman is. As far as she knows her and Luke do not know anyone by that name...Again Luke fails to be honest with her immediately so she will wait to see if he will bring it up later tonight.
To be continued!
Thanks so much as always for tuning in! I truly do appreciate all of your support and interest in what I do. I hope to be able to continue to post
episodes on a regular basis! From now on
will be the day for new episodes to drop!
Also I have decided to leave my PayPal address up at the end of every episode for those who feel they would like to give back. As an artist it is always a struggle to make ends meet. Most of you know I don't do this for the money but at the same time whatever does trickle in helps a lot!
And since I recently had to deactivate the Adsense account, well that money is no longer available to me. I explained why in a previous post which can be read here...
Like I said this all up to you as the reader, no pressure! I want you all to continue to enjoy my stories no matter what, whether you feel compelled to donate or not.
~ milooorr@gmail.com ~
Again Thank you all so very much!