First off I want to thank all of my faithful readers who patiently wait for me to post to the blog again and have checked in on me over time. I'm sorry if I never got a chance to message anyone back. I honestly never expected to take this long of a hiatus but the past two years were difficult to find time to take on the blog and writing along with everything else that was happening around us.
So last year I decided to just drop social media and mentally detox from everything. The choice didn't come to me immediately but over the course of January and February last year I was just bogged down and at some point I just said to myself I need a major break. I had zero motivation to work on anything, just walking into my workspace gave me anxiety. I thought a few months was all I might need but it ended up being much more time than I realized, so just like that another year quickly went by. But I am back now and hoping to get the blog going again and for now I will try to post once a month to start.
I permanently deleted my facebook and pinterest accounts, sticking to Instagram only for updates. Having multiple social media platforms was just too much on top of it all. So please follow me on there for updates. I have two accounts one specifically for the blog and the other is my main account for all doll related things I do.
My "Welcome Page" has links to these other platforms
Also I'm trying to post more videos on YouTube. A major goal of mine is to complete construction on Luke and Laura's house and I hope to post more about that on YouTube as things progress.
So with all the said let's get on with the story!
Picking up where we left off it is still March and still that same week we left off on. It has been a little over a year since Luke and Peter stopped talking to each other and only a few days since Luke received that ominous visit by Margot's henchmen. It's still early Wednesday Morning but now we're in Las Vegas as Margot gets a jump on her day and continues to attempt to track down her wayward thieving son, Sebastian DeRozen.
Elena sits and takes notes as Margot dictates.
*Margot* "I haven't heard from Lorenzo so make sure to call him and find out how things are going. Also run a check on Baz's finances and see if there is any activity anything that may look suspicious....Have Ryan dig into that floozies past again and see if anything comes up that
could tell us where they might have gone..."
Elena nods as she finishes writing what Margot has for her to do today on top of running the daily casino responsibilities and needs. She looks and confirms with her if this is all she needs from her.
Elena nods as she finishes writing what Margot has for her to do today on top of running the daily casino responsibilities and needs. She looks and confirms with her if this is all she needs from her.
*Elena* "Is that everything?..."
*Margot* "For now...I'll let you know if there is anything else."
As the two ladies finish up one of the casino's top security officers comes strolling into Margot's office. Max Mazio another one of Margot's closely trusted employees. Normally he would not come directly to her office to give her updates but this morning is not a typical one.
*Margot* "For now...I'll let you know if there is anything else."
As the two ladies finish up one of the casino's top security officers comes strolling into Margot's office. Max Mazio another one of Margot's closely trusted employees. Normally he would not come directly to her office to give her updates but this morning is not a typical one.

*Max* "Miss. DeRozen...we have a situation that needs your immediate attention."
Margot looks up annoyed that she is already being bombarded
Margot looks up annoyed that she is already being bombarded
today with more shit to deal with. Being a mob
boss has its never ending problems.
*Margot* "If it's another incompetent employee then get rid of them! I don't have time to deal with it today or any day if they can't fucking do their jobs, get rid of them immediately!"
*Max* "It's way more pressing than that ma'am...It's Mr. Cooper...."
Margot narrows her eyes as she channels the rage that is building up inside her, knowing this day is not gonna end well.
*Max* "It's way more pressing than that ma'am...It's Mr. Cooper...."
Margot narrows her eyes as she channels the rage that is building up inside her, knowing this day is not gonna end well.
*Margot* "As in my David? That Mr. Cooper?...."
*Max* "Yes, ma'am..."
*Max* "Yes, ma'am..."
*Margot sighs* "What has he done now?..."
*Max* "Well, he was caught trying to take the service elevator up here to see you. He was armed as well, but he claims it was for his protection only. I have the gun he's all clear now,
but he says it's urgent he speaks to you and only you."
*Margot* "Urgent how? I don't have time for his games,
he's already on borrowed time as it is...."
Margot already threatened him to not come around anymore or he is a dead man. Clearly whatever he needs to tell her must be very important or maybe he is looking for an easy way out of this life after screwing everything up.
Margot already threatened him to not come around anymore or he is a dead man. Clearly whatever he needs to tell her must be very important or maybe he is looking for an easy way out of this life after screwing everything up.
*Max* "He claims it is about Baz. That's all he would tell me."
*Margot* "Fine...fine...let him in. Let's hear what he has to say...."
Margot waves her hand in annoyance and Max immediately
*Margot* "Fine...fine...let him in. Let's hear what he has to say...."
Margot waves her hand in annoyance and Max immediately
nods and turns to call out to his fellow security
agent who is currently babysitting David. Max gestures with his hand and waves him an "okay let's go ahead and bring him over here" gesture. David saunters into view not looking fazed one bit as he locks eyes with Margot.

*Max* "Hey, Nicky...bring the fucker over here..."
Max calls out as he gives the okay to let David come in. Margot glares at him with her "I'll cut your dick off if you fuck with me look" and David cannot help but smile. Nothing like the angry glare of a woman to get your blood pumping in the morning...Elena pops up out of her chair sensing this conversation is not one she wants to or should be a part of.
Max calls out as he gives the okay to let David come in. Margot glares at him with her "I'll cut your dick off if you fuck with me look" and David cannot help but smile. Nothing like the angry glare of a woman to get your blood pumping in the morning...Elena pops up out of her chair sensing this conversation is not one she wants to or should be a part of.
*Elena* "I'll get started on what we talked about right away...."
*Margot* "Yes, you do that..."
Margot waves off Elena as she continues to watch David casually stroll in like she is actually happy see him. Before she can get a word out,
*Margot* "Yes, you do that..."
Margot waves off Elena as she continues to watch David casually stroll in like she is actually happy see him. Before she can get a word out,
David immediately drops the news on her that he's been sitting
on since he found out late last night.
*David* "I know exactly where Baz is..."
*Margot Scoffs* "Yeah right...why should I believe a word of that?"
Upon hearing what they're talking about Elena quickly
scuttles out of the room. Sometimes it's better to
know less in these situations.
*Nicky* "Hey, Beautiful..."
*Elena* "Not today Nicky I got too much work to do...."
*Nicky* "Can a guy take you to lunch?..."
*Elena* "Not today Nicky, I've got too much work to do."
*Nicky* "How about dinner?...."
*Elena* "Nicky, enough already will ya..."
*Nicky* "You'll say yes one day..."
Elena rolls her eyes at his persistence and then heads off to her desk. Meanwhile back in Margot's office the two continue
their conversation on the whereabouts
of Baz and Eva Marie.
*Margot* "Your word doesn't mean anything to me anymore...I need proof first."
*David* "My MC has chapters in almost every state in the country as soon as I put the
word out who I was looking for it only took a couple of days before I got word back
on his whereabouts. It's legit Margot I had photos to prove it..."
*Margot* "Had photos?..."
*David* "You're fucking watch dogs busted my phone when they grabbed me."
*Margot rolls her eyes in frustration* "Get to the fucking point, David. I know
you came here looking to make a deal. So what is it...."
*David* "Call Lorenzo off my boy and I'll do your dirty work.
I'll drag Baz and Eva back here."
*Margot* "What about the 50K you still owe me? Dragging Baz
and that little parlor slut back here is not a fair trade in this deal..."
*David* I know you're losing your fucking patience on finding him...He knew how
to evade you but completely forgot about my connections. Let me be the one to bring his ass home."
to evade you but completely forgot about my connections. Let me be the one to bring his ass home."
*Margot* "How do I know the two of you are not working this angle together?!..."
*David* "That's fucking ridiculous....You're stalling. Do we have a deal or not?"
*Margot* "NO! You're an asshole waltzing in here thinking I would agree...never would I agree."
*David* "I may be an asshole but I ain't stupid...Cut a deal and
I'll let you know where he is when I get there."
*Margot laughs at his idea* "David, you are fucking stupid if
you think I'd ever agree to a deal like that. Just get out of my sight no
deal is happening. I'll find out where Baz is soon enough..."
*David* "Fine, but I know you're in tight spot right now with money missing from the books plus the 50K...on top of all that Baz skips town on you defying your orders...
I can make this all go away, honey...."
Margot almost growls at him, knowing he is right.
She turns and begins to walks around her desk a little shaken at the thought that she might not be able to find Baz as quickly as she had hoped. No way can she agree to his demands they are
ridiculous even if he does know where Sebastian is.
*Margot* "You've overstayed your welcome I think you should leave
and definitely don't come back! I'll handle it."
*David* "Margot...."
*Margot* "Get the fuck out, David!..."
David steps forward and reaches for her arm yanking her
towards him in one fell swoop. Margot's breath catches
in her chest not expecting him to do what he just did.
David Cooper switching on the charm makes the heat
in the dessert feel like a normal day.
*David* "Margot...If I walk out it's over. Don't
come beggin' later on, baby doll."
Margot tenses in his grasp and speaks to him through clenched teeth, her
anger for him seething through.... She may have fallen for the
classic cooper charm years ago but she is done doing that.
*Margot* "Mark my words, Cooper! You're a fucking dead
man walking....Get me my money and get out!"
Margot yanks her arm out of his grip as she
continues to stare daggers at him for even
attempting to give her an ultimatum. David backs off and decides to let up a little. If she has chosen not to believe him then fine, he's still going to do this his way with or without her blessing. He knows if he leaves now he can be there by tomorrow afternoon tops.
*David* "Fine, you leave me no choice but to go after Lorenzo instead..."
*Margot* "You wouldn't dare. You want to start a war?..."
*David* "Me? You all ready did by getting my son involved
without even talking to me first."
*Margot* "Pay your fucking debt David..."
*David* "I already told you I have half of it...."
Margot crosses her arms over her body and leans back against the desk. She cannot believe Baz has managed to evade her for this long. It eats away at her thinking that David could actually know where he is. After all these years of work to make him ready to take over the family business and just like that he has disappeared.
*Margot* "Just more bullshit is all I hear..."
Margot is about ready to call Max back in to drag his ass back out. David on the other hand has had enough of the cold shoulder and steps in and swiftly whips her around to face him. His hands are firm gripping her elbows tightly, locking her body against his. All she can do is look up at him as he speaks. Their faces only inches apart.
*David* "Dammit, Margot...He's my son too! Did you even stop to think to tell me he was gone? I could have found him already and had him home. We make a good team and you fucking know it..."
Margot shakes her head in reply...
*Margot* "No, no...he's my son...I'm the one who raised him. I'm the one who taught him how to ride his bike, play catch, drive a car...not you. I'll find him. He can't avoid me forever...."
*David* "Don't you get it, Margot? That's exactly what he is
planning...To disappear...Forever....
Margot nearly visibly turns red with anger, realizing deep down he is probably right. Baz never wanted the pressure of being the boss. Too much like his father a wayward wandering soul. Margot always thought she could change that about him and over time Baz would grow to love the idea of taking over one day. That day never came.
*Margot* "Get out!...He may be your son too but you and I
have been over for a very long time...."
*David* "Fine....have it your way, Baby Doll..."
After years of an on and off again relationship, Margot had had enough and ended things with David when Baz was still a very young child. David though never fully felt the same. He liked their casual relationship but after Margot became pregnant with Baz she changed. Instead focusing most of her spare time on raising Baz. David was more like the 'cool uncle' that hung around once in awhile. Coming and going as he pleased. David concedes to her demand for him to leave, speaking once more before he walks away.
*David* "Oh, and Baz is the one who took the 50k in drugs from my bike bag...
We find him, we find all your money, baby doll...."
*Margot nearly screeching at the top of her lungs* "WHAAAAAT?!"
And with that David leaves her hanging and walks out of her office.
Hours away back in New Orleans Baz is showering getting
ready for his first day at the record shop with Luke. He's a little nervous. He has never had a 'real' job before and hopes him and Eva can stick around for awhile.
While Baz decided to hop in the shower Eva went
across the street to get coffee at a Gas Station. She's excited Baz
agreed to stay here but for how long is still unknown. Too much is a stake and they may have to pack up and leave town sooner than they hope. Always having to look over your shoulder is not the best way to live, eventually they will have to find a way to resolve that.
She calls out for Baz in a questioning tone.
*Eva Marie* "Hey Baz?..."
*Baz* "Yeah, Baby Doll."
*Eva Marie* "That gas station across the street is hiring. Maybe I could work there."
But Baz can hardly hear her as he dips his
head under the hot running water.
*Baz* "Say that again?..."
Eva walks and stops in the doorway between the two small rooms in the motel smiling and excited for their future even though it is quite riddled with unknowns and guarantees of their safety.
*Eva Marie* "The gas station. Across the Street. They're hiring...."
Baz quickly realizes now what she is saying. He whips the curtain back revealing half his body and that all too familiar scowl across his face.
*Baz* "Abso-fucking-lutely not! No way..."
*Eva Marie* "It's better than being stuck here all day. Hiding out. While you
get to go make friends with your long lost brother..."
*Baz* "He doesn't know who I am and it has to stay that way...."
*Eva Marie* "I know....I'm just saying you get to have fun. Besides the extra cash
will be good. The guy said I can start on Friday..."
She smiles lifts one of the cups of coffee and hopes that he
simmers down.
*Eva Marie* "I brought you a coffee..."
Baz grabs a towel from the shelf over the toilet and begins to climb out of the shower as he thinks more about what she just said. If she is working too then they can skip town much faster. Eva sets his coffee down on the bathroom sink counter as she watches him. She sips her coffee letting her mind drift off back to their conversation from the other night. When he finally told Eva everything, absolutely everything.
*Baz* "Fine take the job, but don't go anywhere else. Got it?"
*Eva Marie* "Okay, but do you really think it's safe for you to be working
for your half brother? What if he finds out? What about your Dad?"
Baz wraps the towel around his waist taking a sip of coffee before responding to her question. Baz figured it was safer not telling her about Luke until he felt it was safe. Eva understood why he did it but was still hurt he did not trust her enough to keep it secret.
*Baz* "He's not gonna find out. Just stick to our fake names and
story and it'll be fine. As for my father he doesn't care. He's always
too busy doing his own thing. He probably never even noticed I left."
At the time when they inquired about him working at the record shop she thought it was fun, getting a rush from it all. Now reality sets in and she is thinking a little more clearly. Eva lets it go agreeing to stick to their plan and decides to change up the conversation.

*Eva Marie* "Okay if you say so...
So you nervous for your first big day at work, Mr. DeRozen?"
Eva walks to sit on the toilet while Baz fiddles with his damp hair in the mirror. In all honesty he is definitely nervous. It's a huge risk but at the same time he is excited to get to know his older brother. David talked about Luke some when Baz was a kid but it seems David always avoided saying too much when Baz would begin to ask too many questions. Baz
darts his eyes to her reflection in the bathroom mirror. His response is quick and short.
*Baz* "I'm fine...Like I said just stick to the story...."
He then drops his hand down from his hair and walks into the main room. Eva gives him a moment to stew in his thoughts while she sits and ponders possibilities herself. When she finally gets up and enters the other room
Baz is already halfway dressed.
*Eva Marie* "We don't have to do this...We could just leave now.
Find somewhere else to lay low. Maybe a small town somewhere."
The seriousness of everything is really sinking in now after Baz finally told her everything he had to do to get them out of dodge. Maybe it was better he never told her any of it before. He carried the burden so she could enjoy the fact the they had eloped and had a honeymoon cross country road trip.
*Baz* "I know baby doll, but this may be my one and only chance to get to
know my brother. Even if it's only for a few days..."
Eva closes the gap between her and Baz. She can see he is torn over the decision. Something Eva and him bonded over quickly was different childhood traumas. Baz hated being an only child. Because of it his mother hovered over him nonstop. Made it impossible for him to have friends or a normal childhood.
Baz never really had anyone close enough to him he could trust
to vent out all his frustions until Eva came along.
*Eva Marie* "Okay, baby..."
*Baz* "Just keep the bags packed. We can't get too comfortable."
Eva nods her head okay in response as she tip toes up to kiss him.
A short while later that same day at Vintage Vinyl Luke is showing "Bobby" how to work the cash register. The store has only been open for an hour or so but is already busy with customers. Luke points at the tablet and walks him through the process.
*Customer* "I never knew this place was here..."
*Customer* "I told you would love it."
*Customer* "Hello, I'm ready to checkout..."
*Customer* "Dude, I just saw it here the other day..."
*2nd Customer* "Bruh, Someone beat you to it..."
*Luke* "See...super simple just type in the price and then hit the add button
for multiple items after that hit total."
*Baz* "Ah okay, yeah I got this..."
*Luke* "Yeah so after that you just need to select payment. Most people pay
with card so tap the credit option....YOU paying with credit sir?
*Customer* "Yes..."
*Luke* "Simple right?..."
*Baz* "Yeah no problem seems all straight forward..."
After the customer pays and the two thank him for shopping someone comes bolting in through the door and bumping that same customer in the shoulder. The commotion causes Luke and Baz to look in that direction. Peter stands there with a very familiar file folder in his hand as he stares off Luke who stands there a bit surprised to see him.
*Peter* "Copper!! I got fucking words for you motherfucker...."
Peter walks up to the counter and slaps the file folder down. Baz just watches as Luke and Peter stare each other down. Baz is not sure if this guy wants to start a fight or what. Luke
stays calm at least for the moment.
*Peter* "You lost some shit so I decided to do your wife a favor and
bring it for her so I could say this shit to your fucking face!..."
Luke grabs the folder off the counter. It's clear Laura has chosen to get others involved now in what happened
earlier this morning at the house. But he would have never suspected seeing Peter here. Peter turns his attention to Baz.
*Peter* "If I were you I'd quit before it's too fucking late...Too much bad juju in this place."
*Baz* "I'm good thanks for the advice though."
Luke knows Peter too well to let this conversation happen inside the store.
He keeps his voice low but firm as he demands to see Peter outside.
*Luke* ""
Peter knows what he means not just outside but around back near the service entrance that way they're away from customers. Peter is known to make a scene when he's angry. He don't care who can hear him.
*Luke* "Bobby, just text me if you need anything I'll be around back."*Baz* "Sure thing..."
Luke motions for Peter to go so he can follow him out. Seeing Peter is the last thing Luke wanted to deal with today, but now he has no choice. Peter walks out the door and Luke follows suit.
To be Continued...
Thank you again for being so patient!
My new schedule for posting will be the last Friday of every month. So this coming next one will be May 27th. That way I have more time for projects and family in between episodes.