Picking back up in the past, we are now back at Luke's record shop it's just a little after noontime on that very same Wednesday. Luke points and gestures at Peter to take his beef with him outside. Once the two men are out of the shop Luke rounds the corner of the building and makes his way to the back alleyway entrance.

Peter immediately follows walking and talking behind him as Luke continues to stay silent. Luke was not expecting a visit from Peter, but now that he thinks about it he is not really surprised either. Laura is obviously talking with Willow about what has been happening. The two ladies have become even closer over this last year as they have tried so hard to mend the broken friendship between Luke and Peter. Luke though has refused to forgive Peter and it has been slowly eating away at him that he's lost his oldest and closest friend.
*Peter* "I can't believe you're willing to fucking throw everything away for Rufus! What the fuck has she got on you? Or have you just lost your fucking mind?"
Peter pleads with Luke to respond with something, anything as to why he is acting so out of character, that he has Laura absolutely terrified she has lost him. Luke drops the file folder onto the desk chair before turning to face Peter.
*Peter* "Laura is falling apart and is convinced you want out of the marriage, Luke! Fucking talk to me, c'mon man...You used to tell me everything. I'm not leaving till you fucking say something, anything!..."
Luke turns to face him as Peter comes up on his left side. Luke looks tense and definitely tired he has not slept well lately.
*Luke* "You? Of all people...Wanna give me fucking marriage advice? After you have fucked around with my mother ever since we were 19, fucked around with every groupie possible while touring, fucked around on Willow, fucked around on fucking around and now you wanna call me a motherfucker in my own fucking business? I don't have shit to say to you man, so just fucking go. Get. The. Fuck. OUT!
All those things are true. Peter cannot deny any of it. He is not the best person to be giving out relationship advice considering his salacious past, but no one needs to be an expert to see that Luke appears to be hell bent on destroying everything that is good in his life. The question is....why?
*Peter* "I was just 19...I didn't know how to tell you what was happening."
*Luke* "Fuck your feelings! I don't fucking care anymore. I got work to do....I'm done doing this shit. We're not bros anymore so don't fucking act as if shit is good between us. You fucking lied to my face for nearly 20 years!"
Peter can see Luke is severely on edge whatever it is that is causing it, he is not willing to say, but instead chooses to bring up the past again. Luke is wound so tight that he just might snap. The last time Peter saw him this way was right before he left Rufus all those years ago. Peter is sick and tired of the cry baby attitude and spits words back at him.
*Peter* "Yeah, yeah, yeah Fuck me huh?! ...Why don’t you get the fuck over it! So what if I fucked your mother! No one else fucking cares anymore....Shits over and done with. Stop being a fucking pussy and get over it!..."
Peter hopes the taunting will break him and he'll finally talk. When they were young Peter and Luke never fathomed either one of them would settle down. So years ago when Peter strolled into town with his then girlfriend Fiona he was surprised to see Luke in a very serious relationship and so happy. At first he was skeptical but over time he realized that Laura was the right girl for his best friend. You could see the way they looked at each other and it was nothing short of true love.
*Peter* "I'm not the fucking bad guy here...You know I don't like this emotional shit either!
But something is going on with you...Laura told me what those text messages said....it doesn't sound good, but I also know Rufus and I know she's a manipulative bitch...So are you fucking around with her or not?"
Luke's thoughts go back to the moment Laura saw the messages. He regrets now not placing the phone in his back pocket instead of on the kitchen island but his mind was on other things at the time. That moment with Laura in the kitchen was a step in the right direction until his phone went off. He's right though the messages don't sound good, but everyone is taking them out of context.
*Luke* "Why do you fucking care if I am or not?...I'm not telling you shit...."
*Peter* "Why?...Because you're like a brother to me even though you're being a fucking pussy right now! And..Because...."
Peter side steps and walks to point at the large photo frame of Luke and Laura that is sitting on a shelf in the office surrounded by stacks of boxes.
*Peter* "Because she fucking loves you man, you have two beautiful children, and I've never seen you more happy with any other woman, including Rufus."
Luke never thought he'd be standing here listening to Peter say something so heartwarming. He is really trying to get Luke to spill the beans as they say. In the past Peter has always ragged on him for having kids and getting married. Usually Peter is the one encouraging the bad behavior. He has changed in the last year, maybe maturity is finally settling in or he finally realizes there is happiness in monogamy. Luke shakes his head. He could tell Peter everything but it's too risky and Luke is nowhere near ready to trust him.
*Luke* "I never said I didn't love her...and I can handle Rufus...."
*Peter* "The last time that happened you ended up in her bed and knocked her up."
*Luke* "You're the fucking reason why I was there in her hotel because you had to call Cade....I will handle this shit on my own...I don't need..."
Luke's voice trails off and stops almost like he was about to say what is actually going on but stops himself. In his mind him and Laura were working things out. Especially right after their little moment in the kitchen this morning. Luke was sure things would smooth out after that and they had some but then his phone had to go and ruin the whole moment in an instant. Luke is beginning to realize he may always be tied to Rufus in some way. Especially since her daughter is his father's child. Luke is fed up with Laura saying she accepts Ruby but yet still refuses to trust him when it comes to Rufus. He never wants to go down that road again with Rufus but no matter how much he says it Laura struggles to believe it.
Peter grabs the photo frame and holds it up.
*Peter* "And, what?....Look at her! Whatever Rufus is doing to keep you from speaking up is not worth losing your wife and family over...I've never seen you more happy than when you're with Laura. Is she blackmailing you to be Ruby's Father? Tell me what the fuck is going on..."
*Luke* "No...she's not fucking blackmailing me!..."
*Peter* "Then what the fuck is it?!...Tell me."
Peter drops the photo frame holding it down by his side. Hoping Luke will finally fess up to what is going on. Luke wants to open up but he can see he is holding back instead he holds on to that stubborn streak refusing to forgive Peter and dismiss his pleas for Luke to open up to him.
*Luke* "What's going on is none of your fucking business!...I'm doing
everything I can to protect them!!!"
*Peter* "Protect them? What the fuck, Luke?..."
*Luke* "It's nothing fucking forget it..."
*Peter* "No it's not....Just fucking say what it is...Who are you in trouble with?
Let me fucking help you!"
Luke doubles down and refuses to answer Peter. Peter knows too he is not gonna get anywhere with Luke today. Whatever it is though does not give him a good feeling. He needs to find out one way or another because he might not say it much but he cares about Luke and his happiness.
*Luke* "Fuck you, I'm done talking. I've got work and a new hire to train."
Luke plops down on the chair and continues to dismiss Peter. Work is definitely a pressing matter at the moment and he does not need get anyone else involved in his drama. He just hopes everyone will understand his decisions after everything is over and done with.
*Luke* "And make sure you leave out the back door...."
*Peter* "Fine, fuck it...Can't say I didn't try."
Peter then turns and leaves out the back door. Luke spins around and sets his big, black docs on the desk, leaning back in his chair as he ponders the situation he is in. Asking Rufus for this money was one of the hardest things he has had to do, but he figures she helped to get him involved she can help him out of it too.
Luke decides he needs to get up and get back out there to help "Bobby" with the customers he has left him alone for way too long already.
Laura wipes away a few tears. Her emotions are getting the best of her right now but it has been hard to keep them in check since reading those text messages and seeing Luke storm out the front door and not look back. Peter did not stay long he volunteered to take the file folder to Luke and see if he could get him talk and give the ladies sometime to talk to each other privately.
*Willow* "Okay, Peter is gone now...So did she really text him those things? You're sure of it?"
*Laura* "Yes, I'm sure of it...."
"Hey, baby...
I got what you need π....
As long as you got what I need π....
I'll see you soonπ...
Love you always Ru"
*Laura* "What else am I supposed to think? Luke erased any old messages so
I have no idea what to think but that...."
*Willow* "Are you sure he just didn't agree to sign over to be Ruby's father?"
*Laura* "Then why would she make it sound so sexual? And why would he act so guilty?!"
Willow is just as confused as Laura she has no idea why Luke would want to have any kind of affair with Rufus. The band has been on tour so whatever would have been happening would have been through messages
*Willow* "I don't know...There must be something else going on, there just has to be. I don't see how Luke would want to have a long distance affair with her..."
*Laura* "He's sabotaging our entire marriage, that's what's going on...Ever since things went south with Peter he has begun to put up walls again and now this thing with Rufus has him acting even worse!"
Laura sobs out her words as she looks up at Willow. She is at a loss and has no idea what to do about Luke. Laura is worried Luke is burned out and wants a change.
*Willow* "But why would he want to do that? That makes no sense....He loves you."
*Laura* "Because he obviously wants out or he's tired of me or something. He totally threatened me
with divorce right before he left the house."
*Willow* "He actually said he wants a divorce?!...."
*Laura* "No....He said he's glad he agreed to sign the prenup. I told him if he walks away now to not bother coming back home..."
Laura sobs again, realizing she did not help make things better either, but she is tired of being left in the dark. This is one bad habit of Luke's she is tired of dealing with, but she now regrets pushing the ultimatum on him.
*Laura* "I never should have said that to him!....Now I'm worried he won't come home tonight."
*Willow* "Just give him some time to cool down. I'm sure he'll come around."
*Laura* "I don't know. I have a bad feeling, he will not come home tonight. He was so mad about Chad..."
*Willow* "Who is Chad?..."
*Laura* "My Ex from college...I ran into him the other day, like literally
ran backwards into him at the park!..."
*Willow* "Oh my gawd, seriously?!..."
*Laura* "Yes! We had coffee together afterwards and I told him about my catering business.Yesterday evening he called me with an order for his office and this morning he picked it up. As he was leaving that's when Luke came back to the house for the file folder. He pulled up when Chad was hugging me goodbye."
Willow's hand flies up to her face as she gasps. The two friends have missed out on catching up with each other these last few days since Willow had been sick and then went in to the hospital for her ectopic pregnancy.
*Willow* "What did he do?!...Oh my gawd did Luke punch him?"
*Laura* "Oh, believe me....he wanted to!...I've never seen him so jealous!"
Laura continues to fill Willow in on all that happened and she realizes just how much tension is really putting a strain on their marriage.

*Laura* "I managed to get him to back off and come in the house so Chad could leave. So before we even argued about Rufus. He was accusing me of cheating with Chad...At the time I actually thought it might be good for him to be a bit jealous that way he would finally talk to me...."
*Willow* "So that's when you saw his phone with the messages? Oh my gawd no wonder you two had such a horrible fight..."
*Laura* "No, first we argued about Chad, then..we...Um... We…had sex in the kitchen....before I even saw the messages from Rufus!..."
*Willow gasps in surprise* "Oh!..."
*Laura* " Everything happened so fast! I feel like such an idiot now letting him do it. One minute he was the sweetest and the next he was back to putting up walls again. I thought things were finally gonna be okay he was finally communicating with me, Willow..."
Laura stops and holds the tissue back up to her face. She feels like such a fool now thinking sex would solve the rift that is between them but it's much deeper than that.
Willow scoots in closer and pulls Laura in. She is at a loss as well, especially seeing Laura in the state she is in and how devastated she is by all of it. She only hopes now that Peter is able to get through to Luke.
*Willow* "I think Luke definitely still loves you....Just give him some time to process things and what he saw and did today. Let's hope to Peter can give him some clarity so he will finally open up to you. I just don't see how Luke would want to have an affair with Rufus. He has already done so much to find his way back to you before...why would he jeopardize that all over again?" *Laura* "I hope so...Things are different this time and I'm scared...I just can't shake this bad feeling and I hate it. Something is tearing him away from me."
Willow knows exactly what she means but she refrains from admitting this to Laura right now considering her fragile state of mind at the moment. Sometimes fate has a way of giving us a glimpse into the future. Laura has had feelings of fear about Rufus before and Fiona but Luke always dismissed her woman's intuition as just paranoia.

*Laura* "I just feel horrible that you're here consoling me when you just went through the worst thing imaginable. How are feeling?"
*Willow* "Please don't feel bad for me. I'm doing fine now. Peter and I never thought that something like this would happen but it did. I'm okay now, and at least now we now know I need to be on the pill or use protection. The doctor was skeptical I could even get pregnant after my attack...."
Laura nods in response, then suddenly her eyes fly wide open as she realizes that her and Luke did not use any protection right now. They try to always careful because Laura prefers to not be on medication, but today was not one of those days. They let emotions run high and in their haste to satisfy their flesh they never took any precautions.
*Laura* "Oh no! But we didn't....Shit! Everything happened so fast, Willow!"
*Willow* "I'm sure everything will be fine. Just take a test in a few days if you need to."
*Laura* "You're right...Maybe I should check my calendar too. If I'm ovulating right now that would make my chances higher...."
*Willow* "Um...okay yeah you could do that, but I'm sure it will be fine....I'm thirsty you want something to drink?..."
Laura nods and Willow gets up to get them something to drink while she checks the calendar on her phone. Estimating her chances of possibly conceiving a baby right now. As she is looking at her calendar a text message pops in from Chad.
"Hey sorry if I caused any problems between you and your husband, darlin'. Can I make it up to you with coffee tomorrow morning after my workout? By the way, everyone loved the food! π It was divine just like you. I even passed along your info to a few others."
Laura is about to reply to Chad's text message when Willow comes back into the living room with some glasses of iced tea. It startles Laura as she was not prepared for Willow to be back so quickly. Seeing Chad's text message made her totally lose her train of thought.
*Willow* "So what does your calendar say?...."
*Laura* "Huh?..."
Willow sits back down as she holds out the other glass for Laura to take. She can see this whole ordeal is taking its toll on Laura today and now she is worried she could become pregnant.
*Willow* "Your calendar, Laura did you look at it?"
*Laura* "Oh, um yes..."
Laura reaches out and grabs the glass of iced tea. Her mind still thinking about Chad's text message.
*Willow* "And?...Are you ovulating?"
*Laura* "I...I don't know...I can't remember what day was my last cycle."
Laura raises the glass to her mouth to take a sip, realizing things could get even more complicated if she is. And now Chad is obviously putting it out there that he wants to spend more time with her. Luke was right about Chad.
*Willow* "Well, you can always just take a pregnancy test if you're that worried...
They are quite accurate now...Or take a morning after pill you still have a little bit of time to take one."
*Laura* "I know. I will look into it..."
*Willow* "Hey do you want me to pick up the boys and watch them? That way you could go talk to Luke. I know this is something that you two should decide together. Maybe the possibility of you being pregnant will soften him up."
*Laura* "No....I have a catering order I need to work on and I'm already running behind on it."
*Willow* "Ok, well at least let me pick the boys up so you can get started...I can run to the pharmacy for you too."
Laura nods and agrees, so the two of them make plans for Peter and Willow to pick up the boys from preschool and Laura has to decide wether or not to tell Luke about the possibility of pregnancy.
Back at the record shop Luke gets a little too lost in his thoughts before going out to check on "Bobby" , who seems to be handling things just fine. He didn't even hear the back door open and shut as the sound of footsteps approach his small storage room office. He is debating whether or not to come home tonight. The fight he had with Laura was bad and she basically threatened him to not bother coming back.
Luke continues to contemplate all this as a young woman comes strolling into the office startling him. He whips his head around as she calls him out by his name. She is not a familiar face at all so he immediately assumes she must work for these mob guys.
*Young Woman* "Luke Cooper?...I'm with...." Luke pops up out of his seat completely cutting her off and switching on the defense these guys told him has until Friday and it's only Wednesday!
*Luke* "What the fuck?! I was told I had until Friday to pay the money!..."
*Young Woman* "I'm not here for that, Mr. Cooper I'm with...."
Again before she can finish, Rufus steps into the room and cuts her off. The young lady thought Rufus was planning on staying in the car but it seems she has changed her mind. She cannot pass up an opportunity to see Luke.
*Rufus* "Relax, Luke....She's with me."
*Luke* "Rufus...What...the..."
*Rufus* "Hey, baby you got my text didn't you?"
Rufus smiles at him as she sashays across the small room. If it's one thing Rufus does well it's commanding attention. She loves to make a dramatic entrance. It feeds her ego quite nicely.
*Luke* "Yeah...but I...didn't..."
Luke loses his train of thought as he watches her. She looks much better than the last time he saw her back in January. She must be back on her meds again, at least he assumes. She was a wild eyed train wreck when she came begging him to sign those paternity papers months ago. Now here they are again and she still has that wild look but it's way more under control. It's the same look that made him fall in love with her. She walks to stand by Luke and gestures for the young woman to finally continue.
*Young Woman* "I have papers for you to sign in exchange for the $50,000 in cash...Initial and agree to all the terms and the money is yours, Mr. Cooper...Are you ready to do this?"
*Luke stammers* "Uh?...I um...."
*Young Woman* "I'll give you a moment. Excuse me this bag is rather heavy...."
Luke turns to look at Rufus while the young woman sets down the heavy bag of cash onto the barstool. He was not expecting to see her today, he assumed she would just send the money and papers since the band is on tour.
*Luke* "Isn't the band in the middle of a tour? What the fuck?"
*Rufus* "Luckily for you we're on a small break so I have some time right now."
*Luke* "Okay...So there's actually 50 fucking thousand dollars in there?"
*Rufus* "Do you want me to save your hide or not, baby?"
*Luke* "My hide is in this because you had to go get involved with my fucking father again."
*Rufus* "I know which is why I'm here trying to make this a fair trade for us. You gimme what I want and I'll take care of the money..."
*Luke* "I just have to agree to be Ruby's father? That's it?..."
*Rufus* "Pretty much..."
Rufus smiles and shrugs her shoulders in response to him, as the young woman walks around and sets the contract and legal documents down onto the desk. She turns to address Luke's concerns.
*Young Woman* "I can assure you that everything is legit. You will legally become Ruby's father, on court papers and on her birth certificate. If tragedy struck and Ms. Walker is no longer able to care for her you will gain full custody of Ruby as her next of kin and father. In exchange for the money you cannot divulge to anyone that Ruby is not legitimately your child. That includes the media, your father, or anyone who is not privilege to know the actual circumstances. To make this legit and believable to all Ruby will from now on spend time with you according to the court documents of her shared custody. Any other questions?
Luke goes blank again after just hearing everything rattled off so quickly at him. He knew this would be a lot to take in and is not surprised Rufus is using this to gain exactly what she wants. Luke would prefer to not give Rufus this win but he's left with no other choice, he has only a few days left and no other options.
*Rufus* "Why don't you wait in the car, Danielle...give us a few minutes."
*Danielle* "Yes, Ms. Walker...I'll be in the car if you need me."
Danielle exits the room and walks down the small corridor. Luke and Rufus stay staring at each other in awkward silence until they hear the door open and shut.
*Luke* "Shared custody? What the fuck, Ru?...You plan on buying a house down here too?"
*Rufus* "I might...If you don't like it then don't fucking sign it, but I'm not just giving you 50k...You're lucky I protected you and Peter from the authorities and your involvement with Cade kidnapping me."
*Luke* "I never agreed to what he did to you. I just wanted you to stop harassing me...
You know I regret that....I....I'm sorry for what I did to you...."
Luke and Rufus both know that no apology will ever fix the mess these two have left of what was once a loving relationship. They both have things they regret, both of them were young and stupid allowing bad decisions along with drugs and alcohol to play a factor in their undoing.
*Rufus* "I know you would never agree to what Cade actually did to me. He had his own reasons to hate me, but your involvement with him still devastated me."
Rufus pauses for a beat before she continues on, it's still an immensely traumatic memory for her to relive. She was also severely unstable at the time and not on her meds.
*Rufus* "I...I have something I want to give back to you...something that I hope can be a peace offering between us...A do over I guess."
Rufus reaches down to her bag and pulls up a large solid silver chain with a cross on it. Luke immediately recognizes it. It's quite unique and hung around his neck for many, many years. It was a gift from Rufus when they first started dating.
*Luke* "How?...Is that the same fucking chain?" That same exact one!" Luke doesn't understand how it is possible, he specifically remembers tossing it in the garbage bin out in the alley years ago when he was feeling guilt over his infidelity to Laura and the fact that they were getting married and he still wore a chain around his neck from his Ex.
*Rufus* "I saw you toss it in the bin that day. I had come here to tell you I was pregnant. I was about to round the corner down the alleyway, and I saw you grab it off your neck and toss it in. You stood there for a moment like you might reach in and grab it but then walked off back inside the building...." Rufus turns and lets the chain slowly spill down onto the desk and on top of the paperwork that Danielle left open for Luke to sign. Rufus has been playing out this scene in her head for awhile now. She needs Luke to know how much it breaks her that not only his decisions but hers as well caused so much heartbreak between them.
*Rufus continues* "I reached into the bin and took it but after that I was too scared to tell you I was pregnant, so I left. I regret now not telling you that day, because I think things would have been different if I had. I would have had the baby. Ruby grabbed the chain again off the ground when Cade snatched me on Thanksgiving, otherwise I might not have it as a reminder of my loss.
Not just losing you but our baby boy too."
*Luke* "I remember now, Ruby had the cross in her hands when she found me, but Hayden took the chain as evidence and I never realized it was the same one. I was in shock the whole time thinking Ruby was my kid."
*Rufus* "If you sign these papers today she is your kid, and as part of our deal, I want you to keep the cross. It belongs with you. I want a fresh start for us...For Ruby's sake."
*Luke* "Me agreeing to be Ruby's father will never replace what was lost, Ru...No matter how fucking hard you try to erase the past."*Rufus* "I know it won't but I need closure. I think we both do.
He wasn't just my baby, he was yours too. You would've had 3 beautiful boys Luke.
Cade took that from us. He hates you just as much as he hates me."
A tear begins to fall down Rufus' cheek as her voice cracks a little fighting back the emotions recalling the moment she held her stillborn child. If only she had told Luke the truth that day she picked up the chain. Instead she decided to leave it to fate and seek physic help. Luke pushes the chair aside to come closer to her, feeling emotional as well. He may not have bonded with Rufus over the pregnancy but he is a Father and the loss of child is still something he has to live with as well as knowing his actions were partly the cause of it.
*Luke* "I tried to be there for you but you pushed me away that night at the hospital...
I was is in shock too you know, I had no fucking idea your were pregnant until Hayden told me..."
*Rufus* "I'm sorry but I couldn't even look at you that night. I was way to devastated..."
Her voice cracking again as a few more tears fall. Luke steps in closer encircling his inked up arms around her pulling her to his chest. She may or may not be using this opportunity to gain his sympathy but fuck all, she deserves some compassion for the shit she has been through.
*Rufus* "I just can't help but think things would be completely different now if I had told you sooner..."
*Luke* "Ru, it's not your fault. I should never have agreed to let Cade near you."
*Rufus* "Cade is not your fault either....I'm talking about decisions you and I both made that ruined things for us. That's what I regret...."
*Luke* "We would have never made it and you fucking know it...."
Rufus steps back to look up at him, her hand resting on his chest and finding the chain he now wears that replaces the one she gave him all those years ago. Deep down she knows he is right the fights outweighed the good a lot more than she is willing to admit.
*Rufus* "When did you start wearing this one?"
*Luke* "Laura gave it to me after we got married."
Rufus looks it over it's beautiful but not as much as the silver chain she gave Luke. Now more than ever she regrets not sticking to her original plan to tell him she was pregnant. Maybe then Luke never would have married Laura and the two of them would have had a second chance. But she knows it's wishful thinking on her part there is too much baggage between the two of them, things would have definitely gone south eventually.
*Luke* "You can't expect me to wear the chain, I'll keep it but that's it."
*Rufus* "I know, baby...I know."
Rufus responds as her eyes linger on him on tad longer than he would like it to. She reaches up pushing back some hair off his shoulder. Luke tenses up from the touch of her finger tips as they gently graze his shoulder. His familiar scent now hanging in the air between them. Tantalizing her senses as memories flood her mind of intimate moments with Luke.
*Rufus* "I will never stop loving you. You'll always be the love of my life..."
*Luke* "Rufus...Don't....You know I will always care about you but..."
She steps in and swiftly kisses him on the lips before he can finish the cliche let's just be friends line. She doesn't linger or try to make any more advances just one swift kiss on the lips. Luke's stiff response tells her she is not welcome.
*Luke* "Ru, don't make this shit more complicated...."
*Rufus* "I'm not, I'm just putting to rest all the bad shit between us, that's all...A goodbye to the past and fresh start to the future."
*Luke* "Fine, whatever the fuck you want to tell yourself. Just don't do that shit anymore."
Rufus runs her hand up the length of his arm as she looks into his brown eyes trying to reassure him she is not here to try and win him over. Luke may have moved on years ago but Rufus has struggled with what happened all those years ago and how quickly Luke was in her life and gone the next.
*Rufus* "Please Luke find a way to trust me. I want us to get along for
Ruby's sake...."
*Luke* "Maybe you should start by not fucking kissing me...You've got to get used to keeping your hands off me too...I'm not your fucking boy toy anymore, Ru...This is a business transaction."
*Rufus* "I know...I know..."
*Luke* "I'm gonna sign the papers now, okay?..."
Rufus nods and steps back. Luke takes hold of the office chair and sits down to look over the papers, sign, and initial where needed. Meanwhile Rufus waits patiently for him to go through all of it.
After he is done signing his life away Luke gets up from the desk and hands Rufus the folder and gives into to everything she has ever wanted from him for so long. He can't help but worry that is is all a huge mistake but at this point all bets are off he is fucked no matter what he chooses.
*Luke* "You have to know that this shit does not give you free reign into my life. I will do my part with Ruby but you will not come between me and the rest of my family, okay?..."
*Rufus* "I promise to play nice with your wife..."
Rufus quickly grabs the folder, doing her best to hold back her excitement on the matter. She begins to walk away before she remembers one more important detail. Her hand once again finding his chest it's hard for her to be near him and not touch him...
*Rufus* "Danielle will be in touch with additional details on the official press release about you being Ruby's father...She'll also fill you in on the details of the shared custody."
*Luke* "Press release?!
Rufus does not respond right away as she continues to walk towards the doorway. She got what she wanted and is ready to dash out that door before Luke changes his mind and tries to rip up the freshly signed documents or light them on fire.
*Luke* "Ru! What the fuck?! A Press release!" *Rufus* "I think our fans will love it... Gotta run! See you soon, baby."
Luke should have known better that she would want to make this public as quickly as possible. Now he has to decide whether or not to fess everything up to Laura right now or let her find out the news on TV or Social Media. Luke cringes at the thought and knows he needs to tell her, but he's not even sure if he wants to go home tonight. The thought of having to beg and plead forgiveness is not something he is willing to do right now. Egos man fucking egos! For now he hopes Rufus will agree to hold off for a few days at least. He needs to get through the rest of this week and make this money transaction so he knows his business is safe.
To Be Continued!
Thank you all so much for tuning in again this month, and we will see you back again in July on the 29th! I recently opened a
account and I'm working on exclusive content for it. I'm planning to list my library of episodes there with additional content and will most likely move the whole blog there in the future. I'll let you know more once I start adding content over there.
Again Thank you all so much!