The year is somewhere around 1990. Luke lies asleep in his bed sad and depressed by his grandmother's sudden and unexpected passing. His mother continues to act like life goes on while he still morns. It's like the life of this house, this home, just up and left one day and Luke has no idea how to move on without it. His mother is of little help when it comes to consoling him. She has other ways of dealing with her pain that do not involve him.
It has been a week since the funeral and Luke just could not get up to get out of bed today. Upon coming home after the school day was over, one of his closest friends and next door neighbor Naomi, has come to check up on him. "Go away.", Luke mumbles into his pillow. He has assumed it was his mother coming to check on him, knowing he skipped today, but let it slide since things have been difficult lately.
Naomi drops her skateboard and her bag onto the floor and walks to the foot of the bed. "It's me. I came to check on you since you weren't at school today. Your mom said you were in your room." Luke rubs the sleep from his eyes as he turns his body to look at her. Naomi kneels at the edge of the bed. "You okay?"
"I'm fine...", Luke mumbles. "Just didn't feel like getting up today."
"It's okay to be sad.", Naomi says rubbing the top of his knee gently. "You know you don't have to pretend with me."
Luke takes a deep breath in, then exhales, "It's my mom. She already fucking cleaned out my Gram's bedroom for herself without asking me if there was anything I wanted."
Luke takes another breath again. "She sold what was worth selling and got rid of the rest. Now she has moved into Gram's room like she's the fucking queen of this house now. I fucking hate her..." Luke explains to Naomi.
"Oh!", replies Naomi with sadness realizing now why Luke did not want to go to school. Cynthia has definitely taken a different route in grieving her mother's passing. Naomi leans forward lying on her belly "Did you tell her anything?"
"Yes, luckily I caught her before she was able to go through Gram's record collection yesterday afternoon. She wanted to get rid of the old record player too. I finally convinced her to let me keep it all in the basement for now. She was in such a fucking hurry to move into that bedroom."
"I dunno...Maybe being in that room makes her feel closer to her mother...", Naomi replies trying to reason out what happened, but being a little sarcastic about it.
Luke laughs a little, "Yeah right, I dunno if she ever felt close to anyone, ever!"
Naomi shrugs her shoulders and smirks, "Whatever...Fucking forget about it. At least you got to keep the records and all. I don't think your mom is heartless, she's just misguided."
"Yeah you're right...Still it fucking stings that she just did it all so soon.", Luke replies.
Naomi smiles with sympathy for him in her eyes, "I know, but you'll be okay. I don't think your Gram would want you to sit and sulk like this. You know exactly what she would tell you right now. She'd say...'It's no use crying over spilled milk.'..."
"My Gram is not spilled milk.", Luke says a little frustrated.
"No, she's not, but I know she would definitely want you to move on with your life and honor her memory that way."
Luke cracks a small smile understanding the point she is trying to make, "Yeah...I Know. I just wish my own mother would say this shit to me." Luke pauses then reaches up to rub his eyes as they feel tired and heavy.
"Ugh...You know she's not once asked me if I'm okay or anything?", Luke then reaches for Naomi's hand that is resting on his chest and looks at her. "You're the only one who has. It makes me wonder sometimes if my own mother even loves me."
"Luke, don't be dramatic, she loves you. I think your mom just doesn't know how to be a mom to you sometimes. So she does what she knows and that's it. The rest is where your Gram came in. I know, I was there I saw it too when I was a kid."
Naomi continues to talk, but decides to change the subject she cuddles up in the small twin bed to face Luke, "Hey, you know what? Jason and Chris want to hang out. I told them I would come get you, and meet up with them at the woods later this evening.", Naomi tells him. "It's Friday night let's go party. It'll cheer you up."
Luke reaches out and puts a hand across her waist, the pair is not too afraid of intimacy with each other as they have already explored their feelings for each other before. "I think I'd rather stay in tonight."
"What about your mom? She's just across the hall...", says Naomi a little nervousness in her voice. Their first time being a bit of an embarrassing moment that took them both a while to get over, making their friendship awkward for a short time, but have since then realized they still have feelings for each other.
"Fuck her...I got a lock on my door." says Luke. "Besides she is probably going out tonight and won't even notice if I'm here or not. I want to be with you again Naomi. You make everything better."
"I do too Luke. You know how much I care about you.", Naomi replies with a smile.
Luke then leans over and kisses her softly to see if she accepts. Naomi responds back by pulling them in closer as the pair continue to make out with each other like they have before. Luke then again makes a move by hovering his body over hers, pulling her hips in towards his own body.
Suddenly Naomi can feel him pressed against her and panics. "Luke stop.", Naomi abruptly says out of nowhere.
"What? What's wrong?", he says with confusion because only seconds ago she was totally into him.
"Nothing...I...I just think maybe we should wait a little longer before we do it again. I don't want to do this right now while you're still getting over your Gram. I don't want us to be a mistake again. You know how much I care about you, about us."
"Naomi, my first time with you was never a mistake...Even though I might have acted like a jerk.", Luke replies. "You know I feel the same way." Naomi gives him a concerned look and Luke sighs flopping his head down onto her chest. "I'm sorry. You're right it's probably better if we don't rush things this time."
"How about we just hang out and watch TV tonight? Maybe we can check out your Gram's record collection later too." Naomi replies as the two still lay there in a gentle embrace.
Luke mumbles against her chest his voice vibrating over her, "Mmm, yeah we can do that...As long as I got you that's all that matters...". He says sweetly.
Picking right up where we left off in the present day, Luke is in his motel room with the mysterious Lucien Boisseau, who is currently trying to talk him down before Luke loses all control, and this whole mission will have failed.
"Slow and steady now...", Lucien says to him as Luke begins to take slow, deep breaths. His hands on his thighs steadying him up as he continues to breathe in and out. Lucien softly coaching him back to a steady state of mind. "Good...sha."
"What the fuck is going on?", Luke croaks still feeling like all the air has been sucked out of his lungs.
"Just breathe now...Imma show you all you needa see soon sha...", Lucien tells him as he stands there next to Luke. Luke finally feels like he can breathe again as he looks up at Lucien. "Luckily for you though those meds worked...I have been tryna reach you in your sleep, for days now sha...but you don't sleep!"
"Huh? I don't understand." Luke strains, but his voice still sounds weak and uneasy as he finds his bearings standing up tall and straight no longer feeling like he is about to pass out.
Lucien smiles, "Good...sha. Now we can get started..."
"Tell me.", Lucien drawls in his creole accent. "Is dis da woman you love?", he asks as he turns and points towards Rufus who is lying asleep next to Luke in the motel bed. Luke follows Lucien's gesture with his eyes as he tries to not freak out again not understanding yet what is happening.
"I don't know...", Luke wheezes, suddenly coughing once more, feeling like he has had the wind knocked out of him again. "I don't think I deserve it." he coughs out...
"Don't deserve what?", Lucien asks looking back at Luke.
"Love.", replies Luke. "I don't fucking deserve any of it! I'm a fuck up! Now can I please wake up from this fucking nightmare?!" Luke shouts. "This isn't fucking funny anymore!"
Lucien looks over at him with a stern stare, "Do you see me laughing? What Imma bout to do is no game...Dis is life and death, sha! You see, my sister has the visions, but she canna do what I can do."

"What the fuck are you about to do?", Luke asks still confused by all of it.
"Dis...", Lucien says as he snaps his fingers and then in the blink of an eye, him and Luke are standing in another room. "I've come to show you da future..."Lucien drawls.

Luke looks down suddenly finding himself clothed and standing in what looks to be an exact replica of his old room. "Then why are we in my old bedroom?", Luke asks. "And how the fuck did we get here?!"
"Mais...Don't cha worry about all that sha...I need you to look and listen.", Lucien says to him, while Luke continues to stand there in shock.
"Is this all real?", Luke asks. "Is this a dream? What the fuck man?!"
"Dis is all as real as you and me...", Lucien gestures at the room around them. "In order for you to understand your future we must come to the past sha...", Lucien drawls.
"That's my guitar, man I'd recognize her anywhere.", Luke observes. "Is this an acid trip? Did Rufus fucking drug me?!" Luke begins to panic again.
Nay...none of that sha. No one has drugged you. Dis is an opportunity my friend. A chance to chase down those demons that haunt you..." Luke blinks in confusion as he tries to unpack what Lucien is telling him.
Come sha...Step ova here I have somthin' to show you.", says Lucien as he points for Luke to follow him to the far corner of the old bedroom. The pair steps over skateboards and clothes strewn across the floor then suddenly the door opens as they stop and turn. "Don't git fache sha...They canna see us...", Lucien explains. "Now like I said look and listen..."
Luke stands there frozen as he watches a 16 year old version of himself walk into his old room. Young Luke comes storming in with a backpack slung over his shoulder. So Luke assumes he must be coming home from school. "Luke?!" Shouts a muffled voice from the hallway of the old craftsman home.
Young Luke turns towards the door. "Fuck off!", he shouts at the voice. Cynthia comes through the door and Luke jumps back realizing that is his mother and his young self he is now watching as the entire scene unfolds in front of him.
"Luke...I was calling you, did you not hear me?", Cynthia asks her son. "I got a call from the school earlier. They left a message on the answering machine that you got suspended again...Luke what did I tell you? You can't keep doing this...It has to stop."
"Stop acting like you give a fuck...", Young Luke replies to her.
"I do!", Cynthia shouts. "Ever since your grandmother passed all you do is get into trouble at school. I know there is nothing I can do to replace her, but you have to work with me here."
"Maybe start acting like my mother instead of my sister for a start!", young Luke shouts at her. "It's been a year now since Gram died and you have hardly even mentioned her at all! Do you realize just how fucked up that is?!"
"Fuck I remember this now.", says Luke while him and Lucien continue to watch the scene unfold in front of them.
Cynthia stutters, "I...I'm sorry sweetie...I know you miss her. I miss her too."
"Liar!", young Luke shouts at his mother. "You're happy she is gone! Did you forget how quickly you packed up her stuff? Just so you could have her bedroom?"
Luke smacks his head in embarrassment as he watches his young self fight with his mother. "All you do is sleep around and act like a fucking teenager! You hardly ever ask me how I'm doing since Gram died. You know Gram asked me that everyday after school?"
Cynthia looks pained with guilt, "She did? Luke...I'm."
Young Luke cuts her off shouting back, "YES! She did! You only act like my mother when I do something wrong. Now go away..."

Luke turns to look at Lucien, "So why are we watching this?"
Lucien nods for Luke to continue watching, "Come see...Listen sha."
"I will not! You need to get it together for school! I know I'm not the mother of the year here, but I try Luke. You know it's not easy for me to do this all alone. My mother was definitely a beacon of hope for both of us."
Luke scoffs and points towards the door, "Quit quoting your cliche soap opera lines to me and leave me the fuck alone!"
Cynthia steps in closer, "Don't talk to me like that!"
"Or what?", replies young Luke.
"Maybe, I'll ground your dumb ass for starters!...", Cynthia shouts back. "Getting suspended again is serious. You need to finish the school year. You still have two years to go."
"I'm not gonna stand here and act like you actually give a fuck about me. Once I'm 18 I'm outta here!", Young Luke shouts back.
"Fine by me! Think whatever you want kiddo! But until then you're gonna go to school and finish it, okay?"
"Fine! Now leave me alone...", Young Luke shouts, as Cynthia turns to leave slamming the door behind her.
Suddenly the scene changes in the blink of an eye. Luke jumps back finding Lucien standing across from him and shoulder to shoulder with a very familiar face. "What the fuck?!", he blurts. "Gram?!"
She smiles at him with that familiar look of love and affection , "Hello Luke. It is me." she says. "Sweetheart I am always here even though you can't see me."
Luke feels his eyes suddenly burn hot with tears as he holds back his emotions. He stutters still in shock, speechless at what he is seeing, "Wh...H...How? How is this possible?" his voice cracks in disbelief.
"Oh, sweetheart...Don't cry." says his grandmother as she walks towards him arms open. "C'mere."
"Oh my gawd, Gram...There are so many things I wanted to say to you. I was so angry you were gone.", Luke rambles with a heavy sadness. "I was so angry to be left alone in that house. It was never the same...", he sobs softly feeling her arms gently wrap around his neck as she hugs. Gram's familiar powdery, perfume scent filling his nostrils making this all too real for him.
"I know sweetie...I know.", says his grandmother in her very familiar comforting voice. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for everything, but despite it all I want you to know that I am still so very proud of you."
"This can't be real...I...I must be dreaming...", says Luke. "I don't understand."
"Dis is real...An dis is why I am here...She is the reason. She is who my sista saw next to you that night.", Lucien explains. "Even da afterlife canna keep your Gram from stopping you make da biggest mistake in your life...sha. She is the true hero here I am simply the messenger."
"He is right Luke. I couldn't stand by any longer and see you throw away everything you have worked so hard for. If it was not for Izora's persistence I wouldn't be here.", his grandmother explains.
"What your sister said is true?!", Luke looks to Lucien.
Lucien nods, "Dis is what I try to tell you sha! Everything is true, it's all connected by this one decision. If you choose to break her heart then it breaks everything that intertwines your souls. She will be your ultimate undoing..." Lucien continues. "That day on the courthouse steps after I saw you with dis Rufus Blue. I saw your grandmother again next to you."
"Okay...", Luke nods in understanding. "Still. How do I know I'm not dreaming all this shit up?!"
"To prove it to you, I did what I had to do to get you here and talked to my mother, Madame Boisseau. You see my mother has met this Rufus Blue of yours many years ago..."
"Okay. And?", Luke presses wanting further confirmation he is not tripping out on some weird dream, but Lucien is really dragging out the point he is trying to make.
"Dis is fate! Sha!...Dis is the universe telling you, you are making the biggest mistake of your life. Even if you choose to believe dis not real...and all dis is just nonsense is in your head. You canna deny yourself the truth!!! Dig deep my friend...You will see."
"Every fiber in my being does not want to lose Laura!", Luke nearly shouts. "But I can't live with myself if something happens to her or my children because I'm too selfish. It's better this way. I have to protect them."
"Luke for once in your life don't be so stubborn and let your heart show you what to do!", his grandmother admonishes him. "I know this is a difficult idea to process, but Lucien is right. You need to have a little faith that this will all work out. Just give us a chance to prove to you that this future you have chosen is a mistake."
Luke sighs in defeat, "Fine...Fine...Show me." After Lucien and his grandmother finally get him to agree Lucien snaps his fingers again...
Sending them to another place, this time they stand in the middle of Luke and Laura's living room. Laura is there on the couch talking with Willow.
"Don't cha worry sha...they canna see us...jus like before.", Lucien tells him. "Now listen..."
"I think Luke definitely still loves you.", Willow tells her. "Just give him some time to process things and what he saw and did today. Let's hope too Peter can give him some clarity so he will finally open up to you. I just don't see how Luke would want to have an affair with Rufus. He has already done so much to find his way back to you before...why would he jeopardize that all over again?"
"I hope so...Things are different this time and I'm scared.", says Laura. "I just can't shake this bad feeling and I hate it. Something is tearing him away from me."
"You see...even your wife senses the chaos...", Lucien adds as they all continue to watch this scene play out like a movie.
"I just feel horrible that you're here consoling me when you just went through the worst thing imaginable. How are feeling?", Laura asks her.
"Please don't feel bad for me. I'm doing fine now. Peter and I never thought that something like this would happen, but it did. I'm okay now, and at least now we know I need to be on the pill or use protection. The doctor was skeptical I could even get pregnant after my attack...."

Laura suddenly gasps, "Oh no! But we didn't!...Shit! Everything happened so fast, Willow!"
Willow stammers for a moment, "Oh! I'm...I'm sure everything will be fine. Just take a test in a few days if you need to."
"You're right...", Laura nods. "Maybe I should check my calendar too. If I'm ovulating right now that would make my chances higher...."
"Um...okay yeah you could do that, but I'm sure it will be fine.", says Willow. "I'm thirsty you want something to drink?..."
Luke just stands there mouth agape as he listens in on this conversation Laura is having with Willow, not once in all these months did it ever cross his mind that Laura could be pregnant after that day in the kitchen. Lucien then snaps his fingers again changing the room as if he is changing the channel on an old Television set.
"Dinner with my ladies sounds nice...I'm sure Phoenix will turn up soon. He never likes to miss his momma's cooking..." Chad spins her around and kisses her again. Laura looks up at him and smiles.
"I hope so, I'm worried about him." says Laura.

"I know you are." Chad reassures her. "Should I call Hayden? Send out an APB?"
Laura quickly shakes her head as she continues to look up at him, "No, no you're right. I'm sure he'll be home soon..."
"What is happening?", Luke asks Lucien.
"Do you not see for yourself sha?", Lucien says. "Dis what you wanted...Your wife has moved on, she married someone else, raised your children with someone else...Dis the future you have chosen, not me."
"Just keep watching sweetheart...", says his grandmother.
"I um...I need to run an errand after dinner. You think you can make sure Abigail gets ready for bed tonight?..." Laura asks as she sips her glass of iced tea.
"Sure, no problem darlin'...should I get plates or bowls for the salad?"
"Bowls are fine...", replies Laura.
"What the fuck? Who is Abigail? Is she?...", Luke stutters a little afraid to ask.
"Nay sha...Abigail is not your child.", Lucien explains.
"She had a child with him? Her ex?!", Luke grumbles angrily feeling jealousy rise up in this throat like rancid bile. He leans forward the urge to charge towards Chad and shove him away from Laura feels nearly uncontrollable. Even though Luke has only briefly met him once he clearly did not like the guy. "I knew it! I tried to warn her...That fuckin' weasel married my woman?!"
"She's not yours anymore...You left her no choice my dear! Please just continue to watch. There is nothing you can do here to stop him. Remember this is the future you have chosen.", says his grandmother.
Lucien nods, "Mais...but do you notice something else?", he asks Luke.
Luke stares closely at Laura, she looks older definitely some time has passed, "She's not happy. She looks sad...They were talking about Phoenix right? What happened with Phoenix?", Luke panics now remembering they mentioned his name.
Lucien then again snaps his fingers...
Now the three stand in a familiar park, Luke immediately recognizes it, they are not too far away from where Luke and Laura said their vows to each other. This time though Laura sits on a bench and next to her is Luke. He immediately realizes he too is older, fatter, and has more gray hair. The sad look on his face tells him he is just as miserable as Laura maybe even more.
"Because it's all I fucking have left of you...that's why.", says older Luke.
"Luke...Don't...Don't say things like that.", panic in Laura's voice.
"It's the fucking truth babe...I'll never stop love...", admits older Luke.
Then suddenly Laura gets up, "No!...No! I have to go! I shouldn't be here!"
"You see that sweetheart? You tore her heart apart, yet you still pine away for her and expect her to feel the same.", says his grandmother. "Do you think that is a fair thing to do to the woman who is the mother of your children and the love of your life? I know I raised you better than this." Luke is left speechless by his grandmother's words as he continues to watch, suddenly the scene shifts slightly as Laura continues to argue with older Luke.
"You know Chad doesn't give a shit about Phoenix!...Deep down you fucking know it! Our son is just like me. Chad sees it. You see it...And I'm the only one who has the fucking power to fix it!", older Luke snaps at her.
"You're an asshole, and I'm done here. Chad and I will handle Phoenix on our own. Go back to Vegas Luke.", Laura snaps at him.
"Wait!...just fucking wait! Give me one more chance...I'm here now. I'm trying...", older Luke pleads with Laura.
"Try harder!...Your son's future depends on it.", Laura shouts back at him and they can all feel the hurt and anger coming from her reaction. Luke nearly winces in pain as he watches this interaction between Laura and his older self unfold.
"You feel that don't you?", his grandmother says to him as they continue to watch. "The anger in your voice and hers is evidence enough of how painful this path is."
"I'm here now. I'm fucking trying! Don't shut me out Laura! Phoenix is the one who called me, not you! I have tried over the years, but you don't make this shit easy for me either..."
Laura tries to stay calm knowing their conversation has now gone sideways, "We've been down this road before..."
"I know we have. I take full responsibility for the past...All of it.", older Luke shouts back in a pained and distraught tone. "I don't want you to blame yourself for any of it anymore. I'll regret my decisions till the day I fucking die..."
Luke then turns to look at Lucien, "I still don't understand...Why are they arguing about Phoenix what did he do?"
Lucien nods, "You must come and see a little more. Dis choice of yours affects everyone around you."
Luke pauses In thought for a moment, "I don't want to lose Laura, but I don't know how else to protect her."
"You must understand, sweetheart. This simple decision changes everything. Not just for you and your wife but for your children.'', his grandmother whispers in his ear.
Laura reiterates again to let go of the past, "We can't change what has already happened..."
"Yeah, but don't shut me out now with Phoenix. I can help, and I want to help."
"Wanting, and doing are two different things. You've made a lot of empty promises over the years, not just to me, but with the boys too." Older Luke tries to step in closer, but Laura knows the move all too well. She immediately puts her arm out keeping the arms length distance between them. "We're done here...Clearly you have other intentions trying to bring me here."
"We must continue to watch...", Lucien instructs. "Dis is important you needa understand the pain here between you two is because of the damage done by your choice."
"I see it on your face, you feel the same fucking way. How can I stop something that I can't control?"
"You really need to let it go. The idea of us again is never going to happen Luke. You damn sure, made sure of it that, that night at the motel years ago."
"Don't act like you're a fucking saint in all this...You chose to lie to me too. Why didn't you just tell me you were pregnant?"
"I came there to try and work things out...I tried to tell you, but you were too drunk and belligerent that night. There was no way to have a serious conversation with you."
"I had no idea. I was too busy trying to keep us financially afloat, and my business going. I was trying to protect you. Everything I did was because I loved you...just let me help with Phoenix. You know you need me this time."
"Luke, what's done is done...Just go back to Vegas."
"Laura....I can help.", Luke pleads.
"The pain in your voice...", says his grandmother as they continue to listen. "It's just too hard to bear, especially knowing how this ends."
"How exactly? We can't even have one civil conversation. I can't have you here it's just complicating things. Just go back to Vegas and your life there."
"No, I'm not fucking doing that...I'm staying, even if I have to stay all the way till he graduates.", replies older Luke
"After more than ten years of neglect now you want to act like the concerned father?! No Luke...You don't get a choice this time.", says Laura then begins to walks away...
"How does it end?", Luke asks Lucien.
"Not good sha...", Lucien replies.
Luke looks back at Lucien, "I don't understand. That girl...Abigail? She is not mine?"
"Nay...she is not. In this future your child is lost, in a few weeks your wife will miscarry. The heartbreak sha...it's too much for her to bear. This leaves her to try and find love in another, but as you can see it is not the same."
"Do you understand now, sweetheart?, says his grandmother. "Even though you feel this is better for all of you...Is it really?" Without warning Lucien then snaps his fingers again.
Now the three are standing out on Luke and Laura's patio, it looks slightly different, but instantly he recognizes Laura. Then his eyes follow over the space again realizing his sons are nearly grown men now, Phoenix and Phineas stand out there on the patio with their mother. The three stand there in silence for a beat while they watch.
"Hand it all over right now! You have had more than enough.", Laura demands as she holds out her left hand, motioning with her fingers for him to give up his bottle and joint. She is so upset he continues to challenge the current situation, and on top of that drag his brother into all of it as well. "And now you're dragging your brother into all of this?!"
Phoenix immediately refuses, anger and stubbornness fueling his current state of mind right now. "No, you can't tell me what to do anymore. I'm done trying to please you." he spits out. "Finn don't leave me here with her...Come back!"
"Bro, go easy...Mom is just trying to help." He's torn between listening to mom and staying, but then decides it is best if he goes off to bed. It is late anyways.
"It's okay Finn, I got this...Just head to bed. It's very late...", Laura says as she looks back at Phineas.
"Phoenix...I know you're angry, but this is not the answer. I did see your father tonight, and he agrees it is best you stay here and finish school. We both only want what is best for you. He called me because he is terribly worried about you too."
"Liar!...", Phoenix slurs. "Dad didn't call you because he is worried about me. He called because I fucking asked him too." Phoenix glares across the dim lit space back at his mother.
Laura dips her head, and sighs as she pushes her glasses back up, disappointed in herself for already sending this conversation in the wrong direction. He is more like Luke in this moment than ever before...drunk, stubborn, and determined. A seriously bad combo. "Phoenix I know you called him, but that still doesn't mean your father is not worried about you."
"Oh my goodness...That boy is out of control.", Laments Luke's grandmother.
"Are you seeing the connections now sha?", Lucien asks Luke.
Luke immediately sees himself in Phoenix at that age and how terribly strained his relationship was with his mother. "Shit...He's just like me. But Laura doesn't deserve this...She's a good mother." his voice trails off.
"Luke I know Cynthia was not really there for you after I was gone. I'm sorry sweetheart. Your mother always chose herself over others just like her father did, but what you and Laura have is very special. You cannot be like your mother and be selfish giving up on her and your children. You need to fight for them Luke."
"I am fighting for them...", Luke replies somberly. "I need to protect her..."
"Sweetheart. Do you not see what is happening?", his grandmother asks.
"Keep watching sha. Ima 'fraid dis is gonna take more time for all dis to sink in, no? Remember what I tell you about chasing down those demons...", Lucien tells him.

Luke is still unsure, how does he even know that this is all real?"How do I even know if this is real? If this is really my future?"
"You really want to risk all that sha? Mais, you are a stubborn man I canna see why your Granny fought so hard to get my attention.", says Lucien. The three stop talking and get back to listening.
Phoenix stands up tired of hearing the same empty words that mean nothing to him anymore."I'm done with this shit...Stop acting like you give a fuck."
"Phoenix where are you gonna go?! I'm not done talking with you...Don't just walk away." Laura berates him.
"I'm leaving! For good! I'm done with all this!", He shouts as he slurs his words and flaps his arms around. "If dad doesn't want me either! I'll fucking find my own way!..." Phoenix yells as he sways side to side.
"Phoenix sit down. Please just hear me out. We can call your father if you want. Maybe the three of us can work this out together. Just sit your ass down!" She demands.
"Now you want to bring dad into this? After you ran him out of our lives years ago?..." Phoenix scoffs, knowing that he cried himself to sleep many nights after his father left. Angry at his mom and his dad for breaking up the family.
"You see? That boy needs his real father! Not a replacement...", says his grandmother.
"I never wanted any of this, Phoenix. Your father left me! He gave up on all of us! I know you were very young when it all happened, but he made choices that destroyed this family! He chose to get involved with your grandfather's affairs. He chose to do things that sent himself to prison. You don't think I'm angry?! He left me pregnant, and with two young boys to care for, Phoenix I..."
Phoenix's eyes go wide at the sudden admission from his mother as he cuts her off mid sentence, "Liar! You'll say anything to keep me from leaving now. Dad would never do any of that!"
"I swear to you it's all true! I had a miscarriage a few weeks later after I found out I was pregnant. Phoenix you were too young at the time to know or understand any of it then, but you are now. Please pumpkin, just calm down take a deep breath and think about what you're doing." Laura tells her son.
"I already have thought about it. I'm done...Lily-Rose and I are getting married and leaving town. Neither you, nor dad can stop us."
"What the fuck is going on?!", Luke shouts. "Getting married?!"
"It would seem your boy is on a similar path of destruction as you my dear.", says his grandmother. "Letting fear and emotions drive his decisions. When he still has his whole life ahead of him."
Lucien has again suddenly changed the scene, now they see Laura standing out on the porch as she watches Phineas leave with Phoenix in the early morning hours before daybreak.
"Phineas don't get on that bike!..." Laura cries as she walks out the door into the very early morning light.
"We'll be back in a few hours mom, it's okay..." Phineas says calmly. "I'll make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. I promise."
"Phoenix, you know you shouldn't be driving right now. Please both of you just come inside!..."
"I'm fine...", Phoenix grunts out. He is still not happy with his mother but knows his brother is only trying to help. "Let's go bro...You coming or not?"
"I really don't have a good feeling about this...", says Luke after watching the current scene play out in from of them. Watching and seeing the despair in Laura pangs him.
Lucien nods in agreement, "Now you see what is happening here sha? What your decisions are doing?"
"I dunno, but the kid is too drunk and high to be driving that's for damn sure!", Luke panics.
I must warn you sha...dis doesn't git any better...", Lucien tells them.
Luke's grandmother steps in closer, "Oh dear! I really don't like any of this. Luke sweetheart this is heartbreaking you cannot possibly still think that this is what is best for your family?!"
"Are we ready?", asks Lucien as the other two nod in acknowledgment. Then he snaps his fingers sending them again to another scene.
To Be Continued!
To all my Patreon members for your continued support through this crazy summer.
Robin, Danie, Cathryn, Jackie, Heather, Lily, Susie, Jess, Cen, Ellie, Sunshine1609, Bri, and Lyddieskitties21
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