Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Taking A Short Break!!

With only a little less that 2 weeks before my kids go back to school, I'm gonna take a break. 
They are going to a new school this year after a very stressful year last year. I hoping things will be much better at this new school. 
So, this break will also give me some time to re organize and clean out some things, I hope.....
My space is screaming for an overhaul!

With that I leave you with a few sneak peeks of what is going to be happening in the episodes.
Restaurant MaCherie....
Picking up where I left off, Scott and Krystal are going out for dinner,
in Part 2 of 
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly....
Also someone wants to temp fate, by visiting a psychic....

Diorama Fun Find!

 This idea came to me the other morning while digging through my junk bin. I have a bin that I save all my little odds and ends in. You never know when something will come in handy!
So.....all I did was cut up and plastic target bag tape up the sides then added it to the tictac container, and voila! Instant diaper pail ^_^


 And Last I leave with a few quick pictures of Luke and Laura...
and Baby Phoenix
These two have been busy, busy bees lately and settling 
quite well into parenthood....
 I can never stop snapping pictures of them!
See you all in a couple weeks!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Life With Baby (S5-E2)

Laura has her hands full now with little Phoenix and keeping up the house. He is now a month old and growing by leaps and bounds. Laura comes in to check on him, he just woke from a nap, after a trip to the pediatrician. Laura had her checkup as well some days ago and everyone is healthy, her and baby...
*Laura* "Hey there!....Did you have a good nap?"
Phoenix still waking up, yawns....
Phoenix wiggles and Laura gives him some help, turning
 him onto his back....
Phoenix starts to fuss, he wants to be picked up, 
not rolled over.
*Laura* "I think someone is hungry....let's check your diaper first."
Phoenix cries.
*Laura* "Okay, okay....You can nurse then I'll change you."
She scoops him up and heads for the rocking chair.
She sits back and relaxes while he nurses. Nursing is a calming 
state for both baby and mother....
A short while later Luke comes in, just getting home from work. 
*Laura* "Hey! How was your day?"
*Luke* "Fine... Didn't Phoenix have a Dr. appointment today?"
*Laura* "Mmhmm...He got his first shot and the pediatrician said he is a healthy baby boy!"
 *Luke* "Good..."
*Laura* "I got dinner ready....lemme just change his diaper and we can eat."
*Luke* "Okay....I'm gonna take a shower then meet you downstairs."
Laura nods then Luke kisses them both.
She gets up and takes care of diaper business.
A few minutes later they are sitting and eating the dinner Laura made, while little Phoenix is strapped into his car seat nearby.
*Laura* "How is Kenzie working out?'
*Luke* "She has been a lot of help, but I only have her for a few more weeks
before she goes off to school."
*Laura* "If it's filing or office stuff, I can help out..."
*Luke* "Sort of, she's been sorting and organizing records in the store.  Just take care of Phoenix, I'll find someone else.
*Laura*"Okay, just let me know if you want my help, you know I'm an organizing freak.." *she smiles*..."and you don't have to pay me!"
*Luke laughs* "Yeah I know, Babe...but don't worry about."
They finish eating and continue talking. Then Phoenix starts 
to fuss towards the end of their meal.
*Laura* "You tired of sitting in there?"
*Luke* "You want me to take him so you can finish eating?"
*Laura* "I'm gonna nurse him again, I think he's still hungry...."
So, Laura heads to the couch to take care of Phoenix, while Luke
 cleans up in the kitchen. When he is done, he comes and sits by Laura, they try and decide what to watch.
*Luke* "How about that one?"
*Laura*  "No....I'm not in the mood for comedy."
They finally decide on something to watch....
*Luke* "You ready to go upstairs?"
*Laura* "Yeah...I gotta change him and bathe him."
*Luke* "I'll get his tub ready for you.."
*Laura* "Okay..."
*Laura looks down at Phoenix* "You ready for your bath?"
*Luke* "Did he just smile?"
*Laura* 'Of course, he loves his bath..."
So they get up and head upstairs for the remainder of their evening.

Luke snaps some pictures of Phoenix, while Laura is bathing him.
*Laura* "I hope you didn't get me in those pics....I look a wreck right now!"
*Luke* "You look fine....Besides all you can see is your boobs."
*Laura* "Luke!...
*Luke* "What...no one will be looking, they're gonna be looking at Phoenix."
Laura grumbles a bit under her breath, but Luke doesn't notice he is too busy viewing the pics he just took.

After the bath Laura climbs into the bed to nurse Phoenix again. Luke decides to join her, he checks his emails and surfs the internet while they lay there quietly.
Then Luke heads off to bed, while Laura falls asleep with Phoenix.


Later on, late into the night Laura gets up to go take care of Phoenix, who is crying his little heart out.
*Laura* "Awww, what's the matter....c'mere."
So she picks him up. She nurses him but he is still fussy....
So she pats his back and paces the floor trying to calm him.
She does this for quite a while.....
Once he seems to be calm and asleep she sets him down 
in his crib again....
But the second his head touches the mattress his eyes fly open and he starts to cry again. So Laura tries to nurse him, but he's still full.
So she goes back to pacing and patting...he starts to calm down but the second she tries to lay him in his crib he cries out again.....
After picking him back up the last time, Luke comes in....
*Luke* "That crying is enough to wake the dead....why is he fussing like that?"
*Laura* "I think he is just cranky from his shot..."
 *Luke* "Is he hungry?"
*Laura* "No...I took care of all that already...I changed him too."
*Luke* "You...."
 But before Luke can finish his sentence...
  Laura passes Phoenix over to him.
* Laura* "Yes! Take him....I need a break...."
*Luke* "But, Babe....I..I don't know what to do!"
*Laura* "Just hold him, rock him, sing to him, or all three......"
She starts walking away before he tries to pass Phoenix back to her.
*Laura* "Call me, if you need me...."
Luke looks down at his little boy...
*Luke* "Looks like it's just you and me, little man..."
Luke grabs the baby blanket and goes to sit 
in the rocking chair.
*Luke* "I don't know any baby songs...."
 But just hearing the sound of his voice is starting 
to soothe Phoenix.
*Luke* "I can sing you one of my favorite songs..."
So, Luke begins to sing to him, a very sad song, but Phoenix 
doesn't mind....
♪ ♫...I know someday you'll have a beautiful life
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky
But why, why, why can't it be, can't it be mine?... ♫ ♪
A short while later Phoenix is asleep. Luke carefully gets up and 
sets him down in his crib. He silently walks backwards and sneaks out of the baby room...
Laura sits up as soon as she sees him come into the 
doorway of their bedroom.
*Laura* "Is he asleep?"
 *Luke* "Yup....out like a light."
*Laura* "Really?! What did you do?"
Luke climbs into bed.
*Luke* "I sang a Pearl Jam song..."
 *Laura* "Oh, yeah? Which one?"
*Luke* "Black..."
*Laura* "Good choice...but I think he just likes the sound of your voice. Must be from all that singing and talking you did while I was still pregnant with him...."
 *Luke* "Guess so or maybe I just got the magic touch..."
*Laura reaches down* "Or maybe I do...."
*Luke already getting aroused by her* "Yeah you do.... "
*Laura* "It's been too long, make love to me, Luke...."
Luke doesn't need anymore encouraging, he pushes up 
and rolls Laura onto her back.

*Luke* "What if he wakes up?"
*Laura* "Then you should stop talking and start kissing me...."

Luke shuts up and leans into to kiss her.
Looks like we should let these two have their privacy.....


Laura is startled by the cries coming through the baby monitor.
 Luke is still snoring.....
It's early morning the sun just barely starting to come up.
Same stuff, new day....

The End