Luke hangs up the phone with Hayden and looks up, Laura is standing in the doorway of their bedroom holding Phoenix...
*Laura* "So just like that, you're gonna leave to see if she is okay? I thought you
wanted to work this out?..."
*Luke* "I do! I'll be back...Hayden said it was bad, she's in surgery..."
Luke walks to stand next her by the doorway. He doesn't want to leave but, he also wants to make sure that Rufus is okay.
*Luke* "I feel responsible for some of this you know? I don't love Rufus but
I do care what happens to her..."
*Laura* "You've done some serious damage to this relationship..."
*Luke* "And I'm trying to make it right, Babe..."
*Laura* "Are you really?...."
*Laura* "Because I'm having trouble believing you..."
*Luke* "I won't be gone long, she has no family, and I can't live with my self if
something happens to her..."
something happens to her..."
*Laura sighs heavily* "Luke...I understand you feel bad but....can't Margaret
be there for her? I just..."
Luke ushers her back into the bedroom...
*Laura* " You promise?! Luke those are the last words I want to hear..."
be there for her? I just..."
Luke ushers her back into the bedroom...
*Luke* "Yeah, and I'm sure she will, but...I need to do this for myself...I promise I'll be
back, two hours tops..Just get Phoenix to bed and when I come back we can talk."

*Laura* " You promise?! Luke those are the last words I want to hear..."
*Luke* "Well, what else can I say?!..."
*Laura* "That you're not going anywhere...That you're gonna stay here
with me, your wife!"
Tension is starting to rise between them as they attempt
to work it out.
*Luke* "Laura...She's in the hospital fighting for her life! I'm not gonna cheat on you!..."
*Laura* "Unbelievable!...I cannot believe you think, I think that! It's about you
choosing her over me!"
*Luke* "But I didn't choose her! I'm not choosing her. Babe, I married you...
I love you... and I still do."
*Laura* "Then don't go!..."
*Luke* "I just explained to you why..."
Phoenix starts to cry, he's tired and the tension between them is starting to upset him. Laura turns away trying to sooth him.
*Luke* "Plus I just told you that what happened, that day meant
nothing to me...I'm trying here..."
I love you... and I still do."
*Laura* "Then don't go!..."
*Luke* "I just explained to you why..."
Phoenix starts to cry, he's tired and the tension between them is starting to upset him. Laura turns away trying to sooth him.
*Luke* "Plus I just told you that what happened, that day meant
nothing to me...I'm trying here..."
*Laura* "Just leave...I think it's best if you just stay at Peter's for a while.
It's late and I need to put Phoenix to bed..."
It's late and I need to put Phoenix to bed..."
*Luke* "Now you want me to leave? I thought you wanted to
work this out? That's it then, your just done with us?"
Laura turns around, she is tired of arguing and
Phoenix needs to go to bed.
*Laura* "I don't know...maybe..."
*Laura* "But I do know, I can't stand here and listen to you talk about her anymore, you need to figure out want you want, cause I know I don't want to be married to a man who is in love with another woman!"
*Luke* "I do know what I want! I've known it since the day I first f*cking met you, Laura...And it hasn't changed.
Luke grabs his bag, and Laura stands there tears still streaming
down. He's hoping she'll change her mind.
*Laura* "Please just go...I think it's best."
So, he picks up the bag and walks out the door, not happy about this situation either, but she needs her space and some time to process them and their relationship.
While Luke attempt to save his marriage, Rufus is out of surgery and has be admitted into the psych ward, so that no one can easily gain access to her. Special Agent Dana Scully Checks in, she is coming to find out news about Rufus' kidnapping and hopefully question her.
work this out? That's it then, your just done with us?"
Laura turns around, she is tired of arguing and
Phoenix needs to go to bed.
*Laura* "I don't know...maybe..."
*Laura* "But I do know, I can't stand here and listen to you talk about her anymore, you need to figure out want you want, cause I know I don't want to be married to a man who is in love with another woman!"
*Luke* "I do know what I want! I've known it since the day I first f*cking met you, Laura...And it hasn't changed.
Luke grabs his bag, and Laura stands there tears still streaming
down. He's hoping she'll change her mind.
*Laura* "Please just go...I think it's best."
So, he picks up the bag and walks out the door, not happy about this situation either, but she needs her space and some time to process them and their relationship.
*Agent Scully* "I'm here to see Rufus Blue...I believe you have her
admitted under her real name."
*Nurse* "Okay, but you must sign in first...Does Dr. Mangus know you're coming?"
*Agent Scully* "This is a federal investigation..."
*Nurse* "Yes but you need to be on the list of approved visitors..."
Just then Hayden comes down the hallway
and vouches for her.
*Hayden* "It's okay, Allison, she's here because I called her."
Allison stands up and greets her.
*Allison* "Okay, not a problem, just sign in and Det. Hayden
can show you to her room."
*Agent Scully* "Thank you, tight security around here, huh? That's good."
*Hayden* "This was the best we could do, considering the circumstances..."
*Allison smiles* "Thank you!..."
Agent Scully smiles back at her then turns and heads for the doorway. Hayden holds out his hand and properly introduces himself.
*Hayden* "Detective Hayden Jones....Nice to finally meet you Agent Scully."
*Agent Scully* "Likewise...So how is Ms. Walker?..."
*Hayden* "Let's go find Dr. Mangus, he should still be in her room, he can fill
you in on her medical status."
*Agent Scully* "Sounds good, lead the way..."
Down the hall in Rufus' hospital room, Dr. Mangus and another Doctor, finish making sure that she is stable and get her comfortable.
*Dr Mangus* "Okay, we're on the same page then?"
*Other Dr.* "Yes...Of course."
*Dr. Mangus* "Okay let's stick to this meds schedule for now and see how she does, I need to find Det. Hayden...Follow me out."
*Other Dr.* "Of course..."
*Other Dr.* "Of course..."
The 2 doctors head out of her room while the nurse makes sure all the cables and the IV drip are good to go. Rufus is still very woozy and the movement over her is catching her drug induced attention.
*Rufus* "Mmmmm Where?...."
*Nurse* "Just relax, everything is okay, Ms. Walker..."
*Rufus* "What?...what'd you just call me?..."
*Nurse* "You need to sleep Ms Walker....just stay calm. You're safe now."
*Rufus* "Why do you keep calling me that! That's not my name....
That's not my name!"
The Nurse places her hands gently on Rufus holding her down. She's just been through some major surgery and needs to regain her strength.
That's not my name!"
The Nurse places her hands gently on Rufus holding her down. She's just been through some major surgery and needs to regain her strength.
*Nurse* "I understand you're scared but you're safe, Just rest now Miss Rufus...."
The medicine takes over, and she starts to drift back to sleep again.
The medicine takes over, and she starts to drift back to sleep again.
The Nurse finishes her job, then goes to check in other patients.
A short while later Luke makes his way to the hospital.
Hayden is standing in the lobby with Agent Scully, and Margaret sits on the couch with Ruby fast asleep next to her.
Hayden is standing in the lobby with Agent Scully, and Margaret sits on the couch with Ruby fast asleep next to her.
Luke sees Margaret and nods to her, acknowledging her presence, then he heads straight towards Hayden to find out what is going on and if they caught Cade and Fionna. They shake hands and say hello.

*Hayden* "I'm surprised you're here...It's late, man."
*Luke* "Yeah I know...How is she?"
*Hayden* "First let me introduce you Special Agent Scully...This is Luke Cooper...He's the reason Rufus was down here..."
Luke flinches for a second thinking he was gonna say
'He's the reason she was kidnapped' .
*Luke snaps out of it and shakes her hand* "Hello...I'm guessing
they got away if you're involved."
*Agent Scully* "Unfortunately yes, but Cade is also wanted in other states. He's a bad
man Mr. Cooper..."
*Luke* "How did they get away?..."
*Agent Scully* "I can't go into specifics right now, there will be a press release on it tomorrow morning, so brace yourself, you may have the media pounding on your door any minute."
*Luke* "Thanks for the heads up..."
Luke turns back to Hayden.
*Luke* "So how is Rufus?..."
*Hayden* "She's stable now and sleeping...but she lost the baby."
they got away if you're involved."
*Agent Scully* "Unfortunately yes, but Cade is also wanted in other states. He's a bad
man Mr. Cooper..."
*Luke* "How did they get away?..."
*Agent Scully* "I can't go into specifics right now, there will be a press release on it tomorrow morning, so brace yourself, you may have the media pounding on your door any minute."
*Luke* "Thanks for the heads up..."
Luke turns back to Hayden.
*Luke* "So how is Rufus?..."
*Hayden* "She's stable now and sleeping...but she lost the baby."
*Luke* "Baby?! She was pregnant?..."
*Hayden* "Yeah she was, You didn't know?..."
*Luke* "Sh*t! How can I be so stupid! This is all my fault..."
*Agent Suclly* "Do you think you were the father of her baby?"
*Luke* "I could have been, how far along was she?"
*Agent Scully* "According to the doctors she was about 25 weeks pregnant."
*Luke* "That's what? Six months? Sh*t!..."
*Margaret* "Luke, don't beat yourself up about this, I didn't even know either."
Luke turns to look at Margaret, surprised she didn't know
about this turn of events either.
*Luke* "She never told you about a baby? Or about that evening in her hotel room?"
*Margaret* "No...Is this why your wife is upset?"
*Luke* "Yeah it is..."
*Margaret* "Oh Luke!...Now I see why she asked me to fly Ruby down alone...
She wanted to convince you to come back to her."
*Luke* "Yeah that does make sense now..."
*Agent Scully* "I better go...I have a press conference to prep for..."
*Agent Scully* "And I'm sure you'll be there as well?"
*Hayden* "Yes...I'll be there...."
Everyone says goodnight to Special Agent Scully, then they
go back to talking about Rufus.
*Luke* "Can I go see her?"
*Hayden* "Yeah she was, You didn't know?..."
*Luke* "Sh*t! How can I be so stupid! This is all my fault..."
*Agent Suclly* "Do you think you were the father of her baby?"
*Luke* "I could have been, how far along was she?"
*Agent Scully* "According to the doctors she was about 25 weeks pregnant."
*Luke* "That's what? Six months? Sh*t!..."
*Margaret* "Luke, don't beat yourself up about this, I didn't even know either."
Luke turns to look at Margaret, surprised she didn't know
about this turn of events either.
*Luke* "She never told you about a baby? Or about that evening in her hotel room?"
*Margaret* "No...Is this why your wife is upset?"
*Luke* "Yeah it is..."
*Margaret* "Oh Luke!...Now I see why she asked me to fly Ruby down alone...
She wanted to convince you to come back to her."
*Luke* "Yeah that does make sense now..."
*Agent Scully* "I better go...I have a press conference to prep for..."
*Agent Scully* "And I'm sure you'll be there as well?"
*Hayden* "Yes...I'll be there...."
Everyone says goodnight to Special Agent Scully, then they
go back to talking about Rufus.
*Luke* "Can I go see her?"
*Hayden* "Technically visiting hours are already over, but maybe the Doctor will approve it."
*Margaret* "It's probably best she not be alone when she wakes up..."
*Luke* "Does she know she lost the baby?"
*Margaret* "It's probably best she not be alone when she wakes up..."
*Luke* "Does she know she lost the baby?"
*Hayden* "No, I don't think they told her anything yet, she was heavily sedated for surgery."
*Luke* "Well let's go find the doctor then, Margaret is right, she shouldn't be alone right now."
*Hayden* "Let's talk to the nurse and get you singed in then, we are having to screen all her visitors and make sure she safe."
So after some convincing and a final approval from the doctor. Luke sits in Rufus' room while Margaret stays out in the lobby area with Ruby. He's tired it's been a very, very long day.
*Hayden* "Let's talk to the nurse and get you singed in then, we are having to screen all her visitors and make sure she safe."
So after some convincing and a final approval from the doctor. Luke sits in Rufus' room while Margaret stays out in the lobby area with Ruby. He's tired it's been a very, very long day.
He can't help but sit there and hear Laura's voice over and
over in his head...
"You need to figure out want you want, cause I know I don't want to be married to a man who is in love with another woman!"
over in his head...
"You need to figure out want you want, cause I know I don't want to be married to a man who is in love with another woman!"
Luke sighs heavily, he doesn't want to loose Laura.
Rufus stirs awake, sensing the presence of another person. Her throat is dry and her body aches all over. She reaches out, making sure she is not dreaming...
*Rufus* "Luke?..."
*Rufus* "Luke?..."
To Be Continued...
Oh boy, that man is such a fool. I know he is trying to cover his ass, but leaving Laura at this timing to be by Rufus's side -- well, I wouldn't blame Laura if she kicked him to the curb. Luke has done so much to destroy his marraige - even before getting married. I know he feels sorry for Rufus, but he should realize that being by her side when she wakes up will make her think he still loves her -- maybe he does! Can't wait for the next episode.
ReplyDeleteAgreed!!!! Rufus lost her baby!! what the heck! That poor woman has no luck when it comes to children does she. Luke is a total ass if yuo ask me. He is destroying his relationship with his wife . ERRRRRRRR!!! Ok im done venting now..."giggles"
ReplyDeleteLuke Luke Luke...make up your mind. Are you with Laura because you think she is the type of woman you should want? Maybe you need to be alone without either of the women. Because neither of them deserve this. If Margaret was wise she would tell him to go home to his wife. I hope the grandparents get whiff of this! Maybe they can talk some sense into Luke about marriage and commitment! (rolling my eyes)
ReplyDeleteHmmm... it's this feeling.. When he's home with Laura, he thinks of Rufus. When he's with Rufus, he feels the rush to go to Laura's. Luke has to realize he can't have everything :) This is just so exciting, Miranda =D
ReplyDeleteLuke has made a very bad decision to leave his wife and go to the other woman. Laura should let him go. Shame on you Luke! I was rooting for him. Up to this mess up! Great story Miranda!!!
ReplyDeletePoor Rufus. Now, when she lost another baby with Luke she will be left alone with no man that she loves, with no baby with him, with no hope for solving this problem anytime in future, because she just tried and failed, but with emotional scars and physical injuries, with memories about situation that could give her PTSD and problem with trusting people, since it was people that she knew who tried to kill her. Life is very unfair to her. Luke will go back to his always too sick, too fragile, too offended , too hurt and too delicate wife and life will go on.
ReplyDeleteBad move Luke. He should have checked on her and then gone home, or at the very least told Laura to come with him. Margaret was there, and she should have been the person Rufus saw when she woke up. Now he's just giving Rufus hope. Luke doesn't really know what he wants. It is possible to love more than one person at a time.
ReplyDeleteIn a way Rufus losing the baby worked out for Luke. If Laura had found out, there would have been absolutely no chance of saving their marriage. I still think Laura should divorce Luke, though. He's way to indecisive and obviously still has feelings for Rufus, and this will just continue to get in the way of their marriage.
ReplyDeleteWow! I can't believe I'm going to say this a woman, I wouldn't want to be with a man who showed zero concern for a woman he at one time claimed to love. A woman he was going to marry and even have a baby with. You'd have to be a pretty cold person to not care at all. Now, having said that...I totally understand how Laura it's definitely a conundrum. I think maybe, I would've insisted on coming with him and stayed in the waiting area. Some years back..,I don't think you would ever hear me say that, lol. That probably sounds a little out there but Laura also needs to decide if this is what she wants and put up a little more of a fight. Luke, while he is a grown man, he hasn't had the best of influences (his mom) so Laura is probably going to need to do a little shaping in him.
ReplyDeleteThis was awesome!
Miranda, this episode is again awesome, just like in real life, bad decisions are made, this time obviously by Luke, what is he thinking giving Rufus hope, unless he wants to be with her? I think Laura needs time for herself, without Luke, to decide if she wants this marriage to continue. And poor Rufus! Can't wait for the next episode :-). Linda (Night Owl)
ReplyDeleteOh wow, this is getting good. Luke needs to see that Rufus is damaging his marriage with Laura, and needs to make up his mind. And Rufus needs to let him go! He's married for Buddha's sake! There's a saying "If you really love someone, you'll let them go" So much for your so-called "love", Rufus!
ReplyDeleteAnd Hey! It's Agent Dana Scully from the X-files! Awesome Reference! I wish Agent Fox Mulder would come out too, but this is not an x-files case, except maybe Rufus has aliens in her brain. Anyone else get this reference?
LOL !!! I agree with each word you said, and that image of aliens in the Rufus's brain... genious!