We now fast forward a little to early February on a Monday morning. Laura and Luke have some what resolved their differences with matters concerning Rufus. Luke swears he has not heard from her or seen her since that day she showed up at the coffee shop on Laura's birthday. He continues to promise Laura she will be the first one to know if circumstances change but Laura is having trouble completely trusting in that promise. Life goes on though as a month passes by since all of that transpired. Phineas' 2 year birthday is tomorrow but after the drama of last year's party Laura has decided to keep it low key with just immediate family this weekend. Since Amari will not be in town anymore the girls are all having one more get together at
Laura's house for coffee and girl talk.
Laura's house for coffee and girl talk.
*Laura* "So are you still seeing that one guy?...Ummm Enrique right?"
*Amari nods* "Uh huh....yeah we've been dating for about a month now."
*Laura* "So he was okay with you shacking up with your ex for 2 weeks?"
*Amari cringes* "I didn't tell him that part...It's too soon for me to divulge all
that info to him concerning Shaun and I and our arrangement with Leila."
*Laura* "But he does know who Leila's father is, right?..."
*Amari* "Well, yeah I told him all that..."
*Laura* "So you think things may get serious with him?...I'm dying to meet this guy."
Amari shrugs her shoulders. Right now she
is just happy getting to know him and
spend time with him.
*Amari* "I dunno...right now it's just casual and not exclusive. He's a
sweet guy, my parents like him. Plus my Dad likes his line
of work as opposed to Shaun's."
*Laura smiles she gets it* "Yeah I remember tying to explain to my
parents what Luke did. My mom was not a fan..."
The girls giggle it's hard to resist those rock n roll bad
boys. As much as Amari would have loved to work things out with Shaun both of them are much happier with
how things are now.
*Amari* "They grow so fast don't they?...I can't believe Finn is already 2. He
was just a baby when I found out I was pregnant with Leila."
*Laura* "I know. They sure do...It scares me sometimes."
*Amari* "You and Luke still planning to have one more?..."
*Laura sighs* "I dunno, with all the crap lately that has happened. Rufus showing up again...
Another child is not a good idea, besides I'm still upset with him
for lying to me, he never wants to talk about her with me.."
*Amari* "Yeah, I don't blame ya girl...I'd close up shop too."
Sometime later the last of the group makes it to
their little hen party. Michelle comes strolling in
after Willow came over to open the door for her.
*Michelle* "Hey ladies! I'm so sorry I'm so late..."
Michelle's job keeps her on the go. She loves it but it takes up
a lot of her time. Agreeing to meet up today was so last
minute she wasn't sure if she was going to make it.
*Laura* "That's okay! I'm glad you were able to pencil
us into your busy schedule."
Michelle's attention is instantly diverted over to Amari, who is holding Leila. She hasn't seen them since last Thanksgiving and is surprised
at how much little Lala has grown since then.
*Michelle* "Oh my gosh, Mari! She is getting so big.."
*Amari* "I know growing at leaps and bounds....She is really starting to
babble now and sing. It's the cutest. Shaun loves how vocal she is becoming...."
Leila just sits comfortably in mom's arms as she
drinks her bottle
of milk while everyone dotes on her.
*Laura* "Oh my, are we gonna be a future singer miss Lala?..."
*Amari* "I dunno but she definitely perks up when she
hears music...Shaun always gets her going, but now Daddy is
headed back to L.A...then off on tour for 3 months..."
*Laura* "Will she see Shaun during those 3 months?"
*Amari* "We're gonna try and see him a few times....it won't be easy but we'll make it work."
*Michelle* "Awe I'm sure she is gonna miss him, while he is on tour..."
*Willow* "I'm sure Shaun is gonna miss her too. Sounds like
he has taken to father hood quite well."
Michelle gets settled in and they all continue to chat
and fill each other in on what is going on in each other's lives. Michelle is the one who is furthest out of the loop on all the gossip. She
spends so many hours working she hardly has time
to catch up with her sister and her cousin.
*Michelle* "Okay so I got about an hour window before I have to be
back downtown for a preliminary meeting...So spill it ladies. I want
to know all your dirty little secrets...."
*Amari* "You are working too hard...maybe you need to slow down."
*Michelle* "I would if I could but this is the first case they are letting
me take the lead on. I don't want to mess it up..."
*Amari* "Is this the same one from last month you were talking about?..."
*Michelle* Yes it is. Lemme tell ya this case could go on for a while. So
much evidence to pour through. I've really got to get my facts straight."
*Laura* "Wow! How long to you think it could go on for?..."
*Michelle* "I dunno a year or two maybe. That's if I can get it all together
so we can get a trial going."
*Laura* "So does that mean...ummm...You and Ben...you know?"
Laura is not sure she should blurt out exactly what she is thinking after hearing all that Michelle has said. Back at New Year's her
and Ben made it clear they planned to start a family.
*Michelle* "I...umm...okay, so I may have had to put all that on hold for now....This info
stays within these four walls, ladies. I don't want mom or Erica getting wind of this."
*Willow looking down* "So you and Ben were trying to get pregnant?..."
*Michelle* "Yes....Well we had plans to. Then this high profile case gets dropped on my desk and the DA is adamant I take the lead on it...So I had no choice!...Plus I really
want this opportunity to take this case on..."
*Laura* "Oh no, was Ben mad that you have again stalled his
plans for starting a family?..."
*Amari* "Oh I'm sure he was sore about it alright....Ben has made it
clear he is ready to put a bun in that oven..."
Michelle looks disappointed as well. She hated having to
put things on hold after finally agreeing to be ready. Benjamin has been ever so patient with her. He understands how much
Michelle enjoys her career.
*Michelle* "I know, I know....He was, but I promised Ben that if I can't get
this case to trial that we will pick up where we left off.
I just can't juggle being pregnant, dealing with morning sickness
and with hormones while I work this case. I need to be level headed..."
*Michelle continues* "But enough about me! Mari you still seeing
that guy you met awhile back? We gonna get to meet him?"
Amari smiles at her as she responds to her cousin's questions.
Both Laura and Michelle are equally excited and curious
about the new guy in her life.
*Amari* "Yes. His name is Enrique. He's really sweet..."
*Michelle* "And what about Shaun? Does he know you're seeing someone?.."
*Amari* "We briefly touched on it. Shaun and I try to keep personal stuff
out of our conversations and just stay focused on Leila...."
*Michelle* "Well that's good...Sounds like you're enjoying the
company of this...Enrique."
*Amari* "Girl you know it!...Mamma needs attention too."
*Michelle smirks* "So is it serious?..."
*Amari* "Nah....Right now we're just getting to know each other..."
*Michelle* "That's cool. What does he do for a living?"
*Amari laughs* "Girl you sound like my father..."
While Michelle and Amari catch up. Laura talks to Willow,
who is in a bit of a somber, quiet mood today...
Her thoughts seem to be off somewhere else rather than
here around the table with the other ladies.
*Laura* "So how are things with you and Peter. I miss seeing you guys..."
*Willow smiles* "Good. We're both staying
busy...And Luke? How is he holding up? After you know...all that drama."
*Laura shrugs* "Fine...Busy with work as well I guess..."
Willow was the one who informed Laura of Luke's run in with Rufus at the coffee shop a month ago. Saffron her sister happened to be there and saw the whole thing happen. Laura of course was mad as hell
her husband kept it from her. She understands he wants to
keep that life and Rufus out of his life with Laura and
the boys but she still needs to know the truth.
*Willow* "Sounds like you two are still at odds with each other."
*Laura* "Ummm, no not really...I dunno maybe a little. I'm
just frustrated he continues to keep me in the dark."
*Willow* "Yeah I know..."
*Laura* "It's not like I'm asking something impossible. Just honesty."
*Willow nods agreeing* "Did Rufus ever try to show up again?"
Michelle's ears perk up at the mention of Rufus' name. She
had no idea! Again being so busy she never has
time to talk to Laura and see what it going on in each others lives.
*Michelle* "Rufus?!...That crazy bitch is coming around again?"
*Laura* "She surprised Luke at the coffee shop the morning of my birthday...She wants
Luke to legally agree to being Ruby's father. Incase anything would ever happen to her."
*Michelle* "Whoa , whoa, whoa....slow down...She did what now?"
*Laura* "Okay, so the morning of my birthday Luke and I decided to spend the day with the boys. But first Luke wanted to stop at the record shop and take care of a few things before Jacob came in to work the shop that day. So...he left the boys and I at the shop and walked the couple blocks over to our old coffee shop. He figured he'd get Jacob a coffee and sweet since he agreed to work on his day off....So while I'm at the shop waiting for Jacob to show up, Luke is supposedly ordering us coffee. I don't know how she knew he would be there or what but she managed to get his attention and the rest of the entire coffee shop. Luke comes back about 45 minutes later and doesn't say a word
about what just happened....I feel like he's upset about something but he insists he's fine. I
thought he was mad because I brought up having another baby earlier that morning!...
We haven't been agreeing much lately on that."
Michelle frowns. She can see now there is definitely
some tension going on again between her and Luke.
*Michelle* "So when did you find out about her showing
up in town again?..."
Laura sighs her fingers tapping the side
of her coffee mug.

*Laura* "About a week later...I got a call from Willow telling me her sister Saffron saw Luke arguing with some woman a week ago at the coffee shop. After Willow confirmed with Saffron who it was. She called me right away knowing that, that day was my birthday. At first she assumed that Luke had told me and was honest with me, but once we got more into the conversation we both realized I didn't know. Of course she filled me in then on what she knew and so that just sent me over the edge, knowing Rufus was back in town trying to pull this shit again....So by the time
Luke got home from work that evening I was an emotional wreck.
I couldn't believe he had chose to keep quiet about it..."
*Michelle* "Oh my gawd, Laura why didn't you call me?! I would have
dropped everything to come over here and support you...."
*Laura* "I wanted to talk to Luke first. Face to face. I almost drove all the way to the shop that afternoon with boys but I didn't. I didn't want to cause a scene,
drive angry with my kids in the car. So I waited till he got
home and the boys were in bed...."
*Amari* "He's so damn lucky his ass ain't out on the curb right now..."
*Laura* "Oh he knows that! Trust me...He's been walking on eggshells since this shit hit the fan. You know I get why he hates talking about her but still I deserve to know what is going on! So for a whole month now we've both been waiting for her to show up again somewhere. And the worst part is
if she has I don't even know if he's telling me the truth about it or not..."
*Amari* "Well, I don't think she has. Shaun, her and the others are all back in L.A. now. There is no way she's had time come back here and stalk Luke again. She risks
putting the band in bad publicity again too if she does that."
*Michelle* "So hang on a minute. Rufus wants Luke to claim Ruby is his child?...
Why? Haven't we been through this already?"
*Willow* "She claims Luke's father has no idea Ruby is his but that he's now suspicious and has asked too many questions...Rufus is claiming she just wants his help to protect her. Of course none of us are buying into it. Rufus apparently even had papers she wanted Luke to sign.
He refused to look at them or even take them."
*Michelle* "He should have taken them. I could have looked them over.
Assuming they were some kind of legal documents..."
*Willow* "It doesn't matter. I don't think Luke will ever agree to it."
*Laura* "But what if she is legitimately scared of something? Luke said
she was quite paranoid of his father."
*Amari* "So you think Luke should sign the papers?..."
Laura raises her hands in an almost defeated type
of gesture. She is frustrated.

*Laura* "Honestly, I don't know what to think, but I do know that an innocent little girl is in the middle of this. And if Luke can protect her by signing a paper saying he is the father then
fine by me. I know the truth, Rufus knows the truth, we all know the truth..."

*Willow* "So you're okay with him signing the papers?..."
*Laura* "Yeah...I told him I was. I think protecting Ruby is more important
than worrying about what her crazy mother will do."
*Willow* "But the minute he signs those papers Rufus will no
doubt use that as an excuse to be around Luke. We all
know how that ended once before."
Laura's cheeks flush red, she hates to be reminded of it. It's no secret anymore about Luke's infidelity while Laura was pregnant with Phoenix. They eventually worked it out considering all the circumstances
that led up to it but it still hurts to think about it.
*Laura* "Oh I have no doubt she will try to manipulate, Luke...but it's not happening, trust me!..
Over my dead body will she ever lay her hands on my man again."
*Amari* "Damn, girl...calm down we git it...It's okay."
The girls decide to drop the whole Luke and Rufus
drama and talk about other things. Michelle begins
by asking Willow how her and Peter are doing.
*Michelle* "So how is life going for you? You still making
things work with Peter?...I heard he had his
vasectomy reversed. Is that true?"
Willow awkwardly smiles a bit she had no idea
news of Peter's reverse vasectomy had traveled so far.
*Willow* "Ummmm yeah he did...I was quite shocked to find out about it. I
honestly was okay with not having kids after everything we had already been through."
*Michelle* "So he's okay with having kids now, huh?"
*Willow* "I don't think either one of us know what we want right now. I'm just thankful to be alive and be here with him and if a baby happens then
it happens. But we're not trying or anything."
*Willow* "He mainly did the procedure to prove to me that he was done 'Dicking around' and that he was committed to us as a couple."
*Michelle* "That's quite a grand gesture..."
Laura cannot help but wonder about another grand gesture Peter could be working on. Since Luke and him are no longer on speaking
terms she has no idea what goes on with Peter anymore
unless Willow tells her about it.
*Laura* "Speaking of grand gestures is Peter ever gonna pop the question?..."
*Amari* "Oooo, Yes!!!!!...I think a fall Wedding for you two would be lovely."
*Laura* "Same here, Luke and I had a fall wedding. Just close friends
and family it was lovely."

*Willow* "Peter and I are happy right now, besides you know him
and Luke are the worst at trying to plan out romantic gestures...Plus remember the last time a guy tried to propose to me? Well uh, you know that didn't go so well..."
Willow shudders at the thought. Flashes of her brutal attack surface some. Nathan desperately tried to hold on to Willow's affection, to the point that he thought if he cannot have her then no one will...

The girls nod in agreement and quietly sip their coffee. Letting to topic of proposals end there. Some of those memories are still too painful for Willow. Peter and her are perfectly content on where things are in their relationship right now and that is all that matters.
Laura gets the girls chatting again on a much lighter subject as their little gossip session comes to a close. A short while later the girls begin to leave starting with Michelle, then Amari along with
baby Leila and now Willow gets ready to take her leave.
*Laura* "I'm glad you were able to make it and hang out with us this morning..."
*Willow* "Of course...it was nice catching up with y'all."
*Laura* "I just feel bad bringing up marriage proposals. I'm sorry I wasn't thinking."
*Willow* "Oh no! It's okay...I know you meant well..."
*Laura* "I just think that maybe if you and Peter were getting married that
maybe him and Luke would patch things up..."
*Willow sighs* "I know. I wish those two would work out their differences. But Peter thinks Luke should be the one to apologize. What happened between him and Cynthia happened years ago! If I can get over it I dunno why he can't....."
*Laura* "That's what I tell him....You know, Luke hardly spoke to his mother over the
holidays. It was horrible....I feel like not having Peter to talk to has made him
more moody and depressed. He will never admit it though. And now with the
whole recent Rufus crap. I think he's been even more stressed."
*Laura continues* "I can't believe it's been a whole year now since they
stopped talking to each other..."
*Willow* "Maybe we can try to force them to get together.
At least try to talk it out. If not, I can recommend my therapist to Luke
maybe talking this over with someone will help him?..."
*Laura* "A therapist? I dunno, I don't think Luke would go for that."
*Willow* "I know, Peter is the same way. I'm sure they could both
benefit from it but they're too damn stubborn to admit it..."
*Laura smiles* "Men! We picked a real dynamic duo didn't we?..."
They both smile and Willow says goodbye so she can get on with her day and meet up with a potential new client for some commissioned artwork. The girls definitely got their fill of gossip to last them for a good while. Ever since Peter and Luke broke off communication the dynamics of their social groups have definitely changed. Luke has put more time and energy into being more of a loner, focusing on the his business, which isn't a bad thing, but Luke has always been a people person. Laura just worries that all the stress and pressure of family life and business is getting to him. Now without Peter around to vent to and Rufus showing up again. Laura is on edge as well...Life is changing and Laura just hopes they can get through all this together.
To be Continued!...
Thanks so much as always for tuning in! I truly do appreciate all of your support and interest in what I do. I hope to be able to continue to post
episodes on a regular basis! From now on
will be the day for new episodes to drop!
Also I have decided to leave my PayPal address up at the end of every episode for those who feel they would like to give back. As an artist it is always a struggle to make ends meet. Most of you know I don't do this for the money but at the same time whatever does trickle in helps a lot!
And since I recently had to deactivate the Adsense account, well that money is no longer available to me. I explained why in a previous post which can be read here...
Like I said this all up to you as the reader, no pressure! I want you all to continue to enjoy my stories no matter what, whether you feel compelled to donate or not.
~ milooorr@gmail.com ~
Again Thank you all so very much!
So happy you were able to do another episode! I like that you did this as a gal pal catch up session since I needed to know what was going on with all of them too! Looking forward to the next episode.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying my best to stick to a schedule! I miss playing out their story, so I'm happy to be back at it.
DeleteYeah I figured we all needed to know what was going on with the girls. So this was a nice way for them to gossip and get everyone back up to speed on the latest drama.
Laura and Willow should sign Luke and Peter up for couples counseling. They're an old married couple in their own right. Loved seeing how everyone's doing.
ReplyDeleteOMG! haha! They should, those two need to get over the macho B.S. but you know how men are they'd rather be miserable.