Moving along in the storyline we are now in the month of March and so it has been a couple weeks in the dollyverse now since that last blog episode. Today we will be checking back in on our newly wed couple Baz and Eva. If you are new to the blog or need a refresher on who these two are then the next two links below will take you there.
I had hoped to take more outdoor shots of these two but since then the outdoor space I was using, which was my parents backyard is no longer available to me this will suffice for now. They have been packing for months in preparation of moving. So the "Gnome Village"(where I took my photos)my parents had worked on for years is now packed away for the new house...
Honeymoon Highway
Honeymoon Highway...Part 2
It's late afternoon on a muggy Saturday in March. The shift in weather shows that spring is now blooming down in the south as the heat and humidity begin to dominate the forecast. The soft glow of
the Television lights up the room, as Baz sits in the bed
and watches old reruns of I Love Lucy.
*Baz laughing* "Shit, this show never gets old..."
Eva comes out of the bathroom and stops, leaning against the door frame. She is still in a bit of shock that her and Baz got married so quickly and took off on a cross country honeymoon. Never has she met someone who completely undoes her. Eva always had to be strong for herself growing up, but Baz changed that. Showed
her she can trust again and love someone.
*Eva* "Baz baby....don't you think it's about time we got
out and explored our surroundings?"
*Baz* "Come sit here with me baby doll...You're missing the show."
Eva saunters over in her leopard print slip dress and sits down on the bed next to Baz. The two haven't had much reason to get dressed for the past week since arriving here. Only going out for food. Baz munches on a twinkie while Eva questions his eating habits.
*Eva* "How can you eat those things?..."
*Baz* "They're not that bad..."
Eva makes a face and he smiles back at her
then takes another bite off the twinkie.
*Eva* "Take me out, baby...We've been stuck in this musty
motel room all week. I'm sure it's safe enough for us to go out now."
Baz shoves the remaining Twinkie in his mouth
while him and Eva discuss possible future plans.
*Baz* "I dunno baby doll. We've got to lay low unless
you want my fucking mother finding us."
*Eva* "How is she gonna find us? We haven't used any credit cards, paid cash
everywhere we go, and on top of that you made me dump my cell
phone back in the desert in New Mexico..."
*Baz* "She has her ways, Eva..."
Eva leans in and plants a soft kiss on his cheek. Then another and another, as her left hand gently caresses his forearm. His warm skin tingling from the soft touch of her fingertips. Eva persists
enticing him to give in to her wants.

*Eva* "And I have mine...C'mon baby take me
out tonight. Wine and dine your wife."
*Baz* "It's too risky baby doll."
*Eva* "Just for a few hours Baz. C'mon baby..."
Baz holds out as long as he can but Eva knows she has him. He can't hide behind his brooding looks for forever. Then in one swift
motion Baz grabs her by the waist and flips her onto her back.
Taking those soft lips that were teasing him only
moments ago to meet his.
Their lips part ways and Baz replies to her
previous demands for being wined and dined.
*Baz* "Mmm...Maybe just for a few hours..."
*Eva* "Yes...Just a few..."
Taking his lips to meet hers again Baz pulls her in tighter
taking the kiss a little deeper. Then pulling
away leaving Eva hanging a little breathless...
*Baz* "But before I wine and dine you. You've
got to let me make love to you after all that teasing..."
*Eva* "Wine and dine me first and I'll make it a night you never forget..."
*Baz* "Baby doll I never forget any moment I have with you."
Being a newlywed couple the two naturally cannot get enough of each other. Especially after being on the road and on the run for weeks. It may not be the ideal, picturesque honeymoon that everyone envisions, but Baz and Eva are happy. And to them that is all that matters right now. They will eventually have to face the wrath of Margot DeRozen but for now they choose to get lost in each other....
The old TV set continues to softly illuminate the dingy old motel room as it plays in the background an added ambiance to the soft moans and groans. A short while later still in their motel bed,
Eva nestles her head into Baz's shoulder. As a dozen questions run through her mind wondering what Baz plans to do. How long do they plan to stay on the road? Will they ever go back to Vegas?...
*Eva* "Baz?..."
*Baz* "Yeah?..."
Baz was lost in thought as well as he plays with
a lock of Eva's bright red hair. Twisting and twirling
the hair between his fingers.
*Eva* "You think we'll stay here longer?..."
*Baz* "Just a few weeks more baby doll...That was the original plan."
*Eva* "Yeah I know..."
Eva runs her fingers over his chest as they talk. He knows she wants to stand her ground with Margot but Baz knows better. Mama don't mess around. The business always comes first, and Baz was supposed to be next to take charge of it...
*Baz* "I know you're not happy with packing up and
leaving so soon, but we can't risk being seen..."
*Eva* "But it's so wonderful here...I'm sure we could find a secluded little love
nest. I may be a city girl but I could get used to it."
Baz doesn't reply right away instead he continues to play with her hair, as he mulls things over in her head. He'd love nothing more
than to settle down somewhere with Eva but that will never happen
as long as both their lives are in danger.
Baz has been open with Eva about anything and everything except one tiny detail. Eva thought that he pulled money from his trust fund to make this trip possible. Baz knew if he did, that would alert his mother to some strange activity and he couldn't risk that she would have stopped them before he even had walked out the bank with all that cash. So instead for months now he had been pilfering some of the laundered money that goes through the casino. It wasn't easy but he managed to do it. It is after all what he was raised to do and take on in the "family" business. If his mother hasn't figured it out already then she will soon, very soon...And he just may be a dead man because of it.
Eva calls out his name several times before he finally
comes back from his thoughts
*Baz* "I'm sorry doll...what did you say?"
*Eva* "I said....What are you thinking?"
*Baz* "Ummm..It's nothing, just daydreaming. Why don't
you get dressed. Let's go out..."
Later that evening around 10pm Luke closes up shop and gets ready to head home for the evening. Even though Laura and him haven't been seeing eye to eye on everything and being at odds with each other is more of a recent trend lately. He agreed to try and be home by eleven any other remaining work he can try to do from the house. Now that Jacob is gone and may not be back for a long time, Luke needs another employee to at least run the till. Laura promised too to help him out by hiring a new employee while he can run the shop uninterrupted.
As Luke is looking down at his Macbook and checking a few last items before shutting it down the front door swung open abruptly. The cool night air hitting his face, drawing his attention to two very shady looking fellas blocking the doorway. Immediately Luke thinks this is a robbery until the fat guy in the Hawaiian shirt and ponytail speaks up.
*Lorenzo* "Youz Luke Cooper?...."
The guys voice is a little nasally and definitely a hint of a northern accent in there. New York maybe. No way is this guy from around here. He's dressed like a mobster from the 70's who enjoys a bit of the Miami mobster look as well and a pistol peeking out the side of his jacket
nestled in a holster. The other guy is quiet and obviously the muscle,
dark shades on hiding his eyes even though the sun
went down hours ago. He keeps watch...
*Luke* "Shop is closed..."
Luke knows now these fellas are not here for a robbery why would the guy ask for him by name then? He immediately assumes that this has something to do with Rufus. Maybe she hired these goons to get her way? Lorenzo's eyes pan around the store while he replies back to Luke.
*Lorenzo* "Yeah, I know...That's not the question I akxed ya!
*Luke* "Come back during business hours. We're closed."
Luke stands tall and holds his ground but it
doesn't faze Lorenzo. He steps father into
the shop while his muscle keeps watch at the door.
*Lorenzo* "Dis is the the last time I'm gonna ask ya before I have Danny boy
knock ya up side that thick head a yours. Ya feel me? Now...
Youz David Cooper's boy or not?.."
Luke does his best to remain calm. Now that the man has brought up his father he's not sure if this is just Rufus acting alone or if this has to do with what she found herself caught up in with David Cooper. Luke begins to wonder if she was telling him the truth now when she dropped in on him at the coffee shop months ago...
*Luke* "Whatever shit he is up to I have no part in it. I haven't
seen the bastard in over 10 years..."
*Lorenzo* "Uh..uh...yeah I don't give a fuckin' shit bout all dat...What
matters to me is youz being Cooper's blood."
*Luke* "What the fuck do you want then?!..."
*Lorenzo* "Calm down, calm down...We didn't come here to argue. Unlezz youz
want Danny Boy to fuck up that sweet face...I'm just a messenger ...mmkay."
Luke holds his shit together while Lorenzo
rattles on as to why him and Danny are here, acting as
though this is just a run of the mill friendly visit from your neighborhood mobster.
*Lorenzo* "Listen good cuz I ain't gonna repeat myself....My boss, well she ain't happy. In fact she's in a bad, bad place right now. Too many people tryna double cross her.....Your Pops is one of dem...Daddy dearest lost fifty G's worth of merchandise
and we looking to recover some of dat cost, ya know what I mean?..."
*Luke* "I don't give a fuck about what you do to him. He's already dead to me."
*Lorenza* "Yeeeeah, but....."
Lorenzo scans the room again once more as he
contemplates how nice and sweet he should put his next statement. Luke is not making this little business trip of his easy. He was hoping he would have a little more heart to the dilema his boss is in.
*Lorenzo* "...Youz give a fuck about this business, right? And your
wife and two boys? Be a damn shame for anything to happen to them
because youz didn't want to be nice and help out my boss."
Luke snaps, the audacity of this guy to come here and threaten his family! All because he's related to David fucking Cooper...
This makes Luke want to change his name and never have
to be associated with that asshole ever again.
*Luke* "Leave my fucking family out of this shit!!! I have no connections
with my father so I don't know how I can help you anyways..."
*Lorenzo* "I told boss is out fifty G's..."
*Luke* "I don't have that kind of money!"
*Lorenzo* "Oh I'm sure we can come to an arrangement...
Youz got this nice establishment an My boss is a reasonable
business woman. So as long as youz give her what she wants..."
*Luke* "No! No you're fucking crazy if you think I will hand over everything
I've ever worked for in my life! Especially for my fucking father..."
Luke cannot believe the audacity of this guy telling him to pay up or give up his business all because his father owes someone fifty thousand dollars. Luke's testy behavior puts Danny on guard as he steps closer with the gun tightly gripped in his hand. Luke immediately takes two steps backwards. He's been shot before last time though
was not a fatal wound but it still hurt like hell!
*Luke* "Look man I don't have that kind of money..."
*Lorenzo* "It's okay Danny. I got this...."
Lorenzo waves him off to go back to standing
guard at the door. While he gives Luke one last
shot at making his boss whole again....
*Lorenzo* "Look I'm a reasonable guy and so'z my boss. Just pay us what
ah we want, ya know? No hard feelings...That's it...It's easy...And you ain't
ever gotta see my face again. Or Danny boys..."
Luke folds to his demands he has no choice
but to protect what is his.
*Luke* "I need some time..."
Lorenzo begins to walk towards the door...
*Lorenzo* "Youz got one week to get the money, otherwise Danny boy
forces you to sign your business over to my boss...Capisce?"
Luke swallows and nods. His whole body has been tensed up this
entire time, that he can barely stay standing anymore. Lorenzo
responds to the nod and walks away calling
off the muscle on his way out of the door.

*Lorenzo* "Good....Let's go Danny boy..."
Lorenzo and Danny leave and Luke immediately catches
himself on the countertop gripping it tight as all that
adrenaline leaves his body quickly leaving him
in a much weaker feeling state.
Luke kicks his large heavy boot at the base of the counter in
frustration. He's so angry he feels like he just might lose
his shit and trash the whole shop in the process. Which wouldn't do him any good. He has got to figure out a way out of this but how?
These guys don't mess around. Luke knows his dad was tied up in
some bad shit last time he saw him but Luke never thought it
would ever affect him as long as he stayed away.

Luke rubs his forehead and ponders his options. There is one thing for sure he knows, Laura cannot know about this. No one can...He just hopes he can get the money
somehow and that they'll be happy and leave him be.
Luke leans back over and looks down at his Macbook. He's got some emails to send and some inquiries to make....

And he's gonna have to break his promise to Laura that he wouldn't be home late. No way can he do this at the house and risk her seeing any of it.
Much, much later that same evening or shall we say very early morning. Our newlyweds come shuffling into their motel room
after a night out on the town. Clinging tightly to each other the two continue to celebrate their new life together.
Baz makes sure the door is locked and secure
before turning his attention back to Eva.
Both of them drunk and tipsy from a night of fun, food, and
dancing. Eva stops and looks at herself in one of the mirrors
that flank the large furniture piece that is used
for the TV and drawer storage for clothes.
*Eva* "Baz?..."
*Baz* "What's on your mind, baby doll?..."
*Eva* "I really like it here..."
*Baz* "I know but it's not safe...We can't stay but we can
always try to come back...."
*Eva* "Promise me that when we do. That we stay.
Stay here and grow old together..."
*Baz* "I'll promise you the moon, baby if it makes you happy..."
*Eva* "Baz, I'm serious!..."
Baz leans back and falls onto the bed pulling Eva down
with him. He is a bit drunk and high on love right now.
Having a serious conversation is not high on his
list in fact it's the furthest thing from his mind.
*Baz* "I don't care where we end up baby doll as long as
I have you that's all the fucking matters. I don't give a
rat's ass what my mother thinks."
Eva plants her hands on both sides of his head as
she leans in and presses her forehead
to his softly kissing him.
*Eva* "Me too, baby me too....I am not scared of your mother. She can come at
me all she wants but I will not leave you. You're everything to me...."
Baz lifts his head to kiss her again as he squeezes
her hips and tries to pull her in closer.
*Baz* "Once I can securely pull money from my trust fund, we'll settle down. I promise."
Immediately Eva pulls her face away from his. Baz told her, he
did that all before they left vegas. What does
he mean? How is he paying for their trip right now?
Eva begins to push farther up off the bed. Anger rising
in her chest as she spews out her words. She cannot believe Baz lied to her about this. It was the main reasons she agreed
to go on the run with him.
*Eva* "What did you just say?!..."
*Baz* "Baby, wait...What?..."
*Eva* "You told me you already took money from
your trust fund...What the fuck are you sayin Baz?!"
Eva looks him dead in the eyes and knows now
he's hiding something from her. They both glare at each other for a beat. As Eva waits for him to come clean.
To Be Continued!
Thanks so much as always for tuning in! I truly do appreciate all of your support and interest in what I do. I hope to be able to continue to post
episodes on a regular basis! From now on
will be the day for new episodes to drop! If I can make the deadline😅
Also I have decided to leave my PayPal address up at the end of every episode for those who feel they would like to give back. As an artist it is always a struggle to make ends meet. Most of you know I don't do this for the money but at the same time whatever does trickle in helps a lot!
And since I recently had to deactivate the Adsense account, well that money is no longer available to me. I explained why in a previous post which can be read here...
Like I said this all up to you as the reader, no pressure! I want you all to continue to enjoy my stories no matter what, whether you feel compelled to donate or not.
~ ~
Again Thank you all so very much!
Poor Luke. I hope he catch a break.
ReplyDeleteYeah trouble sure likes to find him, eh?
DeleteI hope Luke can get some help so that he doesn't have to pay up. That's crazy. Who is the boss out of the money? Baz's mother?
ReplyDeleteWe will see! Things will definitely unfold a little more in the next few episodes :)
DeleteWow, I was thinking the same thing as Jaye's Doll Space. I am loving the hotel room. Your diorama's are nothing short of remarkable.
ReplyDeleteThanks Phyllis! I am desperate to get Luke and Laura's house completed! Don't worry we will find out more soon as things unfold...
DeleteI know Luke wants to protect Laura & the boys, but he should at least tell her about this. No more secrets should be between them, and now his father has put their life on the line. This should be something that Laura should help him with, but if he plans not to tell her it would just cause more problems. Good luck Luke.
ReplyDeleteI agree he should tell her...Hopefully Luke will! Oh the drama...glad you're enjoying it :)
DeleteOmg! Luke!