This month we jump back into the future, it is the following day after Laura and Chad caught Phoenix in his bedroom with Lily Rose. Laura is in the kitchen cooking up some chicken and salad for dinner. Chad comes downstairs after changing out of his work attire and immediately makes his way to the kitchen the smell of dinner leading him there. "That smells divine, is that almond chicken I smell?...", says Chad.

Hi and welcome to One Sixth Avenue where tiny lives experience big drama...I am a long time fashion doll collector who also enjoys storytelling, photography, and dioramas. I have found that dolls truly allow me the ultimate creative outlet for my artistic expression... My stories are designed and written for the mature doll enthusiast, SO ENJOY!
Friday, July 29, 2022
The Future is Now...Part 2...(S10-E21)
"Yes it is" says Laura, " it's almost ready..."
Laura takes the last few pieces of chicken and places them in the serving bowl. Chad comes up behind her as she turns to set the bowl down onto the kitchen island, greeting her with a soft kiss to her temple.
"Where is everybody?..." Chad inquires as his cheek rests against the side of her forehead.
"Finn is with his study group. I have no idea where Phoenix is, he will not answer my calls, and Abigail is upstairs doing her homework. So it's just the 3 of us for dinner tonight." says Laura.
"Dinner with my ladies sounds nice..." as Chad continues to hold her in a soft embrace. "I'm sure Phoenix will turn up soon. He never likes to miss his momma's cooking...." Chad spins her around and kisses her again. Laura looks up at him and smiles, not sure she is convinced about Phoenix.
She is worried he will do something wild and impulsive especially since he only has a little less than 5 months left till his 18th birthday. The kid is like a ticking time bomb. "I hope so, I'm worried about him." says Laura as worried eyes look up at him.
"I know you are." Chad reassures her. "Should I call Hayden? Send out an APB?"
Laura quickly shakes her head as she continues to look up at him, "No, no you're right. I'm sure he'll be home soon..."
"Lemme help you get the table set darlin'..." Chad smiles as he does his best to make her feel better.
Laura nods, "That would be wonderful, yes..."
Chad spins around again to go grab some dinner plates out of the cabinet while Laura grabs her glass of iced tea and takes a sip. Her mind going back to an unexpected text message she received earlier today.
"I um...I need to run an errand after dinner.
You think you can make sure Abigail gets ready for bed tonight?..." Laura asks as she sips her tea.
"Sure, no problem darlin'...should I get plates or bowls for the salad?"
"Bowls are fine...", replies Laura as she thinks about that text message.
A short while later after dinner and a quick clean up of the kitchen Laura heads out of the house to go run her errand. She sits alone on a bench in the city park not far from where her and Luke were married many years ago. Laura looks down at her phone while she waits, her nerves getting to her she is almost ready to change her mind and bolt out of there.
It's been some years since she has agreed to meet in person and the last time that happened Chad was with her. This time it is different she is alone and she did not quite disclose to Chad what she was doing. For that reason alone she feels like a horrible person lying to him about her so called errand. Laura decides to wait another minute before taking off to leave, while she does that she sends a text message to Phoenix hoping he reads it. Worried he has plans to run away. "Looks like the fountain quit working..."says the young man as the two make their way out of the park.
His wife responds, "No surprise there, those old things always break."
As the couple is walking away another familiar face shows up at the secluded park. Luke heads up the pathway as he pushes some of the low lying branches out of his view. He spots Laura sitting down on one of the large stone benches looking at her phone completely unaware of anything and anyone around her.
He was almost sure she was not going to agree to this meetup. Hell, he was not even sure he wanted to agree to this meetup, but curiosity got the best of him so earlier today, he sent a text message to Laura. To his surprise she actually responded, and actually agreed to meet him tonight.
Laura is still looking down at her phone as he walks up on her, she is typing away, and completely oblivious to things around her. Laura hits the send button on her screen just as two scuffed up brown boots come into her view. Then that deep, smooth, and very familiar voice calls her by name, "Laura?" It's not twangy like Chad's and most locals. Luke's is distinct and sends a chill through her body. It's almost as if his lips were right against her ear.
Laura's head flies up and their eyes lock. She feels almost as nervous as that first day they met in the coffee shop for their blind date, except now they have history and two children together. Laura has trouble finding her words, as her eyes wander over him, the years have been a bit rough as her eyes take him in, but he still looks good. Luke speaks since Laura seems to be at a loss for words as she sit and stares at him blankly. "I didn't think you would come..."
"Yeah, well I didn't think I would come either, but I'm here...", she replies. "How's Rufus and Ruby?" Laura immediately tries to keep things light and friendly, hoping that it sets the tone for the rest of their conversations. Luke and Rufus somewhat successfully managed to raise Ruby as if she was their own child. Laura is one of the few who know the truth even though Luke did all he could to hide the truth from her. Luke shrugs his shoulders in response, him and Rufus never officially got back together but it didn't stop the two from having a physical relationship from time to time.
"Uh good I guess....Ruby is enjoying her modeling career...And you, how's everyone?" Luke asks her knowing things have been difficult with Phoenix lately.
"Good, everyone is doing well. Phineas is a top student in his class you should call him and congratulate him. I think it would do him well to hear his father be so proud of him..." Laura continues with the light banter and pleasantries. Luke nods and agrees he should follow up with Finn. He definitely needs to call him more often. Laura gestures for Luke to sit down next to her. "Please, sit..."
As Luke walks to sit down, her phone vibrates with an alert. Laura sighs when she looks down at her phone hoping her son would text her back, but it's not him. Just a message from Chad saying all is good at the house and to take her time on her errand. Laura's heart sinks feeling bad she lied to Chad. Luke can see the worried look on her face and questions her. "Who were you texting?"
"Phoenix..." , says Laura.
"And?...Was that him?" Luke asks knowing Phoenix is the only reason they're sitting here.
"No, it was Chad..." Luke audibly grunts at the mention of Chad's name. Laura turns her head and looks at him. She knows that Luke called her here because he is worried about Phoenix as well but she was also curious to see him too. Now the guilt of sneaking off to meet her ex-husband in the late evening is weighing on her. She pushes it aside and tries to focus on her concern for Phoenix. "He won't answer my calls or messages...I am worried about him."
"I am too. He made things sound so fucking bad over the phone...What's going on?" Laura pushes her glasses back up on her nose while she gathers her thoughts before speaking. Laura along with Chad have done most of the parenting with the boys for the last 10 years or so. But this time Laura is at a loss, and so she agreed to meet Luke for that reason.
"Phoenix is hell bent on doing things his way. Yesterday after Abigails recital I caught him in his room with Lily Rose. Thankfully they still had their underwear on..."
"And!?...Our son is having sex and doing who knows what with this girl. What if she ends up pregnant? She makes him absolutely insane. I can smell pot on him way too often when he comes home from school. He thinks he's hiding it from me but he forgets I was young once too."
Luke can't help but laugh a bit, "Oh come on, you never smoked pot babe..."
"No, but I've been around it plenty and if he doesn't get his grades up he will not graduate." Laura is a bit flustered now feeling as though Luke is not taking this serious.
"He's a fucking teenager Laura, what do you expect?"
"You don't get it Luke. He fights me and Chad on everything. It's exhausting. I need you to get him to calm down and focus. To understand that he only has a few months of school left. That's all I want at this point is for him to graduate. I'm not asking much."
"I talked to him last night and he's hell bent on moving to Vegas...ranting about Chad threatening to send him to military school again."
"Yes, that's why you have to try and get through to him...", Laura pleads.
"So this is why Chad wants to throw him back into military school? For some fucking pot and a few bad grades?...You seriously can't expect Phoenix to listen to this asshole?...You need to tell Chad to back the fuck off..."
Laura immediately defends Chad, "He is only trying to help!..."
"The fuck he is! Chad is pushing him too fucking hard. He needs to give Phoenix some space..." Luke's tone raises a notch in response to her.
"Space?! He needs to see how important it is for him to finish school..."
Laura scoffs. Luke is clueless on how to deal with a teenager. Luke could never get along with Chad and hates him never once trying to for Laura's sake or the boys. Laura notices something shiny on Luke's finger as the setting sun rays hit it. This ultimately sends the remainder of their conversation into a nose dive. "Is that your wedding band? Oh my gawd, Luke why do you still wear that? We're not married anymore!..."
He turns the ring that still sits there on his finger and responds as honestly as he can. He regrets all the stupid decisions he made years ago. If he had the power to change all that he would. Laura knows she was the love of his life, because he was hers too. Yet the love wasn't enough to get past all the lies..."Because it's all I fucking have left of you...that's why."
Laura's hand flies up to her chest as she can feel her heart rate go up a few beats. Those words cut deep and ring true and it scares the shit out of her because she knows he is being honest. Because everyday she looks at Phoenix and Phineas and sees Luke, the heartache has faded some over the
years but it's still there. "Luke...don't...don't say things like that."
"It's the fucking truth babe...I'll never stop love..." Laura cuts him off she flies up off the bench, coming here alone was a bad idea. Even after all these years that physical, gravitational pull to him is still there. They both know it, but it's not enough. Laura knows she cannot let herself go through any of that ever again. Loving Luke was one thing, but the heartache was way worse.
"No!...No! I have to go! I shouldn't be here!", Laura panics. Luke instinctively pops up after her, his hand reaching out for her wrist as she tries to walk away. His mind knows that this is all a bad idea, but his heart says otherwise. Seeing her in person makes all those feelings flood back. He wishes they could just easily pick up where they left off nearly 13 years ago, but the past cannot be undone.
"Laura, no wait...", Luke begs. Laura instantly yanks her wrist out of his grasp. The instant he touched her, she could feel that magnetic jolt course through her body. It's the same feeling she has always felt with him, nothing can ever compare to it.
"Luke, let go of me!...Don't make this harder." Meanwhile just a few yards away Travis stands watch, and waits for Luke. The sudden cry from Laura has him pause, and turn his head. Travis is, I guess Luke's current best friend. They're both ex-cons with lots of baggage, and they both currently work for Luke's brother Sebastian.
"I'm sorry babe, please don't go..." Luke begs again.
"Luke, can't just say you still have feelings for me! I came here to talk about what to do about our son!" Laura says in a more distressed manor.
"I'm fucking trying!...I...I don't know what else to say Laura, I...I still wear the ring because you're the only woman who will ever have my heart." Luke stammers as he tries to get that last sentence out. He felt that electric buzz too. She is the only woman who makes him lose all sense when he is around her. Seeing her here in person makes him want it all back so badly. He wants her in his arms again, to feel her again, but it's obvious Laura is not going to reciprocate those feelings. He has broken her heart too many times for her to ever trust him again.
Laura cries out in response to him, "You need to let go of the past Luke!..."
"I have done that!...", Luke spits back.
"No, you clearly haven't." Laura's voice drops down a notch. "How can you help me with Phoenix if you can't get past us?...You need to stop wearing that ring! I'm married to Chad now, please let it go."
"You know, Chad doesn't give a shit about Phoenix!...Deep down you fucking know it! Our son is just like me. Chad sees it. You see it...And I'm the only one who has the fucking power to fix it!" Laura's eyes widen in shock as she hears him speak. He is right. Phoenix is just like Luke, and it's blatantly obvious to anyone who knows both of them. She knows Luke is probably the only one right now who can set Phoenix straight. It's also why Laura agreed to meet him, she thought they could truly work together to get Phoenix back on the right track.
"You're an asshole, and I'm done here. Chad and I will handle Phoenix on our own. Go back to Vegas Luke." Luke forgot Laura has quite the temper too, and he just lit that fuse with his harsh words just now.
Laura tries to walk off quickly, but Luke takes several faster, longer strides cutting her off around the broken water fountain. Wait!...just fucking wait! Give me one more chance...I'm here now. I'm trying..."
"Try harder!...Your son's future depends on it." Laura tries to sidestep, and continue walking away. Luke stops her again putting his arm out in front of her.
"I'm here now. I'm fucking trying! Don't shut me out Laura! Phoenix is the one who called me, not you! I have tried over the years, but you don't make this shit easy for me either..."
Laura tries to stay calm knowing their conversation has now gone sideways, "We've been down this road before..."
"I know we have. I take full responsibility for the past...All of it. I don't want you to blame yourself for any of it anymore. I'll regret my decisions till the day I fucking die..." Laura is pretty sure he is being sincere, but Luke knows how to smooth talk his way into someone's good graces. While neither of them handled things perfectly as they watched their marriage implode, Laura knows Luke chose paths in life she simply could not follow along with anymore.
Laura reiterates to again let go of the past, "We can't change what has already happened..."
"Yeah, but don't shut me out now with Phoenix. I can help, and I want to help." Luke drops the tone of his voice, hoping they can get back to a more productive conversation.
"Wanting, and doing are two different things. You've made a lot of empty promises over the years, not just to me, but with the boys too." Luke tries to step in closer, but Laura knows the move all too well. She immediately puts her arm out keeping the arms length distance between them. "We're done here...Clearly you have other intentions trying to bring me here."
"I see it on your face, you feel the same fucking way. How can I stop something that I can't control?" Luke just comes out with it he does not even bother this time covering up what that feeling does to him. They both felt it, that same feeling, that electric buzz of energy wanting to pull them in closer. Laura knows exactly what he means, she steps away needing to put distance between them before she does something she regrets.
"You really need to let it go. The idea of us again is never going to happen Luke. You damn sure, made sure of it that night at the motel years ago."
"Don't act like you're a fucking saint in all this...You chose to lie to me too. Why didn't you just tell me you were pregnant." Luke didn't know till years later after he was out of prison, and they briefly tried to work through their relationship one last time. Laura finally told him what happened after that day in the kitchen, and that she had a miscarriage a short time later. By then the damage done to their marriage was way too much. Laura began to move on with Chad while Luke was on parole, and when she ended up pregnant they got married. Luke left town eventually, and gave up on trying to make any relationships in his life work.
"I came there to try and work things out...I tried to tell you, but you were too drunk and belligerent that night. There was no way to have a serious conversation with you." But he is right. Laura made choices too that affected the outcome of their marriage, even though having another child may not have made things better. Luke and Laura had some serious issues to work out that just never got resolved, and so they drifted apart. Laura ended up over time finding more comfort from Chad than she did with Luke. Luke changed some after his time in prison, and Laura struggled to accept it.
"I had no idea. I was too busy trying to keep us financially afloat, and my business going. I was trying to protect you. Everything I did was because I loved you.... just let me help with Phoenix. You know you need me this time." Luke does his best to plead one last time with Laura to let him stay and help out, but Laura is done with it all. Having Luke around for too long is something she fears she cannot handle.
Laura holds fast, doing her best to not give in, "Luke, what's done is done...Just go back to Vegas."
"Laura....I can help.", Luke pleads.
"How exactly? We can't even have one civil conversation. I can't have you here it's just complicating things. Just go back to Vegas and your life there."
Luke immediately snaps back. He regrets giving up so easily years ago. He let another man take his place, and now his sons have grown up without him. Just like his father did to him."No, I'm not fucking doing that...I'm staying, even if I have to stay all the way till he graduates."
"After more than ten years of neglect now you want to act like the concerned father?! No Luke...You don't get a choice this time." Laura begins to back up some as she tries to make her getaway. She cuts him off before he can speak again, knowing she needs to end things now and get back home.
"Go back to Vegas...I will handle things with Phoenix."
"It's not that fucking simple Laura. Don't let your stubbornness ruin things with Phoenix too. Just let me handle him this time." Laura just looks at him one last time then walks off as he tries so desperately to continue the conversation. They both know Luke will not do as she wishes especially if he is hell bent on an idea. Laura nods and acknowledges Travis as they pass each other on the narrow pathway.
"Laura, I'm not fucking leaving...You can't keep me away from my boys." Luke shouts as she walks away.
"Hello, Travis..." Laura says as she nods and acknowledges his presence.
Travis tips his head in a hello response as he speaks "Ma'am..."
"Can you make sure he doesn't follow me..." Laura asks him as they pass each other.
Travis replies, "I'll do my best...". He smiles, "He's a stubborn S.O.B."
Travis lets her pass him then blocks the pathway so Luke cannot follow her. Luckily for Laura, Travis decided to come along since the two have a drop to do for Baz. Luke gave up trying to make an honest living after prison. He pretty much gave up on everything.
Laura ends up running a quick errand because that is what she told Chad she was doing, then heads back home hoping to see Phoenix there and maybe work things out with him.
Much later that same night it is somewhere past midnight, everyone in the house is asleep except for Phineas. He can't sleep so he sits quietly in the living room reading a book. Laura gets so focused on Phoenix sometimes that she forgets to check in on him. Phineas is not only worried about his brother, but he gets sad to about the situation between their parents. It's hard for him to remember all of it, but the sadness still holds onto him. He sees it with his mother even though she does her best to hide it from the rest of the family.
As Phineas continues to try and read himself to sleep the front door quietly creeks open. Phoenix has finally made it home. He jumps when he sees Finn there sprawled out on the couch, thinking it was Chad waiting there for him to finally show up. His mother called and texted him over two dozen times today, but he did not respond to a single one. He is surprised to see she is not up waiting for him.
"Shit bro...I thought you were Chad waiting to fucking jump me..." Phoenix says softly not wanting his voice to trail up the stairwell as he quietly shuts and locks the front door.
"Don't worry they're asleep. Mom came home pretty upset. It was fucking weird Bro. She hasn't come out of her bedroom since she came home. Where have you been?", Phineas tells his brother.
Phoenix walks across the room and sets his backpack down on the couch while responding to Phineas' question of his whereabouts. He speaks very soft and low, "With Lily-Rose...we're making plans to bust the fuck outta here."
Phineas sits up. He was not expecting his brother to actually follow through with his threats to run away to Vegas. Phoenix seems like he is serious this time, he says it with so much confidence.
"So you want to leave me here and take off with your girlfriend?
"You could come too...", Phoenix replies as he pads off towards the kitchen.
"How? I still have 2 years of high school left...." Phineas asks as Phoenix grabs one of Chad's Heineken beers out of the fridge.
"So transfer, and go to school in Vegas...." Phoenix talks as he walks back to the living room, he cracks open the beer and jumps up over the back of the couch, plopping himself down next to his brother. The two have always been close, but things have been different since the brothers started high school together. Especially this year with Phoenix getting so serious with Lily-Rose.
"We could all live together...and party on the fucking weekends."
Phineas replies quickly, "Mom would never allow it..."
"Fuck mom...all she ever wants to do is keep us away from Dad. Don't you want to get to know him better?...", Phoenix asks his brother.
"Yeah, but Dad...He just...I dunno...I don't remember things very well." Phineas' voice trails off as he is not sure how to answer his brother.
"Exactly...You were too little. I was too, but I know enough to know that Dad has lived a way more fucking interesting life than just living in a boring ass suburban house all his life. Don't you want to know how that is?" Phoenix says then tips the bottle to his lips.
Phineas agrees, "I guess...yeah. It would be cool to get to know Dad better." Of course the boys are naturally curious about Luke they have spent most their lives just hearing small bits and pieces about their father's life, but never have they been able to learn anything about it directly from him.
"Our fucking half sister is Rufus Blue's daughter. She's a model, Finn, a fucking model. She could totally get us into nightclubs, and Hollywood parties....This is why mom keeps us away from Dad. Not because he's a fucking ex-con. You know...I saw him last night he's in town..." Phoenix then stops talking and takes another huge swig of beer before excusing himself to the bathroom. He does not want to divulge too much of his plan just yet, but he knows Finn is gonna want to know more.
"I gotta take a fuckin' leak...."
"What the fuck bro? Dad's in town?...And you're gonna leave me hanging?" Phineas shouts back as Phoenix walks away, and heads into the small half bath under the stairs, beer still in hand. He leaves Phineas hanging wondering if he is gonna tell him more about Dad, and these plans to move to Vegas.
"Seriously bro....Dad is town?!" Phineas cannot let this conversation go for one second he has to know more, and why Dad is in town. He rarely shows his face anymore especially after Phoenix got sent off to military school the first time around.
"Yes, because I called him. He's gonna help me and Lily-Rose move to Vegas." Phoenix softly shouts back.
Phineas replies, he doesn't believe what he is hearing. "What?! No fucking way, Dad would never do that. Besides Mom would never let him." Phineas chuckles a bit at the thought of it.
Phoenix knows mom will fight hard to have him stay here, but she cannot stop the inevitable. "Mom can't stop me...I have a plan.", Phoenix says confidently.
"I think you underestimate mom's tenacity to get her way...", says Phineas. The toilet flushes then suddenly Phoenix pops back out of the bathroom and dangles a small baggie out in front of him.
"I think mom underestimates me...C'mon and hangout...I'll tell you everything..." Flashing that same mischievous grin on his face ever since he was a kid. Phineas knows the look...
"Right now?...",Finn asks.
"Yes...It's fucking spring break lets party a little...Or are you too scared to get caught by Mommy?" Phoenix teases.
Phineas snaps back at his brothers teasing, "Fuck you, I'm not scared of a little weed bro, or mom..."
"Ok then....C'mon let's go....And don't make a fucking sound." A short while later the two brothers are out up on the rooftop patio that is adjacent to Phoenix's third floor bedroom, which was formerly Luke's office many years ago, and a place he himself would often go to unwind and relax. Now his two sons sit out in the cool spring air in the middle of the night, and do the same exact thing.
After successfully and quietly sneaking their way up stairs, Phineas and Phoenix sit in the near dark. There is no moon tonight just the pale light from the one dim outdoor light that is on. Phineas sucks in the smoke from the joint then exhales slow and steadily.
"Wow, you smoke that shit like a pro bro...." Phoenix says shocked to see his little brother handle it so easily. He was so sure he would be choking like crazy right now.
Phineas exhales out a puff of smoke as he responds to his brother. "I told you we have fun in my study group, but you don't listen..." Phoenix rears back in a fit of laughter. The pot is already beginning to give him the giggles.
"Oh shit...and mom thought you were a fucking angel always going to study group. Ah man what the fuck?!", says Phoenix. Phineas chuckles softly. He has definitely fooled everyone they all thought he was just the quiet studious child. Which he is, but Phineas has his dark side, his demons. The pot often helps that sadness go away, and the stress that comes with it. Being the brightly gifted child does often come with a price.
"We still study...but we also know how to chill out and relax...We don't smoke it as much, edibles are better...Plus mom can't smell it." Phineas grins as he tells his brother.
"Dude, has mom ever suspected you of it?...", Phoenix asks.
Finn shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head "No...I don't think so..."
"What else goes on at this fucking study group? You still a virgin?" Phineas smirks as he passes the joint back to his brother. Phoenix now realizes how much him and Finn have not talked enough this past year.
"Who is it? Do I know them?...", Phoenix questions.
Phineas shrugs his shoulders, "Maybe..."
"You got pics of them?...They go to your study group? Bro! Who the fuck is it?", Phoenix asks again.
Phineas smiles and laughs, "Come to study group...And I'll introduce you."
Phoenix passes the joint back to Phineas as he tries to get his brother to give up a name or something. Phineas is the quiet private type he is not loud and vocal like Phoenix.
"You're seriously not gonna tell me anything?...", says Phoenix.
Phineas laughs, "I'm just fucking with you...It's Clarissa."
"Oh! I think I know who that is...So y'all a thing or what?...", Phoenix asks. Everyone assumes Phoenix is the only one who is like Luke, but Phineas has dads looks, brooding personality, and some very good smarts as well. Some would argue he gets some of that from his maternal grandfather Scott, who was quite the suave, smart young man in his day.
Phineas passes the joint back as he shakes his head in response, "No...we're just friends...So what's this genius plan of yours?...." Phoenix takes the joint and sucks in before he tells his brother his plans. And how him and Lily-Rose plan to skip town so soon before school year is over.
Phoenix decides to just come out with it, "Lily and I are gonna get married..."
"What?! How? And when?...", asks Finn.
"Soon. Very soon. I just need Dad to sign off on it.", says Phoenix.
"Dad agreed to do this?!", Finn remarks in shock that his brother wants to marry this girl.
Phoenix replies as he puffs out a cloud of smoke, "He doesn't know that part yet, but he did say he is gonna talk to Mom."
"Oh shit! When is he gonna talk to her?...", Finn asks.
Phoenix shrugs, "I dunno he didn't say, but I do know he's still in town."
Phineas with sudden realization spits out, "Bruh, that's why mom came home so upset! She must've fucking saw Dad tonight!" Phoenix leans back reality sinking in that things could maybe go his way maybe mom is finally ready to give up, and stop fighting him on every little thing. Or maybe he is a little too high right now, and all this is a pipe dream. Mom would never give in to what he wants. Never.
"Oh shit! You're probably right...Maybe Dad did see Mom tonight." Phoenix says. While the boys are a little too high, and distracted by their sudden realization that Mom very well could have secretly met up with Dad, they failed to hear the door to the patio open. Laura heard the last trail end of their conversation before shutting the door behind her, not wanting to wake up Chad or Abigail.
"I did see your father, and he is worried just like me about your behavior Phoenix!...." Laura admits. Phineas whips his head around as he drops the beer bottle from his mouth totally shocked to hear his mom admit to meeting up with their father. Because he knows she never told Chad about it because Chad told him she went to run an errand.
"Mom!...You. You saw dad?", asks Finn.
Laura nods, "Yes I did. Finn, I expect this from your brother, but from you?!..." Phineas sets the beer bottle back down on the table. He's still got his whits about him enough to know that his mother is extremely disappointed in what she sees. She always brags about her gifted and talented child, frankly sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming always feeling like you have to meet a certain expectation. It was nice to unwind with his brother tonight.
Phoenix continues to blow out a puff of smoke, "Give us a fucking break it's just a little weed."
"Mom, we're just chillin' You know how stressed I get about school sometimes..." Finn goes the opposite route and does his best to sweet talk his way out of things.
"I know you do, but this is not an acceptable way to go about it." Phineas looks up at Laura, and without even realizing it he does what Luke would always do, switch on that Cooper charm, and sweet talk his way out of things. So with those same dark eyes and chiseled cheeks Finn does his best to convince his mom it's all just some harmless fun.
"I know, I'm sorry...I couldn't sleep, and Phoenix was just trying to help out." Finn pleads with his mother.
"That may very well be true, but you're still in trouble. You can't sweet talk your way out of it. Why don't you head off to bed now it's late, and I need to talk with your brother...."
Phineas nods and lets it go, "'am..." Phineas does as his mother asks knowing she is already dealing with enough problems right now. His eyes are finally feeling tired anyways so he heads off straight to bed allowing Laura a moment to chat alone with Phoenix.
Will she be able to get through to him or will the two both clash as they almost always do lately? To Be Continued...
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Thank you to all of you who have continued to read my blog over the years and continue to do so....💗💗💗
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