We are again back into the future with this episode picking right back up where we last left off. Laura has caught her two boys smoking and drinking in the early morning hours disappointed, but not yet defeated Laura does what she can to convince Phoenix that his current life choices will ultimately lead him astray. Laura immediately dismisses Phineas to go back to bed while she talks to Phoenix in private, hoping she can get through to him. Seeing him here like this gives her vivid flashbacks of Luke in similar situations. Luke did his best to not let these vices control him when he was down, but sometimes they got the best of him. Laura can see Phoenix is beginning to follow in his fathers footsteps.

"Hand it all over right now! You have had more than enough.", Laura demands as she holds out her left hand, motioning with her fingers for him to give up his bottle and joint. She is so upset he continues to challenge the current situation, and on top of that drag his brother into all of it as well. "And now you're dragging your brother into all of this?!"
Phoenix immediately refuses, anger and stubbornness fueling his current state of mind right now. "No, you can't tell me what to do anymore. I'm done trying to please you." he spits out. "Finn don't leave me here with her...Come back!"
Phineas was about to head back inside when he abruptly stops and turns after hearing his brothers harsh words. He knows that Phoenix really does not mean them he is just severely hurting right now and anger is the easiest emotion for him to display. "Bro, go easy...Mom is just trying to help." He's torn between listening to mom and staying, but then decides it is best if he goes off to bed. It is late anyways.
"It's okay Finn, I got this...Just head to bed. It's very late...", Laura says as she looks back at Phineas. She can see he is worried about Phoenix as well. Phineas has always been more of a Momma's boy growing up. It was always easy for him and Laura to get along. Phoenix on the other hand always wanted to hang out with Dad 24/7. If he could have he would have, but Luke was almost always busy working, keeping the family going. Then one day he was gone. Chad moved in. Abigail was born, and Phoenix grew angry. Now the anger has culminated into full on rebellion.

Laura sits gathering her thoughts for a second before she speaks knowing she needs to choose her words wisely. "Phoenix...I know you're angry, but this is not the answer. I did see your father tonight, and he agrees it is best you stay here and finish school. We both only want what is best for you. He called me because he is terribly worried about you too." Phoenix takes the bottle, and finishes what is left before responding to his mother.
"Liar!...", Phoenix slurs. "Dad didn't call you because he is worried about me. He called because I fucking asked him too." Phoenix glares across the dim lit space back at his mother.
Laura dips her head, and sighs as she pushes her glasses back up, disappointed in herself for already sending this conversation in the wrong direction. He is more like Luke in this moment than ever before...drunk, stubborn, and determined. A seriously bad combo. "Phoenix I know you called him, but that still doesn't mean your father is not worried about you."
Phoenix stands up tired of hearing the same empty words that mean nothing to him anymore."I'm done with this shit...Stop acting like you give a fuck."
"Phoenix where are you gonna go?! I'm not done talking with you...Don't just walk away." Laura berates him. She is tired and frustrated, fighting this same battle over and over with him.
"I'm leaving! For good! I'm done with all this!", He shouts as he slurs his words and flaps his arms around. "If dad doesn't want me either! I'll fucking find my own way!..." Phoenix yells as he sways side to side.
Laura sits up realizing Phoenix is in no condition to be driving. "Phoenix sit down. Please just hear me out. We can call your father if you want. Maybe the three of us can work this out together. Just sit your ass down!" She demands as her voice gets desperate to turn the conversation around.
"Now you want to bring dad into this? After you ran him out of our lives years ago?..." Phoenix scoffs, knowing that he cried himself to sleep many nights after his father left. Angry at his mom and his dad for breaking up the family.
"I never wanted any of this, Phoenix. Your father left me! He gave up on all of us! I know you were very young when it all happened, but he made choices that destroyed this family! He chose to get involved with your grandfather's affairs. He chose to do things that sent himself to prison. You don't think I'm angry?! He left me pregnant, and with two young boys to care for, Phoenix I..."
Phoenix's eyes go wide at the sudden admission from his mother as he cuts her off mid sentence, "Liar! You'll say anything to keep me from leaving now. Dad would never do any of that!"
"I swear to you it's all true! I had a miscarriage a few weeks later after I found out I was pregnant. Phoenix you were too young at the time to know or understand any of it then, but you are now. Please pumpkin, just calm down take a deep breath and think about what you're doing." Laura can see he is mentally battling what she just told him, maybe then he will finally realize what really happened and stop idolizing his father's mistakes so much.
"I already have thought about it. I'm done...Lily-Rose and I are getting married and leaving town. Neither you or dad can stop us." Phoenix sets the empty bottle down and begins to walk off towards the patio door. After revealing his big plans to run away with his girlfriend. He did not want to reveal his plans, but after what his mother said his first reaction now is to run.
Laura is not too surprised by it she had a feeling the young couple was making plans to run away. She can see Phoenix is head over heels for this girl, but she worries that this "puppy love" the two are experiencing will eventually fade away. "Married?! How do you expect to accomplish that? Both of you are too young, you need to finish school first!"
"Don't worry about it, I have it handled...I'm not your problem anymore. So just let me go." Phoenix says somberly then turns and walks back inside making his way down the stairs.
"Phoenix stop! You are in no condition to be going anywhere!" Laura shouts as she comes dashing down the stairs after him. She is now worried she will never see him again if he walks out that door. No matter what she does or says just keeps pushing him away.
Phoenix stops and turns before heading down to the first floor of the old house. "I'm fine...Why do you even care anyways? You probably wish I was never even born. You've always given Finn and Abby way more attention..."
"Phoenix I've never ever regretted having you! Ever!" Laura tears up knowing her son is hurting, but she has no idea how to resolve it. "Please I love you so much! You're my firstborn, you are the one who made me a mother. You have no idea how special you are to me and to your father."
"Bro...Don't give mom such a hard time. She is just worried about you. We all are..." Phineas says as he walks down the the hallway towards them. He tried to fall asleep, but the footfalls on the stairs has him curious. "It's late you should sleep on it and we can all talk in the morning."
"I thought you were on my side?...Now the minute you're around mom, you change your tone. You're such a hypocrite!" Phoenix scoffs knowing now his brother is not quite the angel that Laura thinks he is. He is just better at hiding it, and it bothers Phoenix. "Why don't you tell mom the truth!
Laura interrupts, "Phoenix enough! Your brother is right it is late. Let's all go to bed, and tomorrow we will discuss everything. I'll call your Father and the four of us can talk it all out like adults, okay?"
"Finn is just as much a fuck up as me! Admit it Finn!...Admit to mom what you told me!" Phoenix pushes as Finn stares uncomfortably back at him. He knows Phoenix is out of his mind right now. So he does his best to let it go.
While Laura and Phineas have tried their best to talk Phoenix into not running off in the early morning hours Chad comes barreling out of the bedroom angry and heated. "That is it! I've had enough of your bullshit! It's 3 o'clock in the gawddamn morning! Your ass is going back to military school first thing tomorrow!"
"Fuck you Chad! I don't give a shit what you say anymore! You can't make me do anything..." Phoenix spits out as he mocks him and his authority.
Chad's ego grips hold of him and he shouts back. "Oh yeah? Okay then tough guy. Why don't you get the hell out of my house! You don't wanna follow the rules! Then get out! All you ever do is disrupt this family! Things would be much better if you were just gone!"
Phineas attempts to defend his brother, but the two men are too focused on each other. He leans in arms tense like he is ready to take a swing at Chad's face, "Chad! You're making this worse you fucking asshole!"
Laura gasps, "Phineas! That's enough head back to your room! I'll handle this."
Phineas turns and heads off to his room, as Phoenix now dashes down the stairs as Chad continues to yell at him. "Once you walk out that door don't bother coming back! You hear me?! You wanna be a man then making a choice and grow the fuck up!"
All the commotion currently taking place in the hallway of the second story old home has woken Abigail. She sleepily comes out of her room clutching a stuffed animal to her side. "Momma, why is everyone yelling?" she whimpers as she walks up to Laura rubbling the sleep from her eyes.
Laura crouches down and takes a seat on the stairs trying her best to quickly comfort her daughter before heading down the stairs to follow Phoenix. Who is now being chased out of the house by Chad. "Pumpkin I'm sorry your brother is being difficult again. You need to try and go back to bed. You have school in the morning."
"Is Phoenix going to go live with his Daddy now?" Abigail asks knowing how much her brother has begged and pleaded to go live with Luke for years now.
Laura again tries to reassure her, "No...He's...He's not going anywhere Pumpkin."
"Is he trying to run away again?" Abigail inquires knowing Phoenix has done this before. Laura is about to respond, but before she does she is interrupted by Phineas.
"It's okay, Abs...I will make sure big bro comes back..." Phineas says sweetly. He has he comes strolling out of his room a knit cap on his head, shoes, and a light jacket.
"Phineas! What are you doing?!...", Laura panics seeing her son slide his jacket over his shoulders.
Meanwhile Chad has followed Phoenix down the stairs as the two continue to argue. Phoenix grabs his backpack off the couch and straps it across his back.
"I mean it this time! Once you're out that door there is no turning back! This is your last chance son...", Chad yells as he comes down the stairs.
Phoenix stops at the front door and turns to look at Chad he is red in the face with anger. "Fucking fine by me! I'm not your son! I hate it here! And I hate you!...", he says. Then heads out the front door.
Phineas looks back over his shoulder to his mother and smiles, "Relax mom, I'll bring him back I promise. He just needs to vent...It's better he doesn't go alone."
"No, he is in no condition to be driving! Don't you dare get on that bike with him!..." Laura pleads as she holds onto Abigail who is beginning to cry.
"It'll be fine mom..." Phineas says as he begins to walk down the next flight of stairs.
"Don't go Finn!..." Abigail cries.
Phineas smiles, "I'll be fine. I'll see you later after school, okay?" Abigail smiles and nods back hoping to believe her brother can keep his promise.
Then Phineas turns and dashes down the stairs and out the door after Phoenix. "Bro! Wait up! I'm coming too!...", knocking into Chad who is standing out on the front porch continuing to warn Phoenix of the choice he is making.
"I mean it! This is your last and final warning Phoenix!" Chad yells.
Phoenix turns back, "Fuck off Chad..."
Laura too runs down the stairs as fast as she can leaving Abigail on the stairway sitting in tears seeing her two older brothers run off. "Phineas! Stop!", Laura cries.
Abigail sits and whimpers again softly, but it's too low for Phineas to hear over all the other voices. "Don't go Finn!...", she sniffles.
Chad heads inside giving up on Phoenix, and Laura comes dashing out the door after Phineas. Who is now strapping Phoenix's backpack onto his back. "Phineas don't get on that bike!..." Laura cries as she walks out the door into the very early morning light.
"We'll be back in a few hours mom, it's okay..." Phineas says calmly. "I'll make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. I promise."
"Phoenix, you know you shouldn't be driving right now. Please both of you just come inside!..."
"I'm fine...", Phoenix grunts out. He is still not happy with his mother but knows his brother is only trying to help. "Let's go bro...You coming or not?"
Phineas hops on the back of the bike against his mother's wishes as she watches them drive off down the road. He waves at her and reassures her the two of them will be back. It will be daylight soon. She can only hope that maybe they stop somewhere for breakfast and sober up.
Meanwhile inside the house Chad talks to Abigail and does his best to tell her that all will be okay and that Phoenix is just acting out again. "You should be in bed Darlin', it's not time for school yet." Chad smiles as he walks up to her. "Come on let's get you tucked back into bed. Your brothers will be back later."
Abigail smiles and nods as she wipes a few tears away. Things have been so tense in the household lately with Phoenix constantly fighting Laura and Chad that everyone feels it, even Abigail. Laura doesn't even stop to acknowledge them as she dashes back up the stairs, and right past the two of them. Chad and Abigail find her in the bedroom with her cell phone in her hands. Her body trembling with fear and emotion.
"Darlin, what are you doing?...", Chad asks as the two enter the bedroom.
"I'm calling Luke...He'll know what to do.", Laura replies as she scrolls through her phone, her fingers and voice equally shaking. She is a bit scared to call Luke, but knows he may be her only hope now for getting through to Phoenix.
Chad shrugs his shoulders in response as he questions Laura's motives. He would assume Luke would not want to be bothered. He was never keen on helping Laura with the boys before. "Why? He probably won't even answer your call Darlin'. He's miles away in Vegas anyways."
"Besides...", Chad continues. "I already sent a text message to Hayden when I woke up. He knows what to do. It's taken care of." Chad says, thinking a few hours in a jail cell should set him straight. Him and Hayden already discussed this before, and knew if push came to shove they would follow through with it.
"Why would you do that?", she snaps at him as she looks up from her cell phone. She knows that it was something they talked about, but she was never comfortable with the whole idea. "You never asked me if I was okay with it!"
"It's exactly what we've discussed a dozen times! I didn't think I'd need to consult you on the matter since we've been over it before!" Chad snaps back in his southern twang. "The boy needs a good scare, you know he does."
"I don't want my son being treated like a criminal!..." Laura snaps. Abigail can sense the tension again, and climbs into the bed near her mother.
Chad smacks his forehead with the palm of his hand, "Jeezus Christ, Laura. The kid needs to learn a hard lesson or he is never gonna git his act together. Or he'll end up just like his father! Is that what you want?!"
"No! But calling Hayden was not your sole decision to make! You know that!", Laura snaps back at him again."He's my son! Not yours!" She knows Chad is tired of fighting with Phoenix but Laura is not happy he made a decision about Phoenix without her.
"So you think calling your ex husband is gonna be any better? Come on Darlin, you know he doesn't care." Chad replies, knowing Luke usually avoids all the parenting responsibilities unless pressed upon him.
Laura immediately goes on the defense for Luke, "You're wrong! He does care, and he has a right to know what is going on. He may be my only chance to get through to Phoenix right now." Laura says as she turns to look back down at her phone staring at his contact page on her screen with an old photo of him and the boys when they were just about 1 and 3 years old.
Chad walks across the room and sits on the bed. Abigail scoots in close to him, scared and worried for the current state of her family. Chad wraps a arm around her while he continues to talk with Laura. "Just let Hayden handle it Darlin'. There is nothing your ex husband can do anyways. He's miles away in Vegas."
Laura quickly looks up from her phone at him, "No he's not. He's here in town." She finally admits, knowing Chad will figure out sooner or later she met with him tonight. She can already see his demeanor change as soon as she said Luke was here in town.
"What?! How long has he been here?" Chad immediately replies. Jealously hitting him square in the chest finding out Luke is actually here in New Orleans. He knows Luke was and still is the love her life, but she chose him knowing Luke wasn't able to give her stability.
"I dunno a couple days, I think...", Laura responds trying her best to play the whole thing off like it's no big deal that Luke is here. "Phoenix called him here apparently." She finally hits the call button after staring at the screen for a long moment. She sets the phone to her ear as Chad now realizes what is really going on.
"That's who you went to see tonight wasn't it?!", Chad snaps. He knew something was off about her earlier after she came home. He thought it was because she was worried about Phoenix, but now he knows it was because she saw Luke.
Laura begins to walk off towards the door, "Hang on it's ringing..." Leaving Chad hanging for a response. She can't wait any longer she needs to see if Luke can find the boys before Hayden does.
"Daddy are you and mom getting a divorce now?..." Abigail asks picking up on the tension between her parents.
Chad looks down at her, and sweetly replies, "No Darlin' your mother is just worried about your brothers. Try and get some sleep sweetheart. You still have school in a few hours."
Laura softly closes the door behind her as she waits for Luke to answer the phone. The ringing seems like an eternity as she feels her anxiety build knowing this is her last and final chance to find a way to get through to Phoenix. She is worried Luke won't answer her call, knowing he is a heavy sleeper. "Come on Luke, please pick up the phone." The line clicks over to the voicemail, and Laura immediately hangs up and calls again.
After the third try Luke finally begins to come around. The constant vibration of his cell phone as it pulses against the night table next to him is now bringing him out of his sleep. He immediately grabs the phone thinking it must be Baz calling him at this ungodly hour. Only his asshole half brother would do such a thing. Then suddenly Luke's deep voice comes over the line, it's a bit horse sounding as he answers the call. Tt's evident now he was obviously still asleep. Laura feels a wave of emotions hit her as she hears him over the line. "Yeah?..." Luke grumbles in his deep northwest coast accent.
"Luke?", Laura says with desperation wanting to make sure it's him before continuing, even though she knows it's him on the other line. She would know that voice anywhere it's one of the first things that made her fall fast and hard for him. It is something she has always loved about him and always will. It haunts her.
Luke immediately picks up on the tone of her voice. Laura would not call him like this unless it was an absolute emergency. "What's wrong babe?..." he asks. He can already hear her begin to sob over the phone. "Laura tell me what happened!"
"It's Phoenix! He sped off on his bike with his brother. I'm worried Luke, please you have to find them before Hayden does.", Laura cries hysterically as she tries her best to explain it all to him, but at the same time her walls come crumbling down the very same ones she had built up over the years to protect herself from him.
"Why is Hayden looking for them? Do you know where they went?", Luke asks. Laura can't seem to get it together as she only gives him bits and pieces. Laura cries into the phone all her emotions finally hitting her all at once. "Babe, I can't help you unless you calm the fuck down, and tell me exactly what the hell happened!" Luke says softly doing his best to coax her along, he can sense she is in full on panic mode right now.

Laura begins to ramble into his ear starting at the beginning because it's the only way she is able to gather her thoughts. She did not think she would break down this quickly, but she did. "Chad is the one who messaged Hayden. He doesn't know what else to do Luke. Phoenix is out of control and I'm scared!" Laura begins to sob again. The only place she had ever truly felt safe was in Luke's arms and hearing his voice right now is the closest thing to it at the moment. "You have to find them Luke..."
"Motherfucker...", Luke mumbles into the phone, knowing Chad is partly to blame for Phoenix's outburst. The man does not know how to handle Phoenix. As Luke continues to talk to Laura the woman in bed next to him starts to wake up as she wonders who he is talking to. He never calls her babe like that, ever. "Hang on, give me an hour and I'll be there. I'll find them babe, just try to calm down, okay?"
"I'm trying. Please just hurry.", Laura says.
Luke sits up in the bed after hanging up the phone. He sighs as he recalls how panicked Laura was just now. Involving Hayden was a dick move on Chad's part. His Dad knows a few guys down here from his Motorcycle Club "The Devil's Rejects" that are in the New Orleans chapter. He is sure some one there will be able to pinpoint Phoenix and Phineas with their cell phones. Sensing Tanya's eyes on him he speaks up. "You awake?...", he asks.
Tanya rolls over again as she tries to get comfortable again. "Yeah.", she answers. "Who were you calling 'babe' shuga?", she inquires. Feeling a bit jealous he never talks to her that way. Tanya is one of the single ladies from the same MC her and Luke have a mutual understanding. When he is in town they hook up or when she is up in Vegas, vise versa. It works for them the whole friends with benefits thing, neither one is looking for a relationship.
"It was my ex wife. She's worried about my boys they took off on a bike. Both of them were apparently drinking and smoking.", Luke explains. "And her asshole husband called the fucking cops on them."
"Oh!", she gasps. "He is a fucking asshole." Tanya replies. "Does your ex know where they went?"
"No she doesn't...What's the name of that one guy who knows how to track cell phones?" Luke asks her as he scrolls through his contacts on his phone, wondering if he has the guy's number, but he can't recall his name.
Tanya yawns, the two had a late night last night, "Oh that's Big John...but he won't be too happy if you call this early Shuga. It's 4 o'clock in the fucking morning..."
"I figured, but I'll make it worth his while...", Luke adds knowing he has a stack of cash that will resolve that issue fast. "You have his number? I don't think I know this guy..."
Tanya nods and replies, "Uh huh...I'll send him a message right now." She pipes as she turns over and grabs her phone.
A short while later Luke gets off the phone with Big John who agrees to immediately help out and tells Luke to give him about 30 minutes. He instructs Luke to send the payment with Tanya since she vouches for him. As well as the fact that he is David Cooper's son, who is now President of the Las Vegas chapter, helps a little too. Otherwise he wouldn't do this on such a short notice.
Luke gets up and begins to get dressed grabbing his pants off one of the small dining table chairs. Tanya pops up she is now fully awake and is definitely not going back to sleep. "Where you going Shuga?", she pouts. "I'm still naked under these sheets." Insinuating she'd like to pick up again where they left off last night.
Luke stops and turns to look at her as she smiles coyly up at him. "What you didn't get enough dick last night?"
She shrugs her shoulders and looks over at him in response to his questions."When is it ever enough? You got a few minutes to spare."
"You're gonna have to make it enough. I got shit to do." Luke counters, Tanya has been a bit clingy this time around, and he wonders if maybe she is beginning to catch some feelings. A few minutes later Luke is fully dressed while Tanya still lies in bed.
"I'm gonna grab a coffee you want anything?" He asks as his hand finds the doorknob.
"Coffee is fine", she replies. "Why don't you ever call me babe like that?", she quickly blurts out.

"What?" Luke asks confused by her sudden random question. He knew something has been off with her lately now here it comes.
"Your ex. You spoke to her like you're still in love with her. Tanya blurts out after she heard him on the phone she can't get it out of her head now.
"Your fucking crazy, I'm not in love with my ex." Luke snaps back, but he knows deep down he still is. He turns grabs the doorhandle and swings it open not expecting to see what he finds on the other side. "What the fuck?!" he shouts out sending his voice out into the near empty parking lot of the motel.
"Dad!!!" Two voices shout in unison as they turn to look at him.
To be Continued!
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Thank you to all of you who have continued to read my blog over the years and continue to do so....💗💗💗
Next episode will be available Friday October 28th!
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