As the afternoon sun transitions to the evening sun. Guests slowly begin to arrive. Isolde and James chat quietly with Aric and Roxie. Cynthia has made it and immediately finds her son, who is standing under the arbor talking with his two buddies. And last Benjamin sits with Michelle. She is still nervous about seeing Penelope. Benjamin could care less, but he tries to be understanding for her sake.
*Cynthia* "Hi, Sweetie!!"
*Luke* "Hey, Mom..."
*Cynthia* "Nervous?"
*Luke* "Um....A little, I guess."
Over by the grouping of chairs and all alone are Michelle and Benjamin.
*Benjamin* "It's all right Darlin'...."
*Michelle* "But what if she does start something?"
*Benjamin* "I seriously doubt it, but if she does, it's not gonna change
anything! You know I love you, I never felt that way about her."
*Michelle* "Yeah, I know...but still, it's just awkward."
Across the isle where Aric and Roxie sit. They chat with Isolde and James.
*Aric* "How's work treating ya?"
*James* "Okay....I'm thinking about transferring into an office job."
*Aric* "Hard to stay away, huh?"
*James smiles* "Yeah...."
*Isolde* "Oh, Aric! Stop grilling him....He up for a promotion."
A short while passes and more guests arrive, the justice of the peace scheduled to perform the ceremony also shows up. She walks over and keeps Luke company. Everyone else that was with him has scattered, because it is almost time to start.
*Mrs. Jackson* "We ready to get this wedding started?"
*Luke* "Almost. I think we are just waiting for a few more..."
*Luke* "Almost. I think we are just waiting for a few more..."
Michelle is sitting and chatting with her cousin Amari and a friend. (My daughter insisted that one of her dolls attend the wedding and I only had room for one more, so she chose Barbie who she calls Brooklyn as the last and final guest.)
*Amari* "That is messed up but she'd be a fool to try anything..."
*Michelle* "Yeah, she would be, but I wouldn't put it past her, she was always the daring one of the bunch."
*Amari* "Well let's hope she's on her best behavior....."
*Michelle* "Yeah, she would be, but I wouldn't put it past her, she was always the daring one of the bunch."
*Amari* "Well let's hope she's on her best behavior....."
*Michelle* "I guess we'll find out....Cuz she's here!"
*Penelope* "Good...Really good."
While Michelle greets Penelope, Amari and Brooklyn
sits quietly and talk.
*Brooklyn twirling her hair* "He's so dreamy, Laura is a lucky doll.
I wish I had a Ken that looked like that!....."
*Amari* "Brook, you don't need no Ken to make you happy, just a closet full of the hottest, trendiest clothes."
*Brooklyn* "Yeah, a fully stocked closet does make me happy."
While Michelle greets Penelope, Amari and Brooklyn
sits quietly and talk.
*Brooklyn twirling her hair* "He's so dreamy, Laura is a lucky doll.
I wish I had a Ken that looked like that!....."

*Amari* "Brook, you don't need no Ken to make you happy, just a closet full of the hottest, trendiest clothes."
*Brooklyn* "Yeah, a fully stocked closet does make me happy."
Benjamin meanwhile is talking with Aric when he sees Michelle and Penelope talking. Everyone else is seated and it's now time to begin.
*Benjamin* "I better go git her. It's time to start."
*Aric* "Yes go on, let's git this show on the road...."
Benjamin darts over to get Michelle, can't keep the bride from her man anymore....
*Benjamin* "You ready Darlin' it's time....."
*Michelle* "Yes....I guess we'll talk more later."
*Penelope* "Yes, of course."
*Benjamin nods* "Penelope."
*Penelope smiles* "Hi Benjamin..."
Then he turns, his arm around Michelle taking her with him.
The first to walk the isle are Cynthia and Peter.
*Peter* "You ready?"
*Cynthia smiles* "I sure am...lead the way."
Peter escorts Cynthia to her seat then takes his place next to Luke.
Up next is Krystal, along with Baby Phoenix.
*Michelle* "Yes....I guess we'll talk more later."
*Penelope* "Yes, of course."
*Benjamin nods* "Penelope."
*Penelope smiles* "Hi Benjamin..."
Then he turns, his arm around Michelle taking her with him.
The first to walk the isle are Cynthia and Peter.
*Peter* "You ready?"
*Cynthia smiles* "I sure am...lead the way."
Peter escorts Cynthia to her seat then takes his place next to Luke.
Up next is Krystal, along with Baby Phoenix.
Michelle smiles and nods at him, then Benjamin starts off down the isle.
Luke smiles when he sees them. He knows Laura will be next.
The anticipation is starting to get to him.....
Luke smiles when he sees them. He knows Laura will be next.
The anticipation is starting to get to him.....
And finally is Laura and her Father. Scott stops and looks down at her. She is aglow with happiness and seeing his little girl happy brings a tear to his eye.
As Scott turns and
takes is daughter down the isle Luke and Laura lock eyes with each other
and smile. It's been nearly 24 hours since they have seen each other.
Laura insisted he stay at Peter's the night before. She wanted the whole
day to get ready.
Mrs. Jackson speaks loudly and clearly so that everyone can hear...
*Mrs. Jackson* "We
are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments,
The Joining of 2 hearts and to give recognition to the worth and beauty
of love, and to add our best wishes to the words which shall unite this
couple in marriage.
Should there be anyone who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage?...."
*Mrs. Jackson continues* "Who Gives this Woman today to be married?"
Scott gives Laura over to Luke and takes a seat next to his wife. Laura takes Luke's outstretched hand, guiding her to stand and face him. Michelle takes Laura's bouquet of flowers, so they can begin.
Mrs. Jackson continues with the ceremony....
*Mrs. Jackson* "Today
we have come together to witness the joining of these two lives. For
them, out of the routine of ordinary life, the extraordinary has
happened. They met each other, fell in love and are finalizing it with
their wedding...."
*Luke whispers to Laura* "You look beautiful..."
Both of them holding hands tightly, they seem to have tunnel vision only seeing each other and listening to the words flowing from Mrs. Jackson.*Luke whispers to Laura* "You look beautiful..."
*Mrs. Jackson still speaking* "A good marriage must be created. It is never being too old to hold hands. It’s remembering to say I love you every day and it is not just marrying the right person its being the right partner."
*Laura smiles and whispers back* "And your as handsome as always..."
Mrs. Jackson continues on the vows.
*Mrs Jackson* "Luke repeat after me..."
*Luke repeats* "I, Luke Allen Cooper take you, Laura Ophelia Lavigne, to be my wife.
My partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever."
*Mrs Jackson continues with the vows* "Laura repeat after me..."
*Laura repeats* "I, Laura Ophelia Lavigne take you, Luke Allen Cooper, to be my husband.
My partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever."
Everyone sits quietly and watches while Phoenix lets out a small sound.
Krystal consoles him, knowing he will want his mother soon.
*Mrs. Jackson moves on to the 'I do's'...*
"Luke, do you take Laura to be your wife?"
*Luke* "I do."
*Luke* "I do."

*Mrs Jackson* "Do you
promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all
others and holding only unto her?"
*Luke* "I do"
*Mrs. Jackson* "Laura, do you take Luke to be your husband?"
*Mrs Jackson* "Do you
promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all
others and holding only unto him?"
*Laura* "I do"As she speaks Peter hands her the rings for the next and final part of the ceremony.
*Mrs. Jackson* "Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, signifying to all, the union of this couple in marriage."
Luke repeats after her...
Luke repeats after her...

*Luke continues as he place the ring on her finger* "And with this ring, I thee wed."
*Laura* "Luke, This ring is my sacred gift, with my promise that I will always love you, cherish you and honor you all the days of my life...."

*Laura* "And with this ring, I thee wed."
They both smile at each other, waiting for Mrs. Jackson to give the very last and final, most anticipated part of the ceremony.
*Mrs. Jackson smiles brightly* "By the power vested in me, by the state of Louisiana...
I now pronounce you .....
I now pronounce you .....
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Allen Cooper!"
*Mrs. Jackson* "Luke....You may kiss your bride."
Luke pulls her in studying her face for a second
taking in the moment...
taking in the moment...
then kisses her very softly....
leaving her hanging for much more.
leaving her hanging for much more.
*Scott* "You did it Darling, pulled off a beautiful wedding for our little girl..."
He pulls her in tight, in a reassuring gesture.
Cynthia is the opposite she claps and cheers loudly.
*Cynthia* "Whoo! hoo!"
She is happy beyond words for her son and Laura.
After that little tease of a kiss, Luke pulls her in tighter wrapping his arms around her, for a much bolder, deeper kiss.
Cheers and applause rise as they kiss.
They both pull away and turn to face the family and friends who have just witnessed their union.
*Mrs. Jackson* "I present to you our happy couple!"
*Luke* "I love you....Babe."*Laura smiles at him* "And I love you..."
Cheers and applause begin to rise again as they relish in the moment
and each other. While everyone is clapping, it seems Penelope takes the opportunity to steal a nice long look at Benjamin.
I wonder what she is thinking?
That she regrets what happened between the two of them or the fact that she overheard a very important little tidbit about his relationship with Michelle. Or maybe she just likes to look....

The night's not over yet folks!
Join them next week for the reception!
Beautiful wedding, great photos, wonderful dress! It is AMAZING! I love your stories! This is the best doll story on the world! I love it!
ReplyDeleteHI and Thank you!
DeleteI am so glad they finally got married :)
I am so happy to hear you are enjoy them and my stories. I have so much fun and it's wonderful to know you all enjoy it :)
I really like clothes of Luke and Laura, perfect choice, and so not conventional <3
ReplyDeleteWhole setting is just beautiful! The wedding reminds me this of my parents, with me in similar age as baby Phoenix, hahaha.
Yay! I am so glad you enjoyed their wedding! I could never envision a conventional wedding for them.
DeleteThey are not my convetional couple they like to do things their own way.
Plus there was no way I was gonna get Luke in a tux he would never forgive me :)
I love this hippie wedding! Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Cooper! At least they's married now lol. I have a feeling all hell is about to break loose though.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I so glad you enjoyed it. I feel like I've been holding my breath all week in preparation to get this wedding set in motion.
DeleteYou know things can never stay perfect forever but I hope they can make it through whatever happens :)
Hi! I loved this wedding! The place You've created is wonerful! The pictures are great, my favorite is where Krystal comes with her grandson. I hope we will see some more pic of Laura and Luke posing! Congrats to them! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Rosemary!
DeleteThank you so much! So glad that you enjoyed their wedding. I happy to be able to share it with all of you. I do hope to post some after wedding pics....
congrats Luke and Laura! the pictures are wonderful. can't wait for the reception i know some stuff is gonna happen.
ReplyDeleteHi Shirley
DeleteThank you they are very happy right now....
With dancing and drinking there may be a few things going on....we'll see!
A lovely wedding, Laura looks stunning, the place looks awesome! The picture where Krystal wipes away her tears is touching :-). Great post!!! Now the reception, can't wait!
ReplyDeleteHi and thank you!
DeleteSo glad you enjoyed the wedding it was a blast to work on! I can't wait to do another! lol!
What a beautiful wedding!! Laura looks beautiful, as does every other last detail. Well done, just as I anticipated it would be... I LOVE your blog, and have had October 5th marked on my calendar ever since you posted the date. Great job, and I can't wait for the reception!! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Amy!
DeleteI am so flattered that you enjoy my stories so much! I have a lot of fun creating and controlling this little dolly world of mine. So glad you all enjoy it!
This story made for a nice Sunday afternoon. I LOVE Laura's dress, she looks beautiful. The vows were perfect and very touching. Everyone looks so nice and the park is decorated beautifully! Did you make those chairs? it next week yet? Lol...I have a feeling quite a few things could go down.
ReplyDeleteLoved it Miranda!
Hi Tracy,
DeleteI thought Sunday would be a good time to post this one. I hope to get back to posting on Fridays but it's been hard to stay one track with that.
I found a website where you could choose a ceremony, so I just copied from there. My living room was a mess all week getting this park together but it was worth it ;)
Yes I made the chairs, those were the most tedious of all the projects.
So glad you enjoyed it all! I can't wait to get the reception going.
Lovely wedding and without any major incidents. I was holding my breath when Mrs. Jackson asking if anyone objects . . .! The wedding venue is totally awesome! You really outdid yourself! Wishing these 2 the best! Can't wait to see what happens at the reception!
ReplyDeleteHI Phyllis!
DeleteYes so far all has gone well :) I am so glad that they are finally married. They have been together for 3 was time :)
So glad you enjoyed it! I had a so much fun building and photographing.
Now on to the reception woohoo!
Amazing! I love every scene. Only you could pull off a non traditional wedding so beautiful! Great job!! I am looking so forward to the reception and seeing what and if Penelope flips out. Lol!
ReplyDeleteAwww thanks so much Georgia Girl!
DeleteI had so much fun working on this. I hope to get the pics started for the reception tomorrow :) We'll see what happens it's funny how things sometimes play out differently once you start taking pictures!
Yay! So happy they made it through the wedding without any drama. I kept expecting the shoe to drop. Laura looks fabulous! I love her dress. The outside scenes are wonderful. Congrats to the happy couple.
ReplyDeleteHi Vanessa!
DeleteMe too! So glad they had a nice peaceful ceremony. That shoes may still drop at some point lol!
So glad you loved her dress! I couldn't picture her in white. :)
I so enjoy casual weddings. You did an outstanding job with the diorama, the arbor, lights, the trees, truly beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you daughter was thrilled to have Brooklyn included as one of the guests, she looked very pretty in her outfit.
I'm glad everyone "played nice" for the wedding.
Hi Vicki :)
DeleteThanks so much! I didn't think a big formal wedding would be their Luke was not gonna let me put him in a tux lol!
The dio is something I have been wanting to do for a long while. I hope to alter it some for park scenes and maybe add a playground for Phoenix to play at ;) eventually.....
My daughter always loves to addin a doll or two. She had a doll dining at Ma Cherie a couple weeks back :) she styled her doll and got her dressed for the wedding
Me too I'm glad they got married with no drama or interruptions :)
Miranda! Beautiful Just beautiful! A fall wedding! You know I love your stories and especially the way you pose everyone. The ceremony was so nice. The scene topped it all off. Great Job lady! :-D
ReplyDeleteAwww thank you so very much! I wanted it special for theses two they are my favorite dolly couple :)
DeleteSo glad you enjoy the episodes, I have so much fun putting the dios together, photograhging them....and all.
Thanks again so glad you enjoyed the ceremony!
Brilliant job! These photos are just breathtaking. I love your stories! Thanks for such wonderful posts. You know I am also getting married at the prettiest banquet halls in Miami. I am very excited guys!
ReplyDeleteHello the wedding was wonderful, can you tell me what body you used on your dolls to be able to put rings on them?