*Luke smiling sleepily, in a hushed tone* "Hey!..."
*Laura can't help but smile back, whispering* "Hey!..."
Luke sits up a little and still in hushed tones they talk.
*Luke* "What time is it?..."
*Laura can't help but smile back, whispering* "Hey!..."
Luke sits up a little and still in hushed tones they talk.
*Luke* "What time is it?..."
*Laura* "A little past midnight...I didn't plan to stay that long, decided to stay and
talk with Michelle for awhile."
*Luke* "It's okay...did you have a good time with your sister?"
talk with Michelle for awhile."
*Luke* "It's okay...did you have a good time with your sister?"
*Laura nods* "Mmmhmm, she's super excited about the wedding."
*Luke* "I bet she is.."
Luke tries to get more comfortable in the bed, so Laura
offers to pick up Phoenix.
*Luke* "I bet she is.."
Luke tries to get more comfortable in the bed, so Laura
offers to pick up Phoenix.
*Laura* "Let me put him in his crib..."
*Luke* "It's fine...I got it. I haven't tucked him into bed in a long time."
*Luke* "It's fine...I got it. I haven't tucked him into bed in a long time."
*Laura* "Okay...then I'm just gonna go change."
Laura leaves the bedroom and Luke slowly gets up, making his way across the toy littered room to place Phoenix in his crib.
Laura leaves the bedroom and Luke slowly gets up, making his way across the toy littered room to place Phoenix in his crib.
*Luke whispering and gently patting his back* "Sleep tight, little man..."
Meanwhile Laura is in the bathroom, she fiddles with
undoing her ponytail, still smiling about how she found
the two of them sleeping. A few minutes later Luke's voice
can quietly be heard in the hallway between the two bedrooms.
Meanwhile Laura is in the bathroom, she fiddles with
undoing her ponytail, still smiling about how she found
the two of them sleeping. A few minutes later Luke's voice
can quietly be heard in the hallway between the two bedrooms.
*Laura* "I'm in the bathroom!..."
Luke makes his way into the bedroom, then rounds the
corner to see Laura standing there brushing her hair, her beautiful long red hair. She smiles at him as he enters the room.
*Laura* "How'd it go?"
corner to see Laura standing there brushing her hair, her beautiful long red hair. She smiles at him as he enters the room.
*Laura* "How'd it go?"
He stands just outside
the doorway making sure he doesn't make her uncomfortable, but then
again he'd love to walk up to her, twist his fingers in her hair and kiss her, till her knees buckled.
*Luke* "He's sound asleep..."
*Laura* "That's good...hopefully he'll sleep through the night after
his busy evening with you."
*Luke* "I think he will....Well...I guess I'm gonna go then."
*Laura* "Oh...Okay..."
*Luke* "Goodnight, Babe..."
Luke is about to turn around and go gather his things from
the other room when Laura stops him.
*Laura* "Luke...Wait!..."
*Luke* "Yeah?..."
*Laura* "It's late...you can stay here tonight if you want."
*Luke* "Are you sure?"
*Laura* "Yeah...It's fine."
*Luke continues* " That'd be great. Cuz, you never know what I'd find going on at Peter's at this hour, him and Willow are getting pretty serious. I think she might move in..."
*Laura* "That's good, I think she's good for him....We've hung out a few times."
*Luke* "I've heard...You know, I miss these talks."
Laura smiles, she thinks...yeah she's missed their talks
and him as well...and the fact that he's looking mighty fine right now.
*Laura* "Me too...It's one of the reasons I fell in love with you. We used to talk for hours."
*Luke smiles* "Yeeeah...I remember lying there in bed talking for hours, among other things."
Laura blushes, thinking about those "other things" and the
heat from her face drops down low in her belly. The air suddenly feels electrified, and they can both sense it.
*Luke* "You know what else I miss?..."
*Laura* "What?..."
*Luke* "I miss kissing you..."
*Laura replies sweetly and seductively* "Then kiss me..."
Luke doesn't hesitate, after her sultry request, he quickly pulls her in and Laura wraps her arms around him. Kissing each other gently at first, but as each second passes the kiss gets more heated, more passionate. Their bodies closing the gap between them...
Laura pulls away and walks Luke backwards towards the bed, knocking him back. She quickly and clumsily climbs on top of him.
Then she leans down and starts kissing him again.
Luke decides to let her call the shots, not wanting to be to aggressive. So they stay like this for a good while, Laura controlling the kiss and how deep she wants to take it. Luke finally pulls back.
*Luke* "You taste like wine..."
Laura props herself up, still quite giddy from the many
glasses of wine she did consume.
*Laura* "Yeah, I may have had a little too much..."
*Luke* "A little?...You've had more than a little..."
*Laura* "Make love to me..."
Luke smiles, it seems like forever since he's heard her speak those words, he was beginning to think he'd never hear them again...As bad as he wants to be with her, he doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize it.
*Luke* "He's sound asleep..."
*Laura* "That's good...hopefully he'll sleep through the night after
his busy evening with you."
*Luke* "I think he will....Well...I guess I'm gonna go then."
*Laura* "Oh...Okay..."
*Luke* "Goodnight, Babe..."
Luke is about to turn around and go gather his things from
the other room when Laura stops him.
*Laura* "Luke...Wait!..."
*Luke* "Yeah?..."
*Laura* "It's late...you can stay here tonight if you want."
*Luke* "Are you sure?"
*Laura* "Yeah...It's fine."
*Luke continues* " That'd be great. Cuz, you never know what I'd find going on at Peter's at this hour, him and Willow are getting pretty serious. I think she might move in..."
*Laura* "That's good, I think she's good for him....We've hung out a few times."
*Luke* "I've heard...You know, I miss these talks."
Laura smiles, she thinks...yeah she's missed their talks
and him as well...and the fact that he's looking mighty fine right now.
*Luke smiles* "Yeeeah...I remember lying there in bed talking for hours, among other things."
Laura blushes, thinking about those "other things" and the
heat from her face drops down low in her belly. The air suddenly feels electrified, and they can both sense it.
*Luke* "You know what else I miss?..."
*Laura* "What?..."
*Luke* "I miss kissing you..."
Luke doesn't hesitate, after her sultry request, he quickly pulls her in and Laura wraps her arms around him. Kissing each other gently at first, but as each second passes the kiss gets more heated, more passionate. Their bodies closing the gap between them...
Laura pulls away and walks Luke backwards towards the bed, knocking him back. She quickly and clumsily climbs on top of him.
Then she leans down and starts kissing him again.
Luke decides to let her call the shots, not wanting to be to aggressive. So they stay like this for a good while, Laura controlling the kiss and how deep she wants to take it. Luke finally pulls back.
*Luke* "You taste like wine..."
glasses of wine she did consume.
*Laura* "Yeah, I may have had a little too much..."
*Laura* "Make love to me..."
Luke smiles, it seems like forever since he's heard her speak those words, he was beginning to think he'd never hear them again...As bad as he wants to be with her, he doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize it.
*Luke* "Babe, you're drunk...I don't want you regretting this
in the morning."
*Laura* "I'm not regretting anything...and I'm not drunk..."
*Luke smiles and laughs* "Yeah...you are..."
*Laura* "Okay, so I'm a little tipsy...but I know what I want, I want you to make love to me."
Luke flips her onto her back, and Laura giggles from the swift
change in positions...
*Luke* "You still sure about this?"
in the morning."
*Laura* "I'm not regretting anything...and I'm not drunk..."
*Luke smiles and laughs* "Yeah...you are..."
*Laura* "Okay, so I'm a little tipsy...but I know what I want, I want you to make love to me."
Luke flips her onto her back, and Laura giggles from the swift
change in positions...
*Luke* "You still sure about this?"
*Laura reaches up and touches his face* "Yes...I love you, Luke Allen Cooper."
*Luke* "I hope that's you and not the wine talking..."
*Laura* "It is...it's just giving me the courage to say it."
*Luke* "I love you too, Babe but I want everything to be right between us again."
*Laura* "So do I...I want you back. I want my husband back..."
Then Laura pulls him down into a kiss.
Insert Fireworks Here...
After about an hour of good heart throbbin', ground shakin', show stoppi'n, amazin', SEX!
They lay in bed and talk till the early
morning hours.
*Luke* "I'm sorry I ever hurt you, it's not what I intended..."
*Laura* "I know you are, and I have forgiven you...I realize now that what happened is not entirely
all you're fault. I didn't make things easy for you constantly complaining about Rufus."
*Luke* "I know, but I don't want you to take any blame for this, I should have realized
*Luke* "I hope that's you and not the wine talking..."
*Laura* "It is...it's just giving me the courage to say it."
*Luke* "I love you too, Babe but I want everything to be right between us again."
*Laura* "So do I...I want you back. I want my husband back..."
Then Laura pulls him down into a kiss.
Insert Fireworks Here...
After about an hour of good heart throbbin', ground shakin', show stoppi'n, amazin', SEX!
They lay in bed and talk till the early
morning hours.
*Luke* "I'm sorry I ever hurt you, it's not what I intended..."
all you're fault. I didn't make things easy for you constantly complaining about Rufus."
*Luke* "I know, but I don't want you to take any blame for this, I should have realized
how much it upset you. I mean, I knew it bothered
you, but like you said we just
need to talk to each other."
*Laura* "I just want you to be able to tell me anything...Even if you think it'll upset me, and I'll do the same, I'm sorry I never told you about the prenup."
*Luke* "I know you...And I'm over all of that. You think we can make it work for good this time?"
*Laura* "I don't see why not, just don't give me any reason to doubt you ever again...
I need to be able to trust you."
*Luke* "Yeah...Trust is the key word there. Believe me I don't ever want you
to have to doubt me again, but I'm glad I told you the truth. The guilt of what I did,
was eating me up."
*Laura* "I know...now can we change the subject?"
*Luke* "Definitely...What's on your mind, Babe?"
Laura sits up propping herself up on one elbow.
*Laura in a cute, playful tone* "Sooo...I have this wedding I've been
invited to....Will you be my plus one?"
*Luke laughs* "Of course, Babe...I'd love to be your date."
*Laura* "Plus I need someone to watch Phoenix, since I'm the Maid of Honor."
*Luke* "Wait! I don't have to wear a tux, do I?"
*Laura giggles* "No, you're not in the wedding party...Just a nice button down shirt is
fine and maybe a suit jacket."
*Luke* "Cool...I've only worn a tux once in my life and that was to senior prom...Damn! I hated that f*cking thing, wore it for like five minutes. Then snuck out back behind the school
to smoke a joint..."
*Laura* "I remember this story, this is how you met Peter, right?..."
*Luke* "You remember, huh?..."
*Laura* "Of course...You told me this story that same night, after we ran into Peter..."
*Laura continues* "It was also the same night I got pregnant with Phoenix.
I'm sure you remember that part..."
*Luke smiles* "Oh yeah, I remember that night, I remember it very well...Shall I continue?"
*Laura* "Please do..."
Laura puts her head back down on his chest, his body a warm and familiar scent she's missed for a long while now. In fact she slept on his side of the bed these past months he was gone.
*Luke* "So the whole reason I went to prom and got all dressed up was to get into, Stacey Sanders pants...and that all that sh*t ended up f*cking backfiring on me...."
*Laura with sarcasm* "Because what other reason is there to go to prom, than to get layed?..."
*Luke laughs* "Exactly why else would a guy go?"
*Laura* "To get dressed up and wear a tux?"
*Luke* "Not any guy I ever knew...So anyways...
She really wasn't my type and I didn't realize it at the time,
until it was too late..."
Laura sits up in the bed leaning over Luke.
*Laura* "So what is your type?"
*Luke* "What? Blood type?"
*Laura smirks* "You know what I mean..."
Luke reaches up and pushes her hair back.
*Luke* "You are, Babe..."
*Laura smiles* "Just checking..."
*Laura* "I just want you to be able to tell me anything...Even if you think it'll upset me, and I'll do the same, I'm sorry I never told you about the prenup."
*Laura* "I don't see why not, just don't give me any reason to doubt you ever again...
I need to be able to trust you."
*Luke* "Yeah...Trust is the key word there. Believe me I don't ever want you
to have to doubt me again, but I'm glad I told you the truth. The guilt of what I did,
was eating me up."
*Laura* "I know...now can we change the subject?"
*Luke* "Definitely...What's on your mind, Babe?"
Laura sits up propping herself up on one elbow.
*Laura in a cute, playful tone* "Sooo...I have this wedding I've been
invited to....Will you be my plus one?"
*Laura* "Plus I need someone to watch Phoenix, since I'm the Maid of Honor."
*Luke* "Wait! I don't have to wear a tux, do I?"
*Laura giggles* "No, you're not in the wedding party...Just a nice button down shirt is
fine and maybe a suit jacket."
to smoke a joint..."
*Laura* "I remember this story, this is how you met Peter, right?..."
*Luke* "You remember, huh?..."
*Laura* "Of course...You told me this story that same night, after we ran into Peter..."
*Laura continues* "It was also the same night I got pregnant with Phoenix.
I'm sure you remember that part..."
*Luke smiles* "Oh yeah, I remember that night, I remember it very well...Shall I continue?"
*Laura* "Please do..."
Laura puts her head back down on his chest, his body a warm and familiar scent she's missed for a long while now. In fact she slept on his side of the bed these past months he was gone.
*Luke* "So the whole reason I went to prom and got all dressed up was to get into, Stacey Sanders pants...and that all that sh*t ended up f*cking backfiring on me...."
*Laura with sarcasm* "Because what other reason is there to go to prom, than to get layed?..."
*Luke laughs* "Exactly why else would a guy go?"
*Laura* "To get dressed up and wear a tux?"
*Luke* "Not any guy I ever knew...So anyways...
She really wasn't my type and I didn't realize it at the time,
until it was too late..."
Laura sits up in the bed leaning over Luke.
*Laura* "So what is your type?"
*Luke* "What? Blood type?"
*Laura smirks* "You know what I mean..."
Luke reaches up and pushes her hair back.
*Luke* "You are, Babe..."
*Laura smiles* "Just checking..."
*Luke* "Keep going?..."
Laura lays her head back down and responds.
*Laura* "Of course..."
*Luke* "Now where was I...Oh... So she annoyed the hell out of me and all she wanted to do was make some
other guy from the football team jealous, which meant dancing out on the floor. All I wanted to do was find a
dark corner to make out in...So I ditched her and the shirt, tie, and jacket I was wearing."
*Laura* "I bet your Mom was pissed you threw away half that tux..."
*Luke smiles* "Yeah she was, I had to pay for it by getting a summer job...So, like I was saying I trashed half the tux and went outside to where most of the skater kids, who I felt more at home with would hang out. Peter was there with his cousin Jake, who went to school with me, he was a year younger, I think. Him and Peter liked to hang out a lot, even though they went to different schools, so we all started to hang together. "
*Laura* "And Peter had the pot...like always."
*Luke laughs* "Hahaha...Yeah...Peter the pothead. Yeah, he always has pot on him...his place smells like it almost constantly, I'd have to change into clean clothes before I came over here, otherwise I'd probably wreak of it."
*Laura surprised* "Oh my gosh! Really?!..."
*Luke* "Yeah, I didn't want to come over to see Phoenix smelling like that..."

*Luke continues* "So anyways...they offered me some and I took it willingly. Cuz I really needed to
chill after what happened inside. We got to talking a lot, and found out
we had a whole lot in common, we both wanted to start a band, he played
drums, I could play guitar. We both had single Moms who raised us,
except Peter has a younger sister...And we both loved the same music, we were completely compelled by it.
So that summer I found a job at a club working the stage and Peter got
in there too. Life was never the same for us again..."

*Laura* "So you don't regret ever starting a band?"
*Luke shrugs* "No not really, I got to experience it plenty touring with Rock Candy, and I like running the record shop and not having to pack up and leave..."
*Laura* "I thought Peter wanted to still start up a band? That's what Willow said."
*Luke* "Maybe...it'd be more like a hobby, you know a garage band...At this point I think I'm past the whole fame and fortune thing, and the touring, constantly packing up your bags...Being here with you and Phoenix is what really makes me happy."
*Laura* "Good, cause I don't think I could get used to some groupie
asking you to sign her boob!"
*Luke laughs and plays if off* "Do they still do that?!..."
*Laura smiles* "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they do..."
*Luke* "If you were a groupie, I'd sign your boob..."
Luke rolls over, laying on top of her.
*Luke smiles* "Yeah she was, I had to pay for it by getting a summer job...So, like I was saying I trashed half the tux and went outside to where most of the skater kids, who I felt more at home with would hang out. Peter was there with his cousin Jake, who went to school with me, he was a year younger, I think. Him and Peter liked to hang out a lot, even though they went to different schools, so we all started to hang together. "
*Laura* "And Peter had the pot...like always."
*Luke laughs* "Hahaha...Yeah...Peter the pothead. Yeah, he always has pot on him...his place smells like it almost constantly, I'd have to change into clean clothes before I came over here, otherwise I'd probably wreak of it."
*Laura surprised* "Oh my gosh! Really?!..."
*Luke* "Yeah, I didn't want to come over to see Phoenix smelling like that..."
*Laura* "So you don't regret ever starting a band?"
*Luke shrugs* "No not really, I got to experience it plenty touring with Rock Candy, and I like running the record shop and not having to pack up and leave..."
*Laura* "I thought Peter wanted to still start up a band? That's what Willow said."
*Luke* "Maybe...it'd be more like a hobby, you know a garage band...At this point I think I'm past the whole fame and fortune thing, and the touring, constantly packing up your bags...Being here with you and Phoenix is what really makes me happy."
*Laura* "Good, cause I don't think I could get used to some groupie
asking you to sign her boob!"
*Luke laughs and plays if off* "Do they still do that?!..."
*Laura smiles* "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they do..."
*Luke* "If you were a groupie, I'd sign your boob..."
Luke rolls over, laying on top of her.
He's ready for round two.
*Luke's smile darken* "Oh, I'd do more than sign your boob, Babe..."
Laura smiles, there's no doubt in her mind, she'll always
be drawn to this man.
*Luke* "I love you, Babe...and I know I've said it before but I promise to spend the rest of my life
Laura smiles, there's no doubt in her mind, she'll always
be drawn to this man.
*Luke* "I love you, Babe...and I know I've said it before but I promise to spend the rest of my life
making it all up to you, I don't want you to ever doubt me or be hurt by me again...but I can't promise it will be perfect."
*Laura smiles* "I believe you, and I don't expect perfect, I just want you to talk to me when things do get rough. We've got a son to raise, and I want you there, Phoenix does too..."
Luke starts kissing her neck.
*Luke* "I'm not going anywhere...as long as you still want me."
*Laura* "Yes, of course I want you...I was more miserable
without you..."
*Luke* "I'm sorry, Babe..."
Then he continues the soft kisses along her neck,
Laura leans back and closes her eyes...And they become
one again once more.
Fade to black...The End!
For Now...
*Laura smiles* "I believe you, and I don't expect perfect, I just want you to talk to me when things do get rough. We've got a son to raise, and I want you there, Phoenix does too..."
Luke starts kissing her neck.
*Luke* "I'm not going anywhere...as long as you still want me."
*Laura* "Yes, of course I want you...I was more miserable
without you..."
*Luke* "I'm sorry, Babe..."
Then he continues the soft kisses along her neck,
Laura leans back and closes her eyes...And they become
one again once more.
Fade to black...The End!
For Now...
awww man! Sooo sweet! Where do you get the dialogue? it is so natural! I could just imagine their tones and inflections. Glad they are back together---> smiling over here!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Dialogue between Luke and Laura come pretty easily for me. I think after developing their characters the past five years had made a difference. I'm glad to hear it came across so well. I was worried it might be too wordy in some spots. Me too I'm smiling so glad they are getting it together! :)
DeleteAnother great episode! I am happy for Luke and Laura - they have their family back together. Hope Luke stays smart and has learned his lesson! I think he probably has and he does sound sincere and has really put in the effort to put things back together. Can't wait for Ben and Michelle's wedding!
ReplyDeleteHi Phyllis! Thank you and so glad you enjoyed it ;-) it was high time they both got it together...hopefully life can resume as normal. I'm excited about the wedding as well and can't to post it :)
DeleteLove, Love, Loved it..... Yeah :-)
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo! Glad you enjoyed it Ladonna! :)
Deletewow, such great pics! How did you get it to look like Laura has her eyes closed? They are so wonderful and romantic! Such a great story, and so real.
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa! Thanks it was fun taking these pics and playing with the lighting. I edited Laura's eyes in iPhoto on my Mac. Glad you enjoyed it all! ;-)
DeleteOh... it was a long way for this... but now ..Laura and Luke are together again .. I'm so happy ...
ReplyDeleteHi Michaela! Yes its been a long time and way over due, I am glad they are getting things together and working it out. Glad to hear you enjoyed it thank you for taking the time to comment :)?
DeleteOh yes... I always enjoy your story... You make me a good time with this ... i love your story :)
DeleteOMG! They're back together!!! I love it! I bet they'll be stronger than ever now but it will be interesting to see who or what else comes their way. :-)
ReplyDeleteLove these stories!
Hi Tracy :)
DeleteI'm so glad they are back together...They were definitely more miserable apart. I think you're right...this will strengthen their bond but that doesn't mean it couldn't be tested again ;-)
Whew! That was a great episode, Miranda... It's so nice to see them back together, being themselves again, making love, being best friends.... Love love love! A happy kid over here =D
ReplyDeleteYay! Good story! I hope Luke keeps his word.