First off I want to get everyone straight on the timeline I have in mind. Especially, since it's taken me months to get through these last few episodes, lol! So, in my dolls' reality, all that has happened up to now took place back in January. Which means that Luke and Laura have still been separated since then, and they are continuing their marriage counseling. Now that we are in May it's time to start thinking about Michelle and Benjamin's wedding that's very quickly approaching!!!
So we start off at Michelle and Benjamin's place, with only about a month away from the wedding things are getting pretty busy now. Michelle is bustling around the kitchen getting ready for guests...
As she is just about done the door bell chimes, so she heads to go answer the door. Erica comes in beaming with excitement and arms full of items...
*Erica* "Where is everyone?"
*Michelle* "I'm sure they'll be here soon."
*Erica* "You've sure put a woman's touch here already. Has Benjamin given
you full reign to decorate?"
*Michelle* "Surprisingly, he enjoys shopping for things with me. So we do it together."
*Erica* "Really? Who'd a thunk...Speaking of Benjamin? Did he leave already?"
*Michelle* "No, he's still here...He's upstairs."
*Erica* "Ok, then I'll wait to show you this dress I bought. Last thing we need is the Groom to be seeing your potential wedding dress..."
As she is just about done the door bell chimes, so she heads to go answer the door. Erica comes in beaming with excitement and arms full of items...
*Erica* "Where is everyone?"
*Michelle* "I'm sure they'll be here soon."
*Erica* "You've sure put a woman's touch here already. Has Benjamin given
you full reign to decorate?"
*Michelle* "Surprisingly, he enjoys shopping for things with me. So we do it together."
*Erica* "Really? Who'd a thunk...Speaking of Benjamin? Did he leave already?"
*Michelle* "No, he's still here...He's upstairs."
*Michelle smiles and in a joking tone* "Yes, bad luck right?"
*Erica smiles joking around as well* "Yes! Terrible luck..."
Michelle gestures towards the freshly poured
wine glasses.
*Michelle* "Would you like a glass of wine?"
*Erica* "Sure, Darlin'..."
Erica sets down her bags and Michelle comes around
with the two glasses of wine.
*Erica* "Thank you, Darlin"....Is that cute little wedding planner gonna be here too?"
*Michelle* "Yes, I'm sure she'll be here soon..."
*Erica* "Good...We've got a lot of details to work out...Let me see that ring!"
Erica is distract by the large shiny diamond on Michelle's hand. Collecting one of a kind jewelry is one thing that Mama Trudeau loves and that ring is catching her attention.
Michelle holds out her hand and the ring sparkles from every angle.
*Erica* "Just stunning! Your finance has excellent taste in jewelry."
Michelle giggles.
*Michelle* "It took me about a month to get used to the weight of it on my hand..."
As Erica admires the diamond on Michelle's hand, Benjamin's
voice can be heard coming down the hallway.
*Benjamin* "Baby, have ya seen my keys?"
*Michelle* "I put them over there...along with your phone."
Benjamin walks over to Michelle, pulls her in and
kisses her forehead.
*Benjamin* "Well then, I'm taking off...Have fun with Nana."
*Michelle smiles* "Okay...have fun with the boys and don't get too drunk."
*Benjamin* "I'll try but I'd still rather be home alone with you."
Erica sets down her glass of wine.
*Erica* "Wait! don't you leave without giving me a hug and kiss too, Benjamin Trudeau..."
Benjamin turns to face his Grandmother.
*Benjamin* "Don't I always remember to kiss and hug my Nana?"
*Erica* "Well, Darlin'....You haven't failed me yet..."
Benjamin lets go of Michelle, walks over and wraps his Grandmother in a warm welcoming hug, kissing her on each cheek. She responds the same. Erica was more like a Mother to him as a child, since he lost his at a young age.
*Benjamin* "There that should fill my quota of hugs and kisses."
*Erica smiles* "Mostly definitely, Darlin'...Most definitely."
Michelle watches and observes how sweet he is with her, and it melts her heart. Because even though he won't admit it,
Benjamin is as sweet as they come.
Erica pulls back and looks up at her grandson, smacking him gently on the shoulder.
*Erica* "Now it's time for you to git!...Us lady folk have some wedding planning to do."
*Benjamin* "Yes, Ma'am! I wouldn't dream of gettin' in your way."
*Erica* "Good, so where are you headed then?"
*Benjamin* "To hang out with Aric at the bar..."
*Erica* "Well tell 'em I said hello."
*Benjamin* "I will."
Benjamin kisses each of them goodbye one last time then grabs his things and heads out to hang out with the boys for the evening. Erica then turns her attention to Michelle...
*Erica* "While we wait for the others, you wanna look at the dress?"
*Michelle looks down at the garment bag* "Sure..."
Erica picks up the garment bag as Michelle unzips it.
*Erica* "I found it at a cute little shop, while I was up in New York last week. So I just bought it. I think it will look lovely on you. Last I heard you were still trying to find a dress."
Michelle is silent as she looks at the dress. From what she can see it looks lovely. Erica on the other hand is having a hard time judging her reaction...
*Erica* "So?...What'd ya think? Do you like it?"
*Michelle* "It's very pretty...I like the lace detail."
As Michelle and Erica are looking at the dress. Rocky has come over to sniff the glass of wine that Michelle set down on the coffee table.
You can just see curiosity brewing in that face! Rocky was a gift for Michelle but has become more Benjamin's dog, than hers.
*Michelle* "Is it vintage?"
*Erica* "No, but it does have a very vintage style, doesn't it?"
*Michelle* "The only thing is it has long sleeves...and the reception is outdoors."
*Erica* "I know, I thought about that, but we can always get it altered if necessary."
*Michelle* "That's true...Okay I'm gonna go try it on."
Michelle grabs the garment bag and turns to head upstairs, not even noticing Rocky, who is contemplating tasting the red wine. Erica turns to grab her own glass and a bite to nibble on.
As Michelle turns down the hallway, the doorbell rings.
*Michelle* "I got it! I'll let them in then go change."
*Erica* "Okay..Darlin'...."
The last thing they need is a liquored up Labrador!
While Michelle is upstairs, Krystal has come in and is making herself comfortable as she chit-chats with Erica.
*Erica* "How have things been going for you?"
*Krystal* "Oh good...And you?
*Erica* "I'm fine. Michelle is a wonderful young lady, I'm really glad Benjamin
is marrying her. She's good for him."
*Krystal* "Yes...they really are meant for each other. I just wish my other
daughter was happy right now..."
*Erica* "I thought she was married and having babies..."

*Krystal* "Um, yes she's married and has one child, but her and her...husband...
are separated right now. I'm not even sure he'll be at the wedding."
*Erica* "Really?! Things are that bad between them? Did he cheat on her?"
Krystal nods, her heart hurts for Laura she wants both
her daughters to be happy.
*Krystal* "It breaks my heart, Erica. I do though understand kinda what she's going through..."
*Erica nods* "Yes I know, I was around when it all went down."
The ladies are so caught up in their conversation that they didn't even notice Michelle walk back into the room.
*Erica* "Oh I think it's absolutely lovely!"
*Krystal* "It's very pretty on you sweetie. What'd you think?"
*Michelle* "I don't know...I like the back but I'm not crazy about the long sleeves."
*Erica* "That's an easy fix. A seamstress could shorten the sleeves...It's also gonna need 'taking in' it's a little big on you. You need more junk in the trunk, like those Kardashian girls...."
Krystal jumps in right away, she knows Erica all too well and she will take over if you let her.
*Krystal* "Erica Trudeau! My daughter does not need more 'junk in her trunk'...."
*Erica* "I was just teasing...besides Benjamin loves her just the way she is, that's all that matters. But with only 4 weeks left till the wedding, she needs to choose something!"
*Krystal* "I think you need to let Michelle decide if this is the dress she wants. This is MY daughter's wedding, don't you try taking over and making it what you want!"
*Erica* "I'm just trying to give her some options. The dress she wants hasn't come in yet...She needs a backup plan or something..."
*Erica continues* "I've heard many a horror story, about last minute dresses. The last thing you want is a wardrobe malfunction on your big day..."
Michelle, who has stood silent while they went back and forth not even acknowledging her, finally speaks up.
*Michelle* "Stop! Just Stop! You two have got to get along because I can't
take this much longer! If we have any kind of malfunction on my wedding day, it'll be because you two can't agree on nothin'!"
*Erica* "Oh, Darlin! We're not fightin'....We're just having one of our heated discussions. Your Mother and I have always bantered back and for like that....It's just what we do....right, Krystal?"
Krystal walks over and wraps an arm around Erica. As stubborn as Erica is, Krystal has always been fond of her.
*Krystal* "Yes, drive me crazy and all ways have but I'm glad we get a second chance at being family again."
*Michelle* "Second chance? What do you mean?"
*Erica* "You haven't told her? After all these years she has no idea?!
*Krystal* "Scott and I didn't feel the need to divulge that info to the girls....

*Krystal continues* "Besides I don't think Justin ever told Benjamin, either."
*Erica* "True...Should we tell her then?"
*Krystal nods* "Yes...definitely."
There they go again, chatting back and forth and leaving Michelle wondering what they are talking about.
*Michelle* "Tell me what?!..."
*Krystal* "I almost married
Justin Trudeau, but I ended up meeting and falling in love with your Father."
Michelle's jaw drops, she is speechless! She never would have thought her Mother was romantically involved with another man,
besides her father.
*Erica smiles joking around as well* "Yes! Terrible luck..."
Michelle gestures towards the freshly poured
wine glasses.
*Michelle* "Would you like a glass of wine?"
*Erica* "Sure, Darlin'..."
Erica sets down her bags and Michelle comes around
with the two glasses of wine.
*Erica* "Thank you, Darlin"....Is that cute little wedding planner gonna be here too?"
*Michelle* "Yes, I'm sure she'll be here soon..."
*Erica* "Good...We've got a lot of details to work out...Let me see that ring!"
Erica is distract by the large shiny diamond on Michelle's hand. Collecting one of a kind jewelry is one thing that Mama Trudeau loves and that ring is catching her attention.
Michelle holds out her hand and the ring sparkles from every angle.
*Erica* "Just stunning! Your finance has excellent taste in jewelry."
Michelle giggles.
*Michelle* "It took me about a month to get used to the weight of it on my hand..."
As Erica admires the diamond on Michelle's hand, Benjamin's
voice can be heard coming down the hallway.
*Benjamin* "Baby, have ya seen my keys?"
*Michelle* "I put them over there...along with your phone."
Benjamin walks over to Michelle, pulls her in and
kisses her forehead.
*Benjamin* "Well then, I'm taking off...Have fun with Nana."
*Michelle smiles* "Okay...have fun with the boys and don't get too drunk."
*Benjamin* "I'll try but I'd still rather be home alone with you."
Erica sets down her glass of wine.
*Erica* "Wait! don't you leave without giving me a hug and kiss too, Benjamin Trudeau..."
Benjamin turns to face his Grandmother.
*Benjamin* "Don't I always remember to kiss and hug my Nana?"
*Erica* "Well, Darlin'....You haven't failed me yet..."
Benjamin lets go of Michelle, walks over and wraps his Grandmother in a warm welcoming hug, kissing her on each cheek. She responds the same. Erica was more like a Mother to him as a child, since he lost his at a young age.
*Benjamin* "There that should fill my quota of hugs and kisses."
*Erica smiles* "Mostly definitely, Darlin'...Most definitely."
Benjamin is as sweet as they come.
Erica pulls back and looks up at her grandson, smacking him gently on the shoulder.
*Erica* "Now it's time for you to git!...Us lady folk have some wedding planning to do."
*Benjamin* "Yes, Ma'am! I wouldn't dream of gettin' in your way."
*Erica* "Good, so where are you headed then?"
*Benjamin* "To hang out with Aric at the bar..."
*Erica* "Well tell 'em I said hello."
*Benjamin* "I will."
Benjamin kisses each of them goodbye one last time then grabs his things and heads out to hang out with the boys for the evening. Erica then turns her attention to Michelle...
*Erica* "While we wait for the others, you wanna look at the dress?"
*Michelle looks down at the garment bag* "Sure..."
Erica picks up the garment bag as Michelle unzips it.
*Erica* "I found it at a cute little shop, while I was up in New York last week. So I just bought it. I think it will look lovely on you. Last I heard you were still trying to find a dress."
Michelle is silent as she looks at the dress. From what she can see it looks lovely. Erica on the other hand is having a hard time judging her reaction...
*Erica* "So?...What'd ya think? Do you like it?"
*Michelle* "It's very pretty...I like the lace detail."
You can just see curiosity brewing in that face! Rocky was a gift for Michelle but has become more Benjamin's dog, than hers.
*Erica* "No, but it does have a very vintage style, doesn't it?"
*Michelle* "The only thing is it has long sleeves...and the reception is outdoors."
*Erica* "I know, I thought about that, but we can always get it altered if necessary."
*Michelle* "That's true...Okay I'm gonna go try it on."
Michelle grabs the garment bag and turns to head upstairs, not even noticing Rocky, who is contemplating tasting the red wine. Erica turns to grab her own glass and a bite to nibble on.
As Michelle turns down the hallway, the doorbell rings.
*Michelle* "I got it! I'll let them in then go change."
*Erica* "Okay..Darlin'...."
It seems the doorbell has distracted Rocky from the glass of wine. The last thing they need is a liquored up Labrador!
While Michelle is upstairs, Krystal has come in and is making herself comfortable as she chit-chats with Erica.
*Erica* "How have things been going for you?"
*Krystal* "Oh good...And you?
is marrying her. She's good for him."
*Krystal* "Yes...they really are meant for each other. I just wish my other
daughter was happy right now..."
*Erica* "I thought she was married and having babies..."

*Krystal* "Um, yes she's married and has one child, but her and her...husband...
are separated right now. I'm not even sure he'll be at the wedding."
*Erica* "Really?! Things are that bad between them? Did he cheat on her?"
Krystal nods, her heart hurts for Laura she wants both
her daughters to be happy.
*Krystal* "It breaks my heart, Erica. I do though understand kinda what she's going through..."
*Erica nods* "Yes I know, I was around when it all went down."
The ladies are so caught up in their conversation that they didn't even notice Michelle walk back into the room.
*Michelle* "So? How does it look?"
Krystal and Erica stop talking and turn to look. Both ladies gasp, as they take in the lovely dress that Michelle is wearing.
They quickly scurry around Michelle to take a better look at the dress.*Erica* "Oh I think it's absolutely lovely!"
*Krystal* "It's very pretty on you sweetie. What'd you think?"
*Michelle* "I don't know...I like the back but I'm not crazy about the long sleeves."
*Erica* "That's an easy fix. A seamstress could shorten the sleeves...It's also gonna need 'taking in' it's a little big on you. You need more junk in the trunk, like those Kardashian girls...."
Krystal jumps in right away, she knows Erica all too well and she will take over if you let her.
*Krystal* "Erica Trudeau! My daughter does not need more 'junk in her trunk'...."
*Erica* "I was just teasing...besides Benjamin loves her just the way she is, that's all that matters. But with only 4 weeks left till the wedding, she needs to choose something!"
*Krystal* "I think you need to let Michelle decide if this is the dress she wants. This is MY daughter's wedding, don't you try taking over and making it what you want!"
*Erica* "I'm just trying to give her some options. The dress she wants hasn't come in yet...She needs a backup plan or something..."
Michelle, who has stood silent while they went back and forth not even acknowledging her, finally speaks up.
*Michelle* "Stop! Just Stop! You two have got to get along because I can't
take this much longer! If we have any kind of malfunction on my wedding day, it'll be because you two can't agree on nothin'!"
*Erica* "Oh, Darlin! We're not fightin'....We're just having one of our heated discussions. Your Mother and I have always bantered back and for like that....It's just what we do....right, Krystal?"
*Krystal* "Yes, drive me crazy and all ways have but I'm glad we get a second chance at being family again."
*Michelle* "Second chance? What do you mean?"
*Erica* "You haven't told her? After all these years she has no idea?!
*Krystal* "Scott and I didn't feel the need to divulge that info to the girls....

*Krystal continues* "Besides I don't think Justin ever told Benjamin, either."
*Erica* "True...Should we tell her then?"
*Krystal nods* "Yes...definitely."
There they go again, chatting back and forth and leaving Michelle wondering what they are talking about.
*Michelle* "Tell me what?!..."
*Krystal* "I almost married
Justin Trudeau, but I ended up meeting and falling in love with your Father."
Michelle's jaw drops, she is speechless! She never would have thought her Mother was romantically involved with another man,
besides her father.
While Michelle is finding out about her Mother's past, Luke sits with his son and does his best to entertain him, but Phoenix has always loved it when he sings.
Luke strums his guitar, Phoenix listens and smiles at the
sound of his Father's voice.
*Luke singing* "She lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man...
She dreams in colour, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
*Luke* "You like that?"...*Phoenix smiles*...."Daddy needs to learn some more
kid friendly songs."
Phoenix babbles and smiles while he tip toes on
the edge of the soft ottoman.
*Luke* "Before I know it you're gonna be walking...and running....and talking..."
Luke pauses, he realizes he is missing out way too much not living here with Laura and Phoenix. Holding out a hand he encourages Phoenix to take it and take a step towards him.
Phoenix takes it and Luke encourages him to take a step.
*Luke* "There you it!
With his other hand on the ottoman Phoenix takes two more wobbly steps before Luke scoops him up and holds him over his head, that's another thing Phoenix loves, he loves to fly! But what baby at the age doesn't?
*Luke* "You need to stop growing so fast! I'm gonna miss it all..."
Phoenix giggles as Luke soars him through the air, catching a whiff of something not so delightful.
*Luke* "Is that why you're so happy? You passing gas or something more?"
Luke pulls him in closer to get a better a whiff...
*Luke* "Oh yeah! Whew! Someone needs a diaper change."
Luke gets up to change Phoenix's diaper, when Peter finally comes into the room after being stuck on a long phone call regarding some work related matters.
Peter waving his hand back and forth to clear the air.
*Peter* "What the f*ck! Did something die in here!.."
Luke turns around, laughing as he tries to speak. Peter
standing there, still fanning the air.
*Luke* "Phoenix, just took a huge dump...Laura fed him dinner before she left."
*Peter* "Yeah, I get that, but why does it smell so bad?!"
Luke laughs again remembering the first time he asked
Laura that same question.
*Luke* "Laura feeds him organic homemade veggies and opposed to
that nasty processed baby food."
Peter takes a seat in the rocking chair while Luke turns back around and gets to work changing Phoenix's diaper.
*Peter* "And you don't gag every time you have to change his diaper?...
...I think I'd f*cking hurl, if I had too."
*Luke laughs* "I'm sure you would...You've always had a weak stomach..."
*Peter* "Yeah, tell me about it! When there's an issue with the restrooms at work
I send someone else in there..."
*Luke* "Speaking of work you were on the phone for awhile, everything okay at the club?"
*Peter* "Yeah it's all good now. Apparently there was a mix up with the band schedule, which was on the calendar in my office. My first night off in weeks and no one can get there sh*t together. Except for seem to know how clean it up..."
Luke finishes, scoops up Phoenix and turns around to face Peter.
*Luke* "Except for the biggest mess I've made so far! Having sex with Rufus...I don't know if Laura is ever gonna get over it and trust me again."

*Peter* "I thought you two were still going to marriage counseling?"
*Luke* "Yeah we still are, but I hate not being here all the time. Phoenix could start walking any day now and I'd miss it!"
*Peter* "So get down on your knees and beg her...You've got nothing else to loose."
*Luke* "I pretty much have...I've done everything she wants..."
*Peter shrugs* "I don't know, man...maybe she just needs more time. At least she hasn't served you with divorce papers yet."....*Looking at Phoenix*...."You want Mommy to take Daddy back?
I know I do..."
Luke feels the same way, he's tired of camping out on Peter's couch.
*Luke* "Believe me, I'm ready to move back home too.
Those walls at your place are too thin...You might as well play 70's porn music along with it.."
*Peter abruptly laughs at his comment* "You can hear us...huh? I thought we were being quiet."
*Luke* "That old building carries the tiniest sounds across the apartment..."
*Peter* "Yeah...True...So! We gonna get some grub I'm starvin'...."
*Luke* "Burgers?..."
*Peter* "Sounds good to me..."
Back at Michelle's house the wedding planner, Audrey has arrived and she is talking with Michelle. While Krystal and Erica talk over on the couch.
*Erica* "Well, Michelle took the news of you and Justin quite well, I just can't believe
you never told her before."
*Krystal* "Well, she knows now and I'm sure Benjamin will once he gets home."
Back in the kitchen Michelle discusses wedding
details with Audrey.
*Michelle* "So these are all the RSVPs I have gotten back so far...I think
we'll have a good turnout."
*Audrey* "Great! We just need to do a head count on these so we know how
much food to order for the reception. Oh, and I brought some flowers to see if you
like them for your color scheme."
*Michelle* "Okay."
Michelle decides to give the task of counting the guests to Krystal and Erica, so she can continue to discuss details with the wedding planner.
Of course they agree to it, a short while later Laura arrives. Erica joins the others in the kitchen while Krystal talks to Laura.
*Krystal* "How things going for you?"
*Laura* "Okay...I guess."
*Krystal* "Is the counseling helping?"
*Laura shrugs* "I just don't know if I can trust him....I try, but I
still get paranoid about it."
*Krystal* "Well, at some point you need to decide if he's worth the risk or not. You do have a son to raise, and I know Luke loves him very much. You're the only one who can make this decision."
Everyone gets comfortable and gets into wedding planning mode, they discuss all kinds of details, each giving different opinions and ideas. Audrey takes some notes and makes to to get things executed for the big day.
While Audrey gets an ear full of ideas from Krystal and Erica,
Michelle and Laura talk a little.
*Michelle* "Thanks for coming, I know your probably not in a wedding planning kinda
mood and all, but I'm glad you're here."
*Laura smiles* "Of course...I'm glad to be here."
sound of his Father's voice.
*Luke singing* "She lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man...
She dreams in colour, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
*Luke* "You like that?"...*Phoenix smiles*...."Daddy needs to learn some more
kid friendly songs."
Phoenix babbles and smiles while he tip toes on
the edge of the soft ottoman.
*Luke* "Before I know it you're gonna be walking...and running....and talking..."
Luke pauses, he realizes he is missing out way too much not living here with Laura and Phoenix. Holding out a hand he encourages Phoenix to take it and take a step towards him.
Phoenix takes it and Luke encourages him to take a step.
With his other hand on the ottoman Phoenix takes two more wobbly steps before Luke scoops him up and holds him over his head, that's another thing Phoenix loves, he loves to fly! But what baby at the age doesn't?
*Luke* "You need to stop growing so fast! I'm gonna miss it all..."
Phoenix giggles as Luke soars him through the air, catching a whiff of something not so delightful.
*Luke* "Is that why you're so happy? You passing gas or something more?"
Luke pulls him in closer to get a better a whiff...
*Luke* "Oh yeah! Whew! Someone needs a diaper change."
Luke gets up to change Phoenix's diaper, when Peter finally comes into the room after being stuck on a long phone call regarding some work related matters.
Peter waving his hand back and forth to clear the air.
*Peter* "What the f*ck! Did something die in here!.."
Luke turns around, laughing as he tries to speak. Peter
standing there, still fanning the air.
*Luke* "Phoenix, just took a huge dump...Laura fed him dinner before she left."
*Peter* "Yeah, I get that, but why does it smell so bad?!"
Luke laughs again remembering the first time he asked
Laura that same question.
*Luke* "Laura feeds him organic homemade veggies and opposed to
that nasty processed baby food."
Peter takes a seat in the rocking chair while Luke turns back around and gets to work changing Phoenix's diaper.
*Peter* "And you don't gag every time you have to change his diaper?...
...I think I'd f*cking hurl, if I had too."
*Luke laughs* "I'm sure you would...You've always had a weak stomach..."
*Peter* "Yeah, tell me about it! When there's an issue with the restrooms at work
I send someone else in there..."
*Luke* "Speaking of work you were on the phone for awhile, everything okay at the club?"
*Peter* "Yeah it's all good now. Apparently there was a mix up with the band schedule, which was on the calendar in my office. My first night off in weeks and no one can get there sh*t together. Except for seem to know how clean it up..."
Luke finishes, scoops up Phoenix and turns around to face Peter.
*Luke* "Except for the biggest mess I've made so far! Having sex with Rufus...I don't know if Laura is ever gonna get over it and trust me again."

*Peter* "I thought you two were still going to marriage counseling?"
*Luke* "Yeah we still are, but I hate not being here all the time. Phoenix could start walking any day now and I'd miss it!"
*Peter* "So get down on your knees and beg her...You've got nothing else to loose."
*Luke* "I pretty much have...I've done everything she wants..."
*Peter shrugs* "I don't know, man...maybe she just needs more time. At least she hasn't served you with divorce papers yet."....*Looking at Phoenix*...."You want Mommy to take Daddy back?
I know I do..."
Luke feels the same way, he's tired of camping out on Peter's couch.
*Luke* "Believe me, I'm ready to move back home too.
Those walls at your place are too thin...You might as well play 70's porn music along with it.."
*Peter abruptly laughs at his comment* "You can hear us...huh? I thought we were being quiet."
*Luke* "That old building carries the tiniest sounds across the apartment..."
*Peter* "Yeah...True...So! We gonna get some grub I'm starvin'...."
*Luke* "Burgers?..."
*Peter* "Sounds good to me..."
*Erica* "Well, Michelle took the news of you and Justin quite well, I just can't believe
you never told her before."
*Krystal* "Well, she knows now and I'm sure Benjamin will once he gets home."
Back in the kitchen Michelle discusses wedding
details with Audrey.
*Michelle* "So these are all the RSVPs I have gotten back so far...I think
we'll have a good turnout."
*Audrey* "Great! We just need to do a head count on these so we know how
much food to order for the reception. Oh, and I brought some flowers to see if you
like them for your color scheme."
*Michelle* "Okay."
Michelle decides to give the task of counting the guests to Krystal and Erica, so she can continue to discuss details with the wedding planner.
Of course they agree to it, a short while later Laura arrives. Erica joins the others in the kitchen while Krystal talks to Laura.
*Laura* "Okay...I guess."
*Krystal* "Is the counseling helping?"
*Laura shrugs* "I just don't know if I can trust him....I try, but I
still get paranoid about it."
*Krystal* "Well, at some point you need to decide if he's worth the risk or not. You do have a son to raise, and I know Luke loves him very much. You're the only one who can make this decision."
Everyone gets comfortable and gets into wedding planning mode, they discuss all kinds of details, each giving different opinions and ideas. Audrey takes some notes and makes to to get things executed for the big day.
While Audrey gets an ear full of ideas from Krystal and Erica,
Michelle and Laura talk a little.
*Michelle* "Thanks for coming, I know your probably not in a wedding planning kinda
mood and all, but I'm glad you're here."
*Laura smiles* "Of course...I'm glad to be here."
*Michelle* "Phoenix with Luke?"
*Laura* "Yeah he is... After everyone feels satisfied with what they got done tonight
they all start getting ready to go.
Laura checks her messages, Luke sent her some pictures of Phoenix, to assure her they are doing fine.
Meanwhile, Erica says goodnight to Michelle.
*Erica* "I think we got a lot accomplished tonight! I'm so glad you're gonna be part of the family. You have made my Benjamin a happy man."
*Michelle* "Well he's made me the happiest woman on the planet, and thank
you for coming..."
*Erica* "Of course, Darlin'...I'm so glad to be a part of it."
Krystal, still chatting with the wedding planner,
they walk out together.
*Audrey* "You know you have some wonderful ideas..."
*Krystal* "Why thank you, I think my background as an interior designer has helped
me with some of that."
*Audrey* "Oh I love interior design..."
They continue out the door still talking. After Michelle has said goodnight to everyone she goes and sits with Laura in the kitchen, they have decided to hang out a little longer, for some sisterly bonding.
*Michelle pulling her hair into a ponytail* "Oh man! What an evening! I can't believe I'm
gonna be married in about a month."
*Laura* "I know...I goes by so quick. A month after that Phoenix will be a year old."
*Michelle* "Oh my gosh! That's Right..."
*Laura* "Yeah, time flies...Luke sent me a pic of him playing with his guitar."
*Michelle* "Speaking of Luke, is he coming to the wedding with you? I know last time
we talked about it you weren't too sure."
*Laura* "Um...yeah...I don't know. I haven't asked him about it yet."
*Michelle* "Well I put you down for a plus just in case."
*Laura* "Okay...I'll let you know."
*Michelle* "Or you could make Luke really jealous and come to the wedding with someone else."
*Laura* "Yeah...No...I don't think so."
*Michelle* "I bet he would be so pissed if you did..."
*Laura* "I'm sure he would..."
Laura stays for awhile longer and they chat about anything and everything and finish off the bottle of wine. Once Benjamin gets back home and they realize how late it's gotten, Laura takes off, going home to check in on Luke and Phoenix...
She makes her way upstairs to find the light in Phoenix's room is off.
Luke is lying in bed asleep with Phoenix propped on his chest.
It must have some evening, toys are thrown everywhere...they must have gotten tired and ended up falling asleep together.
Laura sets down her bag in the rocking chair and walks to the bedside to check on Phoenix, she contemplates whether she should pick him up and put him in his crib.
*Laura can't help but smile back, whispering* "Hey!..."
To Be Continued
they all start getting ready to go.
Meanwhile, Erica says goodnight to Michelle.
*Erica* "I think we got a lot accomplished tonight! I'm so glad you're gonna be part of the family. You have made my Benjamin a happy man."
*Michelle* "Well he's made me the happiest woman on the planet, and thank
you for coming..."
*Erica* "Of course, Darlin'...I'm so glad to be a part of it."
Krystal, still chatting with the wedding planner,
they walk out together.
*Audrey* "You know you have some wonderful ideas..."
*Krystal* "Why thank you, I think my background as an interior designer has helped
me with some of that."
*Audrey* "Oh I love interior design..."
They continue out the door still talking. After Michelle has said goodnight to everyone she goes and sits with Laura in the kitchen, they have decided to hang out a little longer, for some sisterly bonding.
*Michelle pulling her hair into a ponytail* "Oh man! What an evening! I can't believe I'm
gonna be married in about a month."
*Laura* "I know...I goes by so quick. A month after that Phoenix will be a year old."
*Michelle* "Oh my gosh! That's Right..."
*Laura* "Yeah, time flies...Luke sent me a pic of him playing with his guitar."
Laura holds out her phone so Michelle can see the picture
of her nephew.
*Michelle*"Awww! So cute! He really does love music..."
*Laura* "Yeah, he even dances, I'll have to take video of him." *Michelle* "Speaking of Luke, is he coming to the wedding with you? I know last time
we talked about it you weren't too sure."
*Laura* "Um...yeah...I don't know. I haven't asked him about it yet."
*Michelle* "Well I put you down for a plus just in case."
*Laura* "Okay...I'll let you know."
*Michelle* "Or you could make Luke really jealous and come to the wedding with someone else."
*Laura* "Yeah...No...I don't think so."
*Michelle* "I bet he would be so pissed if you did..."
*Laura* "I'm sure he would..."
Laura stays for awhile longer and they chat about anything and everything and finish off the bottle of wine. Once Benjamin gets back home and they realize how late it's gotten, Laura takes off, going home to check in on Luke and Phoenix...
She makes her way upstairs to find the light in Phoenix's room is off.
Luke is lying in bed asleep with Phoenix propped on his chest.
It must have some evening, toys are thrown everywhere...they must have gotten tired and ended up falling asleep together.
Laura sets down her bag in the rocking chair and walks to the bedside to check on Phoenix, she contemplates whether she should pick him up and put him in his crib.
The two of them look so sweet and peaceful and her heart melts at the sight of Luke and their son.
Laura gently runs her hand on Phoenix's head of soft hair. Which causes him to squirm a bit, the movement startles Luke and he wakes up.
*Luke smiling sleepily, in a hushed tone* "Hey!..."*Laura can't help but smile back, whispering* "Hey!..."
To Be Continued
Awe, this story was so cute! I hope Luke and Laura get back together soon, I also hope that Michelle and Benjamin's wedding runs smoothly.
ReplyDeleteThank you, so glad to hear you enjoyed it! I think the wedding will go smoothly, as for Luke and Laura let's hope they can.
DeleteAww, I love the pictures of Pheonix! I can't believe he's almost a year old and starting to walk. Luke and Laura should really seriously start to work things out before the wedding. No one wants a dark cloud like a separation hanging over a happy occasion like a wedding.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love Audrey Hepburn as the wedding planner!
DeleteThanks so much Champagne Star!
DeleteThe year has flown by! I guess I need to plan a 1st Birthday party for him :)
I agree Laura is having a little bit of a hard time getting in the mood for he sister wedding when her own marriage is still in limbo.
Glad you enjoyed Audrey, I hope to show more of her, hopefully I'll get a chance :)
Oh, I just loved this episode. Luke is a pretty good Daddy. He seems to be hanging in there waiting for Laura to decide something. I am pulling for them. Luke has not always been my favorite guy what with all the goings on with Rufus and Cade, etc. but you can tell he loves his son and Laura. Can not wait for the wedding! Am loving how Erica and Krystal banter back and forth -- poor Michelle can't get a word in.
ReplyDeleteYour photos really make the story. They are so expressive and you can feel the emotion. Even though we are looking at dolls, your photos and dialogue bring them to life!
Hi Phyllis!
DeleteSo glad to hear you enjoyed it :) I agree, I think Luke has become a good Dad. He wants to do right by Phoenix, not like his Father, who left when things didn't work out. I know who Luke has screwed up a lot trying to figure out what he wants, hopefully he's learned from his mistakes and won't put himself in those kinda situations again....
I'm excited y'all are all excited! I can't wait to put it all together. I have so many ideas for this wedding I hope I can execute all of it.
Sometimes taking those pictures feels redundant, I'm glad you appreciate them. It can get frustrating when the dolls don't cooperate or pictures don't come out how I planned.
Great story, I'm also wanting Luke & Laura back together. Until next time.......
ReplyDeleteThanks Ladonna!
DeleteGlad you enjoyed it :) I hope to post more soon!
oh this episode was so warm, and loving. You really give the dolls feelings and life. Luke looks so like a dad, any dad, falling asleep with while holding a toddler....really great episode Miranda!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lisa!
DeleteI thought it would be a nice change of pace to have something that wasn't so sad. It was rough getting through those last few episodes. I agree what Dad hasn't fallen asleep with their child like that. Glad you enjoyed it! :)
I agree with Lisa your placement of the dolls are so natural. I like Erika with her hand on her hips. lol
ReplyDeleteAs far as anything else...sighhhhh!
Thank you glad you enjoyed it! Erica seems like a very hands on hips kinda lady lol!
DeleteAwesome episode!! I so hope that Luke and Laura gets it together. It is great that Krystal and Michelle are not encouraging her negatively. The pics of Phoenix are adorable! I was like ooh and awww. Lol! Looking forward to the wedding.
ReplyDeleteHi Goergia Girl! Thank you so glad you enjoyed the pics of Phoenix he's so fun to photograph. Krystal and Michelle just want Laura to be happy, I can't wait to get the wedding started it'll be posted in a couple more weeks
DeleteMiranda I have to say the way you catch the realism of the situation in your photos is breath taking. To see Erica and Krystal banter back and forth is quite entertaining. Luke is an awesome father and you can see how much he loves his family even if he is a jerk! I can't wait to see what you have in stored for the wedding. Judging from your photos on flickr, it's gonna be awesome!
ReplyDeleteHi Will! So glad you enjoyed it and thank you taking those photos can be a real challenge sometimes. I totally love how Krystal and Erica toy with each other, two dominant women I'd see them acting something like this. As for Luke he's trying to do his best and hopes it pays off, even though he's been a jerk ;-) I'm so excited to get this wedding off without a hitch! Can't wait to reveal it all :)
DeleteAnother great episode. Those pictures of Phoenix were my faves. Is that a glimmer of hope I see at the end?