Hours later all the way into early Sunday morning Luke sits with a beer in one hand and a joint in the other. He can't sleep. He's tried everything and no amount of booze has knocked him out yet so he's going for a record. He even hit the hard liquor this time hoping to just forget that scene that took place at the party. Especially now since
it's on repeat in his head, it just keeps playing over and over,
embarrassed, angry, disappointed, and just down right betrayed by people
he thought who cared about him. And to make it even worse now everyone
knows this dirty little secret!
He is at a loss of how things just went so wrong so fast. He thought he left that all behind when he moved here. Trying to start over start fresh, but as people from his past began come back into his life things have taken a wild turn again. Luke lifts the joint to lips and sucks in taking a deep breathe letting the smoke fill his lungs and slowly
releases it back out.
But no matter what he does no amount can shake what took place,
he leans back in his chair...so tired he's hoping he'll finally pass out. Almost too drunk to stand without falling over. So extremely high that you'd think he'd be feeling like he's on top of the world, yet he cant shake how utterly betrayed his life feels at the moment....Even the stereo speaker that is closest to him can't drown out his thoughts for long enough.
*Luke* "Fuck!..."
Luke sits up and leans forward feeling like the room just moved with him. He goes to set his half finished beer down on the table but he can't figure out which of the two tables he sees is the right one. He needs to take a whiz again in the potted plants that are out on the
patio if he can make it over there.
But before he gets a chance to set the beer down completely, someone swoops in and swipes it from his hand. He looks up to see Laura standing there with a stern and very concerned look on her face. She has never seen him this bad off before. He is quickly startled by her quick movements making his head spin, and bile rise in his throat...He gulps hard forcing it back down.
*Luke* "H...H...Hey! Was the fuck....I...wuz fucking drinking that shizz!"
*Laura* "Not anymore! You've had enough, I'm cutting you off."
Luke attempts to sweet talk her but he's way to
fucked up to even come off smooth about it.
*Luke* "Awe...juz c'mon...c'mon baby, gimme back my beer..."
Laura knows he is hurting doing whatever he can to numb the emotional pain he is feeling right now. It breaks her heart, she knows things will eventually get better but will they ever be the same?
*Laura* "It's bedtime...you've had enough!...."
Laura looks down to see a pile of empty beer bottles laying on the floor from the knocked over trash can. She freaks out, he's had way too much to drink today from earlier at the party and now this. She's worried he's gonna be severely hung over tomorrow. She will have to call Jacob and hope he can run the shop on his own for the next couple of days.
*Laura* "Oh my gawd, Luke! How much have you drank today?!...." This
place is turning into a mess!"
*Luke* "I'z don'ts fucking know, enoughs to kill a fucking elephantz, prolly..."
Laura gets down on the floor and begins to clean up the mess.
*Laura* "I do, I care! Luke, I love you and I know you're hurting but this is not
the answer...I'm sure y'all can work things out."
*Luke* "Fffffuck no! I...I'm done!....Yous were there dids you not see the fucking shitz show thatz went down?! They'rez alls fucking dead to me I don't give a shitz...they can do whatevers
the fuck theyz want, I...I'm done!..."
*Laura* "Luke...don't say things like that. I know they hurt you but it will get better."
*Luke* "Better?! How?!....I's fucking moved here, to, to get away from this shits! This fucking dyzfunctional shits ands it fucking follows me, fucking stares me isn the face! Ffffucking lies to me!...You'ds think I'ds be used to shits like this..fuckings dumb shits can I be not to notice?!"
*Laura* " Don't be so hard on yourself. I didn't know either! We all go through it, what matters is how we handle it and move on. Maybe you should just try and work things out not hold it all in..."
*Laura continues* "Otherwise you do crazy crap like this! Which is plenty dysfunctional! Last thing we need is the neighbors calling the cops and complaining....It's 3 a.m. Luke and you have the stereo too loud, you're so drunk and high that you're freaking me out!...."
Then she feels a breeze and realizes that the patio
door has been left open.
*Laura* "And it's freezing in here!...why do you have the door open?
You're gonna catch a cold."
Laura gets up to close and lock the door. Noticing a small puddle of what looks to be water on the patio near the planter that is next to the door. Then turns her attention back to Luke.
*Laura* "C'mon, baby...let's get you showered and into bed...you need to sleep."
Luke knows she is right he cannot keep wallering in his grief, embarrassment, and betrayal. He has to move on from it. He slowly leans forward and puts out the joint....Maybe now he can finally fall asleep with Laura's help.
Luke stumbles across the room and meets Laura halfway, she reaches out and helps him from toppling over. He looks down at her sweet face it's filled with nothing but love and concern for him. Maybe a tad frustrated too...He smiles and begins to apologize to her
for being so reckless. He cannot afford to continue
to behave this way with a wife and two kids.
to behave this way with a wife and two kids.
Their close proximity fills Laura's nostrils with the scent of pot smoke, alcohol, and sweat. The combo almost making her queasy.
She loves him but not that gawd awful scent sensation!😷😂
*Luke* "I'ms sorry babe... don'ts be mad at me.
This fuck up can'tz loose you...n..n..not again, Babe.
Yous and the boys..is sall Is gots left."
*Laura* "Mad at you?....Baby, I'm not mad, just worried...
I'm not going anywhere."
She leans in to hug him, she feels bad...she knows
he's not happy about last evenings
events and revelations.
*Laura* "I know you're down right now, but it's gonna be alright.
We will get past this, I promise."
*Luke kisses her forehead* "juz fucking stings..."
*Laura* "I know, I'm sorry baby, I wish I could make
that pain go away."
Luke knows one good way she can help with that,
he pulls her back to face him and
he pulls her back to face him and
begins to lean in to kiss her. Laura leans back away she is
definitely not up for romance, not in the condition
he's in at the moment...
*Laura* "Luke, no!..."
Luke totally stunned by her rejection, Laura pretty
much never turns down his advances.
He blurts out in confusion.
*Luke* "Fffffuck, babe?!..."
*Laura* "It's late, really late..."
*Luke* "Sssso?!...Never shtopped usz fum fucking before."
*Laura tries not to smirk at the slur of his words he's just way too drunk* "I'm sorry but you're way too drunk. It's late. We're both tired, I'm exhausted from working on this party
and I still have a house to clean in the morning!"
and I still have a house to clean in the morning!"
*Luke* Iz this cuz the fucking plant?..."
*Laura* "Plant? I don't understand, what plant?!..."
*Luke* "The onez I'z take a piss in..."
*Laura* "Are you serious? I thought maybe it rained or something...
Luke, why would you do that?!"
Luke, why would you do that?!"
*Luke* "Cuz I...I don't wake the boys, thatz why...."
*Laura* "How convenient for you but my poor plant!"
*Luke* "I...I gotz ta leak right now..."
*Laura* "No! What if the neighbors see you?! Take it downstairs and take a shower."
So Laura and Luke call it a night they head downstairs to their bedroom and try to get some rest for the remainder of the night or shall I say early morning. Luke of course will have a killer hangover later on so lets just hope he can get past what happened at the party....
Earlier that evening as the party tends to wind down. Everyone continues to chat with each other and enjoy the company of friends and family. They all sit and dig into the delicious chocolate cake that Laura
whipped up and made with love for Fin's birthday.
Michelle stands and chats again with Juniper, they have found a few things in common and chatted it up quite a bit. Michelle looks over to see Benjamin is the giant in the midst of all these little people with Phoenix trying to conquer said invading giant....
whipped up and made with love for Fin's birthday.
Michelle stands and chats again with Juniper, they have found a few things in common and chatted it up quite a bit. Michelle looks over to see Benjamin is the giant in the midst of all these little people with Phoenix trying to conquer said invading giant....
*Phoenix* "I gotchu now you mean monsta!!"
*Benjamin* "Argh!!! This monster isn't gonna go that easily!!! The flying
Phoenix may need to call for backup!"
*Benjamin* "Argh!!! This monster isn't gonna go that easily!!! The flying
Phoenix may need to call for backup!"
*Julian* "Janessa, grab his leg quick! Help me!"
*Janessa* "No! I told you...I'm a princess..."
*Parker* "I help!...I help!"
Juniper turns back to look at Michelle, smiling big...
*Juniper* "He sure knows how to entertain them, huh?...Help them
burn off all that sugar too."
*Michelle laughs* "Yeah, he likes kids a whole lot...He's got some
much younger brothers and sisters...He enjoys being around them."
Michelle looks back across the room again at Benjamin.
That maternal clock in her is beginning to tick louder and louder now...She is still not ready to give up her career for motherhood. Or even Benjamin, for that matter, she's not ready to share him with anyone else and enjoys their time together. Yet she is still conflicted.
*Juniper* "I'd say you got a real keeper there..."
*Michelle smiles* "I can't agree more. He's amazing."
Across the other end of the living room,
Malcolm and Shaun are catching up.
*Malcolm* "Have you told her all this?...."
*Shaun* "No, we've hardly spoke since I've been back."
*Malcolm* "What y'all need ta do is just put all y'alls cards on the table settle this once and for all. Whether you git back together or not you gotta be on the same page for that baby girl..."
*Shaun* "I'm trying but she's not making it easy..."
*Malcolm* "Women never do, brother and I bet she saying the same shit about you...
Having Janessa and Julian made me stop and realize that life is precious
you can't let these little things get in the way."
*Shaun* "I do want to be there for Leila, as best I can..."
*Malcolm* "Then take advantage and go talk to her, there are friends and family here ta watch Leila and maybe you two can find some common ground ta stand on..."
Meanwhile back in the kitchen and dining area. Willow who has just shown up to the party with Peter, sits and chats with Laura. Willow smiles as she pulls a bottle of blue wine out of her bag...
*Laura gasps* "Oh my gosh! No you didn't?!..."
*Willow smiles* "Yup, found it in a little European market downtown..."
*Laura* "We will have to break it open and try some..."
*Willow* "Definitely...hopefully our boys will make up and we
can sip some later. I'll help you clean up..."
*Laura smiles* "Sounds like a plan!.."
Peter walks towards the back of the kitchen following Luke. He opened the door for them and then headed straight to the fridge for another beer. The tension between them is subtle at the moment
but it is definitely there...
*Peter* "So..uh I brought some beers...."
*Luke* "Just stick em in the fridge."
*Peter* "Okay, cool...."
Peter walks past Luke, opens the fridge and sets the beers inside. Luke steps aside and decides to break the awkward silence, seeing his face now does make him miss his best friend. Although it still has not changed how he feels about how things were left
hanging between them a month ago.
*Luke* "How's work?..."
Peter is about to close the fridge then decides to go ahead and
grab one of the beers he brought as a peace offering.
*Peter* "Work is good...Lots of good bands lined up."
He turns to face Luke feels a bit weird for him too, seeing each other again...They haven't gone this long without speaking since Peter showed up in town nearly 4 years ago...
*Peter* "How's the shop?..."
*Luke* "Good."
*Peter* "I see Shaun is here..."
*Luke* "He wanted to see his kid. So just keep your fucking distance..."
*Peter* "You really think I will start shit here?..."
*Luke* "I dunno Pete, but don't fucking ruin shit, okay?..."
Then just like that the tension between them is tightened
again and could snap at any moment...
*Peter* "I won't, but thanks for the fucking vote of confidence..."
*Luke* "Whatever, man...Just keep your fucking ego in check!"
The two just stand there in silence and sip on their cold crisp alcoholic beverages. Neither one wants to apologize waiting for the other to do it first. Oh the stubbornness of men...Luke feels a buzz coming on so he knows he is not in his right mind to deal with Peter...but yet keeps on drinking.
Around the table Krystal chats with Cynthia, and Amari gets to know Marissa a little. Then suddenly the room is quickly startled by Leila's tiny but loud outburst as she fusses and squirms
in her Great Aunt Krystal's arms.
*Cynthia* "Oh my I think someone may be hungry and tired..."
And just like that Amari's body responds to her daughter's cry,
leaking breast milk through soaking her dress. This is Amari's first big social outing with baby Leila since Christmas. So she was excited to dress up for the occasion...
*Amari* "Oh, dang...my new dress...Yeah, I better feed her..."
*Krystal* "That's okay hun, it should wash out easily."
Laura stops her conversation she is currently having with
Willow to help out her cousin, who is still
learning the ropes and the do's and don'ts as a new Momma...
*Laura* "Mari...go ahead and nurse her upstairs. You can lay her
down in Fin's bed if she falls asleep..."
*Amari* "You sure?..."
*Laura* "Yes, go! I'll check up on you in a bit..."
*Amari* "Okay..."
Peter has just about guzzled down the whole bottle of
beer within a matter of seconds, feeling a tad more
relaxed he blurts out without thinking...
*Peter* "Fuck! Do their boobs just fucking leak like that!..."😳
*Luke* "It's normal, just don't fucking stare."
*Peter* "Ohhh! oooh, Shit..That's what happened to her last year..."
Peter turns to look at Luke who is livid, looking like
steam might just suddenly come whistling out his ears,
he's already running on a short fuse.
*Luke* "What the fuck?! That's my wife, man!...Don't fucking stare, okay?"
*Peter* "I'm sorry, shit that came out wrong...I...I was just making the connection."
*Luke* "For once in your fucking life just keep your fucking mouth shut, Morissey!..."
Then Luke walks off to go chat with Malcolm and Shaun...
Leaving Peter to his own thoughts...Peter immediately regrets saying that, not that he was trying to be rude or disrespectful, but
Luke has zero tolerance with him at the moment. Luke walks over and joins in the conversation with Shaun and Malcolm...
*Shaun* "What's going on?..."
*Luke* "It's nothing, you know Peter he just can't keep his fucking mouth shut.
*Shaun* "He gonna be a problem?..."
*Luke* "No, I took care of it. So what are you two talking about?"
*Malcolm* "Oh the usual...women and cars."
*Luke* "Have you talked to Amari?..."
*Shaun* "Briefly, just to say hi to her and Leila."
*Luke* "Now's your chance man, talk to her here where it's more neutral.
Don't drag this shit out, been too long already."
*Malcolm* "Yeah...that's about the same shit I said."
*Shaun* "I do want to talk to her..."
*Luke* "So don't fucking wait around...You need me to hold your hand?"
*Shaun* "Fuck man...don't pass that aggressive shit onto me..."
*Luke waves his hand in an apologetic manner* "Sorry man, just still pissed at Peter..."
Malcolm decides to change the direction of the conversation
and tell Luke about his new customer...
*Malcolm* "Hey did I tell you about this new guy Shaun sent my way?"
*Luke* "No...I don't think so.."
Meanwhile, Willow decides to go check on Peter
after she saw Luke storm off.
*Willow* "Hey, everything okay? What happened?..."
*Peter* "Nothing, he's being a fucking prick!..."
Over around the table Laura shows her mom,
what Willow has found for her.
*Laura* "Hey, mom! Look what Willow found..."
*Krystal* "Is that wine?..."
*Laura* "Yeah...it's blue wine..."
*Cynthia* "Blue? What's it made from?"
*Laura* "It's a trend right now...made from grapes just like all other wines.
Except they use the skin of the grapes to get this blue dye coloring."
*Krystal* "Interesting...You gonna open it?..."
*Laura* "Yeah, y'all want to try some?.."
They both nod in unison agreeing they'd
like to give it a try.
Over in the living room, Benjamin continues to be the life of
the party for the kids...Phoenix is caught in the
giants clutches and being relentlessly tickle tortured,
seems the flying Phoenix needs that back up...
*Luke* "Are you fucking serious?...."
*Malcolm* "Yeah, yeah...I mean I was floored when I got the call. Said he'll
be down in a couple weeks to check on the progress and meet in person."
*Luke* "That's fucking sweet, man...I"m really happy for you."
Luke looks towards Shaun...
*Luke* "You never fucking told me you know Chris Williams of Daggernaught..."
*Shaun* "I didn't we will be touring with them and we
just got to know each other recently."
*Luke* "You think he'd sign a couple LPs for me?..."
*Shaun* "Yeah, uh....I dunno. I can ask him..."
*Luke* "If not , it's no big deal but figured I'd ask.
Bring in more business to the shop..."
*Shaun* "Naw, man it's cool....Hey, I think I'm gonna go find Mari now."
*Luke* "Yeah, man go fucking find her and talk...."
*Malcolm* "Just tell her how you feel, chicks respond well
to that emotional shit."
Shaun steps away and begins to walk
towards the stairs...
*Luke* "Good luck..."
*Shaun* "Man, I don't need luck. I need a fucking miracle!..."
*Malcolm smiles* "No time like the present, go work shit out brother..."
*Luke* "Don't worry, if we hear screaming we'll just assume you two made up..."
*Shaun* "Ha! fuck you...you know that shit isn't gonna happen..."
Back over in the kitchen, Willow continues to talk with Peter.
Peter* "Let's just fucking leave, Babe. It's obvious I'm not wanted here."
*Willow* "We just got here and I promised Laura
I'd sip some of that blue wine with her..."
*Peter* "I'm not gonna fucking sticking around if he's just waiting for me to apologize..."
*Willow* "And what's wrong with that?!...Are you both
gonna be that stubborn?"
Willow turns around to see that Shaun
is no longer with the group.
*Willow* "Now's your chance just go over there and start over. You
two can't go on like this forever."
Willow looks back at Peter and he is staring at
her with those lustful deep brown eyes...The look on his
face is nearly enough to make her give in to his request.
*Willow* "Are you listening to a single word I'm saying?..."
*Peter* "Let's just go home..."
*Willow* "No!...we are not gonna bail just because you refuse to try and
work shit out. At least give it one more try."
Willow leans in and fiddles with the tag
that is attached onto his necklace...
*Willow* "Tell you what, you go try to play nice and I will
make sure you get exactly what you deserve later tonight..."
Willow looks up at him through dark lashes her blue eyes
sparkling. The corner of her lip tucked in as she bites down on it and smirks. Well since she asked so nicely, Peter has no choice but to agree.

*Peter smirks* "Fine....I'll give it one more shot..."
*Willow* "Good...You two have been friends for so long
you just can't give up that easily...So what happened that made him so mad?"
Peter just nods and thinks to himself, even though they have been friends since they were teenagers, so much history is between them
that any secret or lie will just cut deeper into this already open wound of a friendship. The two were literally like brothers inseparable for so long when they were younger. Now it's in jeopardy because of years of unspoken emotions.
Cynthia gets up to excuse herself to the restroom...
*Cynthia* "I'm just gonna make a trip to the bathroom. I'll be right back...
pour me a small glass once you get it open..."
*Laura* "Okay sure...The boys bathroom is available to everyone."
Meanwhile Luke continues to talk with Malcolm...
*Malcolm* "Looks like the kids are very entertained..."
*Luke* "Yeah, that's my brother in law Benjamin, he's real good with the kids.
He's married to Laura's sister....His family owns Trudeau Construction..."
*Malcolm* "Oh yeah...wow! That's a pretty large company."
*Luke* "Yeah get this shit, Laura's mom almost married
Ben's dad years ago before she met Scott."
*Malcolm* "Man...nu' uh! You fucking with me?!..."
*Luke laughs* "No!...It's true. I fucking swear!..."
*Malcolm* "Dayum!!..."
*Luke* "Oh! You want to see pics of that jeep I'm looking at buying?"
*Malcolm* "Yeah, yeah...lemme see."
*Luke reaching into his back pocket* "Fuck, musta left my phone upstairs. Shit,
*Janessa* "No! I told you...I'm a princess..."
*Parker* "I help!...I help!"
Juniper turns back to look at Michelle, smiling big...
*Juniper* "He sure knows how to entertain them, huh?...Help them
burn off all that sugar too."
*Michelle laughs* "Yeah, he likes kids a whole lot...He's got some
much younger brothers and sisters...He enjoys being around them."
Michelle looks back across the room again at Benjamin.
That maternal clock in her is beginning to tick louder and louder now...She is still not ready to give up her career for motherhood. Or even Benjamin, for that matter, she's not ready to share him with anyone else and enjoys their time together. Yet she is still conflicted.
*Juniper* "I'd say you got a real keeper there..."
*Michelle smiles* "I can't agree more. He's amazing."
Across the other end of the living room,
Malcolm and Shaun are catching up.
*Malcolm* "Have you told her all this?...."
*Shaun* "No, we've hardly spoke since I've been back."
*Malcolm* "What y'all need ta do is just put all y'alls cards on the table settle this once and for all. Whether you git back together or not you gotta be on the same page for that baby girl..."
*Shaun* "I'm trying but she's not making it easy..."
*Malcolm* "Women never do, brother and I bet she saying the same shit about you...
Having Janessa and Julian made me stop and realize that life is precious
you can't let these little things get in the way."
*Shaun* "I do want to be there for Leila, as best I can..."
*Malcolm* "Then take advantage and go talk to her, there are friends and family here ta watch Leila and maybe you two can find some common ground ta stand on..."
Meanwhile back in the kitchen and dining area. Willow who has just shown up to the party with Peter, sits and chats with Laura. Willow smiles as she pulls a bottle of blue wine out of her bag...
*Laura gasps* "Oh my gosh! No you didn't?!..."
*Willow smiles* "Yup, found it in a little European market downtown..."
*Willow* "Definitely...hopefully our boys will make up and we
can sip some later. I'll help you clean up..."
*Laura smiles* "Sounds like a plan!.."
Peter walks towards the back of the kitchen following Luke. He opened the door for them and then headed straight to the fridge for another beer. The tension between them is subtle at the moment
but it is definitely there...
*Peter* "So..uh I brought some beers...."
*Luke* "Just stick em in the fridge."
*Peter* "Okay, cool...."
Peter walks past Luke, opens the fridge and sets the beers inside. Luke steps aside and decides to break the awkward silence, seeing his face now does make him miss his best friend. Although it still has not changed how he feels about how things were left
hanging between them a month ago.
*Luke* "How's work?..."
Peter is about to close the fridge then decides to go ahead and
grab one of the beers he brought as a peace offering.
*Peter* "Work is good...Lots of good bands lined up."
He turns to face Luke feels a bit weird for him too, seeing each other again...They haven't gone this long without speaking since Peter showed up in town nearly 4 years ago...
*Peter* "How's the shop?..."
*Luke* "Good."
*Peter* "I see Shaun is here..."
*Luke* "He wanted to see his kid. So just keep your fucking distance..."
*Peter* "You really think I will start shit here?..."
*Luke* "I dunno Pete, but don't fucking ruin shit, okay?..."
Then just like that the tension between them is tightened
again and could snap at any moment...
*Peter* "I won't, but thanks for the fucking vote of confidence..."
*Luke* "Whatever, man...Just keep your fucking ego in check!"
The two just stand there in silence and sip on their cold crisp alcoholic beverages. Neither one wants to apologize waiting for the other to do it first. Oh the stubbornness of men...Luke feels a buzz coming on so he knows he is not in his right mind to deal with Peter...but yet keeps on drinking.
Around the table Krystal chats with Cynthia, and Amari gets to know Marissa a little. Then suddenly the room is quickly startled by Leila's tiny but loud outburst as she fusses and squirms
in her Great Aunt Krystal's arms.
*Cynthia* "Oh my I think someone may be hungry and tired..."
And just like that Amari's body responds to her daughter's cry,
leaking breast milk through soaking her dress. This is Amari's first big social outing with baby Leila since Christmas. So she was excited to dress up for the occasion...
*Amari* "Oh, dang...my new dress...Yeah, I better feed her..."
*Krystal* "That's okay hun, it should wash out easily."
Laura stops her conversation she is currently having with
Willow to help out her cousin, who is still
learning the ropes and the do's and don'ts as a new Momma...
*Laura* "Mari...go ahead and nurse her upstairs. You can lay her
down in Fin's bed if she falls asleep..."
*Amari* "You sure?..."
*Laura* "Yes, go! I'll check up on you in a bit..."
*Amari* "Okay..."
Peter has just about guzzled down the whole bottle of
beer within a matter of seconds, feeling a tad more
relaxed he blurts out without thinking...
*Peter* "Fuck! Do their boobs just fucking leak like that!..."😳
*Luke* "It's normal, just don't fucking stare."
*Peter* "Ohhh! oooh, Shit..That's what happened to her last year..."
Peter turns to look at Luke who is livid, looking like
steam might just suddenly come whistling out his ears,
he's already running on a short fuse.
*Luke* "What the fuck?! That's my wife, man!...Don't fucking stare, okay?"
*Peter* "I'm sorry, shit that came out wrong...I...I was just making the connection."
*Luke* "For once in your fucking life just keep your fucking mouth shut, Morissey!..."
Then Luke walks off to go chat with Malcolm and Shaun...
Leaving Peter to his own thoughts...Peter immediately regrets saying that, not that he was trying to be rude or disrespectful, but
Luke has zero tolerance with him at the moment. Luke walks over and joins in the conversation with Shaun and Malcolm...
*Shaun* "What's going on?..."
*Luke* "It's nothing, you know Peter he just can't keep his fucking mouth shut.
*Shaun* "He gonna be a problem?..."
*Luke* "No, I took care of it. So what are you two talking about?"
*Malcolm* "Oh the usual...women and cars."
*Luke* "Have you talked to Amari?..."
*Shaun* "Briefly, just to say hi to her and Leila."
*Luke* "Now's your chance man, talk to her here where it's more neutral.
Don't drag this shit out, been too long already."
*Malcolm* "Yeah...that's about the same shit I said."
*Shaun* "I do want to talk to her..."
*Luke* "So don't fucking wait around...You need me to hold your hand?"
*Shaun* "Fuck man...don't pass that aggressive shit onto me..."
*Luke waves his hand in an apologetic manner* "Sorry man, just still pissed at Peter..."
Malcolm decides to change the direction of the conversation
and tell Luke about his new customer...
*Malcolm* "Hey did I tell you about this new guy Shaun sent my way?"
*Luke* "No...I don't think so.."
Meanwhile, Willow decides to go check on Peter
after she saw Luke storm off.
*Willow* "Hey, everything okay? What happened?..."
*Peter* "Nothing, he's being a fucking prick!..."
Over around the table Laura shows her mom,
what Willow has found for her.
*Laura* "Hey, mom! Look what Willow found..."
*Krystal* "Is that wine?..."
*Laura* "Yeah...it's blue wine..."
*Cynthia* "Blue? What's it made from?"
*Laura* "It's a trend right now...made from grapes just like all other wines.
Except they use the skin of the grapes to get this blue dye coloring."
*Krystal* "Interesting...You gonna open it?..."
*Laura* "Yeah, y'all want to try some?.."
They both nod in unison agreeing they'd
like to give it a try.
Over in the living room, Benjamin continues to be the life of
the party for the kids...Phoenix is caught in the
giants clutches and being relentlessly tickle tortured,
seems the flying Phoenix needs that back up...
*Luke* "Are you fucking serious?...."
*Malcolm* "Yeah, yeah...I mean I was floored when I got the call. Said he'll
be down in a couple weeks to check on the progress and meet in person."
*Luke* "That's fucking sweet, man...I"m really happy for you."
Luke looks towards Shaun...
*Luke* "You never fucking told me you know Chris Williams of Daggernaught..."
*Shaun* "I didn't we will be touring with them and we
just got to know each other recently."
*Luke* "You think he'd sign a couple LPs for me?..."
*Shaun* "Yeah, uh....I dunno. I can ask him..."
*Luke* "If not , it's no big deal but figured I'd ask.
Bring in more business to the shop..."
*Shaun* "Naw, man it's cool....Hey, I think I'm gonna go find Mari now."
*Luke* "Yeah, man go fucking find her and talk...."
*Malcolm* "Just tell her how you feel, chicks respond well
to that emotional shit."
Shaun steps away and begins to walk
towards the stairs...
*Luke* "Good luck..."
*Shaun* "Man, I don't need luck. I need a fucking miracle!..."
*Malcolm smiles* "No time like the present, go work shit out brother..."
*Luke* "Don't worry, if we hear screaming we'll just assume you two made up..."
*Shaun* "Ha! fuck you...you know that shit isn't gonna happen..."
Back over in the kitchen, Willow continues to talk with Peter.
Peter* "Let's just fucking leave, Babe. It's obvious I'm not wanted here."
*Willow* "We just got here and I promised Laura
I'd sip some of that blue wine with her..."
*Peter* "I'm not gonna fucking sticking around if he's just waiting for me to apologize..."
*Willow* "And what's wrong with that?!...Are you both
gonna be that stubborn?"
Willow turns around to see that Shaun
is no longer with the group.
*Willow* "Now's your chance just go over there and start over. You
two can't go on like this forever."
Willow looks back at Peter and he is staring at
her with those lustful deep brown eyes...The look on his
face is nearly enough to make her give in to his request.
*Willow* "Are you listening to a single word I'm saying?..."
*Peter* "Let's just go home..."
*Willow* "No!...we are not gonna bail just because you refuse to try and
work shit out. At least give it one more try."
Willow leans in and fiddles with the tag
that is attached onto his necklace...
*Willow* "Tell you what, you go try to play nice and I will
make sure you get exactly what you deserve later tonight..."
Willow looks up at him through dark lashes her blue eyes
sparkling. The corner of her lip tucked in as she bites down on it and smirks. Well since she asked so nicely, Peter has no choice but to agree.

*Peter smirks* "Fine....I'll give it one more shot..."
*Willow* "Good...You two have been friends for so long
you just can't give up that easily...So what happened that made him so mad?"
Peter just nods and thinks to himself, even though they have been friends since they were teenagers, so much history is between them
that any secret or lie will just cut deeper into this already open wound of a friendship. The two were literally like brothers inseparable for so long when they were younger. Now it's in jeopardy because of years of unspoken emotions.
Cynthia gets up to excuse herself to the restroom...
*Cynthia* "I'm just gonna make a trip to the bathroom. I'll be right back...
pour me a small glass once you get it open..."
*Laura* "Okay sure...The boys bathroom is available to everyone."
Meanwhile Luke continues to talk with Malcolm...
*Malcolm* "Looks like the kids are very entertained..."
*Luke* "Yeah, that's my brother in law Benjamin, he's real good with the kids.
He's married to Laura's sister....His family owns Trudeau Construction..."
*Malcolm* "Oh yeah...wow! That's a pretty large company."
*Luke* "Yeah get this shit, Laura's mom almost married
Ben's dad years ago before she met Scott."
*Malcolm* "Man...nu' uh! You fucking with me?!..."
*Luke laughs* "No!...It's true. I fucking swear!..."
*Malcolm* "Dayum!!..."
*Luke* "Oh! You want to see pics of that jeep I'm looking at buying?"
*Malcolm* "Yeah, yeah...lemme see."
*Luke reaching into his back pocket* "Fuck, musta left my phone upstairs. Shit,
just my luck Jacob has probably called or something...Hang on I'll be right back."
*Malcolm* "Okay..."
Malcolm goes to sit and check in on his wife Marissa...While Luke heads upstairs to his office to retrieve his cell phone he left up there when he went to call Shaun before the party began.
*Malcolm* "Hey, baby...you keeping the birthday boy company?"
*Marissa* "Yeah....I can't believe how big he is now, Laura was
about to pop when we first met them."
*Malcolm* "I know they grow fast..."
*Marissa* "Remember how cute Julian and Janessa were at this age?..."
*Malcolm* "Yeah....Hey now, you ain't
gettin' any ideas are you?"
Marissa smiles at her husband, his worried look
shows exactly what he's thinking...
*Marissa* "And what if I am?..."
*Malcolm* "You said you were happy with just a boy and a girl..."
* Marissa bats her lashes* "I know what I said...Doesn't mean I can't change my mind, baby."
*Malcolm* "nu'uh...don't look at me like that...You on your own woman."
Jumping back to Peter and Willow
and picking back up with them.
*Willow* "I wouldn't worry about it. You didn't know and now you do.
Breast feeding is natural. So you gonna do this?..."
*Peter taking another sip on his second bottle* "Yes, but if he fucking
flakes them I'm out....Just gotta go take a leak first..."
*Willow* "Okay...."
You know how it is with beer it moves through you fast, haha!
*Peter* "Hey, man what's up..."
*Malcolm* "Hey...Luke is upstairs if you're looking for him."
*Peter* "Oh, okay...just gotta hit the head first..."
*Malcolm* "Okay, good to see you..."
*Peter * "Yeah you too, man..."
Willow comes back to the table with the
bottle opener in her hand.
*Laura* "Everything okay with Peter?..."
*Willow smiles* "Yeah he's fine...Let's pop this bottle open!"
*Laura* "Awesome! Hand it over..."
Laura grabs the corkscrew opener and goes to
work on getting the bottle open.
*Krystal* "Well, looks like the guys were able to play nicely after all, huh?..."
*Laura* "I hope so this whole Shaun leaving the band
really put a wedge between all of them...They've all been stomping around
like a bunch of angry neanderthals!..."
*Willow* "Tell me about..."
*Laura continues* "I just hope that it's all behind us now
and they can begin to work things out again, so far they seem to be keeping their cool..."
To be continued!!!
The last and final episode for this series will be posted
next week, so stay tuned!
*Malcolm* "Okay..."
Malcolm goes to sit and check in on his wife Marissa...While Luke heads upstairs to his office to retrieve his cell phone he left up there when he went to call Shaun before the party began.
*Malcolm* "Hey, baby...you keeping the birthday boy company?"
*Marissa* "Yeah....I can't believe how big he is now, Laura was
about to pop when we first met them."
*Malcolm* "I know they grow fast..."
*Marissa* "Remember how cute Julian and Janessa were at this age?..."
*Malcolm* "Yeah....Hey now, you ain't
gettin' any ideas are you?"
Marissa smiles at her husband, his worried look
shows exactly what he's thinking...
*Marissa* "And what if I am?..."
*Malcolm* "You said you were happy with just a boy and a girl..."
* Marissa bats her lashes* "I know what I said...Doesn't mean I can't change my mind, baby."
*Malcolm* "nu'uh...don't look at me like that...You on your own woman."
Jumping back to Peter and Willow
and picking back up with them.
*Willow* "I wouldn't worry about it. You didn't know and now you do.
Breast feeding is natural. So you gonna do this?..."
*Peter taking another sip on his second bottle* "Yes, but if he fucking
flakes them I'm out....Just gotta go take a leak first..."
*Willow* "Okay...."
You know how it is with beer it moves through you fast, haha!
*Peter* "Hey, man what's up..."
*Malcolm* "Hey...Luke is upstairs if you're looking for him."
*Peter* "Oh, okay...just gotta hit the head first..."
*Malcolm* "Okay, good to see you..."
*Peter * "Yeah you too, man..."
Willow comes back to the table with the
bottle opener in her hand.
*Laura* "Everything okay with Peter?..."
*Willow smiles* "Yeah he's fine...Let's pop this bottle open!"
*Laura* "Awesome! Hand it over..."
Laura grabs the corkscrew opener and goes to
work on getting the bottle open.
*Krystal* "Well, looks like the guys were able to play nicely after all, huh?..."
*Laura* "I hope so this whole Shaun leaving the band
really put a wedge between all of them...They've all been stomping around
like a bunch of angry neanderthals!..."
*Willow* "Tell me about..."
*Laura continues* "I just hope that it's all behind us now
and they can begin to work things out again, so far they seem to be keeping their cool..."
To be continued!!!
The last and final episode for this series will be posted
next week, so stay tuned!
Ahhh so glad their all back. I am on pins and needles. I cannont wait to see what happens. I sure hope these boys get their act together. THey are like brothers!!! Excellent work my wonderful friend A+ work!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks girl! So glad you enjoyed the episode... :)
DeleteWe will learn the conclusion to this story next week,yay!
I can't wait to read the finale! This is an awesome episode! You captured Luke's under influence state perfectly lol! I so enjoyed reading everything! I do hope I misunderstood and next episode isn't the last episode ever?
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear you enjoyed it :) Yeah it was fun writing the first scene with Luke, lol! Don't worry this is just the end for this storyline "Baby Fin's Big Birthday Bash" I was hoping to get it written into 3 parts but ended up needing 5 for the birthday. I'm still continuing with the story after this ...
Deleteplease don't let their friendship be over
ReplyDeleteDon't worry I'm sure the boys will figure out how to get along again...they're so stubborn though ;-)
DeleteOMG! I am dying to see what happened that upset Luke so much.
ReplyDeleteNext week we will know for sure why he's so upset, hehe....Glad you enjoyed it! :)
DeleteWhat a cliffhanger! I can't wait to next week.
ReplyDeleteI had to leave y’all hanging so much going on here I needed another episode to finish this 😆
DeleteOh my, so much happened in this episode and multiple cliff hangers -- what happens with Shaun and Amari? Will Michelle decide it is time to have a baby? And what happened with the Shaun, Peter and Luke???? Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteYes, a lot is definitely going on, which is why I couldn't fit it all into one episode, lol! But we will definitely find out more on the final one for this series... :)