Picking up where we left off, we now go in to check on Amari and Shaun...These two really need to have a heart to heart, for Leila's sake. They need to lay it all out and decide what is best for her and not based on how they currently feel about each other. Also don't forget that this birthday party takes place all the way back in February!
Amari sits and nurses Leila in the small, quiet nursery in her cousin Laura's cozy home. She's excited to finally have a place to call her own, back home in Houston close to Mom and Dad. Which of course she is only getting with help from Daddy. Kyle will do anything for his little girl and now his new Grandbaby too...
*Shaun* "Can we talk?..."
*Amari* "Uh...um...Right now?..."
*Shaun* "Yes, right now!..."
Amari hesitates to respond and Shaun
begins to step into the room...
*Amari* "Did I say you could come in?! I'm still nursing
her can't this wait till I'm done?..."
He looks down his eyes darting to the one
exposed breast. Then to Leila's face who is sleeping
and content in her mother's arms
*Shaun* "No you're not....She's sleeping."
Amari feeling a little embarrassed quickly covers herself up. It's been nearly a year since her and Shaun have been intimate. She
flushes red and stares off ahead responding back to him.

*Shaun* "Mari, I don't want to fight...I just want to talk."
He speaks as he walks across the small bedroom. Amari
whips her neck around the other way to stare at him with
cautious eyes not trusting him at all.
*Amari* "How do I know you just didn't come here to
serve me with court papers?!..."
*Shaun* "Really, Mari? We're at a party why the hell would
I do something like that?"
*Amari speaking in a low tone but angry* "I don't know what to expect from you anymore, Shaun. Which is exactly why I can't let my guard down...Especially after the way you
threatened to take my daughter away! When you never gave a shit in the first place!..."
*Shaun* "That is not true!...I have taken care of you and Leila...
This has not been easy for me."
*Amari laughs at his rebuttal* "Oh Right. Yes how can I forget...so noble of you...
We all have choices and you chose
to just be involved financially while off having a good time in California..."
Shaun walks around the room and
sets his beer on the shelf. Amari and him
still bumping heads.
*Shaun* "I've been working! Besides that, I offered for you to come to California with me!..."
*Amari* "You knew full and well I was never gonna agree to that!..."
*Shaun* "And you always knew that there could be a chance I would have
move back to Cali!...It's my job it's what pays the fucking bills!...Baby or no baby..."
*Amari* "You say that as if I did this on purpose!...You know
I didn't want to get pregnant either..."
*Shaun* "And you knew things were falling apart
between us...Yet here we are!"
Shaun gestures at his sleeping daughter who
is content and happy in Amari's arms.
*Amari* "You made the decision to have sex that
night just as much as I did!"
*Shaun* "Only cause you said you'd take a morning after pill!"
Shaun takes a deep breath and sighs heavily...
*Shaun* "Can we stop going around in fucking circles?!...
I came here to talk, not fucking fight!"
Amari shrugs her shoulders and
waves her hand in the air...
*Amari* "Then talk..."
*Shaun* "This is fucking ridiculous, Mari! You can't keep shutting me out
and then act like I"m not fucking trying!!!"
*Amari* "Keep your voice down!"
*Shaun* "I'm serious, Mari...quit the passive aggressive shit!..."
*Amari* "Passive aggressive?...oh okay, well how about you get over the fact that you knocked me up and I failed to take that pill like I know I promised and just be a father to your daughter?!...
Maybe start off by saying your sorry and that we are in this together?"
Shaun busts out laughing, he cannot believe
she thinks he has to apologize to her.
*Shaun Laughing* "Oh man, hahaha! Now I've heard it all...."
*Amari* "It's not funny Shaun! You want to put all the blame on
me and it's not fair!..."
*Shaun* "Why won't you just fucking own up to it, Mari?! The ball was left in your court.
You told me 'Don't worry, baby I'll get a morning after pill on my way to work'...
So I assumed you had it taken care of."
Shaun continues...
*Shaun* "Oh, and don't forget either, that you're the one who failed to get back to the
doctor to get more birth control...So how the fuck do you
expect me to not feel betrayed?..."
Now Amari takes a deep breath and sighs...
*Amari* "I did own up to it! I've apologized so many times, I've lost count. But I will not apologize for choosing to keep this baby! And you! You need to get over all that. I told you, you're free to walk away, I wasn't holding anything over you...Now get out of my way!"
Amari waves her hand for him to move so she can get up
and set Leila down in the crib. Who surprisingly is
still sleeping but she has had a very busy afternoon
being passed all around to family and friends.
The room is silent while Amari places their daughter down in the crib. Leaving both of them to their thoughts...Shaun and Amari both know that what was between them is now over but trying to get past
it for Leila's sake has been very hard.
*Shaun* "Mari?...Can we just please fucking start over?"
Amari turns to face him, giving him that
skeptical look of distrust again...
*Shaun* "Mari, I don't hate you..."
*Amari* "Then why do you want to take her away from me?!..."
*Shaun* "I don't..."
Amari quickly turns and looks down at the crib, she was
so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear his response.
*Amari* "Look at her, she's beautiful, she's perfect, an angel...why
would you want to tear her away from her mother?...I know you have commitments
to your band and to a busy schedule but don't take it out on her."
*Shaun* "I don't plan on it, Mari...I'm sorry I put you through that."
Amari turns to look at him so shocked to
hear him actually utter those words.
*Amari* "What did you just say?..."
*Shaun* "I'm sorry. I seriously don't want to fight with you anymore. You're right it's not fair to Leila. I sure as hell don't want her to resent me like I did my own father..."
*Amari still in a bit of shock* "Is this why you wanted to talk?..."
*Shaun* "Yes it is...I was talking to my mom the other day...."
Then suddenly Shaun's words are abruptly interrupted by a loud commotion coming from the hallway and
whats seems to be Luke's voice, in very loud angry tone...
*Shaun* "What the fuck?!..."
*Amari* "That sounds like, Luke..."
The loud voices continue and whatever is going on
does not sound good at all. Shaun decides to go
check and see what it's all about.
*Shaun* "Whatever is going on doesn't sound good. I better go check it out.
Just stay here with Leila...Okay?"
*Amari* "Um...yeah, okay."
summer with Willow and how she nearly died, from that
brutal attack by Nathan, her ex boyfriend.
*Peter* "Things are good. I think it's for real this time."
*Cynthia* "That's wonderful!..I'm happy for you."
Cynthia steps in closer and leans in against the wall as she listens to Peter talk about Willow. She truly is happy for him, even
though they too have had very intimate times together, their
relationship was never anything more than physical.
*Peter* "Yeah, definitely..."
Then they lean in to give each other a heartfelt hug.

*Cynthia* It was good to see you, Peter...I'm glad to see you've found
someone that means so much to you."
*Peter* "Likewise, at least one Cooper is happy to see me..."
Cynthia pulls away and looks up at Peter.
*Cynthia* "What do you mean?!..."
*Peter* "He hasn't told you?..."
*Cynthia* "No, but you know Luke...he won't fill me in on that stuff."
Peter hates that he is not on speaking terms with his best friend. But he also lets his pride get in the way and neither one of them wants to apologize to each other. Any one else and Peter could
care less, but Luke is like a brother to him...So I
guess this makes it sting all the more.
*Peter* "We're kinda not on speaking terms right now...He's being a fucking ass."
Cynthia smiles, she remembers the very first time Luke and Peter had a dispute over a girl they both liked. Their friendship was still new then as they worked the summer together at a local nightclub
*Cynthia* "Oh you two will work it out...You always do."
Catching Peter and Cynthia off guard.
*Luke* "Oh don't worry...I've come to expect this shit from you!....I've already had
a lifetime of anger towards my gawddamn mother!!!"
*Cynthia* "Luke, I'm sorry...Please but this was a long time ago!..."
Luke's left arm comes up and slams Peter against the wall, pinning him. He so badly wants to choke the life out of him...channel all of his rage right into his neck...and just squeeze. Peter has always known how strained his relationship has and currently is with his mother...
*Shaun in utter shock* "What?!...."
Luke knows he hates being called that....Yeah it's true, his family lived in a trailer park with a dead beat drunk dad who would terrorize his family, nearly killing Peter's own mom in a drunken rage more times than he can count. Peter has done nothing but try to escape
that stigma all of his adult life...
*Peter* "Fuck you!...Like you're not just as fucked up as me! Why do think you're so fucking hard up on red heads? I think someone's got fucking mommy issues!!!"
Luke springs forward he is gearing up to take a swing at Peter. Shaun
quickly jumps in restraining Luke just in time. Cynthia too is trying to keep Peter at bay. The two looked like they were about to collide.
stairs. They too would like to know what is going on with the loud sound they heard...
*Laura* "Luke, really?! What is going on? We have guests downstairs...."
*Luke* "I'll tell you exactly what the fuck is going on!
Peter here is fucking my mother!..."
As soon as Luke says it the girls gasp in a horrified unison and
a weak cry of utter disappointment comes out of Willow...
*Willow* "Peter....no!...."
*Peter* "It's not what you think...I can explain!"
*Willow* "That's what you always say!.."
Then she turns as fast as she can back down the
stair, and Peter charges after her.
Just seconds before Willow comes down the stairs
everyone else is all a buzz. Gossiping.
*Chloe* "I think we should just go ahead and go...I'll talk to Laura later on this week."
*Daniel* "Sounds good to me...Best they have their privacy."
Juniper left with her son just moments before all this
and now others decided to do the same too.
*Scott* "Noooo, absolutely not! Just take care of Fin, Darlin'...Let them work it out."
Benjamin holds onto a fussing Phoenix, he wanted to follow his mother up the stairs but the adults have decided that,
that is not in his best interest.
*Phoenix* "Mamma!!! Mamma!!!..."
*Benjamin* "Yes, Darlin' I heard it plain as day where I was standing...Luke said,
and I quote 'Peter here is effing my mother!'..."
Michelle cannot believe that, that is actually
what her husband heard Luke say.
*Marissa* "Yeah, no definitely lets go ahead and go."
So the Jacobsen family gets up to leave and Malcolm nods
good bye and tells Scott they are taking off.
*Benjamin* "You sure?..."
*Michelle* "Yeah...I mean, I can call my sister tomorrow. I'm
sure my parents will stick around for a bit..."
Then suddenly a distraught and teary eyed Willow
comes racing down the stairs. Peter following right behind her,
pleading for her to stop running....
*Willow yanking her arm away* "Don't fucking touch me!!"
*Isolde leans forward* "Yeah, uh I think we should go now..."
*James* "Okay..."
Peter stops and respects her wishes for wanting
him to keep his distance. But he is still determined
to tell her the truth of the matter.
*Peter* "Fine...but I'll be outside..."
Upstairs Shaun heads back to check on Amari and Leila,
while Cynthia tries one last ditch effort to apologize to her son.
*Laura* "Cynthia, give it a rest! Just go!...He needs time to process this. We all do!"
*Cynthia* "I'm sorry...I'm leaving now...."
Cynthia does as Laura asks and leaves she heads down the
stairs and straight out the front door. Laura looks
up at her husband, she can see the hurt in his eyes.
*Laura* "Luke?...We will get past this..."
*Luke* "You should get back downstairs, check on the boys...."
*Laura* "And what about you?..."
*Luke* "I just need to be alone for a moment..."
*Laura* "Okay, I understand...I'll be downstairs if you need me."
Back in the nursery Shaun finds
Amari holding Leila...The constant noise became
a bit too much and she eventually woke up...

*Shaun* "Did she wake up?..."
*Amari* "Yes, but I'm gonna go ahead and go home. It's late
anyways and I'm sure they need their space..."
*Shaun* "Yeah, it's probably best we both leave."
Amari is curious if what she heard through the
muffled sounds of the door is true...
*Amari* "Is it true Peter is cheating on Willow, again?"
*Shaun* "I don't know...They're insisting it happened years ago..."
Shaun does not want to talk about Peter...He's had enough of Peter lately and all his bullshit. Shaun has enough drama
to deal with in his own personal life.
*Shaun* "Can I follow you home? I'd like to continuing talking...."
*Amari* "Uh...um...yeah...sure...I mean it is your place anyways."
*Shaun* "I won't stay the night. I'd just like
to maybe workout some details."
Amari nods and agrees that she's okay with it. She thinks to herself now worried that maybe she should call and tell her Dad to not send those court papers after all. They planned on filing full custody after Shaun threatened to do the same. But now he is saying otherwise nearly a month later. Amari does not know yet if she can trust him at his word She too just wants to work things out with him and not constantly fight...
The End!!!
Thanks so much for tuning in and being patient as it took me forever to really get this story done, lol! But I do really appreciate all of y'alls enthusiasm for my doll stories...
I hope to be caught up to real time very soon! With a more up to date story line on what all our fave dolls are up to and what is going on in their crazy little lives.
*Amari speaks softly* "Oh, my sweet angel you were hungry...."
Leila has a full belly and is now sweetly sleeping
drunk on momma's milk.
Then there is a soft rap on the door and as it slowly creaks open,
revealing Shaun on the other side of the doorway...It startles Amari but she was expecting it be Laura and not Shaun.
*Amari* "Shaun?!..."*Shaun* "Can we talk?..."
*Amari* "Uh...um...Right now?..."
*Shaun* "Yes, right now!..."
begins to step into the room...
*Amari* "Did I say you could come in?! I'm still nursing
her can't this wait till I'm done?..."
He looks down his eyes darting to the one
exposed breast. Then to Leila's face who is sleeping
and content in her mother's arms
*Shaun* "No you're not....She's sleeping."
Amari feeling a little embarrassed quickly covers herself up. It's been nearly a year since her and Shaun have been intimate. She
flushes red and stares off ahead responding back to him.
*Amari* "Okay, fine...fine we can talk."
Once she concedes Shaun closes the door behind him. He just wants to be able to talk without fighting but already she is putting up a wall.
He knows she is still mad about him leaving. Plus they did
not end things well when he first showed up in town again.
So, he cannot blame her for her trying to dismiss him...

*Shaun* "Mari, I don't want to fight...I just want to talk."
He speaks as he walks across the small bedroom. Amari
whips her neck around the other way to stare at him with
cautious eyes not trusting him at all.
*Amari* "How do I know you just didn't come here to
serve me with court papers?!..."
*Shaun* "Really, Mari? We're at a party why the hell would
I do something like that?"
*Amari speaking in a low tone but angry* "I don't know what to expect from you anymore, Shaun. Which is exactly why I can't let my guard down...Especially after the way you
threatened to take my daughter away! When you never gave a shit in the first place!..."
*Shaun* "That is not true!...I have taken care of you and Leila...
This has not been easy for me."
*Amari laughs at his rebuttal* "Oh Right. Yes how can I forget...so noble of you...
We all have choices and you chose
to just be involved financially while off having a good time in California..."
Shaun walks around the room and
sets his beer on the shelf. Amari and him
still bumping heads.
*Shaun* "I've been working! Besides that, I offered for you to come to California with me!..."
*Amari* "You knew full and well I was never gonna agree to that!..."
*Shaun* "And you always knew that there could be a chance I would have
move back to Cali!...It's my job it's what pays the fucking bills!...Baby or no baby..."
*Amari* "You say that as if I did this on purpose!...You know
I didn't want to get pregnant either..."
*Shaun* "And you knew things were falling apart
between us...Yet here we are!"
Shaun gestures at his sleeping daughter who
is content and happy in Amari's arms.
*Amari* "You made the decision to have sex that
night just as much as I did!"
*Shaun* "Only cause you said you'd take a morning after pill!"
Shaun takes a deep breath and sighs heavily...

I came here to talk, not fucking fight!"
Amari shrugs her shoulders and
waves her hand in the air...
*Shaun* "This is fucking ridiculous, Mari! You can't keep shutting me out
and then act like I"m not fucking trying!!!"
*Amari* "Keep your voice down!"
*Shaun* "I'm serious, Mari...quit the passive aggressive shit!..."
*Amari* "Passive aggressive?...oh okay, well how about you get over the fact that you knocked me up and I failed to take that pill like I know I promised and just be a father to your daughter?!...
Maybe start off by saying your sorry and that we are in this together?"
Shaun busts out laughing, he cannot believe
she thinks he has to apologize to her.
*Shaun Laughing* "Oh man, hahaha! Now I've heard it all...."
*Amari* "It's not funny Shaun! You want to put all the blame on
me and it's not fair!..."
*Shaun* "Why won't you just fucking own up to it, Mari?! The ball was left in your court.
You told me 'Don't worry, baby I'll get a morning after pill on my way to work'...
So I assumed you had it taken care of."
Shaun continues...
*Shaun* "Oh, and don't forget either, that you're the one who failed to get back to the
doctor to get more birth control...So how the fuck do you
expect me to not feel betrayed?..."
Now Amari takes a deep breath and sighs...
*Amari* "I did own up to it! I've apologized so many times, I've lost count. But I will not apologize for choosing to keep this baby! And you! You need to get over all that. I told you, you're free to walk away, I wasn't holding anything over you...Now get out of my way!"
Amari waves her hand for him to move so she can get up
and set Leila down in the crib. Who surprisingly is
still sleeping but she has had a very busy afternoon
being passed all around to family and friends.
The room is silent while Amari places their daughter down in the crib. Leaving both of them to their thoughts...Shaun and Amari both know that what was between them is now over but trying to get past
it for Leila's sake has been very hard.
*Shaun* "Mari?...Can we just please fucking start over?"
Amari turns to face him, giving him that
skeptical look of distrust again...
*Shaun* "Don't look at me like that, I'm fucking serious..."
*Amari* "I'll believe it when I see it..."
*Shaun* "What the fuck does that mean?!..."
Amari steps out and leans in closer to Shaun...She is fed up with his wishy washy attitude towards being a father to their
daughter either commit or don't commit.
*Amari* "I am committed to being a mother to my child! With or without you....And you can't come in and think 'Okay, today I feel like being a Dad'...I know you hate me for this but don't take it out on her it's not fair to her. Either you're in this with me or get the hell out!..."*Shaun* "Mari, I don't hate you..."
*Amari* "Then why do you want to take her away from me?!..."
*Shaun* "I don't..."
Amari quickly turns and looks down at the crib, she was
so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear his response.
*Amari* "Look at her, she's beautiful, she's perfect, an angel...why
would you want to tear her away from her mother?...I know you have commitments
to your band and to a busy schedule but don't take it out on her."
*Shaun* "I don't plan on it, Mari...I'm sorry I put you through that."
Amari turns to look at him so shocked to
hear him actually utter those words.
*Amari* "What did you just say?..."
*Shaun* "I'm sorry. I seriously don't want to fight with you anymore. You're right it's not fair to Leila. I sure as hell don't want her to resent me like I did my own father..."
*Amari still in a bit of shock* "Is this why you wanted to talk?..."
*Shaun* "Yes it is...I was talking to my mom the other day...."
Then suddenly Shaun's words are abruptly interrupted by a loud commotion coming from the hallway and
whats seems to be Luke's voice, in very loud angry tone...
*Shaun* "What the fuck?!..."
*Amari* "That sounds like, Luke..."
The loud voices continue and whatever is going on
does not sound good at all. Shaun decides to go
check and see what it's all about.
*Shaun* "Whatever is going on doesn't sound good. I better go check it out.
Just stay here with Leila...Okay?"
*Amari* "Um...yeah, okay."
*Shaun* "I still want to continue our conversation..."
Amari nods and he heads off to go see what is going on.
About five minutes before the loud commotion was heard. Peter stands and waits for the currently occupied bathroom. When Cynthia comes out she sees him there and greets him right away. These two have a long history. Cynthia has known Peter since he was 18 years old, but their relationship is complicated far from anything
most have with their best friends mom.
*Cynthia* "Peter! Hey, honey...."
*Peter* "Hey, Cynthia..."
*Cynthia* "How are things with you and Willow?..."
Cynthia knows a little bit about what happened last summer with Willow and how she nearly died, from that
brutal attack by Nathan, her ex boyfriend.
*Peter* "Things are good. I think it's for real this time."
*Cynthia* "That's wonderful!..I'm happy for you."
Cynthia steps in closer and leans in against the wall as she listens to Peter talk about Willow. She truly is happy for him, even
though they too have had very intimate times together, their
relationship was never anything more than physical.
*Peter* "Yeah she's fucking amazing, Cynthia...I don't
think I've ever met a woman like her..."
*Cynthia* "I remember when you used to say that about me..."
*Peter laughs* "I was just a fucking, horny kid, of course I thought so..."
*Cynthia smiles back* "Yeah you were, but still I like to think I left an
impression, after all I did teach you everything you know..."
*Peter* "Hey, now I've learned plenty on my own..."
*Cynthia* "Does she know anything about our relationship?"
*Peter* "Fuck no, I've never told anyone...
*Cynthia* "Seriously?...Not a single soul?..."
Peter shakes his head no...and responds back. Peter is
good at burying things and keeping them hidden. Something
he learned to do a long time ago...
Peter shakes his head no...and responds back. Peter is
good at burying things and keeping them hidden. Something
he learned to do a long time ago...
*Peter* "Sorry but she's best friends with Laura and I can't
fucking risk her telling Laura. She would no doubt tell Luke the truth.
Do you really want him finding out?...That his mom was his best friends first fuck?..."
Cynthia agrees best to just let the past stay in the past. Their relationship was a long time ago and even though they did hookup briefly again years later, it wasn't for very long.
Cynthia replies resting her hand on his shoulder...
*Cynthia* "No, no you're right...I should get back to the party."*Peter* "Yeah, definitely..."
Then they lean in to give each other a heartfelt hug.

*Cynthia* It was good to see you, Peter...I'm glad to see you've found
someone that means so much to you."
*Peter* "Likewise, at least one Cooper is happy to see me..."
Cynthia pulls away and looks up at Peter.
*Cynthia* "What do you mean?!..."
*Peter* "He hasn't told you?..."
*Cynthia* "No, but you know Luke...he won't fill me in on that stuff."
Peter hates that he is not on speaking terms with his best friend. But he also lets his pride get in the way and neither one of them wants to apologize to each other. Any one else and Peter could
care less, but Luke is like a brother to him...So I
guess this makes it sting all the more.
*Peter* "We're kinda not on speaking terms right now...He's being a fucking ass."
Cynthia smiles, she remembers the very first time Luke and Peter had a dispute over a girl they both liked. Their friendship was still new then as they worked the summer together at a local nightclub
*Cynthia* "Oh you two will work it out...You always do."
*Peter* "I don't fucking know anymore..."
But what neither one of them have realized is that Luke heard their voices as he entered the doorway to come back downstairs. Like a statue Luke stood still and listened to their entire conversation, as their voices traveled up the narrow stairway clear as day. Shock, anger, and betrayal surging through him now...How dare Peter whine to his fucking mother about him not wanting to work through their friendship after everything he just heard! Luke has heard enough. He comes barreling down the stairs, like a stampede...Catching Peter and Cynthia off guard.
*Peter* "Oh, ffffuck!....Luke!"
Cynthia whips around quickly she can see Luke is very angry and something tells her he heard every single word of their conversation....She holds up her hands trying to keep Luke from starting a fight.
*Luke* "What the fuck is wrong with you!?! After everything Willow has been through!
You're still the same arrogant son of bitch!..."
*Cynthia* "Luke, sweetie calm down...that's..."
*Luke* "NO!!! I will not fucking calm down! Both of you get the fuck outta
my house before I fucking toss you out!...
Cynthia tries to keep Luke at arms length but he is much too strong and heavier as he pushes closer to the two of them his eyes on Peter like a hawk just waiting to land on him if and when flinches and runs...
*Peter* "Fuck you!...I love Willow!!..."
*Luke* "Bullshit!! You only give a shit about you and
where you stick your dick!"
*Cynthia* "Luke, please...just let me explain...."
*Luke* "Explain what? I already heard all of it!"
Peter swallows hard. He can see the revelation of the truth destroying Luke. It's written all over his face, his body language and in his voice.. Their friendship, what was left of it, is now shredded and dead...reduced to a bloody pulp caused by secrets, lies and betrayal.
*Peter* "C'mon man....It's...It's not what you think it is....
Just fucking calm down..."
*Luke* "You're right it's not....I thought of you as brother, Pete!! Even after all the shit
we've been through, everything!....I still considered you family...but this...this is..."
Luke scoffs as his words trail off, the revelation of his mother and his best friend leaving him speechless. Cynthia tries to get him to take
his focus off of Peter. He does but only for a moment.
*Cynthia* "Luke sweetie stop. It's not his fault...Please don't be mad at him."*Luke* "Oh don't worry...I've come to expect this shit from you!....I've already had
a lifetime of anger towards my gawddamn mother!!!"
*Cynthia* "Luke, I'm sorry...Please but this was a long time ago!..."
Luke's left arm comes up and slams Peter against the wall, pinning him. He so badly wants to choke the life out of him...channel all of his rage right into his neck...and just squeeze. Peter has always known how strained his relationship has and currently is with his mother...
*Luke* "But you!...You don't fucking deserve second chances..."
*Peter* "Fuck, man!....Just fucking calm down..."
The only thing stopping him is his mother holding back his
other arm. She groans as she uses all her weight to keep
Luke from acting out in violence.
*Cynthia* "Luke, please! Please just stop before you do
something you regret!..."
The plead for him to stop works...Luke comes out of it and steps back just a little bit. Shaun steps out into the hallway
wondering what the hell is going on. Now realizing that the commotion they heard was Luke and Peter fighting...
*Shaun* 'What the fuck is going on? I've got a baby
trying to sleep over here!"
*Luke* "This piece of fucking trailer trash shit here been fucking my mom!..."*Shaun in utter shock* "What?!...."
Luke knows he hates being called that....Yeah it's true, his family lived in a trailer park with a dead beat drunk dad who would terrorize his family, nearly killing Peter's own mom in a drunken rage more times than he can count. Peter has done nothing but try to escape
that stigma all of his adult life...
*Peter* "Fuck you!...Like you're not just as fucked up as me! Why do think you're so fucking hard up on red heads? I think someone's got fucking mommy issues!!!"
Luke springs forward he is gearing up to take a swing at Peter. Shaun
quickly jumps in restraining Luke just in time. Cynthia too is trying to keep Peter at bay. The two looked like they were about to collide.
*Shaun* "He's not fucking worth it man, just let it go...."
*Luke* "Lemme go Shaun...You know he deserves
a fucking beatdown..."
Peter replies defending himself, his
ego getting the best of him.
*Peter* "Fuck the both of you!....I didn't do anything wrong!..."
*Cynthia* "Peter, stop making this worse!..."
Laura followed by Willow make an appearance at the top of the stairs. They too would like to know what is going on with the loud sound they heard...
*Laura* "Luke, really?! What is going on? We have guests downstairs...."
*Luke* "I'll tell you exactly what the fuck is going on!
Peter here is fucking my mother!..."
As soon as Luke says it the girls gasp in a horrified unison and
a weak cry of utter disappointment comes out of Willow...
*Willow* "Peter....no!...."
*Peter* "It's not what you think...I can explain!"
*Willow* "That's what you always say!.."
Then she turns as fast as she can back down the
stair, and Peter charges after her.
Just seconds before Willow comes down the stairs
everyone else is all a buzz. Gossiping.
*Chloe* "I think we should just go ahead and go...I'll talk to Laura later on this week."
*Daniel* "Sounds good to me...Best they have their privacy."
Juniper left with her son just moments before all this
and now others decided to do the same too.
*Isolde* "You think we should go ahead and leave too?..."
*James* "And miss all the drama? Oddly this makes me homesick growing up
in a houseful of siblings and all the fighting that took place..."
Isolde gives James a quizzical look, surprised by his response.
Krystal holds Phineas in her arms while she
talks with her husband Scott.
*Krystal* "You think I should go up there?..."*Scott* "Noooo, absolutely not! Just take care of Fin, Darlin'...Let them work it out."
Benjamin holds onto a fussing Phoenix, he wanted to follow his mother up the stairs but the adults have decided that,
that is not in his best interest.
*Phoenix* "Mamma!!! Mamma!!!..."
*Benjamin* "Yes, Darlin' I heard it plain as day where I was standing...Luke said,
and I quote 'Peter here is effing my mother!'..."
Michelle cannot believe that, that is actually
what her husband heard Luke say.
*Michelle* "No that can't be, you had to have heard wrong..."
*Benjamin* "No I didn't...I know exactly what I heard."
*Phoenix* "Mamma!!!"
Over in the kitchen Malcolm decides it's time for them to take their leave as well. He will get in touch with Luke another time...
Once things cool down for him.
*Malcolm* "Lest go baby, kids are tired... and I think it's best."*Marissa* "Yeah, no definitely lets go ahead and go."
So the Jacobsen family gets up to leave and Malcolm nods
good bye and tells Scott they are taking off.
*Malcolm* "Tell Luke, I''ll be in touch..."
*Scott* "No problem, drive safe!..."
Benjamin agreed to let Phoenix go only if he went to go sit with grandpa...Michelle debates too whether they
should go ahead and leave now.
*Michelle* "I think maybe we should go, too."*Benjamin* "You sure?..."
*Michelle* "Yeah...I mean, I can call my sister tomorrow. I'm
sure my parents will stick around for a bit..."
Then suddenly a distraught and teary eyed Willow
comes racing down the stairs. Peter following right behind her,
pleading for her to stop running....
*Peter* "Willow stop!...Baby please just hear me out..."
Willow turns towards the kitchen to go and retrieve her belongings. Peter still hot on her trail reaches out touching her left arm to try and stop her. He doesn't even care anymore if everyone is watching. He just wants her to know and understand the truth of it all.
*Peter* "Willow...."*Willow yanking her arm away* "Don't fucking touch me!!"
*Isolde leans forward* "Yeah, uh I think we should go now..."
*James* "Okay..."
Peter stops and respects her wishes for wanting
him to keep his distance. But he is still determined
to tell her the truth of the matter.
*Peter* "Fine...but I'll be outside..."
Upstairs Shaun heads back to check on Amari and Leila,
while Cynthia tries one last ditch effort to apologize to her son.
*Cynthia* "Luke, sweetie...You have to understand this happened years ago,
Peter and I. Nothing has happened between us recently...I swear!
*Luke* "I don't fucking care what you have to say! Just get out."
Luke doesn't even want to hear it or even look at his mother.
Now knowing the truth of it all makes him sick. Peter and his mom naked and doing the deed. 😩 He can't shake the image
now from his mind.
*Cynthia* "Luke....I..."*Laura* "Cynthia, give it a rest! Just go!...He needs time to process this. We all do!"
*Cynthia* "I'm sorry...I'm leaving now...."
Cynthia does as Laura asks and leaves she heads down the
stairs and straight out the front door. Laura looks
up at her husband, she can see the hurt in his eyes.
*Laura* "Luke?...We will get past this..."
*Luke* "You should get back downstairs, check on the boys...."
*Laura* "And what about you?..."
*Luke* "I just need to be alone for a moment..."
*Laura* "Okay, I understand...I'll be downstairs if you need me."
Back in the nursery Shaun finds
Amari holding Leila...The constant noise became
a bit too much and she eventually woke up...

*Shaun* "Did she wake up?..."
*Amari* "Yes, but I'm gonna go ahead and go home. It's late
anyways and I'm sure they need their space..."
*Shaun* "Yeah, it's probably best we both leave."
Amari is curious if what she heard through the
muffled sounds of the door is true...
*Amari* "Is it true Peter is cheating on Willow, again?"
*Shaun* "I don't know...They're insisting it happened years ago..."
Shaun does not want to talk about Peter...He's had enough of Peter lately and all his bullshit. Shaun has enough drama
to deal with in his own personal life.
*Shaun* "Can I follow you home? I'd like to continuing talking...."
*Amari* "Uh...um...yeah...sure...I mean it is your place anyways."
*Shaun* "I won't stay the night. I'd just like
to maybe workout some details."
Amari nods and agrees that she's okay with it. She thinks to herself now worried that maybe she should call and tell her Dad to not send those court papers after all. They planned on filing full custody after Shaun threatened to do the same. But now he is saying otherwise nearly a month later. Amari does not know yet if she can trust him at his word She too just wants to work things out with him and not constantly fight...
The End!!!
Thanks so much for tuning in and being patient as it took me forever to really get this story done, lol! But I do really appreciate all of y'alls enthusiasm for my doll stories...
I hope to be caught up to real time very soon! With a more up to date story line on what all our fave dolls are up to and what is going on in their crazy little lives.
I've been trying my best not to read anything until the chapter completes. THIS IS REALLY UNEXPECTED. I totally am in awe on your storytelling talent!
ReplyDeleteLove it.
Awe, I really wish I could have been done way sooner with these episodes instead of dragging it out for so long but finally I finished it, lol! I am glad you enjoyed it...Yes I agree this was not what Luke ever expected to find out. :(
DeleteSpellbinding . Wow I felt like i was there. You can tell a great story.
DeleteThanks so much :) I am glad you enjoyed the episode....
I just fell out in the floor! Dead!! Well done well done!!
ReplyDeleteThis episode had quite the shocker! Poor Luke he's kinda lost here but I'm sure things will get better...So glad you enjoyed it! :)
DeleteWow! So many things to think about. Will Luke ever get past this? Will Amari and Shaun really work it out? Loving this story.
ReplyDeleteI know, still a lot of unanswered questions...But more will be revealed in the next episode...So glad you're enjoying it! :)
Deleteoh man, I feel for Willow because it really is a misunderstanding.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Willow has had enough heartache already...Loving Peter has not been an easy thing. Let's hope it all works out.
DeleteLove it! I really enjoy your storytelling and I love all the characters.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! I am so glad to hear you are enjoying them and the episodes :)
DeleteOMG! Amazing as always!! cant wait for the next episdoe.. hoping it will be soon!! Please :))
ReplyDeleteThanks glad to hear you enjoyed the episode! :) I hope to be on time and post again on Friday :)
DeleteThis was amazing!! Great story!! So much has happened. Luke and Peter, Peter and Willow, Amari and Shaun, the friends hearing this big pow wow... You are truly an awesome storyteller!!! Bravo!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, so glad you enjoyed it! :) It's always a challenge writing episodes that involve so many dolls at one time...Yes definitely still a lot going on and a lot of questions still to answer, but we will know more soon :)
DeleteWow, what an ending to this episode! It was worth the wait! You know you always leave me wanting more! Why on earth did Cynthia even bring that up while at Luke's house??? Risky business! The poor little guys birthday party was kind of ruined! I feel bad for them. I do hope Shaun and Amari work things out for Leila. I think they may still have feeling for one another. Can't wait for the next episode!
ReplyDeleteThanks Phyllis! So glad you enjoyed it :)
DeleteGood question but since Peter and Cynthia don’t see each other much I guess curiosity got the best of her and they thought they were safe...people always make bad decisions Cynthia sesdinitely does she’s a mess...yes the trail end of that party was definitely ruined, at least the little guy won’t remember, lol! Shaun and Amari have a lot of growing up to do still...more to come on their little lives.
OMG...how will I... I mean Luke ever get over this! I knew of their past relationship, but since nobody else knew I figured it was over with. Now, their friendship might be over forever! I will be waiting to see. As for Amari and Shaun...I hope they get together marry and live happily ever after! But you never know in this town. Btw it is just like real life for drama to happen at a "happy" gathering. LOL!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you enjoyed the episode! :)
DeleteI know sometimes secrets have a way of coming out at the worst possible times...Yes it looks like Luke is way too hurt to forgive anyone right now. As for Shaun and Amari I don't know those two have a lot to work out either way...