Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Luke and Laura: Lies Can Only Break Us...(S10-E13)

It's very early Sunday morning in New Orleans, the air is cool and crisp from the weather front that came in last night. Spring is definitely showing up more now in the south as the days are moving along this month. Laura grabs her cup of coffee and slowly sips the golden, hot liquid. When she left upstairs to come down here, Luke was in the shower. Neither had yet spoken a word to each other since last night.
 Luke's heavy boots can now be heard on the stairs before he can even be seen rounding the stairs to head towards the kitchen. Distracted
 by his phone he does not even acknowledge Laura
 and goes straight to the coffee pot. Shoving his phone
 into his front pocket.
 Laura watches him as he pours his coffee. She can tell he 
is totally lost in thought as his mind is heavily
 preoccupied by something or someone. She just wishes
 he would tell her, confide in her.
Laura decides to break the awkward 
silence. She hates it.
*Laura* "I put several ads up online for the shop..."
 *Laura continues* "I've also had several people inquire already. I just need to
 look over their info to see if they're worth interviewing..."
Luke listens and nods while he adds his 
milk and sugar....
 *Luke* "Okay, sounds good to me..."
*Laura* "Are there any specific questions you might want me to ask them? 
I mean that is if I interview any or them..."
Luke slides his coffee mug across the counter as he turns 
more to face Laura, contemplating if there are any further
 instructions he needs to give her on helping him 
hire a new employee.
 *Luke* "Uhhh...I don't know just the usual you know. 
I trust your judgement."
*Laura* "Okay, I promise I'll try to hire someone soon."
Luke nods again as he sips his coffee. Laura continues to try and break the tension that is still there lingering in the air.
 *Laura* "I'm taking the boys over to see my parents today...We could 
stop by afterwards. The boys would love it."
*Luke* "Sunday afternoons are usually to fucking busy..."
Luke abruptly stops when he sees the large cheesecake 
sitting there on the kitchen island. 
His hand instinctively reaching out to pull the 
plate in closer to him. 
 *Luke* "When'd you make cheesecake?..."
Laura instantly swats his hand away.
*Laura* "Luke, no...that's for a customer."
Luke looks up at her, confusion on his face. Laura doesn't usually leave food that she's been hired to make out on the island. Except she got a last minute order in yesterday and was up late working on it. Which is why she fell asleep on the couch last night when Luke came home. 
 *Luke* "Why's it out on the counter?..."
*Laura* "They should be here soon to pick it
up it's for their church bake sale. It was a late order I got last night."
*Luke nods* "Oh..."
Luke stares down at the cheesecake while he takes a large swig of
 his coffee. Laura can see those gears turning again as he is lost in
 his own thoughts. It worries her because she
 has no idea what it could be.
*Laura* "Luke, please talk to me! What is going on?..."
Luke lifts the mug to his mouth drinking more coffee
 as he thinks about how to answer Laura.
 *Luke* "Everything is fine, babe...Just running things over 
in my head what I need to get done today."
Laura looks at him and does not buy it. The way he lashed
 out last night was out of character for him. And now 
the dead stare as he is lost deep in his 
thoughts has her very concerned. 
 *Laura* "Luke whatever it is you can tell me! I promise I won't freak 
out or get mad, even if it's about Rufus...Please just tell me what is
going on with you...Before I lose my mind..."
Luke takes one last chug of coffee finishing off what was left in his mug. Then setting it down he side steps around the island and 
kisses Laura on the side of her forehead close to her temple. 
Her eyes quickly fluttering closed, the soft touch of his
 lips on her skin feels like home. 
 *Luke* "It's fine, babe...everything is fine...I've got to go."
Then just like that Luke's warm body and gentle touch
 is gone as he turns and walks towards the front door.
 *Luke* "I'll try to make it home early tonight..."
Laura doesn't respond instead she reaches up touching her temple. She can still feel that prickly feeling from his beard pressed 
against her skin. The kiss was almost like he was on autopilot, 
his mind so preoccupied and so distant.
 Then her hand drops to her chest as a sinking feeling rises in her that something is really off. She does her best to hold back the 
tears that want to flood her eyes, wondering what it is 
that Luke is not telling her. Fearing the worst and hoping for the best.
 *Laura* "I swear to gawd Luke you better not me lying to me!..."
She takes a deep breath and then decides to start 
on breakfast while she waits for the cheesecake 
to be picked up by her catering customer.


Mid Sunday Morning in Vegas Margot sits in the conference room space that is adjacent to her office.  Since the Casino is open 24/7 Margot often works those same hours. Tomorrow she has a legit meeting for the Casino and is in the office today to make sure everything is ready for the following day. While on the phone with her secretary Elena, both are trying to help each other troubleshoot why the large TV
 is not linking up to the computer. 
 Margot taps on some keys to try and see if there is a setting somewhere on the system that is causing this confusion. She only gets along with electronics as long as they're working to her 
satisfaction. Her fiery little temper begins to ignite as she
 gets more and more irritated by it.
 *Margot* "I dunno. The damn thing is not working, Elena."
*Elena* "Maybe it's the TV...There should be some settings on it as well..."
Margot cuts her off, losing all patience with her 
and and the uncooperative electronics.
 *Margot* "I've done all that!...Did you send for 
Mike?! Where the hell is he?"
*Elena* "Yes ma'am I did..."
*Margot* "Page him again!...I need this damn thing to
 be working for tomorrow's client."
Elena clears her throat and calmly responds. Knowing
 she better get Mike now before someone gets
 fired for not doing their job.
 *Elena* "Yes, ma'am...One moment."
Margot stays on the line while Elena calls for Mike. Everyone knows Margot does not play around but only a few close employees work both sides of the business. Elena is one of them. So she makes sure to stay on Margot's good side. Suddenly Elena's voice changes as she appears to be talking to someone else.
*Elena* "You can't go in there!..."
The other voice is faint and not very audible.
*Elena* "No, I told you she's busy...."
As the voice gets louder Margot has her 
theories as to who it is.
*Elena* "Don't make me call security!"
*Margot* "Elena?!...It's...
But before she can get her secretaries attention. The 
other voice that was just in the other room comes
 storming through the doorway. His heavy boots 
clapping hard against the rusty colored stone tile.
*David* "We need to fucking chat...right now!..."
Margot smiles soft and sultry at him. 
*Margot* "It's so nice to see you too, David, but I have no time right now."
David walks around the long conference table
 and smacks his palms down onto it. 
*David* "Who the fuck do you think you are? That you can go after my boy?! I
 told you I would handle my own shit!"
*Elena still one the line* "Should I page security, Miss DeRozen?"
Margot looks up at David and knows he will cause
 a ruckus if she does not handle him right now. She calmly
 replies back to Elena. Then hangs up.
*Margot* "No, it's not necessary. Just work on finding Mike for me and
 have him up here in thirty minutes."
*Elena* "Yes ma'am will do..."
Margot gets up while she turns her attention back
 to the rabid animal that is in the room or 
better known as David Cooper.
*David* "I told you I had it fucking handled Margot!...In all these years when 
have I not gone against my word?"
*Margot* "Where's my fifty thousand you owe me?"
*David* "I'm working on it. I told you I just needed a little more time."
*Margot* "I've ran out of time and patience with you, David...Either pay 
me now or Lorenzo and Dan take it from your son..."
David again slams his hand into the table. He may have
 been a shitty, out of touch father but Margot 
went too far this time. 
*David* "He's my boy, MY BOY...not yours!...You have your own 
son to fuck with and make his life miserable."
Margot turns around and heads for her office. She doesn't have 
time for this, pseudo alpha male pissing content. She has given David too much slack in years past and now it has come back on her. No more will she allow her weakness for him to hinder the business.
*Margot* "I got work to do...You're lucky you're not a dead man..."
Margot walks into her office and David follows 
her storming in pushing the doors wide open.
*David* "I'm not fucking finished with you Margot!..."
*Margot* "Get out of my office, David."
David and Margot have a long history. He's always ran the drugs through his MC for Margot to then in turn launder the money through the casino. It's how it's always been. This time though 
David let his guard down, distracted too much by a 
certain young woman who came back into his life and lost fifty thousands dollars worth of drugs.
*David* "You can try all you want to get rid of me, 
but you know you can't...Now call off your men and let's 
handle this shit right here right now."
Margot sits in her chair, still cool, calm and collected. 
She looks up at David and stands firm on her decisions.
*Margot* "The only way this will be settled is if you pay me what 
you owe me. That's it David. You think I like going after other 
people for your fuck up?! Get me my money it's that simple."
David tries to turn on the charm to get Margot to relent on 
her choice to go after Luke. David holds a lot of pride
 and he hates to have himself made to look weak even
 if his son already thinks he is a shitty father.
*David* "C'mon baby doll you know I will get you that money
....I always have before."
*Margot* "Nuh uh! Don't, David don't start with me...This is not about us. We have been over and done for nearly 20 years. This is about the business..."
David takes a seat in one of the chairs. Her change in
 tone makes him aware of her weakness for him.
 David Cooper was always Margot DeRozen's kryptonite. 
She hates him for it but yet here they are.
*David* "I got my guys working on it right now. We have
 half already. I told you I'm good for it."
Margot doesn't buy into the bullshit. She knows
 if he had any of it he would have brought it with him.
*Margot* "Right, so where's that money if you have it already?..."
David tries to butt in and give her the answer,
 but she quickly cuts him off.
*Margot* "Don't give me some lame ass excuse David. 
I've heard them all from you already..."
David again tries to respond but is interrupted by
 a knock on the glass. Elena slowly opens the
 door holding a few folders as she comes in.
*Elena* "I'm sorry to interrupt Miss. DeRozen but these are the new
 financial reports you asked for. They just came in...."
Margot nods and gets up so that she can talk to
 Elena on the other side of the door away from David. 
She tells David to stay put and not touch anything.
*Margot* "Don't even think about trying 
anything. I'll be right outside."
David shrugs his shoulders like he has no 
idea what she could be referring to. Margot steps out 
of her office and faces Elena in the adjacent meeting room. 
Who seems to have a worried look on her. Margot instantly grows impatient with her for not spitting out what she wants to know.
*Margot* "And?!..."
*Elena* "It's just as we suspected....Ten thousand is missing from 
the books. All right before Baz skipped town..."
*Margot* "Damnit!..."
*Elena* "I'm sorry Miss. DeRozen...I know it's not
 what you wanted to hear."
In her haste Margot failed to let the door 
completely close behind her. Leaving just 
enough for David to eavesdrop on their conversation.
*Margot* "Did you make sure to adjust the books for the time being?..."
*Elena* "Yes it's taken care one will know now
that there was 10k missing."
*Margot* "Good."
Margot takes the files then turns back around to head 
into her office. She can handle David constantly betraying
 her but her own son?! She is so furious at him for 
running off with that girl. David immediately jumps
 into conversation as Margot heads to her desk.
*David* "You don't seriously believe Baz stole ten
 thousands Gs from the casino, do you?"
Margot walks around her desk as she talks 
dropping the file folders on her desk. The cat's 
out of the bag now....
*Margot* "It's not a question of if...I know he did. Now I just have the proof."
*David* "Why in the hell would he do that? He's got that trust fund of his. I'm 
sure he has a good explanation of why there is money missing."
*Margot* "Oh yes there is....He ran off with that floozy dancer Eva Marie..."
Margot sits down while David is processing the news about Baz. 
All of it seems so out of character for him but then again 
Baz was always one to go against his mother. David whistles as he recollects who Eva Marie is, the hot little red head dancer.
*Margot* "And Please don't act like you care, David...I'll handle my own son..."
David scoffs at her comment. Margot has 
always overly mothered Baz. It's the only other things she 
takes pride in other than running this business. So David knows
 this is eating away at her.
*David* "Shit, I ain't that much of a cold hearted son of a bitch, 
baby doll. When did Baz skip town?"
*Margot* "A couple months ago..."
*David* "Wait a're telling me Baz has been MIA for two
 fucking moths and I'm just now hearing about it?!..What the fuck, Margot?!."
Margot slams her hand down on the desk in defiance. For one thing she hates looking weak in front of him, but secondly she knows he is the only other person she can trust with this info right now. David may be an asshole but he knows when to keep something hush, hush.
*Margot* "Just shut the fuck up Cooper!...I can handle it. It's not
 your problem to deal with..."
David knows Margot only calls him by his last name when she is at her wits end with him. It is clear she is stressed out about Baz leaving town with Eva and stealing money. For her to lose control of a situation makes her furious and the fact that it was her own 
son this time that did it, well it just complicated everything.
*David* "So is this why you're going after my boy? You can't get your own fucking kid to get 
inline so you think going after another will make you happy?"
Margot spins around in her chair. David may have a 
point, but she'll never admit it to his face.
*Margot* "Going after him is about your incompetence 
as a businessman, nothing more...."
David flies up off the chair as he speaks, Margot 
has some nerve to think she can go after his son. 
*David* "My son didn't do shit to you! It all makes sense now...You go after 
him in hopes of satisfying that sick temper of yours."
Margot pops up and leans against the desk. No one makes her more angry than him. The push and pull of their toxic relationship always sends her over the edge. Sometimes in a good way but more often things end badly between the two.
*Margot* "The only one who does that is you, David! Pay me my fucking fifty thousands dollars right now or I take it from your son. First, I'll take his business...then I'll leave him no choice but to work for my business so he can survive.  And then he'll have no way out but to give in to my offer. 
Especially if he wants to keep that sweet family of his safe..."
David leans in on the opposite end of the desk. His anger boiling over into a rage. Again he may not be apart of his son's life by his own choice but he'll be damned if he'll let Margot interfere and force her way in.
*David* "Over my fucking dead body, Margot! Call off your 
boys or so help me god you'll regret it."
Margot leans in further her sweet, soft, pouty 
lips spitting out cold, harsh words.
*Margot* "The only thing I regret is ever giving you a second chance. It's 
all, and I mean all over between us David, I'm done doing anymore business with you,
 now get the hell out of my office...."
David glares right back at her taking in her words when 
she says that all of it is over. They both stand there 
motionless waiting to see how the other will respond
 to this showdown of unspoken dominance...
David is the first one to break the silence of their stare down. Margot called his bluff and now he is left speechless. The MC relies on her supply of drugs to keep them afloat. If she doesn't kill him for insubordination then someone else will. It's a dog eat dog world in his line of work, but he'll be damned if he ever lets her use his son for her gain. He knows she is a ruthless business woman and it's the only way she's been at the top all these years, 
but Margot went too far this time.
*David* "You're gonna fucking regret this, Margot...."
*Margot* "I seriously doubt it now...Get the fuck out David..."
Margot snaps back and smirks. She knows she has him backed into a corner now, which can be dangerous. A scared dog is always more likely to bite, but he has left her no choice. David storms off pushing the swinging office doors wide open as he goes.
Margot relaxes her body and leans against the desk, watching David walk out like it may very well be the last time she'll lay eyes on him. She is not sure if her threat about it all being over between them will hold. She will need to find another source quickly to handle the 
jobs or she will have no choice but to go through the MC. Maybe
 if she pays them to do her dirty work and neutralize David, 
then and only then can business continue as usual.
*Margot whispers* "Damn you David Cooper..."


Same Sunday now back in New Orleans, the day has quickly gone by and it's getting close to closing time. Luke stands behind the counter to help with customers as they're ready to check out,
 while a few others browse around the store.
Because the shop was busy today things went by much faster. Still he has yet to get a response from the messages he sent out last night. Time is quickly ticking by as he's now got 5 days to come up with fifty thousand dollars. Luke does his best at the moment to just focus on work and then hit up the bank tomorrow early Monday morning. He made sure to make an appointment.
*Luke* "Total is twenty-two sixty..."
The tall gangly girl reaches into her back pocket
 for her wallet as Luke looks back up at her.
 *Luke* "Cash or card?..."
*Young Girl* "Card..."
The young girl pays then is quickly on her way out the 
door as a second customer then approaches
 the checkout counter.
 *Luke* "Some nice finds you got there..."
*Customer* "Thanks, you have some really great selection here."
Luke finishes up ringing up the man's purchases and talking small talk with the guy. As the man walks out satisfied with his purchases, Luke's phone vibrates. Looking down he notices he has a missed text from Laura and a new one from the person he messaged last night.
 He first checks the message from Laura. It is a picture of the boys playing outside at his in laws. With a message that says 
"I love you. The boys and I miss you and wish you were here."
Luke recalls her begging him this morning to tell her what is going on. Laura knows him too well now after all these years. 
She knows he is more than just bogged
 down with work and responsibilities. Maybe 
it's not too late to tell her the truth...
*Luke* "Hey man....Thanks for stopping in...Have a good night..." 
The customer smiles and waves as he walks out the door. Only a few more minutes now till closing time. Luke opens the 
other text message and begins to type a response. 
Trying to choose his words wisely...
 He hits the backspace button and deletes everything he just
 typed and starts all over again. As he is deeply lost
 in thought on how to respond back, Baz and
 Eva begin to approach the counter.
 *Baz* "I dunno baby doll..."
*Eva* "We're just inquiring, honey that's all."
Eva stops in front of the counter opposite Luke, who
 didn't even see them until Eva demands his attention.
 *Eva* "Excuse me...I have a question..."
Luke looks up at her and apologizes for not 
noticing the two of them.
*Luke* "I'm sorry.....yeah go ahead."
*Eva* "Are you still hiring?"
Luke has been so preoccupied with getting this money together 
that he has completely forgotten  about hiring a new employee. 
Luckily too Laura is doing all the work this time around.
 *Luke* "Yes, yes I am. I need someone to work the cash register and
 front counter so I can get other things around here done. 
Either one of you interested?"
Eva turns to look at Baz. She looks excited but he's all
 serious business as usual kind of face. 
Baz rarely ever smiles.
*Eva* "What do you think, baby? I think you'd fit
 in here nicely."
*Baz* "I dunno, baby doll..."
Baz turns to Luke to ask him some more 
questions about the job.
 *Baz* "How much is the pay?..."
*Luke* "Fifteen an hour...typically forty hours a week. My wife is doing
 the hiring. I can give you her info and she can run the
 application if you're interested..I'm Luke by the way."
He holds out his hand and Baz reaches across
 to take it, greeting him back.
 *Baz* "I'm Bobby...nice to meet you."
*Luke* "You too man. You new in town? Cause you 
don't sound from around here."
Before Baz and Eva ever left Vegas they knew they would
 have to use alternate names and identities to keep 
his mother from locating them. Baz wraps his
 arm around Eva and continues to talk.
 *Baz* "Yeah, yeah we are...This is my old lady, Betty...We've decided to settle 
down here after doing some cross country sightseeing...We need a fresh new start."
*Luke* "Oh, cool...yeah I did the same about 10 years ago, 
married a local girl. I love it here."
Baz and Eva get the info they need to do the online application. Then continue in a bit of small talk. Luke for some reason feels very comfortable with the two, or maybe he is just relieved to 
finally have someone seriously interested in the job. 
He sure misses having Jacob around.
 *Luke* "Yeah well it was good talking to you, man...."
*Baz* "Likewise. Have a good evening and put in a
 good word for me with you wife."
*Luke laughs* "Haha...yeah, will do, man. Have a good night."
Baz and Eva leave as do a few other customers. Luke locks
 up behind them not wanting those two goons to 
show up again after hours....He whips out his phone 
and begins to pick up where he left off on his text.
 "What the fuck did you and my father do? I got two mob looking guys telling me my dad owes their boss 50G's! You know anything about this shit? I don't fucking have that kind of money, Ru. Is this why you demanded I sign those papers?! Fuck! I need answers...I don't fucking care what time of day or night it is call me when you get this."

Luke then quickly hits the send button. Most likely she is busy right now and won't get back to him right away since the band went back on toor last month. So now he waits until tomorrow so he can go inquire about a business loan at the bank. 
If that will even work...

To Be Continued!

Thanks so much as always for tuning in! I truly do appreciate all of your support and interest in what I do. I hope to be able to continue to post
 episodes on a regular basis! From now on 
will be the day for new episodes to drop! If I can make the deadline😅

Also I have decided to leave my PayPal address up at the end of every episode for those who feel they would like to give back. As an artist it is always a struggle to make ends meet. Most of you know I don't do this for the money but at the same time whatever does trickle in helps a lot!
And since I recently had to deactivate the Adsense account, well that money is no longer available to me. I explained why in a previous post which can be read here...
Like I said this all up to you as the reader, no pressure! I want you all to continue to enjoy my stories no matter what, whether you feel compelled to donate or not. ~

Again Thank you all so very much!


  1. Love love love these exposides keep them coming

  2. Loving it. I can't wait til the next episode.

  3. It's very clear that David takes advantage of his "Cooper Charm" over Mrs DeRozen... but she seems to be an ruthless woman, so we should expect anything from her, if her demands doesn't be respected... well David you better have her money as soon as you can!! For the sake of your son. And what the coincidence: Baz and Eva looking for job at the record shop!!!!

  4. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Like Baz getting hired and the goons finding him at the store and that saves the day.


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