Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Luke and Laura: Lies Can Only Break Us....Part 2...(S10-E14)

Later that same Sunday evening Laura sits at the dinner table
 with the boys. Luke said he would be home early tonight and 
even sent Laura a text message that he was on his way home.
The boys are really missing Dad lately and the tension between Luke and Laura does not help either. He is so busy lately 
that he hardly has time for them except for a quick hug or kiss.
*Phoenix* "Mama, can I wash cartoons aftor dinnor?"
*Phineas* "I wanna wash cartoons!...."
*Laura* "Daddy is on his way home maybe, y'all can do something 
with him tonight before bedtime."
*Phoenix* "Okay!..."
Laura hopes too that Luke will show up like he said he 
would. She could use a break and a nice
 hot relaxing shower. They all continue to eat dinner
 while they chat.
*Phineas* "Mama?...I wash cartoons wif Daddy?..."
*Laura* "Um, yeah sure...that's fine with me. You'll have to ask Daddy."
*Phoenix* "Me too! I wanna wash cartoons wif Daddy."
*Laura* "Okay...but not for too long because you do both have school tomorrow."
As they're all talking and deciding what to do after dinner. The door quickly opens and closes as Luke comes inside the house. Laura is relieved he is home early and the boys both are equally excited to see Dad.
*the boys in unison* "Daddy!!!"
Laura can't help but find herself smiling as well even though they are still at odds and she knows he is hiding something. As Luke walks farther back into the house towards the kitchen table, Laura speaks.
*Laura* "I'm glad you made it. We just sat down a few minutes ago."
*Luke* "Smells good. I haven't ate all day...."
*Laura* "I could have brought you lunch."
*It's fine, babe."
*Phoenix* "Hi Daddy!..."
*Luke* "Hey, little man..."
Luke reaches out to rub the top of Phoenix's head. He 
definitely misses them and hates having to work these
 longer hours, but hopefully soon he will have
 someone to fill in for Jacob's absence. 
*Laura* "Your plate is right there...."
Laura tilts her head gesturing for
 Luke to look behind her. 
*Luke* "Oh..."
*Laura* "I went ahead and made you a plate since you messaged me."
*Luke* "Good...I'm fuc..I'm starving..."
Luke steps over to grab his plate. Phineas jumps
 up he is ready to go watch cartoons now that Daddy is home. 
His little toddler tummy is quite full and
 he is ready to move on.
*Phineas* "You hardly ate anything...Just a little more because
 you're not snacking anymore after this."
*Phineas* "No! I wash cartoons wif, Daddy...."
*Luke* "Daddy's gotta eat first, buddy. Then I'll watch some TV with you."
*Laura* "See...Daddy is not even ready. Finish some more food
 then you can watch some cartoons."
*Phineas* "Okay I eat..."
Luke sits down at the table next to Phoenix and begins
 to dig in to his plate of food. He turns to look 
at Phoenix, who is beaming with a smile, so happy
 to see Dad home at the dinner table.
*Luke* "I heard you went to see Nana and PaPa today...You have fun?"
Phoenix nods his head, bobbing it 
quickly with excitement. 
*Phoenix* "Uh huh..."
*Luke* "So you two want to watch some cartoons, huh?"
*Phoenix* "Can you wash?..."
*Luke* "Sure, sounds like a good plan to me."
Phoenix smiles and continues to eat his dinner so they can all sit down to watch a show. Phineas continues to nibble at his food too. Luke looks over at Laura, who is definitely stress eating as she quickly takes bites of her salad. He knows he needs to find a way to break this news about his dad owing fifty thousands dollars, but he is struggling with it...
*Luke* "Hey, babe...I think I may have found someone
 interested in the clerk job at the shop...And I like him."
Laura looks up, still trying to chew some of her food
 and speak at the same time. A habit she always 
tries to get the boys to avoid, but she is excited to hear more.
*Laura* "Really?! Who...who is it, do you know him?..."
Luke forks his food and then 
continues to talk. 
*Luke* "No...never seen the guy before. Him and his wife are new in
 town. He is looking for work and a place to settle down..."
*Laura* "Did you get his number so I can call him?"
*Luke* "No, he doesn't have a phone."
*Laura* "Who doesn't have a phone?! That's weird."
*Laura* "How to do you expect me to hire this
 guy if I don't have contact info..."
Luke continues to eat. He thought it was weird too at first, but then he thought to himself that people go through hard times and sometimes their situations can be rough. Plus he enjoyed talking with the guy, they clicked immediately. Just like him and Peter used to.
*Luke* "I know it's weird but they seem to be trying to get back on their feet. I wrote 
down all the info for him so he might be giving you a call tomorrow. I really
 like this guy. He would possibly fit in well and looks like he is not
 afraid to work hard and not be intimidated by asshole customers."
Phoenix's head whips around to look at Dad. Luke does
 his best to avoid cursing around the boys but it
 is not easy for him. Old habits die hard.
*Phoenix gasps* "Mommy!!! Daddy said a bad word!..."
*Laura* "I know pumpkin..."
Before Laura can respond to Luke about possibly 
hiring this guy. He jumps in his seat his phone 
vibrating and ringing in his front pocket. Luke
 pulls it out and looks at who is calling.
*Luke* "Shit...I gotta answer this...."
*Laura* "Luke you just sat down to eat!...Whoever it is can wait."
*Luke* "It's work related. I'll be back."
Then just like that Luke is up pushing his 
chair away from the table and walking
 towards the stairs, having only 
finished half his plate.
*Phoenix* "Daddy said two bad words, and weft the table wifout finishing..."
*Laura* "I know, I know he'll be back. Let's just 
finish our food for now."
*Phoenix* "Daddy needs a timeout!..."
Laura thinks a timeout for Luke is quite fitting considering the way he has been behaving lately. If only she can get him to talk to her. 
Leave it to a kid to make the connection...
Luke quickly answers the call before his phone sends it 
off to voicemail, rounding the corner he begins to head up to 
the stairs all the way to his office.
*Luke* "Hello?....Yeah, hello...Can you hear me? 
It's too fucking noisy I can't hear you!..."
Luke manages to get all the way up the stairs to the third level of the house where his office forward slash mancave resides. He switches the 
phone to speaker after closing the door behind him. The loud 
music in the background is too much for his ears to take.
                                             *Luke*"Turn off the fucking music, Ru!!!..."
Luke is on edge already. Last thing he wants to do is have a shouting match over the phone, but that will probably happen anyways with or without loud music in the background.
Rufus runs off to hide in her room of the house. The band now rents out air BnB houses instead of staying in hotel rooms. Rufus thinks it will help them stay more focused on their tour this year, but really she is much too afraid to be alone.
*Rufus* "There is that better?....I got your message."
*Luke* "Yeah I fucking figured...."
Luke continues not wanting to drag this 
awkwardness out any longer. 
*Luke* "What really happened between you and my father?...This shit is 
way worse than you led me to believe months ago, isn't it?..."
Rufus plops herself down on the velvet bedspread
 as her fingers run over it back and forth
 contemplating how she should answer him.
*Rufus* "I did try to tell you...That is why I wanted
 you to sign those papers."
Luke sits down in the only office chair in the room. Rufus
 needs to come clean on this he knows 
she is involved somehow.
*Luke* "How can I ever trust a fucking word that comes out of your mouth? All
 you did was push for me to sign paternity papers...Next thing I know I'm being forced
 to pay money my fucking father owes someone! What the fuck, Ru?"
Rufus cannot help but confess it all to Luke. She did not want any of this either. Again her weakness for Luke and his father David 
makes her do irrational things.
*Rufus* "I'm sorry...he, he promised me he would take care of it. Apparently someone stole drugs off his bike one night. A night he spent with me in my hotel room. All of it happened so fast.
 I got scared, Luke. Then months later when he came to my house demanding I pay him for his mistake, I freaked out and refused. Then he saw Ruby, who he has never met before, and that's when he began to put things together.  I was afraid he would do something crazy...So I did my
 best to convince him that Ruby was your child. I honestly thought
 he was just trying to scam me, I swear!
Luke rolls his eyes at the crazy comment. Rufus never reacts to a situation like a normal person. She always manages to make her situation more complicated and the fact that she shows up 
on him in a coffee shop that day all paranoid and strung out 
made him think she had just lost her shit again. If only she had told him everything.
*Luke* "Wouldn't it have been easier to have just 
paid him the fucking money?!...Now his boss is after me, 
my fucking business, and my family!"
Rufus falls back onto the bed. The words 'My Family' still sting. Twice she had a chance to be the mother of his child but both
 times were never meant to be. He is right though she is 
financially stable enough to have paid him the
 money and hopefully make it go away. 
*Rufus* "So what now?...I help you out?...What do I
 get in return?..."
Luke takes a deep breath and blows out. He knew this was coming. Nothing is ever that simple with Rufus. She always demands something...Love is never just an emotion freely given in her world. It always comes with a price. Even though these two did love each other at one time, it was never the same kind of fierce, unconditional 
love he experiences with Laura.
*Luke* "You want me to sign those fucking papers? I'll sign them. I'll even publicly 
admit she is mine...I don't fucking care anymore, Ru! Laura is fine with it, so I'm fine with it.
 Just help me pay these assholes..."
Rufus pops up and sits on the edge of the bed. Her twisted 
mind can't help but feel happy he is willing to admit Ruby
 is his even if it is really all a lie. Like she finally won a 
battle she has been fighting for years. 
*Rufus* "Your wife is okay with it?...."
*Luke* "Yes she is...She loves Ruby."
*Rufus* "And what about the money? She can't possibly want you
 to accept money from me, does she?"
Luke flops back in his chair...Damn her! For always 
complicating shit in his life, and his fucking father...Luke is
beginning to think he will never escape Rufus and his past...
*Luke* "She doesn't fucking know....she doesn't need to know." 
Being the cynical person she is Rufus cannot help but like that she knows something Laura does not. Even if things really are
 over and done between her and Luke. Rufus turns over onto her 
stomach and fiddles again with the velvet bedspread.
*Rufus* "Does anyone else know?..."
*Luke* "No, Ru....You're the only fucking one who knows, okay?..."
*Rufus* "I kinda like that...ya know...You used to tell me everything."
Luke can hear the change in her voice. It seems she will always easily get hung up on the idea of them as a couple. Maybe it is 
nostalgic for her, who knows....Fuck! Luke thinks to himself. 
The last thing he wants is her obsessing over him again.
*Luke* "Don't do this, don't fucking make this out to be something it is not. 
This just a fucking business transaction. That's it...For Ruby remember?"
Rufus switches to speakerphone and secretly stalks some 
old pics of Luke and her on Instagram, searching hashtags to find them. Those are her favorite back when he was with her 
and the band and they were happy...It is nostalgic for her
 life was good and she was on top of the world then 
with a hit band and a very hot boyfriend.
*Rufus* "I know it is...but...I...Can't help..."
Rufus pauses as she scrolls through pics. Knowing a part
 of her will never ever fully concede to what her life is now. 
That maybe if Luke and her had been more sober and serious
 things would have been totally different.
*Luke* "But what, Ru?!...Are you gonna fucking
 flake on me? I need to know. I don't have time to waste here....
Rufus fucking answer me!!!"
Rufus continues to look down at her phone. Then she comes across other pictures from later on after Cade had kidnapped her and left her for dead. Headlines about her being crazy and delusional. She snaps back to hating him, now...hating Luke for leaving her. She has worked very hard these past 5 years to get her life back on track.
 *Rufus* "I'll see what I can do, Luke..."
Her tone shifts again and it is blatantly obvious. This is why he left all those years ago. He could not take the constant ups and downs, 
her insane mood swings, it was more than just an over spoiled rock and roll goddess. Rufus was constantly paranoid and it wore him down. After she had that first miscarriage Luke knew he had to leave. 
He did not want to be tied to her for forever with a child.
*Luke* "What the fuck does that mean?!....If you can't help or don't 
want to then just fucking say it! I don't have time 
for fucking games here, Ru..."
Rufus peels her eyes away from her phone and rolls
 onto her back. She regrets now going down
 memory lane. It never ends well for her. Besides all that, she has worked very hard these past 5 years to get her life back on track.
*Rufus* "It means I'll get back with you...You're asking for 
a lot of money, Luke..."
Luke scoffs into the phone and rolls his eyes again. He hates being in this situation. He is beginning to think that maybe he never should have contacted her. This only gives her more reason to make his life miserable...Especially if she expects him to sign
 those papers in exchange for the payout.
*Luke* "What fucking choice do I have? You and my father are
 why this whole shit storm started...Don't fucking try to make
this out to be what it is not."
Aksel knocks on the door then enters the room. That
 means the car must be here to take them 
to their destination tonight. One more show then on to
 the next city in their tour...
*Rufus* "I'll think about it...I've got to go now...."
Rufus hits the end call button and sits up to face Aksel. 
He suspiciously eyes her wondering 
who she was arguing with.
*Aksel* "The car is here..."
*Rufus* "Okay. Tell the others I'll be down in five..."
Rufus tries to look back down at her phone but Aksel
 playfully kicks his big boot at her shoe.
*Aksel* "Hey, I heard you arguing on the phone with someone...You okay?"
*Rufus* "I'm fine..."
*Aksel* "You don't look fine..."
Aksel sits down next to her on the bed. His big frame making the bed sink and Rufus almost falls back against him. These two have always been very close. Aksel is the big sweetheart of the 3 guys that make up the rest of the band. He might be a big badass out on stage
 but in person he is kind hearted and loving. 
*Aksel* "I know that look...You gonna be able to focus tonight?"
*Rufus* "Yes, I'll be fine."
*Aksel* "You were talking to Luke weren't you?..."
Rufus spins her head around, eyes wide in shock
 that he even figured it out so fast. Aksel always sided more with Rufus whenever Luke and her would have one of their epic fights. He has always been somewhat of a protector over her. Like he has 
always been to his little sister Cambria. He cannot help 
but want to keep them both safe.
*Aksel* "Don't let him get under your skin, sweet cheeks..."
*Rufus* "How?....Aksel, how did you know?..."
*Aksel* "It's written all over your face, babe. Cooper is the only one who ever fucks
 your shit up. What the hell does he want anyways?.."
 *Rufus* "It's nothing...Aksel, please...Don't worry about me I'll be fine."
*Aksel* "I do though...I just want you to be okay, Ru...You've worked
 too hard to let him in again."
Rufus gets up. Aksel does not know about her recent affair with David. He knows that Ruby is David's child though. The whole
 band knows now...Luke is right it is best that she keeps this situation low key at the moment, as much as she'd love to tell Aksel the truth he'd definitely flip outAksel is right too, though he knows Rufus very well and knows how weak she is for Luke. The inner battle for her is a constant struggle. Aksel will be so disappointed to learn she had a fling again with David Cooper...The guys just want her to stay healthy and focused.
*Rufus* "Whatever it is you're thinking. It's not that...
Luke and I were just talking business."
*Aksel* "Business?..."
*Rufus* "Yes...Can we go now? I don't want to be late..."
Aksel pops up off the bed. Whatever is going on between
 her and Luke cannot be good. She needs to keep it 
together if they're going to finish this 
tour on a high note.
*Aksel* "Cooper is an asshole...Don't get involved with him! 
Rufus don't do this to yourself...
Please tell me you're still taking your meds."
*Rufus* "Don't you dare question my sanity! I'm fine! 
Now lets fucking go already!..."
Aksel shrugs and lets it go for now. 
They have a concert to prepare for later tonight...
Meanwhile back in New Orleans Luke leans his head back against the chair. If Rufus refuses to help then he is going to have to somehow get a loan from the bank. He thought about asking Shaun but he doesn't want to get anyone else involved. It's already embarrassing enough.
Days like this is when he misses Peter the most. Someone he could trust and confide in, a partner in crime. Peter was always there no matter what and now he is not because Luke could not accept the lies that tore apart the nearly twenty year long friendship.
 It still stings to this day. 
A few moments later footfalls are heard on the stairs
 and Laura's head peeks around the doorway
 as she comes into the room.
*Laura* "Luke?..."
She can see he is upset. Luke barely responds back to her 
when she comes into the room. He pushes back
 his sunglasses and scratches the top of his head.
*Luke* 'Yeah, I'm here babe...."
He is spaced out and not all there again just like this morning. 
He looks physically and mentally exhausted as well.
 Laura walks over to his desk to stand closer to him.
*Laura* "The boys finished dinner and are downstairs waiting for you."
*Luke* "Okay...I'll be there in a minute."
*Laura* "I also put your plate in the fridge if you want to reheat it..."
*Luke* "It's fine...I'm not that hungry anymore..."
Laura knows something must be really wrong if he is
 not wanting to finish her scrumptious homemade
 cooking. She leans in a bit closer.
*Laura* "Luke please talk to me...I am beginning to think the
 worst and it scares me. I hate to be that kind of wife..."
*Luke* "Everything is fine...I'm just under a lot of 
pressure to keep the shop going."
 Luke struggles to look at Laura as he fiddles with 
his phone on the desk. Laura thinks it's possibly
 because he is having an affair or maybe he is bored and wants out. 
She is so confused she does not know what to think anymore.
*Laura* "Did I do something? I don't understand why you're so distant. I mean 
I know I flipped out about your ex-girlfriend last month but since then 
you've hardly acknowledged me or anything...You haven't touched me in months."
Laura's voice cracks as a few tears fall from her eyes. 
Luke looks up at her and tries to reassure 
her that she did not do anything wrong.
*Luke* "I'm not cheating, Laura...I swear."
*Laura* "Then what is going on?...I don't care
 what it is just tell me. Why are you being like this?...."
Luke reaches out and grabs her hand his thumb 
rubbing small circles on the backside of her palm. He is afraid if he gets to close to her that he will confess it all. He hates that she thinks he is fucking someone else but he also hates that some assholes 
just threatened his family. He just wants her to be safe...
*Luke* "I told you already, babe...I'm fine...just tired."
Laura yanks her hand away and folds them in front of her.
 She does not believe him. It kills her that he continues to put up walls. Little by little this wall has gotten higher and higher.
 Each day brick by brick Luke gets farther away, harder  to reach...
*Laura* "I'd like to go take a shower. Can you at least go sit with the boys? They've
 been downstairs alone long enough and you promised them you'd be there."
Luke taps his fingers on his phone. He doesn't know how much longer he can keep this going. Sure telling Laura the truth would be a big relief but that could in turn open a whole new can of worms. Laura
 and the boys are safer this way. That little whisper
 in his ear convinces him, it's better this way....
*Luke* "'s fine. You're right I did promise them..."
The two don't speak another word to each other then both head down the stairs. Luke continues down to the living room while Laura goes to take a shower. About an hour later she comes back downstairs to find them all asleep on the couch. So much for a routine bedtime tonight. It's okay though, the boys are happy to be with Luke.
Laura looks over at the 3 of them all cuddled up together sleeping and she begins to wonder if she is overreacting about everything. She hates to be that nagging wife that men complain about, she doesn't want to turn bitter and resent him for not being around but at the same 
time he is working hard taking care of them. And all she does
 is accuse him of cheating and hiding things from her. Still 
deep down she knows something is not right...
Laura walks around the coffee table and begins 
to reach for Phoenix when Luke wakes up, their eyes 
lock and Luke smiles at her. He looks half asleep, and so sweet and peaceful. A stark contrast from his mood only an hour ago,
 but the moment is fleeting.
*Luke* "Did you enjoy your shower?..."
*Laura* "Yes, now help me get them to bed...It's way
 past their bedtime."
Luke moves a little, as best he can with two kiddos 
sandwiching him. He is very groggy and exhausted
 from working long days and nights. Now his back is
 killing him from falling asleep on the couch.
*Luke* " Wait...Can you take Finn? He never wants to go down
 for me..I'll take Phoenix."
*Laura* "Ummm...sure...that's fine."
 Finn is more of a mama's boy anyways.
 Laura leans her body further over Luke reaching to 
grab Phineas instead. Luke just watches her, and
 she can't help but feel awkward about it. Months ago he would have done a simple gesture like saying he loves her or reaching
 out to touch her just so he could feel her. Laura cuts through the awkward silence and speaks while grabbing Phineas....
*Laura* "I have to work on some catering recipes before
 I go to bed...So don't wait up for me." 
*Luke* "Uh, yeah....Whatever I gotta leave early
 tomorrow anyways..."
So the two of them get the boys put to bed and again go
 their separate ways for the night. No kiss, 
no hugs, no I love you's....


The next morning Luke was gone even before daylight broke. Laura did not even hear him leave. She wakes up to find his side of the bed empty even there the wall between them feels ominous.
After getting the boys off to preschool for  the morning. Laura decides it's time to get her old body back. Not just to get Luke's attention but for her to just all around feel better about herself. She's been slacking on her workouts and working too hard in the kitchen lately.
 All the tiny bites, licks, and taste testing she is doing
 is going straight to her hips.
Laura heads over to one of the stone benches and does some light stretching before taking off on her jog. With earbuds jammed in her ears she tries to drown out her thoughts about Luke and just focus on the rock music that is currently blasting away on her playlist. 
The trail park is busy but not too busy. Plenty of people walking, running, and riding...It's a nice spring morning with 
still just a bit of chill still lingering in the air from that cool
 front that is on it's way out and soon to be replaced 
again buy hot and humid weather.
Laura can't help but find herself coming back to think about Luke and last night. She is considering making an appointment with 
a marriage counselor and giving him an ultimatum. She 
is tired of the rut they are stuck in.
Luke and her come from two very different seems now more than ever that, that blatant difference is driving a wedge 
between them...Maybe in the long run Luke was 
never meant to live a normal cookie cutter life. 
But then again Laura does not want that either.
Maybe he resents her for it. For settling down and having kids. Laura cannot help but feel that she has done something to make him so distant. She decides to try and call that marriage counselor they saw years ago and see if she can make an appointment later on today.
As the song changes on her playlist to one of her favorite Pearl Jam songs it begins to kick into high gear with the drums and guitar, she gets herself pumped up and hyped up for her much needed jog...
She really needs to workout and shed this depressed state.
In her haste to get going she backs up and then suddenly 
falls backwards against something or really we should say
As they collide the man instinctively reaches out catching Laura,
 both of them distracted and not paying attention
 to where they were going.
 The man who was jogging catches her and Laura falls against
 a hard chest as strong arms grip her waist. Keeping
 them both from toppling backwards. His accent is 
southern so he's definitely a local.
 *Man* "Whoa...Hey now...You okay, Miss?...
Laura's face is probably burning red from embarrassment. As this stranger clutches his hands around her body to keep her from falling. 
She pushes herself up and turns slightly to look up at him
 as he helps her steady her feet.
 *Laura* "Oh my gawd! I'm so sorry!!!....I wasn't paying any attention."
*Man* "It's alright...truth is neither was I, just glad I caught
 ya before you took a tumble."
Laura steps forward still too embarrassed to looks straight at the guys face. That's the most physical interaction she has had with a man in months....Truth is he too is a little embarrassed to admit he was distracted by Laura bending over stretching. Laura may think she needs to lose some pounds but most men feel otherwise about her curves.
He didn't expect her to step back and into his pathway.
*Laura* "I'm sorry...really I should pay more attention to my surroundings...
I'm just really distracted this morning...." 
 *Man* "It's alright, Darlin'..."
Then there is a slight pause in his words before he blurts 
out something that Laura never would 
have expected to come out of his mouth.
 *Man* "Wait a second...Laura Lavigne?"
Laura turns her head to look up at him....Complete and total 
surprise spreads across her face as she finally
 recognizes him. He looks older but it is no doubt him....
She yanks her earbuds out of her ears.
 *Laura* "Chad?!...."
The two quickly hug feeling surprised to literally 
have run into each other. It's been years since
 they have seen each other.
 *Laura* "Oh my gawd...I can't believe it's really you...Oh what a relief I didn't
 run into a complete stranger!..."
They both chuckle and then pull 
away from each other. 
 *Chad* "I kept thinking you looked familiar...But you kept on looking 
away and not lettin' me have a good look at ya..."
*Laura smiles weakly* "I'm sorry...yeah I was just so embarrassed I ran 
backwards into you. So how have you been?..."
*Chad* "I'm good, real good....Got the swank office job I wanted
 been working there for nearly 10 years now...."
*Laura* "That's great, you're working in Finance then?"
*Chad* "Yeah....What about you? Did you ever open up
 that restaurant you wanted?.."
Laura remembers now...Chad wanted to get married and help Laura start her business. Instead she broke things off with him not ready yet to settle down. Not sure if Chad was the guy she was suppose to spend the rest of her life with. The two were college sweethearts, 
Laura broke things off right before graduation.
 *Laura* "No, not exactly...I run a small catering business from home....Life is 
pretty busy for me right now with two little boys."
*Chad* "Oh yeah...yeah that's right...I heard you got hitched. I ran into Penelope a few years back. She said you married some rock and roller with long hair and covered in tattoos. Is that true?"
Laura looks back at him...Good grief even
 he knows about, Luke...Everyone remembers 
Luke he is hard man to forget of course Penelope would 
make it sound like some scandalous thing.
*Laura smiles* "Um, Yeah...yeah I did..."
*Chad* "She also ranted about your sister marrying into Trudeau
 Construction and stealing her boyfriend...I'm guessing y'all aren't friends anymore."
Laura wrinkles her nose and shakes her head at him. 
Ugh Penelope...It's a shame she 
could never get over Michelle and Benjamin.
*Laura* "So what about you? Did you ever get married,
 have any kids?..."
Chad shakes his head no. Truth is he has focused
 very hard on work these past 12 years
 and enjoys being single now.
 *Chad* "I've had a couple serious girlfriends since we broke up but
 none of them cooked as damn good as you did...I
 gotta say, Laura you had me spoiled there."
Laura blushes and is left a bit speechless. 
Chad continues talking...
*Chad* "Don't be embarrassed...Any man is lucky to have you. 
You're a genuinely sweet, down to earth, honest woman...
You look beautiful, You always do!"
Chad pops up off the bench and holds 
out his hand for her.
*Chad* "How about we go get some coffee
 and catch up some more?..."
Laura immediately gets more nervous at his advances. 
She is not sure if he is just being genuine
 or flirtatious or maybe both!...
*Laura* "Chad...I...I dunno. I'm still only half way through
 my workout. I'd like to finish."
Not wanting to take no for an answer he
 suggests they walk together.
*Chad* "Tell you about we finish your walk. Then I'll buy 
you some coffee...Just for old time sake...That's all."
 *Laura* "Uhhhh?...Yeah I dunno..."
Chad* "There is no harm in us gettin' coffee, 
Darlin' and catching up..."
Then Laura snaps remembering how Luke wasted a 
whole day catching up with his ex girlfriend!
*Laura* "Okay...sure...Sounds good to me!"
Laura takes his hand and lets him pull her up and they
 two take off on a jog together.

To Be Continued!

Thanks so much as always for tuning in! I truly do appreciate all of your support and interest in what I do. I hope to be able to continue to post
 episodes on a regular basis! From now on 
will be the day for new episodes to drop! If I can make the deadline😅

Also I have decided to leave my PayPal address up at the end of every episode for those who feel they would like to give back. As an artist it is always a struggle to make ends meet. Most of you know I don't do this for the money but at the same time whatever does trickle in helps a lot!
And since I recently had to deactivate the Adsense account, well that money is no longer available to me. I explained why in a previous post which can be read here...
Like I said this all up to you as the reader, no pressure! I want you all to continue to enjoy my stories no matter what, whether you feel compelled to donate or not. ~

Again Thank you all so very much!


  1. Uh oh! Let's see where this leads. A woman needing affection, a distance husband, an old flame. Drama!

    1. Uh oh is right! I agree Luke definitely needs to man up here...More to come: ;-)

  2. Laura, girl don't do it. I understand how she feels. Miranda your scenes are incredible. My goodness I wish I had your talents. I love your stories. This is everyday life.

    1. Yes, Laura is beyond frustrated already :(
      I am glad you're enjoying it. This episode was so mentally draining for me. It was so much to get through.
      Just keep at it, practice makes perfect... <3 <3

  3. Omg I just can’t. I hope Laura doesn’t do anything stupid. She is a strong woman. I want her to stay faithful but like has hurt her so much. Maybe he needs to lose her and the boys. I’m all over the place with feelings lol amazing episode. Can’t wait until next week.

    1. Yes, now both of them are making bad decisions...Glad you're enjoying it!.. :)

  4. Uh oh! Why does this happen everytime you mad at your man an ex pops up! Gah!! This scares me!

  5. oh no.. :( I LOVE !!! your story... but i want the happy couple back together.. hate Ex's.
    please Miranda, bring Laura and Luke back together. too many bad stuff come through their raltionship.

  6. Just what I needed, a little drama to focus on, lol! I don't know how you do it with your sets -- it makes one think you must have a huge doll space!!!! You are making me want to get going on creating again! Can't wait to see what happens next.


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