Back in the present this month we pick up yet again where we left off. Rufus and Luke are now on their way to the courthouse. The pair quietly got into the waiting car as it gets ready to take off down the road. Rufus looks out the window taking in the city, and the possibility of making this place a second home for Ruby and herself, especially if she plans to hold Luke to his end of the deal. She can see why he likes it here, it's nice, and nothing like things back home in L.A. She knows her daughter needs a father figure in her life, and definitely not like the one she had as a child. Even though Luke is actually her brother, he'd be a way better father to Ruby than David could ever be. Out of all her bandmates Aksel is the one that is closest to Rufus and Ruby, having raised his sister all on his own, he finds it easy to connect with Ruby. Rufus has appreciated Aksel helping out from time to time, she doesn't trust many people except in her small circle of close friends, but Aksel has plenty of his own problems still dealing with his wild little sister Cambria.

While Rufus sits momentarily lost in her own thoughts, finally achieving what she has wanted all these years, Luke sits trying to type a message to Laura. He tried to call her the minute the two of them got inside the car, but her phone only rang a few times then went to voicemail. He knows she is no doubt still mad at him for not coming home last night, even though she made it clear she wanted her space. So a text message it is then.
Luke: "Babe are you there? Can we talk? Please call me..."
Luke quickly hits the send button before he can change his mind, and now sits staring at the screen hoping to see those three little bouncy dots pop up. Nothing. So he starts to type again...
Luke: "Baby I'm sorry I didn't come home last night. Please talk to me."
He again hits the send button hoping Laura reads it. He really regrets not telling her everything now. The urgency of the matter finally kicking in, and registering in his brain. He was so focused on protecting her that he did not realize how much he was shutting her out.
Luke: "I promise I will tell you everything."
Luke hits send for the third time, hoping Laura responds or sees these messages soon before its too late, and his face is plastered all over the news and social media with headlines like... "Rufus Blue's long lost lover is her baby's daddy." or "Rufus and Luke together again?! The estranged couple spotted leaving a Louisiana courthouse."
Luke: "Whatever you hear or see online is not true,
just give me a chance to explain."
"Who are you texting?" Rufus inquires, as she hears him frantically tapping away on his phone and sighing. She knows something is going on between him and Laura.
"Nobody...", Luke sighs. "She won't respond to my messages." He rests the phone against his body before turning his head to look at Rufus.
"She's mad isn't she? Is that why she kicked your ass out of the house? Because of me?", Rufus rambles.
"She didn't kick me out. I fucking told you already, she's okay with it."
"Then why are you sleeping in a shitty motel room?", Rufus asks confused by it all.
Luke lets out a long sigh as he leans his head against the backseat of the car. Looking up at the clouds through the sunroof as they go past, "I'm not talking to you about this...Mind your own fucking business."
Rufus sits up, and lays into Luke. "If you're gonna be Ruby's father it is kinda my business! No matter what happens now we are family, and you need to fucking face it. So?...Are you getting divorced or not?", she presses. A part of her secretly hopes they are, even though she knows it is probably best the two of them do not get involved again.
"No. Just stop already. You're making my fucking head ache.", Luke groans, still recovering from the hangover. "Can't I just get some fucking peace and quiet for one fucking second!", he snaps, already finding himself in defensive mode with her. This whole week has been nothing but pure hell and it isn’t even over yet.
"It's okay if you are baby...It happens.", Rufus purrs. She tries to switch to a more calming tone to coax an answer out of him, but it's too late. Luke does not want to talk to her anymore. "Oh, I remember now she doesn't know about the 50 thousand dollars, right?"
Rufus and his father are the whole reason he is in this entire mess in the first place. If he blows up at her now that could make her snap, and he will be out said money to pay these goons. He needs to get them off his back. It's best he keeps quiet and just plays nice.
"Sounds like a divorce to me.", she quips. as Luke continues to stay silent, staring out the car window. "If you need a good lawyer I can help you out. There is no shame in admitting things didn't work out. I've learned that now after going to therapy. You'll need a good lawyer to help get you joint custody."
"I'm not getting divorced, so just leave it the fuck alone..." Luke cannot take it anymore she has fixated on this idea, and now she will not back down. He would jump out of this moving car if he did not have so much at stake right now.
"Oh come on Luke, I won't say anything. Who am I going to tell?...", She presses again, this time she runs her hand along his bicep pulling their bodies in closer to each other, like it is okay for him to reveal his dirty little secret to her. She knows the two of them together again would be volatile but she cannot help it. The urge to flirt with him is irresistible seeing him look so gorgeous sitting here next to her. She is proud of the way she dressed him this morning.
Luke scoffs, "The whole fucking world Ru!...I told you yesterday when I signed the papers to leave my wife and kids out of your drama. They're not used to this shit. Don't you fucking get it?!", he snaps. "You've lived this glamours rock star life for years now you're used to cameras and reporters twenty four seven. Laura isn't."
"Oh, I see...Speaking of reporters. It looks like someone managed to sneak into the private entrance." Rufus remarks as they pull into the private parking garage that is near the back of the courthouse. A lone reporter, and her camera man film the black car pulling up to the back entrance. "Time to get our game face on baby.", she pipes getting excited for the attention that is to follow as she pushes hair off her shoulder, making sure she looks good for the cameras.
Luke very audibly groans, and moans, "Fuck me!" He is not looking forward to all the flashing lights, cameras, and nosy reporters shoving microphones in his face.
"Relax baby...You don't need to say a word to anyone, let's just march in there get the judge to do his thing and get out of here.", she adds. "Just smile a little for the cameras and don't look so grumpy."
"Smiling makes my head fucking hurt." Luke mumbles as he is about to grab the door handle and step out, wanting to get this all over with as soon as possible, when Rufus stops him.
"Wait Cooper! I go first...Then you slide out my door." Rufus instructs.
Luke rolls his eyes behind dark shades, but does as she asks exiting out of her side of the car after her. Luckily the one lone reporter with her camera man is being forced to keep their distance, waiting for them to get closer to the doors. Danielle gets out ahead of the two along with the rest of their security detail that followed them in another vehicle.
"Ms. Walker is not taking questions right now.", Danielle informs Ollie, who is head of security. "Make sure they keep their distance." It seems the reporter and her camera man found a good spot to hide after sneaking into the private parking garage.
"Rufus Blue's car just arrived at the downtown courthouse only moments ago..." The reporter states as she looks at the camera, but is immediately interrupted by Ollie.
"I need you to give my client some space. You can record of course, but no questions at this time...", Ollie informs them as his team prepares to escort Rufus from the car to the building.
Meanwhile Luke and Rufus climb out of the car. "So did she text you back?" Rufus eyes him through dark shades trying to read his face as he climbs out of the car. He is staying stone cold serious, showing no emotion while the two of them become surrounded by Rufus' security.
"No.", he quickly replies straight lipped and serious.
"So why do you like being with her? Because it's a quiet, boring life with no drama, no touring, no pressure from the public?", Rufus pushes back knowing full well she is prying into his private life, but cannot help it.
"It's not boring...It's just not this.", he snaps back still stone cold, refusing to show too much emotion for the media, and their spying cameras.
While Rufus and Luke are in their own world having their own conversation. Danielle and their security detail make sure this lone reporter, and her camera man keep their distance.
"Can you tell us why Rufus Blue is at a Louisiana courthouse this morning?...Isn't she in the middle of tour with her band?" The reporter prods as she sees Danielle walk around the corner followed by one of the security team.
Danielle smiles and looks over at the pair pinned in the corner they were originally hiding in. "Ms. Walker has no comment at this time. I suggest you wait with the rest of the media out front for the official press release."
Back with Luke and Rufus. The pair begins to walk as Rufus tries to continue small talk, but it is more like 20 invasive questions. "It's the sex isn't it? Not getting enough anymore?", she pries. "Too vanilla for you?", she purrs as she looks up at him, thinking that has to be why things are going south for them.
The corner of Luke's mouth twitches as he fights off a smirk trying to form at the reaction of her absurd comment. The last thing he wants is for Laura to see him smiling, and flirting with Rufus on camera. Rufus catches it before he can get it under control. "Oh, okay! So she's a minx in the sheets, huh?...So what is it, Cooper? She feel threatened by me being here? Is she worried I'm better in bed?", she continues to prod.

Luke bites his tongue and holds back from responding to her. Of course Laura feels threatened by Rufus especially after how things turned out the last time she was here, but Luke has no desire to be with Rufus. None! Laura may not believe him right now, but it's true. He thinks about how things went yesterday with Laura, and it definitely was not a boring moment as Rufus would put it. Sex for them has never been an issue, but neither was it for him and Rufus. It's always the relationship part that is a struggle for Luke. "Let's get this shit over with. I've got to get to work in a few hours.", he says as he avoids anymore of her ridiculous questions. Rufus is obviously fishing for clues.

The two continue to walk as they come up on the reporter and her camera man. Rufus should just keep walking and not acknowledge their presence, but she cannot help herself. She she smiles and waves in their direction. That little gesture is all the reporter needs to jump out, and try to get a statement from Ms. Rufus herself.
"Ms. Walker is there anything you would like to say about what brings you to New Orleans today?!" The reporter smiles as she projects her voice out into the near empty parking garage this early in the morning.
Rufus just about stops in her tracks as her mouth drops open like she is about to speak, but she is still forming a response in her head. Without even thinking Luke wraps his arm around her, and ushers her past the reporter as the rest of her security detail does what they can to keep the reporter away, who is waving the mic out in front of her hoping Rufus will give her something juicy for the 5 o'clock news hour.
"Please tell me...Are you two getting married? Getting divorced?!...Your fans want to know!" The reporter nearly shouts as she continues to try and get any kind of info.
Luke still has a tight grip around her waist as the pair heads for the door to the building. "What the fuck was that all about?", Rufus asks as she pulls her dark shades away from her face.
"Keeping your ass out of trouble...", His distinct, deep voice very matter of factly states while Rufus looks at him her mouth agape.
"I can handle one reporter, and her camera man.", she snaps at him not at all happy. He basically manhandled her past them. "Now they're gonna have that on camera!"
"Someone had to do something cuz your security team didn't do shit to stop them. They shouldn't even be here but, they are."
Rufus' cheeks turn red, "I can talk to the press if I want to!...I'm not a fucking child." She whispers shouts back at him.
"And what if the judge denies you what you want?...You know it's best to keep your fucking mouth shut, Ru." Luke says as calmly as he can seeing she is starting to fume with anger. Last thing he needs is for her to have a meltdown here and now.
Rufus' big blue eyes stare up at him like saucers as her and Luke continue to walk. She doesn't know whether to be turned on right now or stark raving mad at him, for basically scooping her up and shuffling her past the reporter. Either way she is left speechless as she continues to stare up at him. Her eyes find his jawline and she can see he is tense as he turns his head to look down at her.
"What?", he snaps eyeing her suspiciously. A lustful look in her eyes has now replaced the anger she was feeling only moments ago. The push and pull of Rufus' emotions are stronger around Luke. She needs to get a handle on them if they are gonna share custody of Ruby.
"I think you need to get laid...", she purrs, smiling up at him. "I can fix that. I can spare an hour or two before my plane leaves."
"Of course you do.", Luke says low and deep as he shakes his head in response. Rufus always thinks every thought in his head revolves around her. "I love my wife..." He adds as they get closer to the doors that lead out of the parking garage. "I don't need you throwing me pity fucks."
"It's not a pity fuck. I think you still love me...That's why you pulled me away so quickly...", she teases. They both know there will always be an awkward feeling between the two of them. As a couple they have been through a lot, a lifetime of drama in a very short amount of time.
"No...", he quickly replies. "Maybe next time don't hire Lawson Security, and I won't have to do their job. They're a fucking joke..." Luke growls out as he walks her into the building. He just wants this to all be over, but Rufus is taking this opportunity to use it for public gain not caring who it affects in the end. Luke knows Laura is not ready for any of this, and it is his fault for keeping her in the dark. Now all he can do is hope she will forgive him yet again.
Meanwhile that same morning around the same time, Peter lies awake in bed. After a work night at the club he came home, fell asleep for a few hours but woke after having a strange dream. Now he lies there pondering what to do about what Luke said to him yesterday and what he saw afterwards. Willow turns in the bed as her eyes flutter open she notices Peter is lying next to her staring up at the ceiling.
"You okay? Are you still upset about what I said last night?", Willow says thinking he is still in a mood about the fact that she straight up told him she wants to get pregnant again. Peter did not take it well he left promptly after finishing his dinner and headed off to work. Willow was so exhausted from helping Laura yesterday that she did not even hear him come home last night.
Peter continues to stare up at the ceiling, "No...In fact I totally forgot about it." he says quickly his tone changing after she reminded him about last nights very uncomfortable conversation.
"Peter...", Willow pops her head up off the pillow. The tone in her voice going up a notch as she can see he is trying to avoid the conversation. "We have to talk about this and now is the perfect time to do it. You can't keep avoiding this conversation. You did after all have your vasectomy reversed. What happens when I do actually get pregnant? How will you feel then?"
"I honestly didn't think it would ever fucking happen, even with the reverse vasectomy...", he bluntly confesses.
Willow stays silent for a beat pondering what to say she had a strong feeling that was how he had perceived the whole situation. Peter finally turns his head to look at her, "Why can't you just be happy with me?", he begs the question. "The way things are right now are perfect...Why do you want to complicate things?".
"I am happy.", she says matter of factly as she looks down at him.
"Then why do you insist on the whole fuckin' baby business? Look what it's doin' to Luke and Laura." Peter says thinking he can change the subject and move away from this baby stuff.
"Peter, they're not fighting because they have kids. They're fighting because of Rufus. You know that.", Willow replies.
"You know I don't want to have kids and I've specifically told you why. I don't want to end up like him. I can't. I don't want to hurt you anymore...", Peter's voice trails off. Peter's childhood traumas are too much for him to bear most of the time, it is part of the reason he has lived such a chaotic life as and adult, normalcy is something he does not think he can handle. Becoming a father makes him fear he will become an abusive drunk just like his own father taking out his bitterness and anger on his family.
"You're nothing like him. You have never given me any reason to feel that way about our relationship. All I'm asking is for you to seriously consider what I am asking. Just focus on us right now, don't think about the past or the future too much. Just think about what we mean to each other. I mean you did choose to reverse your vasectomy...",Willow trails off on her words as she can see the shift of tension in his eyes. She feels he regrets the move now.
"You don't understand. My mom was the love of my dads life. Then she got pregnant and it all went to shit. He was jealous of me and my sister. He hated us for taking up all of moms attention."
"Peter what your dad had was an obsession and a drinking problem that's not love. Do you seriously think you would be jealous of your own child?", Willow asks. She can see the thought torments him.
"I dunno, and I really don't want to fucking find out either." he snaps, hoping this will conclude the conversation.
"But you're so good to Phineas and Phoenix! I don't see how you would be any different with our own child...", Willow pushes knowing if she lets him back out of the conversation now they may never get through it.
"They're not my fucking kids...That's why. I'm just the fun uncle that plays with them." Peter replies as he yanks the blanket back and climbs out of the bed. "Can we just drop this already? I got shit to do today."
"Like what? I thought today was your day off?" Willow asks. She knows he had planned to stay home with her today. The were gonna lounge around and binge watch Netflix. She knows this ectopic pregnancy scared him, not only because she got pregnant, but because he could have lost her too.
Peter gets up off the bed and turns to look at her. "I need to find Luke. I'm almost sure I saw Rufus yesterday show up in a black sedan when I was leaving the store. He might think he's done with me but, I'll be damned if I let him fuck shit over with Laura...She doesn't deserve any of that."
"What? Are you sure? Why didn't you say anything about this yesterday?"
Willow quickly spits out a bunch of questions as Peter gets up off the bed. "Rufus is supposed to be on tour how could she be in town right now?"
He turns around to look at her, "I talked to Shaun last night. Turns out the band is on a short 3 day hiatus.". Peter then turns and heads for the bathroom.
"Oh my gawd! Do you think she is here meeting with Luke for a secret rendezvous? Laura was adamant about the context of the text.", Willow had her doubts too, but Laura was so sure of it. Now this sudden revelation from Peter makes her worry even more.
"She doesn't know Rufus in the way that I do. Rufus will do or say the craziest shit to have something done her way. She's a fucking narcissistic bitch...Luke is in some kind of trouble, Laura is right to suspect that, but I seriously doubt he is having an affair."
Willow knows of Rufus's reputation. She has always been a magnet for drama in the media over the years."So you really think he is somehow getting blackmailed into being Ruby's father? What could she have on him that would force his hand? Any ideas?"
"I don't fucking know...", he says as he turns to walk into the small bathroom. "He wasn't willing to tell me the details...All I know is he wanted me gone and not around for whatever was going down yesterday."
"Maybe I should call Laura...She needs to know what's going on.", Willow says as she leans in against the doorway. "She was worried Luke wouldn't come home last night. What if he stayed with Rufus?!..."
Peter waves his arm, "You're reading too fucking much into this...All I said was maybe I saw Rufus..."
"Maybe I am, but I'm gonna at least text her to find out if she needs help with the boys." Willow turns and walks back into the bedroom while Peter brushes his teeth and uses the bathroom facilities. Willow sits on the side of the bed and scrolls through her notifications to see if Laura has messaged her.
The expanse of space between them is quiet besides the sound of running water from the sink as Peter brushes his teeth. After not finding any messages from Laura Willow clicks on over to her news apps, and immediately gasps when she sees a photo on the home page for channel 4 news.
"What is it?...Luke didn't come home last night?", Peter asks as he walks back into the room. Willow has her hand over her mouth as she reads something off her phone. Peter just assumes it is a text message from Laura.
"What kind of car did you say you saw yesterday?", Willow questions as she looks up in his direction.
"It was a black sedan...a really fucking nice one to...", he says.
Willow holds out her phone showing him the photo, "Like this one?...", she inquires. Peter leans forward to so he can focus in on the photo that is at the top of the news article.
"Holy shit...it was her! That is the same fucking car I saw pull up yesterday. Some blond in a suit climbed out and I'm almost sure I saw Rufus inside before she closed the door behind her. She had a large bag and a folder of paperwork with her." Willow feels a bit of relief wash over her knowing that Peter was right to say that it wasn't an affair...But Laura will still no doubt be upset that Luke was not honest with her.
A short wile later Luke and Rufus are dismissed from the courtroom. The whole thing only took a few minutes for the judge to approve all the paperwork and make everything official. Luke is now legally Ruby's father and has agreed to raise Ruby in joint custody with Rufus. The whole entourage makes their way out to the front steps of the courthouse and finds another small group of media and fans waiting for them. A few officers flank the steps to make sure everyone behaves properly.

Danielle steps up to the podium and the crowd quiets down waiting for her to speak. "Good morning!", she says smiling and the crowd mumbles back a morning salutation. "I'm sure you're all dying to know what you are doing here today.", Danielle continues. "My client asked that we give a formal statement to resolve any rumors as to what you might have heard recently regarding Ms. Walker's daughter. Today I'm here to set the record straight."
The crowd almost instinctively leans in as they wait to hear what Danielle is about to say. "Since 2014 rumors have floated around the entertainment industry pertaining to our beloved front woman for the band Rock Candy Rufus Blue regarding her daughter Ruby. Well I'm here to tell you today that your suspicions were correct." Danielle pauses and smiles. The crowd gasps and a few reporters blurt out some questions before Danielle can continue.
"Are you saying Mr. Cooper is the father? Is that why he is here today?"
"Was the judge seen today for family court? Is Rufus seeking child support?"
Danielle turns her head in the direction that the first question came from. "Yes. Mr. Cooper is Ruby's father and he will be co parenting with Ms. Walker in helping raise their daughter." Cameras flash and voices buzz in the crowd as they continue to listen to the information that is being given. Rufus cannot help but smile and feel elated by the fact that now the whole entire world will know that Luke is legitimately Ruby's father.
"Why did it take Ms. Walker so long to finally come out with this news?" one reporter asks.
"Well...Since we all know that my client and her former partner did not end their relationship on good terms. Ms. Walker was not sure if they could work things out and so she chose to keep Ruby's birth a secret for several years, as well as who the father was..." Danielle reminds them knowing that this bit of news was confirmed some years ago.
"But why now? Why did she not come out with the news then that Mr. Cooper was Ruby's father? Did Mr. Cooper not know about Ruby?" Another reporter asks.
"Mr. Cooper has known since 2014, but due to extenuating circumstances my client chose to keep things the way they were until recently. Mr. Cooper has always agreed to be part of Ruby's life since finding out about her 5 years ago, but it has been my client's choice to keep Ruby safe and away from the media and the outside world."
"Isn't Mr. Cooper married with 2 other children? How does Ruby factor in now that she will be apart of his life? Is Rufus prepared to deal with her ex partner and his current wife?", the Reporter pushes. He's done his research and knows what has taken place in the recent past between Luke and Rufus.
"I told you they would bring her up...This is why I needed more time, Ru." Luke whispers hoping no one can decipher what they are talking about.
Rufus turns to look up at him, "Relax they didn't even say her name she was barely mentioned at all." Rufus dismisses.
"That's exactly my point, she is not used to being talked about by national news outlets!" yelling out a whispered frustration hitting him harder knowing this all could have been avoided. It's not really Rufus' fault he did not tell Laura sooner, but he wasn't expecting things to roll out so fast either.
"I can assure you everyone is on board and in agreement that this is what is best for Ruby at this time including Mrs. Cooper. Rufus does not want her daughter to grow up without a father. We are all aware of Ms. Walker's past and her upbringing. She does not want her daughter to miss out on those things anymore because of her insecurities." Danielle replies.
The blond reporter from earlier pipes up. She wants to hear it all directly from Rufus. "Will Ms. Walker be addressing the media today? Due to her recent revelation of her mental health is this why she is choosing to now share custody?"
"As I said already. The decision was made in regards to what is best for Ruby. Ms. Walker has been very open recently in regards to her mental health and is doing very well. She can speak further on that if she wants to.", Danielle adds allowing Rufus an opportunity to speak to the media.
Rufus and Danielle switch places and Luke leans in to speak to Danielle, "You really think it's a good idea to let her speak?..." Luke knows Rufus can come unhinged very easily.
Danielle looks over at Luke, "I'm sure it will be fine, just a few questions to satisfy their curiosity."
"Can you confirm that in 2014 you had an affair with Mr. Cooper resulting in a pregnancy that was lost due to an assault carried out by your former bodyguard?" , the blond reporter from earlier asks.
"Yes I did. That was all revealed in 2014.", Rufus replies knowing that is already public knowledge, she still remembers the headlines in the news when it all happened.
"Given your recent admission to finally getting the help you needed, and how music has always saved your life. Do you think it is wise to get involved with your ex again? Some of your most powerful lyrics in your recent album were about him, were they not?"
Rufus smiles as she looks over at the reporter and replies, "Luke and I will always have a bond between us. We share a child together, and we've lost a child as well. Those lyrics reflect what I was feeling at the time. It does not mean I still feel them today. Luke and I have both come to an understanding and we both want to do what is best for Ruby. It has just taken me a little longer to come to that conclusion."
"Are you two having an affair now? You both seem very cozy up there next to each other.", one reporter bluntly asks. It's no secret to the media, the ups and downs that their relationship has had over the years.
"You don't remember him?..." Officer Pete asks. "His buddy had that girlfriend that was nearly stabbed to death. We thought it was Cade Nguyen, who happens to be Rufus Blue's ex bodyguard, but it turned out to be the ex-boyfriend."
"Oh yeah..." He slowly remarks. "I remember now, he had that crazy chick that was climbing into his apartment through the old vent system.", says the other guy. "Damn, how could I forget that one?...Especially with all the celebrity buzz around it."
Pete replies..."Yeah, well get ready Ryan, I feel trouble will be finding its way back to these two again. I remember seeing headlines about their relationship years ago a real fucking shit show..."
"Celebs, man they're in a whole other world...I'm sure whatever happens they'll manage to get away with it too..", Ryan remarks.
"As I've said Luke and I are in the process of building a foundation of trust again. Only time will tell how our relationship goes from here...Right baby?", Rufus purrs out sweetly as she turns to look at Luke. A huge smile plastered across her face. The small crowd pushes inward as microphones and cellphones inch in closer, all of them dying to see if Luke responds to her. Nothing like a good scandal for the media to jump all over. Luke stays silent as he stares over at Rufus. Damn her for adding fuel to the already raging flames of their toxic relationship...
Before Luke could even think about formulating a response Danielle steps in to calm the small crowd back down. "That is all we have for today, thank you for your time and patience." The crowd pushes back throwing out a few more questions hoping the get an answer.
"Mr. Cooper, what's the real reason this is happening now? Scandal always seems to follow you and Rufus...Is that true now?"
"Your fans want to know Mr. Cooper. Do you love Rufus more than your wife?"
Ollie and his crew jump into action it's obviously time to clear the scene. Luke grabs hold of Rufus by the waist as they all begin to head back through the door they just came out of. He knew some of the questions would be down right invasive, but as reporters it is their job to get the facts. Although Hollywood media would rather stir drama than give you the real story.
Danielle decides to speak one last time before calling it a day. "As I said. My client is here today to set the record straight on who is the father. Court proceedings today had nothing to do with my clients relationship with Ruby's father...That is all thank you."
The crowd disperses some after Rufus and her long lost lover take cover back into the courthouse the pair needs to safely make their way back to the car. A familiar face lingers by the steps of the courthouse as he grabs his phone out of his pocket and makes a call. "Sha...yous right I saw it now...I'll help you wit dis one it's gonna need all our strength...yeah?" Lucien says as he talks to his sister.
"Yes...sha I promise...I'll be home before dark." Lucien pauses as his sister speaks. "No, mama no need to know. I told you...Uh huh..." He says as he listens to his sister again. "Sha slow down we don't know if he wants help first we show him. Yeah?"
"So what do you make of this whole press release, Brandon?", Miguel asks as the two reporters walks back to their cars.
Brandon looks back at Miguel who has now caught up with him as they continue to walk. "I dunno it seems legit, but who knows. We all know how Rufus Blue is..."
"I can't believe I had a thing for her back in the day. Seeing her in person was kinda surreal, but kinda disappointing too...Ya know?"
Brandon chuckles, "I think we all had a thing for her 20 years ago she was definitely talented. Did you ever see them perform live?"
"Yeah once...I guess now we wait for the drama to unfold.", Miguel responds. The two men laugh as they walk off across the street to the waiting cars.
Back out on the courthouse steps Veronica Laurent of channel 4 news gives her take on what just happened outside the courthouse. Her camera man Raphael is right there filming her every word and action as she reports what just happened
"I'm standing outside the courthouse where Rufus Blue just informed us all that her estranged boyfriend Luke Cooper who now lives here in New Orleans is in fact her daughters father...." Veronica says as she reports in to the news station. "Cut! Take 2...I'm standing just where moments ago..."
Meanwhile across town at Luke and Laura's house Laura has come back to the porch with a glass of iced tea for David. She knows Luke would not approve of her being so hospitable to his father but Laura cannot help it. She needs to know what is going on, and she would hate to give her father in law a bad first impression of her sweet southern manners. As her grandmother always said "Kill 'em with kindness..."
"I brought you a glass of fresh iced tea. I figured this would be more refreshing than water...", Laura says after she swings the door open and holds out the cold drink for him to take.
David's face genuinely lights up, "Thank you this is perfect!". He grabs the glass and takes a long sip. Laura gives him a moment to enjoy the cold beverage before she digs in on the questions she has for him. "Mmm, mmm this is just what I needed." David says as he takes another sip.
"I just made a fresh batch this morning so there is plenty more.", she adds. Laura leans in on the doorway while Phineas quietly plays behind her.
"Is that my grandson?...", David asks as he looks down at Phineas who is playing with a set of toy keys trying to reach the lock on the old door.
"Yes, one of them. His older brother is at school right now...", Laura responds.
David nods, "You and my boy been busy...looks like a nice home the two of you made here. I can see why he chose to settle down." He eyes her sweetly as he takes another sip of his tea. The dark eyes are just like Luke's and she can instantly see where he gets it from.
Laura decides to ditch the small talk and go straight to why he is here. "So you came all this way to help Luke, but he doesn't know you're here to help him?" Laura knows not to bring up Ruby's paternity so that can't be why he is here.
"Yup, basically. I don't have his number and his other baby momma won't answer her phone.", Laura inwardly cringes at the term baby momma, she knows Luke is not really Ruby's father but the thought is something she is not used to hearing.
"You mean Rufus? She's on tour right now, I'm sure she is busy.", Laura tries to stay cool as their conversation continues, for a second there she panicked hoping Luke didn't have a kid with someone else that wasn't Rufus. The way things are lately she has struggled to trust him again. What is it about Rufus and why do father and son have such a thing for this crazy woman?! This is about all Laura can think of right now. She is still fuming about yesterdays text message and the horrible fight she had with Luke over Rufus.
David nods acknowledging that he knows Rufus is a busy woman, "Yeah turns out she wasn't the one I was after anyways. I know who took the product but, the boss is in denial, decided to punish Luke for the 50g's instead of me."
Laura snaps back her temper flaring a bit, "So you originally blamed Rufus for the missing product and then your boss decides to come after Luke for the money?! Why not you?! What does Luke have to do with any of this?" She snaps angrily at him. Luke never told her about any of this. Laura cannot help but feel disdain for this whole situation. It seems Luke always gets sucked in to some kind of drama whether intentional or not, then proceeds to leave her in the dark about all of it.
David's smile this time is a little more flirty as his eyes rake over her watching her facial expressions shift, "Shit babydoll...I can see now why my son likes you. You're a feisty little thing..."

"I'm not a thing...I'm his wife! And if you want my help maybe you should show some respect first.", Laura snaps.
"Okay...Okay...You're right. I apologize...It's been a long drive to be honest. I should grab some grub and a nap before I talk to Luke. It's probably best if I go. I appreciate this though." He holds up the glass as he finishes the iced tea. "I'll get on my way..."
Laura knows if he leaves now she might not get another chance to find out if there is anything else she needs to know, "Wait...I have some dinner leftovers from yesterday. You're more than welcome to have some. I'm sorry I snapped. It's just been a long week for Luke and I..."
"Are you sure? I...I mean that would be great. I'd really appreciate it." David replies. Saves him the time and trouble to find a motel and some food.
"Yes, definitely...It would be my pleasure. You are after all family.", Laura smiles as she charms him a bit, hoping that he will tell her anything else she needs to know. At least now she understands that Luke is now the target for the money that explains his paranoia these last few days.
A few minutes later everyone is sitting in the kitchen while David eats and Phineas has some milk to drink. Laura did not realize it till now, but she can feel that same magnetism that Luke gives off as she watches him bite into his food. He is definitely a lot like his father.
David lifts his head up as he swallows down some food, "You made this?!", he asks. As he shovels another bite into his mouth. He seems to be more hungry than he had realized or the food is so good it is making him feel that way.
Laura nods, "Yep, I run a small catering business from home so I'm almost always in the kitchen. That dish is always a crowd pleaser, one of Luke's favorites as well too."
"Fuck me this is good...", he says as he takes another bite. "I haven't ate this good in ages." He says his mouth full of chicken. Laura clears her throat and shifts her eyes over to little Finn. "Oh, right...sorry.", he says.
Before David can finish chewing and swallowing his next bite of food Laura gets straight to business. "So how do you plan to help Luke? Wouldn't you just have to pay your boss? I don't see how you would need to come all the way down here to settle the debt."
"Believe me I tried that, but Margot is being a belligerent bitch...", he spits out. Laura looks at him disappointed again at the lack of restrain. "Sorry force of habit." Laura tilts her chin in an understanding nod.
"So who is Margot?," Laura asks as she raises a glass to her lips to take a sip. "She's the one who wants Luke to pay instead of you?" She presses hoping she gets confirmation again from him that Luke is now the one being pressured into paying all this money for the missing drugs.
"Yeah the head honcho...She refuses to believe that her son Sebastian took the uh...product. It's a long story, but anyways I knew the only way to resolve it was if I came here myself." David usually isn't so forthcoming with someone he just met, but Laura has managed to impress him with her generosity and this delicious home cooked meal . David can really see why Luke chose to marry her. She is sweet, kind, strong, and confident.

"You don't have proof to show her that her son took it?", Laura asks.
David tilts his hand in a maybe I do gesture, "Eh...I do, but it's not enough for Margot to believe. Like I said she's uh...belligerent..um woman. What happened was he took off left town with his girlfriend a while back so that's an immediate red flag right there, but Margot needs to hear it come from Baz's mouth, she'll never believe it otherwise."
"I'm confused, so why come all the way here to help Luke if finding him first will help resolve the problem? Laura asks kinda intrigued by the drama even though Luke has managed to get caught up in it as well. She is definitely not happy he lied to her and kept this all secret, of course she does not want David to know that.

David stabs the chicken with his fork before answering her, "I did find him. The bastard is here somewhere in New Orleans. The local chapter for my MC spotted him and his old lady at a night club a few days ago." David takes the chicken and bites into it. "Mmm, damn woman this is good, shit my mouth feels like it's having a fucking orgasm..." he moans a bit as he savors the bite.
Laura ignores his ruanchy remark about her cooking and asks another question, luckily for her David has so far been way more open than Luke has been in months. "Wait a minute. So you're saying that the guy that took the product originally is here in New Orleans?! What are the odds of that?!"
"That's what I said, babydoll...Sebastian is here in town and I think I know why, so if I find him I should find the product. That means I can turn it back over to the two monkeys that Margot sent to shake down Luke. If Baz doesn't have it, well I'll be dragging his ass back to Vegas for Margot to deal with.
"What if he doesn't have it? What about Luke? We don't that kinda money just sitting around...", Laura hates that he has been dragged into this. She really wishes he would have told her what was really going on.
"Luke will be fine, I'll make sure of it. As long as he doesn't do anything stupid. I know Margot will probably force him to sign over his business or launder money if he cannot pay it. Which is why I better get on my way and find him. I know tweedle dee and tweedle dum are showing up for payment tomorrow so I need to get to Luke today if I can." Laura blinks, her eyes a little wide with shock. "You didn't know did you?..."

"Know what?...", Laura asks, trying to not sound too scared.
"That the shakedown is due to commence tomorrow...Margot will lay off Luke once I get my hands on Sebastian. Don't you worry, babydoll..." David smiles as he tries to reassure her that he will resolve it.
Laura nods, "I just hope you're able to find this Sebastian fellow. Luke never mentioned anyone with that name." Laura is not so sure Luke will willingly accept his father's help. She knows he does not trust him. She is still skeptical as well but all her questions can wait for now she needs Luke to answer them.
David pushes back the chair and stands up, "That's because Luke doesn't know him....Well I better get on the road, I'm burning daylight shooting the shit with your pretty little red head."
"Ok...I understand. I have some fresh baked cookies if you wanna take some for the road...I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me everything. It all makes more sense now." She says calmly even though inside she is completely freaking out all that she has just heard.
"Cookies sound wonderful, don't spoil me too much I may not want to leave...", He jokes and Laura blushes his tone and inflection sounding so much like Luke.
A few moments later and the two are standing out on the front porch again. Laura was about to close the door behind him as he walked out but he turned around taking her by surprise. "My son is real lucky to have a woman like you...", David smiles as he looks down at her. "I feel stupid, but I don't know your name, babydoll."
"It's Laura...", she says quickly. "And you are David, right?"
"Oh so you do know my name." Laura softly nods at his comment as he continues to speak. "Laura, thank you for the best fucking home cooked meal a man could ever have. I think you've awakened taste buds I never knew I had...among other things." He insinuates.
His gaze lingers a tad longer than Laura feels comfortable with, she smiles and responds. "Thank you, David...I'm glad you enjoyed it." She half grins again feeling a tad awkward. She cannot help but see Luke when she looks at him, but she also sees a very different man than Luke too. "You should get going. Luke should be at the record shop it opens in an hour."

David clears his throat, "Um yeah...thanks again, babydoll. I owe you one." David says as he tilts his head and winks at her. He then pivots on his heels and walks towards his bike in his big black boots, ragged flannel, and black jeans. Laura is both relieved he is gone and oddly entranced by how he is so similar to Luke in so many ways.
A few minutes later Laura is cleaning up a few dishes that were in the sink when her phone buzzes, it moves across the counter in a pulsating dance as several text messages pop in on her phone. She was so busy hosting David as company for the last hour or so that she forgot to check her phone for messages or to see if Luke ever called her.

She grabs her phone and opens it up to find that Willow sent her several messages and a little over an hour ago so did Luke, plus a missed call from him... Yikes! Now she wonders if Luke knows about his Dad showing up into town. Laura is too nervous to check his messages just yet so she clicks on the ones Willow sent first.

Willow: "Hey checking in to see if you've heard from Luke..."
Willow: "Seems him and Rufus are all over the media right now. Check out the link I sent you."
Willow: "Also if you need help with the boys today I don't mind helping out. Lemme know Peter and I can be there in a jiff. 😊❤️
Laura clicks on the link that was sent, she takes in a deep breath as the video pops up on her screen.
🎥"I'm standing where just moments ago Rufus Blue lead singer of the popular world wide rock band Rock Candy just divulged new information regarding the paternity of her daughter..." 🎥
🎥"Her supposedly estranged ex-boyfriend Luke Cooper has been confirmed as being the father and the pair plans to share custody of Ruby as well...To be quite honest the two looked very comfy with each other out here today while Rufus's legal representation gave the news."🎥
The video then cuts to the press release as the camera focuses in on Luke and Rufus while Danielle speaks...
🎥 "I can assure you everyone is on board and in agreement that this is what is best for Ruby at this time including Mrs. Cooper. Rufus does not want her daughter to grow up without a father. We are all aware of Ms. Walker's past and her upbringing...."🎥
The video then again cuts back to the reporter...
🎥"Besides looking very cozy on the courthouse steps the pair was seen arriving at the courthouse together...Whether or not Mrs. Cooper is okay with all this remains to be seen...Rufus took a moment to say a few words and it was very clear that she still is willing to work out their relationship for the sake of their daughter..."🎥
The video then cuts to Rufus standing in front of the microphone...
🎥"As I've said Luke and I are building a foundation of trust again. Only time will tell how our relationship goes from here...Right baby?" Then she turns to look at Luke...🎥
Laura clicks off on the video she cannot watch anymore...She has heard enough. She places the phone down on her kitchen island as she palms her face trying not to break down into tears in front of Phineas who is playing with some toys over in the living room.
She pleaded with Luke months ago to be open with her about what was going on with Rufus and her crazy demands to have Luke agree to be Ruby's father. She knew it was crazy, but if it meant protecting the life of a young child then so be it. She is after all still family since she is actually Luke's sister. So why is he hiding this now, and does it have anything to do with the money that Luke is being forced into paying? Anger begins to build as all the information comes out, Laura grabs her phone dials out and sets it to her ear. The line rings maybe once before it clicks over.
"You lied to me!...", Laura shouts into the phone.
Next episode will be posted on Friday April 29th...
Thank you all for being so patient while I got through a very busy holiday season with my family. I'm excited to be back and get this series rolling again.
Thank you so much to my Patreons...
Tray T
Next Month's Episode is available now for early access on my Patreon Page
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