Picking up where we last left off it is still that same week that all these events are taking place. It's Thursday and Laura is currently on the phone with Luke, she is livid mad he kept so much from her in such a short span of time too. If it hadn't been for Luke's father showing up and telling her everything she never would have known. Laura paces the kitchen floor with the cellphone pressed against her ear, she tries to stay calm, but every fiber in her being is screaming right now. Her body involuntarily vibrates as adrenaline courses through her.
"You lied! I know everything! Why can't you just be honest with me! I asked you so many times Luke and you continued to lie to my face!", Laura shouts into the phone the split second he picked up. Luke has to tilt the phone away from his ear she is so loud.
Luke really did not want to answer the phone while he is in the car with Rufus, but he could not bring himself to let this call go to voicemail..."I'm sorry, I tried to call you before we got to the courthouse, but you didn't answer. I didn't want to tell you because..." Laura abruptly cuts him off as she senses he did not comprehend what she said.
"Luke, I don't think you heard me...", she pauses. "I said I know everything. I know about the money your father owes that you're being threatened to pay..."
"You know about the money? How?", Luke stutters, and Rufus turns her head to look in his direction. She had been day dreaming about how Luke and Ruby's first daddy-daughter day might go. She plans to get one scheduled as soon as possible.
"Your father told me all of it!...", Laura hisses out. She is so angry she can feel her blood boiling.
Luke shouts back, "My father? What the fuck Laura? What the fuck are you talking about?" Rufus does not like the sound of that she needs to skip town quick. She does not want to see David right now. David is a lot like Luke, although much more scary at times, and a lot less in control of his emotions.
Laura tries to keep her composure, and not break into tears. She is still fighting mad, but also heartbroken by Luke's deception. "He came to the house looking for you. So I gave him your plate of food from dinner last night, since you never come home anyways...We sat down at the table, and he told me everything!" She spits out.
"Shit!...", Luke mumbles. He is nearly left speechless by all this, as his blood begins to boil. Knowing his father has now been welcomed into his home by is wife. "I can't believe you let my fucking father in the house?!..."
Laura knows he is pissed about David, but she needed answers he wasn't giving her. "He said...He said he came to help you out, and I needed to know what was going on!", she pushes.
"Help out how? What the fuck, Laura?...He's a fucking liar!", Luke snaps. His anger is rising too, hearing about his father showing up at their house was not something he expected to hear.
"YOU'RE A LIAR!", she shouts back. "With the money Luke! He said he knows who took the drugs some guy that's related to his boss and that they're here in New Orleans.", She says frantically...this conversation has her emotions spinning. David relayed so much information to her, her mind is still trying to process it all.
"What the fuck Laura? You're not making any sense! And why the hell would you talk to my fucking father? You know how I feel about him.", Luke shouts.
"Because you haven't said shit to me lately...", she yells into the phone. "So I did what I had to!"
"I have it all handled Laura...this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you!", Luke spits back at her.
Laura dips her head in her hand he always does this. Justifies his secrets as a way of protecting her, "How Luke? That's a lot of money...I could have asked my Dad for a loan...or something. I just can't believe you kept this from me! I'm your wife!"
"Rufus paid it and in exchange I'm now Ruby's father. That's how I fucking solved it...", Luke snaps at her. He knew she would bring up her parents that's why he did not want to tell her.
"So you went to Rufus instead of me?!...", she breaks. Heartbroken that Luke does not let her in. "I'm your wife! You're supposed to tell me these things!" Luke immediately senses the change in her tone.
"I know. I'm sorry. I fucked up, but you know I could never ask your parents. And I didn't want you to worry about any of this I just want you and the boys to be safe.", Luke tries to talk her down, but he knows it's gonna take way more work than that. They have been down this road before.
"So you make a deal with the devil just to avoid my parents?" Laura scoffs. She knows her parents can be critical of Luke and he hates it, but it still would have been a better choice over Rufus.
Now Rufus is concerned Laura may have told David about Ruby just for spite. "Did she tell him about Ruby?", Rufus panics and Laura hears her voice loud and clear.
"Is that Rufus?...", Laura shouts into the phone.
"I'm in her car we're headed back to the motel.", Luke says without thinking how she would react to that news.
"Motel?!...Oh my gawd Luke I knew it!...", she shouts again feeling tears instantly spawn at the thought of him and Rufus once more.
"Nothing fucking happened! I got a room where Bobby and Betty are staying. I didn't come home cuz you fucking told me not too! Remember?!", he shouts back into the phone Luke is fully fed up with being accused of having an affair with Rufus. Even the media is all over this rumor just trying to will it into existence. And of course Rufus does not make this any easier she has already offered to stay the night with him.
"Or maybe you just prefer to avoid me now because of all these gawddamn lies you keep telling me! All you had to do was tell me the truth yesterday!" Laura shouts into the phone as she recalls their moment in the kitchen. He had prime opportunity to come clean after she saw Rufus' text messages.
"I'm not avoiding you...", Luke replies but he knows she is right. He has been avoiding her some lately, because he wanted to keep her safe, keep. the entire family safe. Keep his reputation safe, her parents already criticized her choices to take him back for the first time.
Rufus again asks the question, "Did she tell David about Ruby?" That's all she cares about. If the truth came out it would ruin her.
Luke sighs, "Rufus wants to know if you said anything to David about Ruby...", he mumbles into the phone. He knows Laura would never do that, but Rufus is too paranoid.
"No! I might be angry, but I'm not a vindictive bitch!", Laura snaps. Luke cringes cause he sees Rufus' face change as she leans over closer to him.
Rufus is pretty sure she heard it correctly, "Did she just call me a bitch?!...Give me the fucking phone, Cooper!"
"Fuck off...I'm not giving you my phone...She didn't tell my dad anything. Calm the fuck down. ", Luke says as he turns his head to look over at her.
Phineas has been slowly making his way into the kitchen while he drives his toy car along all the furniture. He can sense Mom is upset, but why he doesn't really know. He is too young to understand any of that.
Laura listens in while Luke argues with Rufus. It's clear now the two of them are not getting along either, so her suspicions of an affair seem highly unlikely, but she does still not trust Rufus.
"How the hell do you know? Just cause she sweetly says so?", Rufus snaps at him. "I know you're listening Laura! And this bitch is family now so you better play nice!"
"This is exactly what I told you yesterday, Ru! Stay the fuck out of it...", Luke snaps at her. He knew things would not go well between her and Laura, but things went south much faster than he wanted it to. He has no idea how he is going to get these two to get along for Ruby's sake now that he is legally her father.
"I just gave you fifty thousands dollars to save your ass, Cooper. Which means I just saved your wife's ass too!...So give me your fucking phone!...", Rufus growls out.
"Luke, just put her on let me talk to her!...Luke?!...", she shouts, but he ignores her request. Laura sighs angrily as she continues to hear Luke argue with Rufus.
"The deal was between you and me. I fucking told you to keep my fucking family out of it!", he yells back at her. "If you're gonna be a fucking bitch about every fucking thing, then take the fucking money, and fucking forget about all this shit!", he shouts as his voice gets more angry with each word. "I'm never gonna really be Ruby's father no matter how much you fucking delude yourself into thinking it!" Luke rages as he has had enough of Rufus and her drama on top of everything else.
Rufus turns away, "You're so much like David right now, it scares me..."
"Don't act like the fucking victim now, when all this shit was put on me because of you and my father! Maybe keep your fucking legs closed for once." Luke snaps again.
"I told you I didn't do anything...The missing money wasn't my fault.", She stammers. "I had nothing to do with it. Your manipulative father is the one who scared me into thinking I had done something..."
"Oh yeah!?...", Luke questions. "Well who's the one who decided to get knocked up by my father because you couldn't fucking handle being rejected by me!", Luke snaps. "Sounds to me like the two manipulative assholes deserve each other."
Laura hangs up. Rufus is right. Luke is like someone else right now. She has never heard him shout at someone like that. The anger rolling off of him is palpable, and she is not even in the car with them. She knows that his relationship with Rufus was very different, but she begins to worry that their marriage might be headed in the same direction. She saw all the similarities between Luke and his father today, and to be quite honest it scares her too.
Luke hears the click of the phone and turns his attention back to Laura. "Hello?!...Laura?...Baby if you're there say something!"
"See? Even your own wife is scared of you...", Rufus says as she continues to look away, and instead focus on the buildings and scenery as they pass by.
Laura walks over to sit at the table. Tears begin to fill her eyes, if things do not turn back now she does not know how much longer their marriage will survive. This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions.
Laura's phone pulses and vibrates as a call comes in. It's Luke, but she cannot bring herself to answer it. Phineas comes closer to mom, sensing her sadness, and tries to stay close to her while tears continue to fall.
Luke curses again as the call goes to voicemail several times. He does not leave a message. "Fuck!...", he yells.
"She is not gonna answer Luke...Face it your marriage is over." Rufus says solemnly as she stares out her window.
Luke ignores her and decides to text Laura instead.
-"I have to go to work, but I'll be home tonight. I promise."-
Laura can feel her phone pulsing again as it sits on the table, but chooses to ignore it. Luke had so many opportunities to come clean, and chose not to. Phineas continues to stick close to mom, he is such a sensitive soul, as he plays quietly with his toy car.
Luke continues to send out a few more text messages. He knows Laura will read them eventually. Right now he has to get to work, and run the shop for the day.
-"You have every right to be mad babe. I'm an asshole I know it."-
He waits a moment, but no little bouncy dots show.
-I'm sorry I'm a fuck up. I love you."-
"Spamming her with text messages makes you just as crazy as me.", Rufus adds as she observes the way he is now acting. Luke never fought so hard to apologize to her after their relationship went downhill.
"Mama sad?...", Phineas speaks. He is worried about his mother.
Laura looks down at him, "Yes pumpkin...I'm a little sad right now." A lone tear dropping from her eye as she wipes it away.
"I sad too...", says Phineas. "I miss daddy. Wash cartoons?" Laura tries to limit the boys screen time to only when Luke is home to watch a show with them.
"Me too pumpkin...", she smiles down at him.
Meanwhile Luke and Rufus arrive at the motel, and without him noticing she follows him inside. Luke though is still to distracted by his phone as he sends out a few more messages to Laura.

-"Baby please call me back. I'll be at work, but I'll keep the shop closed for the day if you want me to."-
Luke hits send, and watches the screen again. He has not even noticed that Rufus followed him into the motel room. Meanwhile Laura has scooped up Phineas and is holding him close to her. Her sweet baby boy who looks so much like Luke, but with much darker hair like grandpa Scott.
"Would you like to sit with mommy and watch a cartoon? Just for today?", Laura asks Phineas.
Phineas nods with excitement, "Yes! Wash cartoons!..."
Luke nearly smashes the phone down onto the surface of the dresser, frustration building, Laura is choosing to ignore him now. "Shit! I fucked up bad this time...", he shouts out realizing he has made some disastrous mistakes. Sometimes Luke can be a little clueless about relationships.
Rufus steps in placing a hand on his back, "She'll come around Cooper. She forgave your lying ass the first time." As much as she hates it, she can see how much he loves Laura. He might be a fuck up, but it is obvious that he will do anything for her, do anything to protect her and their children.
Laura continues to ignore the pulsing phone, "Okay what do you want to watch?...", she asks him while Phineas pulls at her necklace. Toddlers are tactile and love to touch everything.
"I wash Thomas?", Phineas asks. He currently likes shows with cars and trains. "Daddy wash too?"
Luke finally realizes that Rufus is in the room with him. "Shouldn't you be catching a fucking plane right now?, he snaps at her.
"You shouldn't be alone right now...My flight can wait.", she purrs as she rubs her hand along the tense muscles in his back. Oddly Rufus feels bad for him. Maybe she is finally having a moment of clarity in the midst of all this insanity. "Plus I need to know you're not gonna screw me over and tell David about Ruby..." Or maybe not.
Laura pulls Phineas into a hug, "My sweet baby boy...You are so precious.". Then she softly gasps remembering that she needs to take a pregnancy test sometime next week, and wonders if it is too soon to take one now. Another baby could definitely change things, but it might not be what is best right now. Even though Laura pressured Luke some months ago to try again.
Luke leans back and stands up straight, "I signed that fucking contract what more do you want?...Just leave me alone." He is still livid with anger, and she sees it in his eyes instantly. Luke has never physically hurt her, but their relationship was not a squeaky clean one either.
"Stop you're scaring me...That is not what I meant.", she stumbles on her words as a hand goes up in defense if he steps in closer. "I just. You know your father scares me. I'll admit, I should have never got involved with him, but I did and now Ruby is here...and you know he can never find out."
Luke takes a step back, "Ru...Please just fucking leave me alone. You got what you wanted. I promise I'll stick to my end of the deal. And Laura will protect Ruby too, she would never want anything bad to happen to her."
"I'm sorry if I made things more difficult between you and your wife.", she adds sincerely. "I just want what is best for Ruby."
"Since when do you fucking care if my marriage survives this or not?", he scowls back at her as he slowly kicks off his boots. He has to get ready to get to work. He cannot continue to wear this leather it is beginning to annoy him.
"I don't, but I care about you, I always will. I will be forever grateful to you that you have chosen to take Ruby as your own.", She knows he probably did it more so to save his hide right now, but she does not care. She hopes in time he will come to love Ruby, and feel that he did make the right choice.
Luke grabs the sliver cross that is hanging around his neck. "Here take this...", he snaps at her, holding it out for her to take it from his hand.
"No, that is yours you need to keep it.", she snaps back, placing a hand on her hip.
"Take it, Ru...", he snaps again a little louder, shaking the chain as he waves his arm ever so slightly in frustration.
"No! I already explained this to you yesterday!...", She stands still as she continues to keep her hand on her hip. She meant what she said when she wanted a fresh start, but the past keeps coming back no matter how hard they both try to move on. Rufus may never truly get over him. This will be a hard road for them, especially now that they will share custody of Ruby.
Luke tosses the heavy silver chain onto the dresser, "Ru, what the fuck do you want from me?...I have done what you wanted. Just take the fucking chain and get outta here.", Luke is frustrated, panicked, and sweating like crazy in these hot leather pants.
"I don't care if that chain never hangs around your neck again, just please keep it!". Rufus steps in closer a hand reaching out to touch his chest, as her eyes meet with his. They are still filled with anger, but the fire that was raging in them has died down a slow burn. She is careful not to ignite it again, or so she thought.
"You're always playing fucking hardball even when you think you're not.", he says low and deep, his jaw tightly clenched. The anger bubbling up again. Luke quickly plops down at the foot of the bed to take off his socks. She is wasting his time and for what?!
"You're being ridiculous!", Rufus pouts as she crosses her arms in front of her. "I am trying to be serious here. I'm not flirting with you!", Rufus does her best to explain away her actions, but even she is at a loss for proper words. "You know I have a reputation to uphold to the public, and I would appreciate it if you could for once just side with me sometimes. For Ruby's sake..."
"Right for Ruby's sake.", Luke mocks. "I'll keep the fucking chain. Now can you please leave!"
"I'm waiting for my driver. He went to fill the car with gas.", she explains.
Luke then abruptly stands up, and begins to undo the fly of the tight leather pants. "Then fucking wait outside..."
"What are you doing?!", She asks as her eyes follow his movements. "I'm standing right here...", she replies. "Maybe do that shit in the bathroom?"
"Maybe you should take a fucking hint and leave, but we both know you're enjoying watching me wrestle with these damn pants!", he shouts groaning with frustration as he struggles to get them off. Humidity and leather pants do not pair well.
Rufus giggles, "Sorry, but I'm not waiting outside. You can strip tease in front of me all you want baby." She giggles again, "Those pants can't be that bad, they look amazing on you and off you too." She snarks out.
Luke shoves the pants down off his his legs and past his feet, tossing them on the bed. "Laugh all you fucking want, getting these things off is hell, my balls can't take it anymore!", he snaps irritated she just won't leave. So he can get on with his day.
Rufus' eyes dart down to his waistline, she bites her lip without thinking which sends her hand flying up to touch her face. The pain was a shock just as much as it was to watch him strip naked. Luke is frustrated he is not thinking clearly.
Luke then yanks off the dress shirt. "I'm gonna shower maybe see yourself out, so I can get on with my day."
Rufus replies as he begins to walkaway. Her mood shifting as she continues to stare at his naked body. "I could stay if you want me to. Like we talked about earlier...It's obvious you're not getting what you want at home anymore. I mean why else would you tease a girl?"
Luke rolls his eyes, now regretting the choice to strip in front of her, the anger has passed a little, and his mind is feeling more clear. He is still worried about how things will go with Laura though. "I thought you wanted a fresh start?" He says as he turns away
"I do." Rufus quickly chirps. "But...We could make an exception. I can delay my flight a few hours. I know you want me too."
Luke responds once more as he walks into the bathroom, "We're just friends now with NO benefits. That means no fucking, Ru...And I love my wife."
Rufus rolls her eyes, and shouts back, "It's not fair to tease a girl you know...You're such a cunt!", she snaps. Rufus knows Luke has always had a confidence about him when it comes to being naked around others. They both did a lot of drunk stupid stuff back in the day. Treating Rufus like one of the guys now frustrates her. Luke does not respond back so Rufus stealthily grabs her phone and follows him to the bathroom. Moments later she is quietly making a call while Luke continues to shower.
"Hey Danielle, can you get me Laura Cooper's phone number asap. I have a photo I'd like to send her.", Rufus purrs into the phone. "Oh, and go ahead and pay for Luke's room here at the motel for the rest of the month. I have a feeling he'll need a place to crash for the next few weeks."
"Sure thing, Miss Walker...I'm sending you her cell phone number right now as we speak.", replies Danielle.
Rufus smiles, "Perfect...Thank you Danielle." Then hangs up the call a split second before Luke shows up in the doorway.
"Shit! You're still here?", he says as he stops in the doorway hoping she'd be gone by now. The cold shower definitely helped to cool his nerves off too.
"He's almost here I just got off the phone with Danielle.", She says casually as she looks down at her phone, and saves Laura's number to her contacts. Then opens a new message to send to her.
Luke walks over to the bed and rifles around in the sheets to grab his underwear he had tossed here earlier this morning after giving up trying to wear them underneath those tight leather pants. Luke looks over to see Rufus texting away on her phone. "Who are you messaging? Is that Danielle?", he asks.
"Um...Yeah. My ride is almost here." She quickly replies as she stares up at him a little sheepishly her eyes wide pressing her phone in close to her so he cannot see the screen.
Luke assumes she is still worried about David finding out, who knows one day he might, several individuals already know the truth. All it takes is one slip up. "You still worried my Dad is gonna find out?", He asks as he slips on his underwear.
"Of course I'm worried...but My band signed NDAs promising to keep quiet about it...so I know the fellas won't say anything." She replies to him "Should I make your wife sign one too?" She asks a little worried now that she just send that text to Laura.
"Laura is not gonna say anything, I can promise you that.", Luke quickly replies, but is immediately interrupted by someone pounding on the the door calling his name.
Rufus softly gasps, "Oh shit! It's David, he's found us!..." She panics, not mentally prepared to face him right now.
"It can't be him, he doesn't know him here...", Luke says calmly as he walks over to answer the door.
"It sure sounds like him!...", Rufus croaks.
Meanwhile Laura is sitting in the living room with Phineas watching a Thomas the train cartoon that is about halfway now, but it seems like an eternity sitting here. She nurses a glass of iced tea wishing for something a bit stronger, but Laura is not one to drink in the middle of the day unless it's a special occasion.
Her phone vibrates again with another incoming text message, for a while there it was going off non stop after she hung up on Luke. She decides to take a peek at her phone to see who it is, she assumes it is him again having sent her multiple messages already.
She leans forward setting the glass of iced tea down next to her phone, and is immediately shocked to see what looks like a photo of Luke from an unknown number. The hairs raise on the back of her neck as she reaches to grab the phone.
Laura quickly unlocks it, and opens the message...She finds a photo of Luke standing there in the shower unaware Rufus snapped a photo of him.
Rufus-"From one bitch to another two can play at this game. And I already know what makes Luke tick, so don't fuck with me. I promised him I would play nice, but if you're done with him I don't mind picking up where we left off. Luke and I have a history you will never understand..."-
Laura immediately pops up off the sofa after reading the message, "That bitch!...uh!!!", She shouts out furious that Luke can be so careless around Rufus. One minute he is yelling at her, and the next he is letting Rufus into his motel room so she can snap photos of him in the shower!
Phineas gasps as he turns and looks up at his mother, she hardly ever curses like dad does. The boys know better not to say those words, but Luke often slips up around them more than Laura would like him to. As Laura stares down at the screen deciding if she should text Rufus back her phone rings making her jump, she immediately answers the call once she sees who it is.
"Hey what's up?", Laura says into the phone.
Michelle immediately jumps in on that question. "What's up is why didn't you tell me Luke was gonna agree to be Ruby's father? I could have helped out with any legal stuff or recommended someone to y'all...", Michelle says as she walks into the kitchen.
"I didn't tell you because I didn't know. I just found out too.", Laura admits to her sister. "He's been hiding things from me again. And honestly, I don't know if I can get passed all of it this time..."
Michelle a little shocked to hear the distressed sound in her sister's voice as she tells her what is happening, "Lying how? About Rufus?"
"I just got this horrible text from Rufus right before you called. Basically saying she could take Luke away from me if she really wanted to...", Laura breaks, and her voice cracks with frustration and anger, adding to the mix of emotions.
"Luke loves you, we have all seen how he looks at you. Like you're the only woman that has ever existed. Rufus can make threats all she wants, just because she got her way with Ruby doesn't mean anything.", Michelle tries to console Laura, but she can sense there is more to the story. "Talk to me, what is really going on sis? I still have that old file folder of Rufus stalking Luke. I can get it and drop it off later."
Laura gets up off the couch and walks into the kitchen away from the tv and Phineas who is still watching Thomas the Train. "No, that's okay. Rufus is just half of the problem...It's a really long story, I'm sure you're busy."
"It's fine.", Michelle says into the phone. "Lay it on me. You know mom is gonna be calling you soon too. So say it to me first."
"Crap! You're right...So Luke has to pay this mob boss fifty thousand dollars. They threatened to take his business if they don't get the money his father owes them. So he agreed with Rufus for the money in exchange for being Ruby's father.", Laura thinks her sister must think she is crazy saying all these things, which means her mother is gonna have a fit over this.
"Benjamin and I could have loaned Luke the money or at least told me so the police could handle it.", Michelle offers. "You know I have connections down at city hall."
Laura sighs, "That's all well and good, but I didn't know any of this till a few hours ago. Luke probably planned to take all this to his grave.", she remarks, disappointed that Luke lied to her.
"So who told you about all of this, Rufus?", Michelle asks.
"No, it was Luke's father. He showed up at the house this morning looking for Luke said he was here to help out. So I managed to get the whole story from him.", Laura pauses then continues. "He knew more than Luke did. Apparently the guy who took the money from him, is here in New Orleans too. Which I think is weird, David seemed to know why, but he didn't go further into those details."
Oh wow, this is insane Laura.", Michelle says with shock.
"I know! I'm still trying to process all of it.", she says. "Like I said Rufus is only half the problem and she is terrified David will find out about Ruby."
"What does Luke's dad look like?", Michelle asks curiosity getting to her.
"He looks and sounds so much like Luke. It was weird really...", she admits to her sister.
Benjamin walks into the kitchen sneaking up behind Michelle, kissing her softly on the neck, "Benjamin that tickles, stop it...", Michelle sweetly chastises him for bothering her while she is on an important call. The two had time to meet each other at home for and early lunch, but food was the farthest thing on their minds.
"I thought you were at work, what's Benjamin doing there?", Laura asks.
Michelle tries to avoid Benjamin's love nips on her neck while responding to Laura, "I'm at home...We decided to meet here for an early lunch...Benjamin enough, I'm trying to have a serious conversation with Laura.", she says a bit more sternly this time.
"Oh!", Laura says quickly realizing what her sister is not saying. "It's fine, you can call me back later. Go enjoy your lunch. I need to get ready to leave soon to pick up Phoenix from preschool anyways.", Laura says
"We already had lunch he's just trying to get dessert." Michelle teases as she turns around to watch Benjamin walk over to the fridge. Benjamin shoots her a look "Anyways, have you had a chance to talk to Luke since you found all this out?", Michelle asks.
"I tried yeah, I called him, but he was in a car with Rufus. It was a nightmare trying to talk to him. It's obvious Rufus sets Luke off easily, he is not happy he signed those papers, I can just feel it. But I also feel like I'm losing him. I don't know what to do."
"Hey why don't you let me and Benjamin take the boys for the weekend that way you and Luke have some uninterrupted time to work things out.", Michelle offers. "We can pick them up tomorrow afternoon."
"No, I dunno, I just need Luke to come home tonight so we can talk. We had a huge fight yesterday about Rufus and my ex Chad.", Laura blurts without thinking.
Michelle remembers Chad, everyone thought Laura would marry him, "Why were you fighting about Chad?"
"Because he was here at the house yesterday morning to pickup a catering order for his office luncheon. We bumped into each other earlier this week at the trail park near my house.", Laura admits as she again dumps a load of information.
"So Luke got jealous?", Michelle replies.
"He got more than jealous! He was down right angry! He was ready to throw down with Chad right there on the front porch. I'm just so glad the boys weren't home since it was Wednesday they were both already at preschool."
"You're week sounds more crazier than any of my current court cases.", Michelle says shocked to hear all that has transpired. "Please let me and Benjamin take the boys this weekend...You and Luke need some alone time so y'all can talk this out."
Laura is about to respond, but the doorbell suddenly chimes, "Hang on someone is at the door...", Laura says as she walks over to answer it. "Gawd I hope it's not Rufus."
Benjamin has heard bits and pieces of the conversation, and jumps in, "I can leave work early tomorrow and pick them up.", he twangs out after taking a huge gulp of OJ straight from the carton.
"Someone is at the door she is checking to see who it is.", Michelle tells Benjamin. "You there Laura?", Michelle asks as she waits on the line.
"Yes, hang on...", she says as she swings the door open to find a very tall blond reporter on the other side of the door. The very same one that was suggesting Luke and Rufus were having an affair.
"Hi, Mrs. Cooper I'm Veronica Laurent with channel 4 news. We'd liked to get a statement from you regarding today's news about your husband, and the recent admission by Rufus Blue that he fathered her child."
Since Michelle is still currently on the line with her sister she immediately instructs Laura on what to say and do, "Tell her you have no comment, and close the door with a smile sis. Veronica is pushy get rid of her fast."
"I have no comment, I'm sorry I'm very busy right now...", Laura says as she attempts to close the door, but Veronica is persistent as she steps in just a tad closer.
"Please Mrs. Cooper the public would love to hear from you about how you feel about all of this. Especially now after you have been married to Rufus's former lover for over five years now, and two children. Did you know he was the father all this time?", Veronica presses hard hoping to get a response from Laura.
"Jeez Veronica!", Michelle rants wishing she was there right now. "I can't stand her, tell her again and close the door Laura, don't give Rufus more reason to come between you and Luke."

"Like I said no comment.", Laura says as she smiles softly and closes the door. "Oh my gawd. I was not expecting that.", She leans against the closed door as she waits for the reporter and her cameraman to leave. She is too afraid to turn around just yet. "Okay, I think I'll take you up on that offer to take the boys for the weekend." she sighs, knowing her and Luke really need to get on the same page fast if they're gonna survive this.
"Okay! Perfect, Benjamin said he can pick them up tomorrow. He will leave early from the office and head to your house."
"Can he come at noontime? That would be perfect for me actually.", Laura asks.
Michelle relays the info, "Can you get the boys at lunchtime, and call it a half day?"
"Sure darlin'.", Benjamin nods. "I'll have Sarah clear my schedule tomorrow afternoon."
"Perfect. He'll be there at noon sis.", says Michelle.
"Thanks Michelle, you're the best.", Laura says. "And go get that dessert, we've all been waiting for a couple years now ya know." Laura teases. The two sisters hang up the call and Michelle walks around to the other side of the kitchen island.
"I think we've been made.", Michelle says. "My sister figured it out."
"That's cuz you gave her way too much info darlin'. I thought we were gonna keep it between us for now?"
"All I said was we met for lunch at home...", Michelle says. "Oh! Yeah you're right that does sound suspicious now that I hear it..."
"Exactly," Benjamin replies. "But it sure as hell ain't gonna stop me. We're doing this baby business for sure this time."
"I know. I want it too.", Michelle says as she wraps her arms around his neck and the two pull in close for a kiss. Time to get back to work the day is not over yet. ___________________________________________________
Meanwhile back at the motel Luke has answered the door to find "Bobby" standing there. He immediately invites him in. "What's up?", Luke asks him. Rufus sits, and eyes him suspiciously.

"I was wondering if we could carpool together, uh...Betty needs the car today.", says Baz. "I'm glad I caught you before you left. I figured you would have been there by now."
"Uh yeah crazy morning running a little late today, but yeah you can ride with me. Lemme get dressed, and we can go asap.", Luke says as Baz nods back at him.
Luke takes off to the bathroom this time while Rufus gets up, and grabs her things, her ride is just about here, "Do I know you?". She says continuing to eye Baz suspiciously. She swears she has seen him before.
Baz knows exactly who she is, and not because she is a famous rockstar. He remembers seeing her at the Casino with his father the night he swiped the drugs off his bike. The three of them briefly spoke, but Rufus was a little partied out already. David was taking her up to a room for the night. "Uh...no, never seen you before.", he lies hoping she does not notice.
"Seriously?", Rufus says. "Do you not know who I am? I swear I've met you before, you look so familiar. Are you a stage hand? Or maybe Vegas? I dunno why I want to say Vegas..."
Baz stutters. "Vegas?...uh no, no you're mistaking me for someone else."
"Whatever.", My ride is here. "Tell Luke I'll call him later about Ruby and that I paid for his room here till the end of the month...He's gonna need somewhere to crash for a while." Rufus smiles as she puts her shades on and walks out the door.
Luke comes out just as soon as he heard the door close, "Finally she's fucking gone, hopefully I don't have to see her for at least a month."
Baz looks up at Luke, "I thought you were married? You have a kid with this woman?" Confused by what Rufus said before she left.
"You haven't heard? It's the talk of every fucking news channel in town.", Luke says calmly. His nerves are still wrecked, but he is trying to focus, get on with the rest of the day. "Rufus finally decided to come out publicly, and share that her daughter Ruby is my kid. She's my ex."
Baz is a little shocked by this. He knows that his father David has been involved with Rufus, but his brother too? "Oh, I see...Did I uh interrupt you two or something?" Baz uncomfortably asks him as he stares over at the bed.
Luke turns to gather the remaining items off the dresser. He stuffs the silver chain in his front pocket, and puts the other one that Laura gave him around his neck. "Fuck no, Rufus and I have been over for years now. Besides she's got a flight to catch. Her band is still on tour for another month."
"Oh I almost forgot! She said she paid for your room here till the end of the month...", Baz explains to him. "I dunno why, but that's what she said to tell you."
Luke hisses air through his teeth, "Figures...shit. I might need it anyways. My wife is not too happy right now. Hey I thought I heard her saying something to you about Vegas? What was that about?" Luke asks knowing his dad lives in Vegas.
Baz scratches his head nervously, "I uh...I dunno she was confusing me with some else I guess...Kept insisting I should know who she is."
"I'm sure she fucking hated that, you not knowing who she is...She is the lead singer for the band Rock Candy.", Luke tells him knowing that "Bobby" is a little old school when it comes to keeping up with current events.
"Rock Candy? I think I've heard of them yeah...", Baz says trying to disguise his nervousness thinking he almost got recognized. He did not know that his brother has also had a relationship with the same woman as their father. Now he wonders if Luke knows about it. "I can see why your wife might be upset, having a kid with a rockstar that's gotta be heavy shit man.", remarks Baz.
"Yeah it's a fucking complicated mess right now." Luke grabs the large bag of money off the luggage rack, he almost forgot about it. Can't let this bag out of his sight until this mob boss his father owe's money to is paid up.
Baz sees some money peeking out of the bag and immediately reacts without thinking, "Shit, man that's a lot of cash to carry around. You packing?, he asks.
"You mean like a gun?", Luke asks back.
"Of course a gun...Fuck, man. You can't be hauling around twenty or thirty thousand dollars like that. Do you mind me asking why you have it?"
"It's a long story I'll explain on the way to the shop.", Luke tells him. For some reason or another he feels a connection with "Bobby". Not only that "Bobby" may be around when these two goons show up again demanding the money that is owed to their boss.
"Hang on, I got a piece in my motel room. Lemme grab it." says Baz.
As Luke suspected "Bobby did not flinch an inch when he explained everything to him. This makes Luke kinda glad Jacob is not around while all this is going down, as much as he misses him, he would hate to put him in danger.
After Luke and Bobby get settled in at the shop, Luke gets ready to do some actual work to try and get his mind off of Laura along with everything else that is going on. That doesn't last too long, Luke stands in front of his desk, and pulls the heavy silver chain out of his pocket setting it down. Peter breaks the silence as he walks in, and stands in the doorway of the small space.
"What the fuck does that bitch have on you?", Peter asks as he leans in the doorway. Luke immediately knows he is talking about Rufus. Peter and Rufus have never like each other from day one. Stepping farther into the room Peter points to the silver chain he just saw him drop on the desk. "Did she fucking buy you another one?", he asks shocked to see a chain like that again. Rufus spent a hefty penny on it the first time around.
Luke turns and looks at the chain wishing the damn thing would just disappear, "No. It's the same one. Remember Ruby had it when she turned up at Bull Tavern looking for me."
"Shit, that's right...So you've been holding on to it after all these years? What the fuck? Are you still in love with her?", Peter stammers confused by it, he remembers Hayden took it as evidence, and he never saw it again after that.
"No, dipshit! I'm not in love with her!...Rufus got the chain back from the cops after the investigation was closed. She demanded I keep it as part of our deal, but I don't know what to fucking do with it. I don't want it.", Luke snaps revealing more information than he wanted to.
"I told you to give it to me, remember?", Peter recalls. "I could have gotten rid of it for good." Luke remembers. The three of them were out on his patio the weekend before he married Laura, drunk and high when he told them he tossed the chain out in the alleyway trash bin.
"Just leave Pete, I've got work to catch up on.", Luke huffs. He is tired, and just wants some peace a quiet for a little while. Not taking up "Bobby's" advice to better secure the cash Peter spots it out of the corner of his eye.
"Why do you have a fucking wad of bills in a black duffle bag!?, Peter shouts out. "Did Rufus pay you to become Ruby's father?", Peter asks, he knows Luke would never willingly go along with this idea, but paying him sounds a little far fetched too.
Luke stares him down for a moment while Peter just stands there waiting for him to explain why he is sitting on so much cash. "The money is not mine it belongs to someone else...", Luke halfway admits the truth. "Time to go Peter, I got work to do.", Luke tries to usher him out, but Peter still has questions.
"Who? That guy you got out there working the till?", Peter asks.
"Bobby?", Luke asks as Peter nods his head. "No! He has nothing to do with this..."
"Then who man, fucking tell me." Peter pushes back. "Do you owe someone money?...What the fuck man?!"
Luke gets frustrated, "Pete leave. Just go. I've got a lotta work to catch up on."
Peter plops down on the barstool that is in the small room, "No, I'm not fucking leaving this time. Tell me the truth, I'm here to help."
"I don't need your help. I have shit handled.", Luke snaps. "Quit being a bitch about it."
"Fine, If you don't want to talk then fucking hear me out cuz I dunno who else to talk to about this.", Peter sounds desperate, and Luke takes the bate.
Luke sighs, now he has to know what is bothering him. "What is it?", Luke asks with frustration hoping he'll leave after that.
Peter slightly sighs a little, "Willow man, she fucking wants to have a baby. I mean she straight out said it last night. I'm freaking out now because I don't want this...We were both so sure she couldn't get pregnant after her assault."
"Yeah, but she never asked you to reverse the vasectomy. You did that shit on your own, remember? Now you know your boys can still swim, and she can get pregnant. That's what happens man when you fuck around. And now you want to freak out about it? Grow the fuck up!" Luke scoffs at him.
"Taking care of your two kids yesterday has her all worked up." Peter pushes back in defense.
"Break up with her if that's the case let her move on with her life. I'm not gonna tell you to have a kid with her just because... Look how shit is for me right now!", Luke snaps a little. "I mean don't get me wrong. I love my kids. It's just life definitely gets fucking complicated."
"That's exactly what I told her! Kids fucking complicate everything...", Peter replies "So you gonna tell me why you agreed to be Ruby's father? Because that shit is definitely complicated now..."
"Hey, Luke.." The speakerphone buzzes with Baz's voice saving Luke from having to respond back to Peter. "There is a Detective Hayden Jones here to see you."
Luke steps over to the phone and presses the speaker button down, "I'll be right there, Bobby."
Peter looks nervous already just hearing that Hayden is in the building. He knows something is going on with Luke. "What does he fucking want?"
Luke begins to walk towards the door, "I dunno, but you're fucking staying here. I'll be back."
"Why? It'll be like old times...You know you can't trust Hayden. Someone's gotta have your back.", Peter explains. "C'mon man...quit fucking hiding from me!"
Luke shakes his head and walks out to the front of the store to see why Hayden is here at the shop in the middle of the day. Hopefully it's not a business call, and just a personal matter.
To be continued!...See you all back here on Jun 30th ^_^
A special thank you goes out to my Patreons! Your contribution truly does help...THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Sugar Magnolia
There is bonus content for this episode only available on Patreon.
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