If you would like a refresher from the last episode click here
Peter and the Possible Suspect...Part 2
Meanwhile back at the Cooper house, Laura has calmed down some after talking with Luke on the phone. The two officers make a sweep of the house to make sure it is all secure, while they are busy the doorbell rings. Laura immediately opens the door when she sees that it is her cousin Amari. She looks quite stressed, so Laura immediately ushers her inside.
*Laura* "Hey, cuz....Are you okay?..."
*Amari* "Well...depends on how you look at it I guess..."
*Laura* "Well you don't look too happy, did you break
up with Shaun?!..."
Amari sighs, then unknowingly rubs her belly. The thought of her breaking up with Shaun has crossed her mind, but that's not what is making her queasy right now.
*Amari* "Well...depends on how you look at it I guess..."
*Laura* "Well you don't look too happy, did you break
up with Shaun?!..."
Amari sighs, then unknowingly rubs her belly. The thought of her breaking up with Shaun has crossed her mind, but that's not what is making her queasy right now.
*Amari* "No, Shaun and I are fine...Well for now. Do you have time to talk a bit?..."
*Laura* "Yes, of course! Anything you need. I'm here for you. Let's go sit down."
Laura turns and is about to walk towards the couch, when James comes flying down the stairs in a huff. He is not happy she answered the door, especially after he specifically told her not to just a short while ago.
*James* "Did everything I just said minutes ago not matter to you?! I told you not to
answer the door, let us take care of it..."
answer the door, let us take care of it..."
*Laura* "She's my cousin I couldn't just leave her standing out there wondering what's going on!..."
Amari looking a little perplexed as to why the police
are in her cousin's house.
*Amari* "Yeah, what is going on?..."
*James* "What if it was a ploy just to get you to open the door?!..."
*Laura* "It wasn't...I think I would know if something was up!"
*James* "Next time this happens just let us do our job. That is why your husband
asked us to come out here..."
Jennifer can see James is getting a tad flustered with Laura. We all know James has a bit of a short fuse, hehe. So she decides
to interject and dissolve the tension.
*Jennifer* "Mrs. Cooper, I know this is all a lot to take in, but we need to be very cautious.
Cade is not a man you want to come face to face with..This is exactly why your husband asked us here, he wants y'all to be safe."
Laura calms down some, I guess her feathers were still a bit ruffled after her heated conversation with Luke only minutes ago, she apologizes for being short with James.
*Laura* "You're right, I'm sorry...I just have a hard believing all of this. I can't believe
that he is the one who is suspected for attacking Willow...She's one of my closest friends. I don't understand why? Why would he hurt her?..."
*James* "It's quite all right Mrs. Cooper, we understand you're upset. We will be
right outside if you need us. Just please be careful..."
that he is the one who is suspected for attacking Willow...She's one of my closest friends. I don't understand why? Why would he hurt her?..."
*James* "It's quite all right Mrs. Cooper, we understand you're upset. We will be
right outside if you need us. Just please be careful..."
*Amari* "Willow was attacked?! What? When did this happen?!"
*Jennifer* "She was stabbed 2 days ago, and is now in recovery..."
Laura makes sure to lock the door behind them. Then makes her way over to the couch to talk with her cousin. Amari is lost in thought as she watches Phoenix, he is showing her a toy.
*Amari* "That's a really cool dinosaur you got there!.."
Laura sits down and Amari immediately asks about Willow.
*Laura* "Sorry about that, things have been quite crazy around here for the last 24 hours.
Did Shaun not tell you what happened?..."
*Amari* "No I haven't talked to him, I went to go see my Aunt Gracie
for a few days. I just got back. Willow really was stabbed?!"
*Laura* "Yes! She nearly died...Her sister told me she may wake up today."
*Laura* "Yes! She nearly died...Her sister told me she may wake up today."
Amari gasps and thinks well maybe that is why he was trying to get a hold of her, but instead she chose to ignore his messages.
She was too scared to talk to him after their silly little fight.
*Amari* "Oh no! That's probably why he was calling me.
*Laura* "Oh....Is everything okay between y'all?..."
*Amari* "Ummm...Well, honetly I dunno. We kinda had a stupid fight n
that's why I left for a few days but..."
*Laura* "Oh sweetie, we've all been there. It's okay, I know Shaun loves you."
*Amari* "I think he knows..."
*Laura* "Knows what, Hun?...I don't follow."
*Laura* "Oh sweetie, we've all been there. It's okay, I know Shaun loves you."
*Amari* "I think he knows..."
*Laura* "Knows what, Hun?...I don't follow."
Amari turns to look at Laura, she blurts it out fast. She is the first person she is telling this too since she left her Aunt's House.
*Amari* "I'm pregnant..."
*Laura gasps* "No?! Really, are you sure about it?!..."
*Amari* "Yeah I'm sure, I took multiple pregnancy tests while I was at my Aunt's...
and I'm pretty sure Shaun knows as well. That's kinda what we was arguing about."
Amari dips her head to the side resting her temple on her fingertips, she looks over at Phoenix who is playing with his toys. She would love to have a baby, but she's not sure right now is the right time. Shoot maybe Shaun isn't even the right guy, her Dad will surely flip, he is not
on board with her dating a rock star, never has been and probably never will.
*Laura* "I thought too Luke would run the second he learned I was pregnant but he didn't. Shaun is so much like Luke I know he would do the right thing and stand by you."
*Amari* "I dunno, but when a guy says 'You sure as hell betta not be pregnant!'...makes me wonder if he would really want this. Hell! I don't even know if I want this baby."
*Laura* "Mari, don't give up...Avoiding Shaun is definitely not the answer.
Whether you keep this baby or not..."
*Amari* "I think the less Shaun knows the better..."
*Laura* "That's not fair....And I think deep down you know Shaun
would want to know..."
*Amari* "It's just the timing on this is all wrong! Shaun and I aren't even officially living together because my Dad doesn't like it. How in the hell am I gonna face him now that I'm pregnant!..."
Laura can pretty much completely sympathize with her cousin. She too, had to break the news to her own mother that she was pregnant. Amari is right though her Dad is a Judge and way more scarier than his sister Krystal...
*Laura* "What did Aunt Gracie tell you to do?"
*Amari* "She told me I should have the baby, that I ain't gettin' any younger
and that Shaun is a great man so I shouldn't worry bout it."
*Laura* "Listen, I completely understand why you're nervous to tell your folks, but you need to tell Shaun. Just because he blurted some nonsense in a fight doesn't mean he won't support you..."
*Laura* "And Mari, if you can't be honest with each other how do you expect it to work?...C'mon, you should know better lying and secrets do nobody any good!...Just look at what it
did to Luke and I..."
did to Luke and I..."
*Amari* "Yeah but y'all worked it out..."
*Laura* Yeah, eventually...but we also lost a lot too and it took forever for me to start trusting him again. You'll be a great mom and I'm sure Shaun would support your decision..."
*Laura* Yeah, eventually...but we also lost a lot too and it took forever for me to start trusting him again. You'll be a great mom and I'm sure Shaun would support your decision..."
*Amari* "Yeah but being a mom is something you're good at! I just...The timing is all wrong, Shaun and I don't even live together. We still enjoy our time apart from each other..."
*Laura* "I still enjoy my time apart from Luke...Makes me appreciate him even more. And you would be a wonderful mother, don't sell yourself short..."
Laura looks over at Phoenix and continues talking.
*Laura* Look at Phoenix, you know he wasn't planned but I wouldn't change any of it. I don't think you can ever truly prepare for your first child. I mean, it's just one of those things you have to experience it to understand it. So thinking now is not the right time it really doesn't matter, cause no matter what you do, you can never be 100% prepared.
Then Laura looks down as baby Finn who is in her arms...
*Laura* "Now with Finn Luke and I, we were ready and we planned ahead, but that still didn't change a whole lot, having a baby is always gonna be a lot of unknowns till they're born. The only difference was we had already been through it all so we already kinda knew what to expect..."
*Amari* "Can I hold him?..."
*Laura* "Of course!..."
Laura passes baby Finn into Amari's waiting arms. She scoops
him up and smiles down at his sweet face.
*Amari* "My goodness he looks so much like Luke, so handsome..."
*Laura* "You know Finn and Phoenix would have a cousin to play with, if you have this baby..."
*Amari* "That's right?! Our kids would be cousins.
That is something I would definitely look forward to."
Amari turns to look at Laura and continues talking...
*Amari* "That would make Luke and Shaun like cousin in laws?..."
*Laura smiles* "Yeah something like that...."
She is happy to see that Amari is not stressing now like she was when she first came in, holding Finn has calmed her nerves a bit.
*Amari* "You're right, I need to at least come clean with Shaun...I'm just so scared
he is not going to want the same thing as me!..."
he is not going to want the same thing as me!..."
*Laura* "I know, that's how I felt when Luke and I first found out. I thought he
was gonna just not gonna come home one day."
was gonna just not gonna come home one day."
*Amari* "Really?! Things were that bad between y'all?..."
*Laura* "Well Rufus being in town didn't help, but don't compare what happened to me, to you!
No matter what you need to tell Shaun."
No matter what you need to tell Shaun."
*Amari* "Yeah, you're right...I can't avoid the man forever."
Meanwhile at the hospital, Saffron attempts to call Peter again. The phone clicks over to voicemail, so she leaves another message.
*Saffron* "I sure hope that you are getting my messages. Willow may wake up any minute now, and I know it would make her happy to see your face when she opens her eyes. So I sure as hell hope you're not ignoring me...Call me back as soon as you get this!"
While Saffron makes another attempt at getting Peter on the phone, Janice is by Willow's side...Doing everything she can to
bring Willow out of her slumber.
*Janice* "Ma Cherie...It's time to wake up now, you've slept long enough. Now
let me see those beautiful blue eyes! Your sister and I have been patiently waiting,
we love you and we need you to wake up."
Janice looks down at Willow, but she still lays there motionless.
Only if she would give her a sign that she is
coming out of this deep sleep!
*Janice* "Everyone is excited to see you wake up...Please you must wake up my love....
Even, Peter. He is....he's very anxious to see you as well...C'mon sweetie give me a sign."
Saffron hangs up, Janice turns to face her, she is very disappointed that Peter did not pick up his phone yet again.
*Janice* "I think you've called him plenty of times. I'm sure he got the messages by now. I think it's much better for her to wake up to just us here...He had his chance, don't
go out of your way to contact him anymore..."
Saffron is not happy Willow chose Peter either but
he was her sister's choice.
*Saffron* "Mamma, I don't do it for Peter, I just want her to be happy when she wakes up.
I do it for Willow, she chose him and it's obvious they love each other very much!"
*Janice* "I know but who knows how she feels now. She was attacked in his apartment
in the middle of the night, while he was out getting food!..."
*Saffron* "Well I guess we will have to wait till she wakes up to find out what she wants, Mamma..."
Then suddenly there is a rustle of bed sheets as Willow suddenly moves. She turns her head slowly and looks at her mother
with some still sleepy eyed confusion.
*Willow* "Ma-ma?!...Wh...what happened?..."
*Janice cries tears of joy* "Oh my sweet angel!...Oh I'm so happy
to see you're awake!..."
*Willow slow and groggy, throat dry* "What happened?..."
*Janice* "You're in the hospital Ma Cher, you were hurt very badly,
do you not remember anything?..."
Willow tries to respond but instead she just shakes her head no. She is still so groggy, the very last thing she remembers is stopping Nathan and her choosing Peter over him. Her eyes get wide and try to scan the room but she is still very, very weak.
*Willow* "P...Peter?!..."
*Saffron* "He's on his way, sis..."
while Amari finally gets the courage to go talk to Shaun. Janice and Saffron are wondering where the hell he is, Peter is
trying to find his own courage, he knows he is not alone. Every hair on
the back of neck is standing, that eerie feeling creeping all over him
again. Willow's bloody and limp body in his arms still fresh in his memory, her attacker was
brutal. Shit! What if it is Cade? What the fuck will I do?!
*Peter* "Stop fucking around and just come out, Bro it's not funny..."
Peter is beginning to think Luke was right they should not have separated. Peter begins to back up back into his bedroom when he feels the cold, hard steel of a gun barrel against the back of his head. Then that deep all too familiar voice growls out a command.
*Peter* "Stop fucking around and just come out, Bro it's not funny..."
Peter is beginning to think Luke was right they should not have separated. Peter begins to back up back into his bedroom when he feels the cold, hard steel of a gun barrel against the back of his head. Then that deep all too familiar voice growls out a command.
*Cade* "Don't fucking move!..Scream like a bitch and I pull the fucking trigger..."
*Peter mouths the words* "Mother Fucker!..."
Peter now begins to come to the realization that the cops may have been right after all! Cade must really have been the one who attacked Willow, but Why?! What did she ever do to him?
*Peter mouths the words* "Mother Fucker!..."
Peter now begins to come to the realization that the cops may have been right after all! Cade must really have been the one who attacked Willow, but Why?! What did she ever do to him?
*Cade* "I'm warning you! Don't fucking try shit...now hands up!..."
Cade shoves the gun again against the base of Peter's skull
and barks at him to do what he says.
*Cade* "Get your hands up Morrissey!...Start walking!..."
*Peter* "Okay...okay! I'm walking..."
Peter does as he asks, not really too keen on getting his head blown off, but he tries to keep his cool and talk Cade out of whatever it is he is doing here. Cade has always had a hard time letting things go, if you screwed him over he makes sure you pay...
*Peter* "The whole fuckin' city and the FBI are looking for you. You really
think you're gonna get away with this?...If you're here because of Fi,
I had nothing to do with it..."
*Cade* "Shut your fuckin' mouth Morissey! Fionna was my woman, mine!...
You have no right to speak of her...."
Cade jabs the gun again harder this time against
Peter's head.
Cade shoves the gun again against the base of Peter's skull
and barks at him to do what he says.
*Cade* "Get your hands up Morrissey!...Start walking!..."
*Peter* "Okay...okay! I'm walking..."
Peter does as he asks, not really too keen on getting his head blown off, but he tries to keep his cool and talk Cade out of whatever it is he is doing here. Cade has always had a hard time letting things go, if you screwed him over he makes sure you pay...
*Peter* "The whole fuckin' city and the FBI are looking for you. You really
think you're gonna get away with this?...If you're here because of Fi,
I had nothing to do with it..."
*Cade* "Shut your fuckin' mouth Morissey! Fionna was my woman, mine!...
You have no right to speak of her...."
Cade jabs the gun again harder this time against
Peter's head.
*Cade* "Get on your knees, and don't try shit, I'm watching you."
*Peter* "Okay, okay...Just don't fuckin' shoot!...Can I just ask one more question?"
*Cade huffs* "What?!..."
*Peter* "Did you stab Willow because you lost Fi?..."
Peter is hoping that Luke will hear their voices, last thing he wants is his best friend getting shot up coming through the doorway.
*Cade* "Stop calling her that! She wasn't yours anymore. She was mine, and all this shit everything I've had to fucking endure for the past 3 years, is because of you Morissey...The only gawddamn thing that made shit bearable was Fiona...
*Peter* "You still didn't answer my question, though..."
Cade is loosing his patience he knows Peter is
stalling the inevitable...
*Cade* "Fuck you, Morissey. This Q&A shit is over...I'm done so if you don't
shut your damn mouth and get down on your knees my fucking finger just might slip!..."
Peter quickly does as Cade asks him too. He begins to slowly move down, and tries to keep his hands where Cade can see them.
*Peter* "Alright! Alright, I'm getting down, see?! Just be cool..."
Peter notices Cade is quite close to one of the dining table chairs and thinks he might be able to get away, if he can shove it towards him hard enough....maybe, just maybe he has a chance. What takes place next only takes a matter of seconds...
*Peter* "Okay, okay...Just don't fuckin' shoot!...Can I just ask one more question?"
*Cade huffs* "What?!..."
*Peter* "Did you stab Willow because you lost Fi?..."
Peter is hoping that Luke will hear their voices, last thing he wants is his best friend getting shot up coming through the doorway.
*Cade* "Stop calling her that! She wasn't yours anymore. She was mine, and all this shit everything I've had to fucking endure for the past 3 years, is because of you Morissey...The only gawddamn thing that made shit bearable was Fiona...
*Peter* "You still didn't answer my question, though..."
Cade is loosing his patience he knows Peter is
stalling the inevitable...
*Cade* "Fuck you, Morissey. This Q&A shit is over...I'm done so if you don't
shut your damn mouth and get down on your knees my fucking finger just might slip!..."
Peter quickly does as Cade asks him too. He begins to slowly move down, and tries to keep his hands where Cade can see them.
*Peter* "Alright! Alright, I'm getting down, see?! Just be cool..."
Peter notices Cade is quite close to one of the dining table chairs and thinks he might be able to get away, if he can shove it towards him hard enough....maybe, just maybe he has a chance. What takes place next only takes a matter of seconds...
Peter kicks out sending the chair hurdling some few feet hitting Cade, causing him to grunt out in pain from the forceful hit to the gut by the chair back. Simultaneously, Cade's trigger finger slips and a round from him gun is shot off and into the floor near Peter, who ducks on instinct.
Peter then again attempts to kick Cade this time he kicks the gun out of his hand, while he is still down on the the floor. Cade instead falls onto him, he too is determined to make sure
Peter does not get away...
Peter does not get away...
*Cade* "I'll kill you with my bare hands if that's what it fucking takes!..."
*Peter* "Fuck you!..."
Peter uses all his strength to keep Cade at arm's length, to try and gain the upper hand somehow, but Cade has all his weight on him. Luckily he doesn't have his gun it got sent flying and landed somewhere on the floor by the couch. Both men strain and grunt as they
fight to each gain control.
fight to each gain control.
*Cade* "I'm gonna slowly squeeze the life outta you just like you did to me..."
*Peter* "I didn't do shit to you! You're a fucking psychopath!..."
Peter thinks to himself this can't end here, not like this! Flashes of memory come back of when he was a kid and had to deal with a drunk, abusive father. He would always tell himself never again, never again would he let that sick son of a bitch hurt him or his mom and sister.

Now here he is with Cade who is deliriously drunk with a sick, twisted plot for revenge, he quite possibly brutally attacked Willow for spite and now he is slowly over powering Peter inch by inch as he gets closer to gaining full control over him. His eyes are consumed with rage and adrenaline. Peter tries to repeat that mantra and tell him self that this is not the end...
*Peter* "I didn't do shit to you! You're a fucking psychopath!..."
Peter thinks to himself this can't end here, not like this! Flashes of memory come back of when he was a kid and had to deal with a drunk, abusive father. He would always tell himself never again, never again would he let that sick son of a bitch hurt him or his mom and sister.

Now here he is with Cade who is deliriously drunk with a sick, twisted plot for revenge, he quite possibly brutally attacked Willow for spite and now he is slowly over powering Peter inch by inch as he gets closer to gaining full control over him. His eyes are consumed with rage and adrenaline. Peter tries to repeat that mantra and tell him self that this is not the end...
To be Continued!...
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and read. As always I love to hear your feedback, comments and support. It really brightens my day when y'all do! 😀
Also I sure hope to have the next episode on time....
I'm so on edge. Amari has to tell Shaun. He'll just need to buck up and do what's right or he should have kept it wrapped up. Peter is either going to fight Cade and win on his own or Luke is going to show up and they take him down.
ReplyDeleteGreat story!
Hi Jaye!
DeleteThank you! I know it took forever keeping y'all hanging but it felt good to take a bit of a break.
I agree Amari needs to tell Shaun...like now!
I sure hope too Peter can stop Cade, cause he is hell bent on revenge.
Please forgive me if I'm silently hoping for a back to back episode. Hahaha. Nah, just take your time. I finally decided to force myself to scroll and see if it's still continuing then I'd better wait for the new episode coming. Take this as a compliment, tho. Because that is how intense it is and I can't wait to see the ending. ��
ReplyDeleteI am gonna do my best to get the next episode out on time. I'd like to wrap it up soon! :)
DeleteThank you, I am so glad you are enjoying it!
OMG, so much going on, I am on the edge of my seat! I will be waiting patiently (well, maybe not so patiently!) for the next episode.
ReplyDeleteHehe...I know! I'm excited to finally wrap this series up...
DeleteHaha! I loved the detail of Outlander's book on the table :) I just begun watching it last week and now I'm obsessed!
ReplyDeleteYeah I love that book! And the show, haha!
DeleteOMG, for a moment I thought Willow had lost her memory! Just imagine she can't remember the attacker... or worse: Peter! O.O
ReplyDeleteThough it'd sure make a dramatic storyline... *scribbling-it-down-so-I-won't-forget* :D
And so it really was Cade!!! He was definitely not on my radar! Oh my, I really hope Peter can defend himself until help arrives. This is SO excitiiiing!
Ha, if he knew Willow's awake, he'd beat the crap out of Cade in no time so he could go and see her. ;)
Oh, and Amari! I really, really hope she'll keep the baby with or without Shaun. Though, of course, I'd love to see them in this together.
Can't wait for the next episode. <3 <3 <3
Yeah she's a bit groggy still so her full memory is not back, but I didn't feel a total memory loss was the best for this particular storyline, haha! but yeah that would be a fun one to play out...
DeleteWell Cade didn't directly admit it but he seems like a likely suspect for the crime. Oh yes! If Peter only knew Willow was awake he may be more determined
We will learn more about Shaun and Amari...That's for sure ;-)
Aha! So it's a coincidence coming together. Cade just so happened to show up, but it was still Shelby who did the stabbing. Hmmm....
DeleteWe will find out Jaye! ;-) I promise to have it all wrapped up in the next episode just hope I can be on time, haha!
DeletePeter is soooo hard headed he should have listened to Luke and the cops! I hope Luke steps in to help Peter. Peter is all talk but doesn't seem like a good fighter.
ReplyDeletePapa don't preach! Amari needs a support system with or without Shaun your first baby is quite the adjustment. I wonder if Shaun will want her to terminate. He seemed pretty level headed but he if feels trapped his reaction be ugly. Their relationship is about to be seriously tested.
I am glad you guys were not badly impacted by Harvey!
Thank you! Yes we got very lucky with Hurricane Harvey, my family down on the Texas coast had their houses and business devastated by it, but thankfully they are all safe and well.
DeleteOh yes, Pete is very hard headed, he's a stubborn fool for sure. Well with Cade most people are not good fighters, haha! But yeah Peter is not a whole lot of a fighter...
As for Shaun and Amari we will learn more about them after this story is all concluded. :) When an unexpected pregnancy pops up who knows how everyone will react. This definitely be a true test for their relationship.
So glad you're enjoying it all :)
Miranda, this was an awesome episode!! First, I hope that Amari what is best for her. It will be okay either way if Shaun stays or not. She seems to have family support. Her father may be mad in the beginning, but a baby's cooing will change all if that. As for Willow, I am so happy that she woke up!! I love her and Peter's relationship and would have been sad to see it end...especially due to death. Now on to Cade's demonic a$$, I believe that with Peter remembering that mantra, he is going to beat the crap out of him! I would love to see that!
ReplyDeleteI love your dialogue, sets, and all of the little biddy details as always. Looking forward to the next episode.
Thank you so much, so glad that you enjoyed it.
DeleteI hope too that Amari does what is best for her. We will learn more about their story after I wrap up Peter's ;-)
Yes! Willow finally woke up, yay! Even though in dolly time it's only been about 3 days, haha!
I know her and Peter fit so well together, I think if Willow would have died Peter would have too so speak.
Let's hope Peter can find a way out of this, we shall see!
Thank you I love to add the details, it's what makes everything so much fun :)
Hi Miranda I want to say I love your blog, I'm from Brazil and whenever I have time in the middle of university work I see the new episodes and I can not wait for the next one, I'm playing a lot for Peter and Willow <3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Alessandra!
DeleteYes I'm rooting too for Peter and Willow...
Thank you for taking the time to comment and say hello! :)
Whatever happend to your tumblrafterdark page??
ReplyDeleteI deleted Tumblr because I did not like the blog format over there and the amount of weird spam accounts I was getting because people could reblog you post. I'm thinking about possibly opening a second blogger account for this. We will see...
DeleteI really love how you write this story, I started to follow in instagram recently and I really liked your photos, I read very little English, but I took the time to translate it little by little ... I admire you a lot!
ReplyDeleteHi Monis!
DeleteThank you so much, happy to have ya here! So glad you're enjoying my dolls and their crazy lives, hehe :)
I have a translate tab setup on my blog but it can only viewed on the desktop version...
Wow, this was awesome.So glad Willow woke up. I hope she never remembers the entire assault, just who she opened the door to.A knife attack would be a terrible memory to live with.
ReplyDeleteI know Cade is a violent thug but I heard it's unusual for criminals to change weapons. Why use a gun for this attack after using a knife for the first one? I think there are two would-be killers around and killing Cade won't be the end of it
Even with family support, I'm not so sure it's a good idea to have a kid with a father who doesn't want it. You're setting your child up for a lifetime of longing for what they can't have so I hope Shaun isn't the jerk Amari seems to think he is.
Thanks for the great episode. I can't wait for the next one.:D
Thank you so much! So glad you enjoyed it :)
DeleteYou make some great points. Amari needs to do what is right for her, but first she needs to make sure Shaun knows what is going on...So we will learn more!
#dontyoudarediepeter #imrootingforyou (yay for Willow waking up as well!)
ReplyDeleteMy comments always end up being massive and praising your sets and photography, so to break the mould, I'll mention the amazing body language this time instead! :P
The casual way Saffron leans against the bed whilst on the phone; the submissive raised hands of Peter when Cade is threatening him - it's all so natural you kind of forget they're dolls sometimes as it really does look like a screenshot from a tv series or something!
On that subject, have you ever done any stopmotion with your lot?