Picking up right where we left off inside Peter's apartment. Cade has his hands like a vice around Peter's neck, squeezing tighter and tighter, rage fueling him Peter hacks and gasps as he tries to fight back but the lack of oxygen is making him weaker. Smoking all that pot is not coming in too handy now, his lungs are on fire, screaming at him for a hit of oxygen.
*Peter* "ACK..ack...GASP!...ACK!...gasp..."
*Cade* "Just give up Morissey...no one is coming to save you now!..."
Peter's eyes begin to roll back and Cade knows that look, this is not the first time he has choked the life out of someone, but that's another story...Peter tries to respond, and hopes to hell that Luke shows up to save the day.

*Peter* "Lu...ack!..gasp... Nnnn...gasp...ack..."
*Cade* "What?! Speak up Morissey I can't hear you!..."
Then Cade smiles the most evil grin Peter has ever seen. It's pure sadistic satisfaction, the crazy on his face spreading like wildfire and coming out with an evil laugh. A laugh so deep it vibrates down his arms, through his fingers and clenches tighter around Peter's throat.
*Cade* "You have no idea how happy this makes me, Morissey...."
Cade is so focused on only him and Peter in the room that he does not hear the light brush of fabric on fabric, as Shelby-Lynn comes out from behind the wall! She crawls on all fours towards the gun that is lying on the carpet before her.
Cade meanwhile has nearly choked the life out of Peter, who kicks out some but is too weak to do anything else. Cade is strong, Luke was right, Peter underestimated how strong he is. Where are ya man?! Where the fuck is Luke?! Peter was so sure he would have come busting through the door already...
Shelby-Lynn creeps cautiously and quietly, her eyes focused on the gun. No way is she gonna let some crazy person take him away from her! Peter needs her now more than ever!
She carefully picks it up, it's heavier than she thought it would be. Gripping it with both hands, she begins to raise the gun up...Her knees wobble a bit as she moves to stand.
Shelby-Lynn takes a deep breath, she is shaking with fear and adrenaline. Peter will surely leave that other woman if she saves his life. No doubt he will fall in love with her for saving him...So, she has to save him. She has to!
Shelby is about to shout at Cade to get off of her man!
When suddenly the door swings open, Luke is shouting for Peter, having no idea what is going on. He pauses in shock in the doorway...
Shelby-Lynn panics and the gun goes off, and Luke flies back hitting the door. A crimson red line slides down and saturates his tattooed arm. All these moments flash by like the second hand on clock face...
Luke groans, his shoulder hot, the pain is intense...
Shelby is in shock at what she just did, gasping as she drops the gun her hands go flying up to her gaping mouth. Shocked and horrified.
Cade is the only one aware of all that is going on. Peter is so weak it will take him more time to recover than it will take Cade to take control of the situation. He turns and grabs the gun, annoyed as to where the hell this girl came from?! No matter he thinks, she can not leave here alive.

Then instinctively both Luke and Peter charge Cade. Separately they are too wounded to fight him but together there is hope. This son of bitch needs to go down!
Luke focuses on knocking the gun out of Cade's grasp.
Peter grunts as he uses all his energy to take Cade down to the floor with him. Cade rocks back trying to fight this take over, he mentally scowls at himself, he may have jumped the gun too soon on revealing himself to Peter...
*Luke* "Your reign of terror is over Cade!..."
As the guys pin Cade down, a lifeless Shelby-Lynn lays where she fell to the floor. She did save Peter but it cost her, her life. Poor Shelby-Lynn, while she was not completely innocent, she did not deserve this tragic end.
Cade hits the floor with a hard thud, his chest deflates from the weight of the two men on him. Luke and Peter takes this as an opportunity to gain full control over Cade, making sure he cannot get up.
*Cade* "Ugnh!...."
*Peter* "Dont fuckin' move..."
*Luke* "Like I said before, we are not sick twisted fucks like you!
Cade finally regains his voice and looks at them both through his sunglasses, which are shifted halfway off his face.

*Cade* "Get the fuck off me!...fight me like a man Morissey! At lease Cooper had
the balls to go toe to toe...We all know who won that cock fight!..."
*Peter* "Fuck you!..."
Peter pulls his arm back in the heat of anger
then lets it fly across Cade's face. Hitting him so hard you
can almost hear the crack of bone on bone.
Cade is surely a bit out of it now after receiving a rightful pummeling. The years have added way too much hate, anger, and extreme loathing between this trio. Too much history, bad history...The kind that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. Peter leans back and catches his breath, Luke pulls up to a standing position, with his foot down on Cade's right arm. He does not trust Cade, not one bit...
*Peter* "Shit...Mother fucker!!..."
*Luke* "Feel better?..."
*Peter* "Fuck ya, I do!..but..."
Then Cade starts to moan, he was only unconscious for a moment. Luke presses his boot into Cade's upper arm, slowly leaning
all his weight into it.
*Luke* "Don't fucking move...or snap your shoulder..."
Cade only groans he is still a bit off. Peter layed into him good.
*Peter* "I think I may have some rope we could tie him up. I'm sure the
cops are on their way by now..."
But before the two can make a decision, James and Hayden come guns outstretched before them, eyes wide and attentive, bodies primed for action. They both shout out as they see Luke and Peter standing there in the living room of the apartment.
*Hayden* "I need y'all to step away...Hands up guys."
Peter instinctively lets his hands fly up and Luke turns to address the two detectives, he can't raise his right arm because of the gunshot wound. He is doing his best to not focus on the pain, at the moment adrenaline still pulsing through his body.
fingerprints all over it. So I'm not moving my foot off this fucker till you cuff him...Last thing we need is for him to take someone else out"
Hayden and James quickly nod in agreement with each other, then cautiously make their way over. Noticing Shelby's body as they walk. Peter whispers to Luke...
*Peter* "Shit, never have I ever been so fucking happy to see the cops..."
Luke chuckles but stops, just smiles instead. Hurts too damn
much to move the pain in his arm is getting worse now..
Once Hayden and James reach where Cade is laying, Luke steps back and away. James commands Cade put his hands up
*James* "Let's go, hands up and don't even try anything..."
Hayden keeps his weapon out and pointed at Cade while
James slaps the cuffs on him.
*Peter* "Hey man, you okay? You're starting to look like shit..."
*Luke* "I feel like shit...the pain is getting worse..."
James and Hayden get Cade up on his feet and begin to
read him his rights.
*Hayden* " You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used
against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford
an attorney, one will be provided for you..."
*Cade* "I know what my fucking rights are..."
Hayden finally holsters his gun while he
responds back to Cade.
*Hayden* "Oh I'm sure you do...but I still gotta remind you...You just made a whole lotta peoples day by getting caught...haul this lowlife away James. The scales of justice have prevailed
today, this is the end of the line for you."
James pulls back and clenches are hard the cuffs that are digging into Cade's wrists, then forcibly turns him to walk out the door with him. Hayden begins to follow, he wants to secure Cade first before they move on.
*Peter* "What the fuck man?! Luke needs medical attention..."
Luke tries to wave his hand off like he is okay. He too wants Cade locked away where he can never see the light of day again.
*Luke* "I'm fucking fine...It's worse than it looks."
*Hayden* "The EMS is on the way...You sure you're good?.."
*Luke* "A few more minutes is not gonna make a difference."
*Hayden* "Okay...As soon as I get Cade secure we will need to
get your statements. I have CSU coming up too..."
Peter is stunned by Hayden's lack of concern.
*Peter* "He needs to go to the fucking hospital not get questioned!.."
*Hayden* "Peter, I know you do not like it but it is what it is. As soon as they get here
they will take care of Luke and take him to the hospital..."
*Peter* "I want to go with him...I'm not fucking sticking around to be detained
for hours and hours this time!..."
*Hayden agrees* "Okay, okay...I understand, It's fine I ain't got no problem with that.
Besides, I'm sure you're anxious to go see Willow now that she is awake...."
Peter stops Hayden mid sentence.
*Peter* "Willow's awake?!..."
*Hayden* "Yeah, she woke about less than an hour ago. Jennifer is on her way there
to question her now. I'll have her talk to you two while she's there."
Then Hayden follows James and Cade down to
the squad cars waiting below.
*Peter with relief* "She's fucking awake man!..."
*Luke smiles* "That's great, I'm happy for you. And I'm glad we caught her attacker. I'm sure she will be relieved to know Cade is now behind bars..."
not deserve to die...Luke looks down at her with deep sorrow.
*Luke* "Poor girl, she is young. Cade is a fucking animal..."
*Peter* "I know, I confronted Cade about him attacking Willow, and
uh...I don't think it was him."
Luke steps out and away from the doorway he was leaning against. Now shocked to hear this news, Hayden seemed so sure that
Cade had to be the one who attacked her.
*Luke* "What the fuck?! I thought it was Cade...You think it was her?!..."
*Peter* "I don't fucking know! She showed up outta no where and saved my ass. I was beginning to believe it was Cade too, but when I asked him straight out he did not know what I was referring to..."
*Luke* "But Hayden said that who ever did it was a taller than Willow, bigger, stronger...
They totally ruled out her being a suspect..."
*Peter* "I know!...The only other suspects were me and...."
Then Peter's eyes go wide as he realizes who
really is Willow's attacker. Luke is looking paler,
maybe that wound is as bad as it looks.
*Luke* "What?!...Oh...OH!...You mean..."
*Peter* "Yes! Pencil Dick!!.."
But Luke looks like he is about to topple over, Peter quickly gets around him and helps him walk to the door, he can hear another siren wailing, the EMS must be here now.
*Peter* "We gotta get you to the hospital...Laura is gonna have my fucking hide...
But at least we stopped Cade..."
*Luke with slurred enthusiasm* "Shhiit!...Fuckin' A!..."
*Peter smiles* "Fuckin' A..."
To be concluded in Part 3!
I was hoping to get it all done in this episode but it just was not working for me. So we will see it all finally come to a close on the next episode. I hope you have all enjoyed this series. I have had so much fun working on it. So to know you all have truly enjoyed it makes my day! Thank you so much for all the support likes and comments.
Wow I'm so glad Cade is put away but I'm agreeing with them sad that Shelby died. I sure hope that Willow continues to recover and she will be ok. Man when Luke got shot I felt like I did too. The description and detail is on fire amazing! Your such an amazing story teller Miranda! once again I'm so proud of you!
ReplyDeleteHi Mandee :)
DeleteYes we are all relieved Cade has finally been captured after being on the run for several years. I know it is so sad the Shelby died, she had no idea who Cade was and how evil he is. Luke got so lucky that Cade wasn't holding that gun at the moment he came in. So glad you enjoyed it :)
Day-um, you tell a good story! I was at the edge of my seat! Can't wait for the next episode! I can't believe it was pencil dick . . . er Nathan! Poor Shelby-Lynn, she was a mess, but didn't deserve to die like this! Wow!
ReplyDeleteHi Phyllis,
DeleteThank you so much I am so glad you have been enjoying this series. I know it seems a little far fetched to be Nathan...And as for Shelby-Lynn, you're right poor girl she got herself mixed up in a bad situation.
Didn't see Shelby-Lyn coming, especially through the wall. But that's explains how she kept appearing from nowhere. Now I feel bad for her. She didn't attack Willow and tried to save Peter. Poor girl, she really didn't deserve to die.
ReplyDeleteI am shocked that it's Nathan. Just shocked. I knew he had a temper, but how could he attack Willow just because she rejected him?
Hi Jaye,
DeleteOh i know I didn't think most of you would see that part coming. Shelby is definitely a crazy stalker but not a killer. She walked herself into a bad scenario.
Yes Nathan seemed so adamant he was not their guy. Willow did more than reject him. She embarrassed him made him feel like a fool for taking her back...
Whew! Taking deep breath after holding it so long! Where is Shelby-Lynn's family and how will they take all of this? I was afraid she would be preggers and ruin things for Peter and Willow. Now they cn start planning their wedding. :-)
ReplyDeleteYes that was a pretty intense episode...not sure if I will just mention her family or show someone...but naturally her parents will be devastated. And no one knew she was using the crawl space to hide and spy on people so that's gotta be a shocker.
DeleteOh no, Peter cannot get any girl preggers because he had a vasectomy many years ago. We will see there is still so much Peter and Willow have to work through... :)
I just cried a bit. That was a huge shock. Oh my word. Rest in peace Shelby-Lyn.
ReplyDeleteAwwww! I know it's so sad to see Shelby's crazyness stifled with one blow. She may have been eccentric but she was so young still. :(
DeleteSo very sad for Shelby-Lyn and her folks. Girl had determination albeit misdirected (stalker) and creepy. Who would have thought about coming thru the wall! Didn't Nathan have an alibi? Your graphics are on point! Thanks for sharing your talents and stories this gives me my soap opera fix!
ReplyDeleteI know it's sad about Shelby, she definitely needed some love and attention because of her stalker way but Cade did not have to that to her just cause his ego was bruised a bit. Yeah that's a bit nutty to hang out in a wall...
DeleteNo Nathan did not have an alibi or Shelby and Peter did.
Thanks so much! I had a lot of fun photographing this series action shots like this are always a challenge.
I am so glad you're enjoying it! :)
typo in there I meant to say only Shelby and Peter had alibi's...Nathan did not.
DeleteAwww...poor Shelby-Lynn :( I have been on the edge of my seat with this series.
ReplyDeleteI know poor, girl she crawled out of a wall and found herself in a bad place and time.
DeleteSo glad you have been enjoying it :)
How did Shelby crawl out of a wall? I still don't get it. I'm somewhat sorry for Shelby and her family. And if it turned out to be Nathan, omg, Willow really made a right decision leaving him!
ReplyDeleteShelby's magic act will be better revealed in the next episode but basically she came out of a crawl space in the wall. It's an old building so...
DeleteOh yes, it is sad that young vibrant little shelby is gone. She was a lot of fun as a character. I sure will try and post on time this week cause we have got to finish this series, haha!
A crawl space in the wall! No wonder she tend to popped out from nowhere. Thank you for this intense series. I'm ready to be all lovey dovey again. Hahaha. P.S: it is great to realize that all the boys from onesixthavenue are getting their stories. Love!
DeleteMiranda, have you ever considered writing a book? Your stories are so detailed, suspenseful, engaging and on point!! I have thoroughly enjoyed this series. Now on to the story. I am sorry that Shelby Lynn had to go out like that. I figured it was going to be bad for her because the big gun was more than she could have handled and Cade would have probably choked the life out of her little neck. I am happy that Luke walked away only with a gunshot to the arm. Laura is going to be mad but happy that he survived Cade's wrath. I hope that Nathan gets what he deserve. I have always felt that it was him. Shelby Lynn was a little too innocent to commit murder. Hopefully, Peter and Willow can live a happy healthy relationship moving forward. Awesome episode!!
ReplyDeleteActually here lately I have been considering doing a Luke and Laura book. I have had several people suggest it lately.
DeleteI am so glad you are enjoying it! :)
I know it is very sad that Shelby met with such a horrible demise. She was a bit of a nuisance for Peter but Cade did not need to be so brutal. Yes Laura is not gonna be happy that Peter dragged Luke into such a dangerous situation, luckily he will be okay.
As for Nathan, well it is looking like he's the prime suspect now...We will find out! :)
Oh my, what an episode! O.O I totally panicked when Shelby acidentally fired that gun at Luke. I already saw him in a hospital bed next to Willow. Laura is gonna freak out for sure.
ReplyDeletePoor little Shelby. :( Her family is gonna be heart broken. If it really was Nathan who attacked Willow, I'd love to se HIM dead. *grrr*
Can't wait for all of it to be revealed and for all the characters to have a peaceful life again. They definitely deserve it.
Awesome writing, photography, posing, sets... as always, simply brilliant! <3 <3 <3
Hi Dani,
DeleteThank you as always I am so thrilled you enjoyed the story. I want to catch up on yours now that I'm taking a break :)
Yes it is sad that Shelby had to go out like that. Luke was not too happy with me that he was the one who had to take the bullet, haha! But it made for a good show....
As for Nathan we will find out in the new episode what his fate is ;-)
LOL at the 'Smoking all that pot is not coming in too handy now' - if this doesn't make him quit I don't know what will!
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh, unexpected Shelby-Lynn is unexpected! O_O
Ahhhhhhh, shit, no, Luke! D:
(welp, looks like Peter's stalker issues have err...been resolved? X'D)
Another great episode.:D This certainly feels like it could be a book. Or one if those graphic novels but with pictures instead of drawings. You really do incredible work.