While Luke and Peter hitch a ride in an ambulance to the hospital. CSU is back on the scene at Peter's place. Hayden and James continue on there gathering some more info before they head back to the station.
*James* "Look at the wall over there!...That has to be where she came from."
Hayden walks across the room and turns his head in
the direction that James is pointing out.
Hayden walks across the room and turns his head in
the direction that James is pointing out.
*Hayden* "Well I'll be...Looks like Peter was right to be paranoid. Poor girl, she had
no idea what dangers waited for her on the other side."
Everyone is looking down at a small panel in the wall from the old vent system. It is clear and obvious that was how Shelby was getting
in and out of Peter's apartment without him knowing.
*Matt* "This is a really old apartment building...So some of the crawl spaces are
large enough for someone of her size to fit through..."
*Hayden* "Any idea where the other end is connected?..."
no idea what dangers waited for her on the other side."
Everyone is looking down at a small panel in the wall from the old vent system. It is clear and obvious that was how Shelby was getting
in and out of Peter's apartment without him knowing.
*Matt* "This is a really old apartment building...So some of the crawl spaces are
large enough for someone of her size to fit through..."
*Hayden* "Any idea where the other end is connected?..."
*Matt* "My guess is it is probably connected to her families
apartment mostly likely to her room..."
*Hayden* "So if Cade is not our guy for the stabbing and she had an alibi, then that
leaves us with one other prime suspect..."
*James* "Nathan Doucet...I knew it was him all along. Guy had guilty written all over him.
Poor girl, she had a whole life ahead of her..."
Later on back at the station. Cade is locked up, chained up
and is waiting on transport. He will probably
never see the light of day again.
*Courntey* "Do you have time for a lunch break?..."
*Hayden* "Hell, yeah, Baby...time to celebrate."
James meanwhile is keeping Cade company...
apartment mostly likely to her room..."
*Hayden* "So if Cade is not our guy for the stabbing and she had an alibi, then that
leaves us with one other prime suspect..."
*James* "Nathan Doucet...I knew it was him all along. Guy had guilty written all over him.
Poor girl, she had a whole life ahead of her..."
Later on back at the station. Cade is locked up, chained up
and is waiting on transport. He will probably
never see the light of day again.
*Courntey* "Do you have time for a lunch break?..."
*Hayden* "Hell, yeah, Baby...time to celebrate."
James meanwhile is keeping Cade company...
*James* "Boy oh boy, will the boys in blue back at home sure love to hear about me catching one of AmeriDoll's Most Wanted Criminals...Seems like fate finally caught up to you, Nguyen.
Reason why...Well, James Tatum always catches his man..."
Cade does not care, he just stares off and lets his mind drift. Fiona is gone...he has nothing left now. Going back to the way life was before her is impossible. She was his soulmate, his Bonnie to his Clyde. Nothing matters anymore now. Nothing.
Reason why...Well, James Tatum always catches his man..."
Cade does not care, he just stares off and lets his mind drift. Fiona is gone...he has nothing left now. Going back to the way life was before her is impossible. She was his soulmate, his Bonnie to his Clyde. Nothing matters anymore now. Nothing.
Meanwhile at the hospital Peter has finally left Luke's side to go in search of Willow. Luckily for Luke his hit to the shoulder wasn't as bad as it felt. After being properly attended to and his wound stitched up. The nurse helps to bandage his arm. She is having a hard time not drooling over the handsome stranger and her chattiness is infectious. She asks him about his tats and his band hanging on every word that comes out of his mouth.
*Luke* "I can tell Peter to add you to the guest list with a plus one..."
*Nurse Teresa* "That's okay you don't need to trouble yourself..."
*Luke* "Oh no, it's fine. Pete is the manager there so it's all good..."
*Teresa* "Oh okay!...yes that would be awesome, thank you...I
would love to watch y'all play."
would love to watch y'all play."
*Luke smiles* "Well you've taken good care of me, it's the least I can do."
She smiles sweetly at him, then the door swings open and Laura comes bursting into the room. Angrier than a mamma bear protecting her cubs. Luke nearly jumps up off the table, startled by her sudden presence. Today was full of enough surprises.
*Laura* "Luke Allen Cooper! I swear to gawd!..."
*Luke jumps* "Fuck, Laura!...I've had enough gawddamn surprises today..."
*Laura* "Well my day hasn't been so peachy either!..."
Luke turns to look at the nurse, his face now serious
instead of light and friendly.
*Luke* "Am I good now?..."
*Teresa* "Yes, lemme just clean up."
Then she steps away quickly and Laura steps in. Getting a call from the cops that her husband was shot is not a call she wanted to get. She was already on edge after their heated little conversation
on the phone just hours ago.
*Laura* "Do you have any idea how worried I have been?! Then to get a call that
you've been shot and on your way to the hospital?!..."
*Luke* "I know. I'm sorry, Babe...but I'm gonna be okay."
*Luke* "I got fucking lucky as hell...My shoulder took the bullet
but it was worth it, cause we caught Cade..."
*Laura* Worth it?!..."
Then the nurse decides it is best to leave the room...
*Teresa* "I'll be outside if you need me..."
But the two are too busy being focused on each other.
*Laura continues* "How is risking your life worth it, when we have two
young boys at home that need their father?! Every time Peter says Jump, you say how high...Luke I know he's your best friend but you have got to stop letting him talk you into these crazy situations!...I don't want to raise our boys alone. I refuse to...so I really hope that you get that!"
And just like that Peter is back on Laura's shit list and Luke somehow feels better about it. He was not liking the different dynamic between them yesterday. He pulls himself up off the exam table and reaches out to her with his only free arm. She has every right to be upset with him, but he still does not like it.
*Luke* "Laura please just calm the fuck down, I really don't need a lecture right now!.."
Luke does not mean to get testy with her but she forgets he too has been stressed about everything that took place today.
Luke does not mean to get testy with her but she forgets he too has been stressed about everything that took place today.
*Laura* "Don't you tell me to calm down!..I have every right to
be worried sick about you!...."
*Luke* "Laura...Baby, please...just."
be worried sick about you!...."
*Luke* "Laura...Baby, please...just."
Then like that the anger breaks and Laura is consumed by tears. She does not want to fight with him, she just wants him to understand that what he did was foolish and careless.
*Laura crying* "I can't loose you, I'm not prepared for that! Luke I love you, and you and the boys are my whole world. Please just understand that I can't deal with that.
You have no idea how panicked I was!"
*Luke* "Baby, it's okay. I'm okay. I know you're upset and I know I should have listened to better judgement but I couldn't leave Peter. I just couldn't..."
*Laura* "I just get so worried that one day your dedication to him is gonna end up in a bad way... Peter is like playing with fire, everyone around him always gets burned one way or another."
*Luke* "Aw, c'mon Laura...now you're being paranoid..."
*Laura* "Maybe I am, but you still have no idea how much I love you..."
*Luke* "Yes, I do. Because I love you too, c'mere..."
Then he pulls her in tighter for a hug and kisses her on the forehead. Trying his best to reassure her that all is well. They stand there in silence for a beat. Laura closes her eyes and breathes him, he does not smell like himself right now. He smells of ointment and other related items they used to clean his wound and bandage.
*Luke* "I already told Peter to be expecting a slap or two in the face from you..."
*Laura* "Oh really?..."
*Luke* "Yeah...Look I know I was an idiot for letting him talk me into going to his place, but he would have done it on his own too. Now you know I can't live with myself if I let that happen."
*Laura* "I know..."
After Laura finally calmed down and the two felt better about the whole situation. Laura helped Luke get his shirt on. Looks like she will be caring for 3 instead of 2 boys for the next few weeks,
until his wound heals.
*Luke* "How did you get here so fast? Where are the boys?..."
*Laura* "They are at home with Amari..."
*Luke* "Amari? Yeah but how..."
*Laura* "She was already there when I got the call. And since I helped her out
she offered to stay with the boys so I could come straight here..."
*Luke* "Oh...What did she..."
*Laura cuts him off and replies* "She's pregnant, Luke. And she is
terrified to tell Shaun."
*Luke* "Are you serious?!...Shit! Peter was right."
*Laura* "You mean Shaun knows?!..."
*Luke* "Well, he is suspicious, yeah. That night we had poker at his place, Mari was sick to her stomach. Peter of course blurts it out that she is probably pregnant and Shaun got fuckin' pissed about it and was adamant that she wasn't..."
*Laura* "Well no wonder, she is so scared...She is worried Shaun will want to break up."
Luke turns more to face her now. Laura is right, he cannot imagine his life without her either. Things have not always been perfect nor will they ever be, but he would not trade any of it...not ever.
Laura is and will always be the love of his life.
*Luke* "I am so glad I knocked you up..."
*Laura kinda scoffs and blushes* "What did you say?!..."
*Luke* "You heard me babe, and not once, but twice...maybe this time go for three and see..."
*Laura* "Luke, you're delirious...I think those pain meds may be kicking in now."
Luke smiles, he is feeling a bit high at the moment, but what he said was true. He is happy, and he hopes that Shaun too
can be as happy as he is.
Luke smiles, he is feeling a bit high at the moment, but what he said was true. He is happy, and he hopes that Shaun too
can be as happy as he is.
*Luke* "Shall we go see Willow now, before we head home?..."
*Laura* "Yes, of course."
*Laura* "Yes, of course."
Back in other parts of the hospital. Willow is patiently waiting for her mother and sister to return from home. She lays in her hospital bed and hears the elevator ding open...Then she suddenly gets a flash of memory from that night she was attacked...
Willow is still
struggling to remember everything that happened that night. Jennifer
came and questioned her earlier this morning when she first woke up, but
she struggled so much to remember details. Then the detective was called away
to go help deal with Cade.
Foot steps quietly approach Willow's room and her heart does a little somersault in her chest. Everyone keeps telling her Peter is on his way to her, but he has yet to show up. As the figure comes into view, their face is obscured by the large vase of flowers he is holding.
Willow again has another flash of memory, it is like a bolt of lightening that lights up those dark memories in her mind and sheds a little light on them. She softly gasps. Knowing that, that man is not Peter!
He steps into the room and tilts the flowers away from his face...
Foot steps quietly approach Willow's room and her heart does a little somersault in her chest. Everyone keeps telling her Peter is on his way to her, but he has yet to show up. As the figure comes into view, their face is obscured by the large vase of flowers he is holding.
Willow again has another flash of memory, it is like a bolt of lightening that lights up those dark memories in her mind and sheds a little light on them. She softly gasps. Knowing that, that man is not Peter!
He steps into the room and tilts the flowers away from his face...
*Nathan* "Hey sleepy head!..."
*Willow* "What are you doing here?!..."
*Nathan* "I heard you woke up...so I decided to bring you some flowers...I'll
just put them over here for you."
just put them over here for you."
*Willow* "Nathan, you...you really shouldn't be here..."
*Nathan* "We're all civil adults now, right?"
*Nathan* "We're all civil adults now, right?"
While Nathan fiddles with the flowers, Willow struggles to grab
her bed controls so she can hit the call button...
her bed controls so she can hit the call button...
Where is the nurse?! She thinks to herself, her heart rate must be setting off alarms by now. Willow finally gets a handle on the controls just before Nathan turns around. She shoves it in close to her body and hits the button over and over.
*Nathan smiles* "You look a bit pale..."
*Willow* "I'm fine!.."
*Nathan more serious* "You don't look fine..."
*Willow* "Just go away!"
*Nathan gets defensive* "Woah, woah...calm down. I'm only here to bury the hatchet..."
Nathan tries to step closer while he is talking.
Willow begins to tap on the call button again. Where is that damn, nurse?! Where is Peter? And her mom and her sister? She can't remember everything yet, but she knows his intentions
are stained with her blood.
*Willow* "Just stay away from me! Don't come any closer..."
*Nathan* "What is that?!...You calling for help?"
*Willow* "
Willow begins to tap on the call button again. Where is that damn, nurse?! Where is Peter? And her mom and her sister? She can't remember everything yet, but she knows his intentions
are stained with her blood.

Nathan again is about to step closer when the nurse finally comes to check on her. She looks at Nathan and then to Willow.
It is clear she does not want him here.
*Summer* "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave..."
*Nathan* "Why?..I'm here during visiting hours."
*Summer* "You're not on my list of approved visitors."
Nathan gets a little upset.
*Willow* "I'm fine!.."
*Nathan more serious* "You don't look fine..."
*Willow* "Just go away!"
*Nathan gets defensive* "Woah, woah...calm down. I'm only here to bury the hatchet..."
Nathan tries to step closer while he is talking.
Willow begins to tap on the call button again. Where is that damn, nurse?! Where is Peter? And her mom and her sister? She can't remember everything yet, but she knows his intentions
are stained with her blood.
*Willow* "Just stay away from me! Don't come any closer..."
*Nathan* "What is that?!...You calling for help?"
*Willow* "
Willow begins to tap on the call button again. Where is that damn, nurse?! Where is Peter? And her mom and her sister? She can't remember everything yet, but she knows his intentions
are stained with her blood.

Nathan again is about to step closer when the nurse finally comes to check on her. She looks at Nathan and then to Willow.
It is clear she does not want him here.
*Nathan* "Why?..I'm here during visiting hours."
*Summer* "You're not on my list of approved visitors."
Nathan gets a little upset.
*Nathan* "Well isn't that up to Willow if I stay or go?..."
*Willow* "Get the fuck outta my room..."
*Summer* "Well there's you answer, I need you to leave..."
*Nathan* "Fine..."
Summer steps into the room to check on Willow,
before she makes sure Nathan takes his exit.
*Summer* "Are you okay, Hun?..."
Willow shakes her head no, she feels like crying
but her energy is fading.
*Summer* "I will call security to make sure he leaves the building
and does not come back, okay?..."
*Willow nods and wispers* "and call the cops, I remember!..."
Summers eyes get wide and she quickly understands.
*Nathan* "No need to call security, I'm leaving..."
*Summer smiles* "Have a good day sir..."
Then the elevator dings again and just like that Peter and Nathan stand face to face, toe to toe once again. Peter has had a shit day, and this just sends it all the way up to the top of list.
All he wanted to do was finally see that Willow was okay.
*Peter* "Pencil Dick, Mother fucker!..."
Instead his arm is coming up and giving Nathan a big 'ol shiner to the face, knocking his head back. Peter's knuckles ache already, as his blistered fist burns when he makes contact with the side of Nathan's face. He just hopes Pencil Dick fucking feels the same. Strong and stout, Nathan's body keeps him from immediately going down to the floor, but he is still a bit stunned from that hard hit to the face.
Summer calls for security then instinctively steps back. Nathan counters quickly with a hard punch to Peter's gut. No way is he backing down from this fight now and neither is Peter. Peter flexes his abdomen taking the hit as best as he can. This time he is not letting Pencil Dick get the upper hand. He is so mad! So fucking mad!
All this time the cops had it all wrong!
Peter a bit winded by the hit but still standing shoves Nathan back and forcefully hits him against the nurse's desk behind them. Nathan cries out in pain hitting the hard stone of the counter top,
the blow to the back weakens him considerably.
*Peter* "You're fucking going down...I know it was you!..."
Willow can only turn her head to see that it is Peter and Nathan who are fighting. She cringes in pain, she cannot sit up yet, her body still too weak. She tries to speak but her voice is too soft no one can hear her over the loud kerfuffle that is taking place right outside her hospital room.
*Willow* "Peter!..
Peter swings out several more times and hits Nathan across the face, his fists yet again bruised and bleeding. Nathan is hurt badly from that shove the pain is building and his vision is beginning to blur. He slides from the spot he is pinned and falls to the floor. Peter pummels him again, rage and anger still bubbling up, rising, spewing out and he cannot stop till it all fades. Nathan begins to loose consciousness...
*Summer squeals* "Oh my gawd! Stop it! You're going to
kill him!!!...The cops are on the way!"
Finally officer Pete makes his way up to ICU. He immediately
puts a call in for backup. And Summer pleads with
him to break things up.
*Summer* "Officer, please!...This man is hurt."
Officer Pete immediately takes action and pulls Peter off
of Nathan, who is near unconsciousness.
*Officer Pete* "That's enough...You're going to kill the man, Peter."
Pete yanks him up and pulls him away, Doctor Allain comes in with another nurse, they tend to Nathan right away while Peter is subdued.
*Dr. Allain* "He's still got a pulse..."
*Willow* "Get the fuck outta my room..."
*Summer* "Well there's you answer, I need you to leave..."
*Nathan* "Fine..."
Summer steps into the room to check on Willow,
before she makes sure Nathan takes his exit.
*Summer* "Are you okay, Hun?..."
Willow shakes her head no, she feels like crying
but her energy is fading.
*Summer* "I will call security to make sure he leaves the building
and does not come back, okay?..."
*Willow nods and wispers* "and call the cops, I remember!..."
Summers eyes get wide and she quickly understands.
*Nathan* "No need to call security, I'm leaving..."
*Summer smiles* "Have a good day sir..."
Then the elevator dings again and just like that Peter and Nathan stand face to face, toe to toe once again. Peter has had a shit day, and this just sends it all the way up to the top of list.
All he wanted to do was finally see that Willow was okay.
*Peter* "Pencil Dick, Mother fucker!..."
Instead his arm is coming up and giving Nathan a big 'ol shiner to the face, knocking his head back. Peter's knuckles ache already, as his blistered fist burns when he makes contact with the side of Nathan's face. He just hopes Pencil Dick fucking feels the same. Strong and stout, Nathan's body keeps him from immediately going down to the floor, but he is still a bit stunned from that hard hit to the face.
Summer calls for security then instinctively steps back. Nathan counters quickly with a hard punch to Peter's gut. No way is he backing down from this fight now and neither is Peter. Peter flexes his abdomen taking the hit as best as he can. This time he is not letting Pencil Dick get the upper hand. He is so mad! So fucking mad!
All this time the cops had it all wrong!
Peter a bit winded by the hit but still standing shoves Nathan back and forcefully hits him against the nurse's desk behind them. Nathan cries out in pain hitting the hard stone of the counter top,
the blow to the back weakens him considerably.
*Peter* "You're fucking going down...I know it was you!..."
Willow can only turn her head to see that it is Peter and Nathan who are fighting. She cringes in pain, she cannot sit up yet, her body still too weak. She tries to speak but her voice is too soft no one can hear her over the loud kerfuffle that is taking place right outside her hospital room.
*Willow* "Peter!..
Peter swings out several more times and hits Nathan across the face, his fists yet again bruised and bleeding. Nathan is hurt badly from that shove the pain is building and his vision is beginning to blur. He slides from the spot he is pinned and falls to the floor. Peter pummels him again, rage and anger still bubbling up, rising, spewing out and he cannot stop till it all fades. Nathan begins to loose consciousness...
*Summer squeals* "Oh my gawd! Stop it! You're going to
kill him!!!...The cops are on the way!"
Finally officer Pete makes his way up to ICU. He immediately
puts a call in for backup. And Summer pleads with
him to break things up.
*Summer* "Officer, please!...This man is hurt."
Officer Pete immediately takes action and pulls Peter off
of Nathan, who is near unconsciousness.
*Officer Pete* "That's enough...You're going to kill the man, Peter."
Pete yanks him up and pulls him away, Doctor Allain comes in with another nurse, they tend to Nathan right away while Peter is subdued.
*Dr. Allain* "He's still got a pulse..."
Nathan groans slightly.
*Nurse* "Sir, can ya hear me?..."
Peter meanwhile tries to pull away from Officer
Pete's hold on him. Even though Peter does not care for the company of cops, he kinda got to know Pete a little over the past few days.
*Peter* "It was him! Fuckin' lemme go, man...It was him!.."
*Officer Pete* "Not until you calm down...Or I'm gonna have to arrest you."
*Peter* "I am calm, let me go!"Peter continues to wiggle, adrenaline still racing through his veins. Then he sees Willow and that red hue of rage begins to fade from his vision. Peter wants nothing more than to hold Willow in his arms again.

*Willow* "Peter!?!..."
*Peter* "Willow!...I'm coming, baby..."
Peter tries to jerk away but the officer
has a strong handle on him.
*Peter* "Please, please I just want to see her..."
*Officer Pete* "Fine, but keep your cool man...I'm watching you."
*Peter* "I will, I fuckin' swear..."
*Officer Pete* "Technically I'm suppose to arrest you, so you got 5 minutes man. Make them count."
*Peter* "Okay, okay..."
Then he finally lets Peter go, and responds
to his dispatch.
*Officer Pete* "Yes, everything is calm now..."
Then finally after what seemed like an eternity of waiting for Willow to wake up. She is there wide awake and reaching out for Peter. She smiles at him as he enters her hospital room and Peter
makes a B line for her bedside.
Peter runs his hand under her neck and pulls her lips to his. He is gentle with her body but consumes her mouth like it is the only thing he has ever tasted. The last time she was in his arms he nearly lost her. Peter is not wanting to ever let her go again.
And just like that kiss that night in the park, where he finally confessed his love for her, this one is on that very same level. Willow can feel his emotion, his love, his need for her and it spreads through her body like a warm healing pulse. Sending out his love in waves over her body.
Peter and Willow both sigh as he breaks away from the kiss, but he stays close. Her big blue eyes are full of life again, taking him in and smiling back at him. Willow has the most mesmerizing clear blue eyes, they are angelic for sure and her pale skin intensifies it. They were what caught Peter's attention the first time they met.
*Peter* "Fuuuuck, baby!..You had me so gawddamn worried."
*Willow smiles* "Mmmm...Gawd, I have missed that..."
*Peter* "What?..."
*Willow* "Your voice. I love the sound of your voice and I
love that dirty mouth of yours."
*Peter* "Oh really?...I'll talk dirty to you all damn day if it makes you feel better. "
*Willow smiles* "I love you, Peter..."
*Peter* "I love you too..."
*Willow* "I don't know how I will ever get used to hearing you say those words!.."
Then a single tear slides down Willow's cheek. Peter knows she is still scared and traumatized from it all. He feels it too, the rush of passion from the kiss has faded and reality is setting in.
*Peter* "Baby, don't cry...It's okay, you're safe know. I fuckin' swear it, that
son of a bitch can't hurt you ever again..."
Meanwhile, the doctor and nurses are taking care of Nathan...
*Dr. Allain* "Okay we are going to move you now..."
*Nathan* "I...I...can't feel my legs!..."
After Nathan is hoisted up onto a gurney,
Officer Pete talks to Dr. Allain.
*Officer Pete* "Where are you taking him?..."
*Dr. Allain* "To x-ray...he may have a contusion on his spine or worse...
We'll know more once an x-ray is done."
*Officer Pete* "Okay, keep me informed I need to get his statement
once you're done with him...We have reason to believe he is her attacker as well."
*Dr. Allain nods* "Will do. I'll let you know Officer..."
*Officer Pete* "Thank you..."
Nathan is wheeled away and shortly after Luke and Laura
find their way to Willow's room.
*Laura* "Knock, knock! Hey you two!..."
Everyone all quickly greets each other
with smiles and hugs.
*Peter* "Looks like you survived Laura's wrath..."
*Luke* "That's because she loves me, now you I'm not so sure..."
*Peter smiles* "I'm glad you're okay, man. I don't like that you got
hurt at my expense either..."
*Luke* "I'll be fine, beside chicks dig scars right?..."
*Peter* "You're looking at little glassy eyed there, man. Must be some good shit."
*Luke* "Fuck ya it is! My shoulder took a gawddamn bullet..."
*Laura* "Willow I am so glad to see you are recovering...We have all missed
you so much, you have no idea."

*Willow* "I am so glad you came, is Luke okay?..."
*Laura* "Yes he will fine, and so will you. Peter was so worried about you.
I can see he loves you so much..."
*Willow* "As much as I tried to deny it all this time, he is without a doubt my soulmate.
I don't think I will ever feel the same with any other..."
*Laura smiles* "Yes, I know...because I feel the same for Luke.
And just like the that these four friends are brought together again, love triumphing over all else. Even though Willow has a long road to recovery and she will have to relive those frightful moments again for a court and jury, right now they want to relish the peace and love and friendship they all carry for each other.
*Laura* "I'm so glad we are all back together again.."
Willow was eventually released from the hospital, and it was decided that it was best she live with her mother while she continued to heal and recover. Peter visited her everyday and insisted on it. He would have lived there too with her, but Janice did not allow it. She is still unsure about Peter, but he continues to grow on her and his dedication to her daughter Willow.
Willow was eventually able to identify Nathan as the one who stabbed her. He was arrested and tried in court for attempted murder. The murder weapon was never recovered but the clothes he was wearing were and they had enough proof to sway the jury.
Peter as well had to suffer some repercussions from that day he nearly beat Nathan to death, who was subsequently paralyzed because of it. Nathan pressed charges against him for assault but because of the complexity of the case, the DA took it easy on him, and in the end got the charges dropped.
Now remember all this technically took place back in April! So the next time we see Willow she will be healthy and recovered.
The End!
Thank you all so much for tuning in each week. As always I appreciate your likes, comments, and support.
Stay tuned cause next week is Luke and Laura's wedding anniversary and I have a special episode planned just for them!
*Peter* "It was him! Fuckin' lemme go, man...It was him!.."
*Officer Pete* "Not until you calm down...Or I'm gonna have to arrest you."
*Peter* "I am calm, let me go!"Peter continues to wiggle, adrenaline still racing through his veins. Then he sees Willow and that red hue of rage begins to fade from his vision. Peter wants nothing more than to hold Willow in his arms again.

*Willow* "Peter!?!..."
*Peter* "Willow!...I'm coming, baby..."
Peter tries to jerk away but the officer
has a strong handle on him.
*Peter* "Please, please I just want to see her..."
*Officer Pete* "Fine, but keep your cool man...I'm watching you."
*Peter* "I will, I fuckin' swear..."
*Officer Pete* "Technically I'm suppose to arrest you, so you got 5 minutes man. Make them count."
*Peter* "Okay, okay..."
Then he finally lets Peter go, and responds
to his dispatch.
*Officer Pete* "Yes, everything is calm now..."
Then finally after what seemed like an eternity of waiting for Willow to wake up. She is there wide awake and reaching out for Peter. She smiles at him as he enters her hospital room and Peter
makes a B line for her bedside.
Peter runs his hand under her neck and pulls her lips to his. He is gentle with her body but consumes her mouth like it is the only thing he has ever tasted. The last time she was in his arms he nearly lost her. Peter is not wanting to ever let her go again.
And just like that kiss that night in the park, where he finally confessed his love for her, this one is on that very same level. Willow can feel his emotion, his love, his need for her and it spreads through her body like a warm healing pulse. Sending out his love in waves over her body.
Peter and Willow both sigh as he breaks away from the kiss, but he stays close. Her big blue eyes are full of life again, taking him in and smiling back at him. Willow has the most mesmerizing clear blue eyes, they are angelic for sure and her pale skin intensifies it. They were what caught Peter's attention the first time they met.

*Peter* "Fuuuuck, baby!..You had me so gawddamn worried."
*Willow smiles* "Mmmm...Gawd, I have missed that..."
*Peter* "What?..."
*Willow* "Your voice. I love the sound of your voice and I
love that dirty mouth of yours."
*Peter* "Oh really?...I'll talk dirty to you all damn day if it makes you feel better. "
*Willow smiles* "I love you, Peter..."
*Peter* "I love you too..."
*Willow* "I don't know how I will ever get used to hearing you say those words!.."
*Peter* "Baby, don't cry...It's okay, you're safe know. I fuckin' swear it, that
son of a bitch can't hurt you ever again..."
Meanwhile, the doctor and nurses are taking care of Nathan...
*Nathan* "I...I...can't feel my legs!..."
After Nathan is hoisted up onto a gurney,
Officer Pete talks to Dr. Allain.
*Officer Pete* "Where are you taking him?..."
*Dr. Allain* "To x-ray...he may have a contusion on his spine or worse...
We'll know more once an x-ray is done."
*Officer Pete* "Okay, keep me informed I need to get his statement
once you're done with him...We have reason to believe he is her attacker as well."
*Dr. Allain nods* "Will do. I'll let you know Officer..."
*Officer Pete* "Thank you..."
Nathan is wheeled away and shortly after Luke and Laura
find their way to Willow's room.
*Laura* "Knock, knock! Hey you two!..."
Everyone all quickly greets each other
with smiles and hugs.
*Peter* "Looks like you survived Laura's wrath..."
*Luke* "That's because she loves me, now you I'm not so sure..."
*Peter smiles* "I'm glad you're okay, man. I don't like that you got
hurt at my expense either..."
*Luke* "I'll be fine, beside chicks dig scars right?..."
*Peter* "You're looking at little glassy eyed there, man. Must be some good shit."
*Luke* "Fuck ya it is! My shoulder took a gawddamn bullet..."
*Laura* "Willow I am so glad to see you are recovering...We have all missed
you so much, you have no idea."

*Willow* "I am so glad you came, is Luke okay?..."
*Laura* "Yes he will fine, and so will you. Peter was so worried about you.
I can see he loves you so much..."
*Willow* "As much as I tried to deny it all this time, he is without a doubt my soulmate.
I don't think I will ever feel the same with any other..."
*Laura smiles* "Yes, I know...because I feel the same for Luke.
And just like the that these four friends are brought together again, love triumphing over all else. Even though Willow has a long road to recovery and she will have to relive those frightful moments again for a court and jury, right now they want to relish the peace and love and friendship they all carry for each other.
*Laura* "I'm so glad we are all back together again.."
Willow was eventually released from the hospital, and it was decided that it was best she live with her mother while she continued to heal and recover. Peter visited her everyday and insisted on it. He would have lived there too with her, but Janice did not allow it. She is still unsure about Peter, but he continues to grow on her and his dedication to her daughter Willow.
Willow was eventually able to identify Nathan as the one who stabbed her. He was arrested and tried in court for attempted murder. The murder weapon was never recovered but the clothes he was wearing were and they had enough proof to sway the jury.
Peter as well had to suffer some repercussions from that day he nearly beat Nathan to death, who was subsequently paralyzed because of it. Nathan pressed charges against him for assault but because of the complexity of the case, the DA took it easy on him, and in the end got the charges dropped.
Now remember all this technically took place back in April! So the next time we see Willow she will be healthy and recovered.
The End!
Thank you all so much for tuning in each week. As always I appreciate your likes, comments, and support.
Stay tuned cause next week is Luke and Laura's wedding anniversary and I have a special episode planned just for them!
You know I've been refreshing the site all day to see the episode. Sadly, Nathan did deserve to be paralyzed for nearly killing Willow, even thought jail is supposed to be the punishment. I'm looking forward to seeing how Shaun reacts when Amari tells him about the baby.
ReplyDeleteI hope Peter doesn't stay on Laura's list too long. Oh, and if that was back in April, that means Amari is about 7 months now? Hmmmm....
Great episode as always!
Hi Jaye,
DeleteThank you, so glad you enjoyed this series. :)
Yes I agree Nathan definitely deserved to be paralyzed for his evil intent on Willow.
Well Peter is almost always on Laura's shit list, but over the years she has softened towards him. Being with Willow has made him more "bearable" for Laura, haha!
We will definitely know more about Shaun and Amari and you are right! If she kept the baby she would be about 7 months right now, lol!...
I always aiting new story
DeleteWow this was round two I've read it. I'm in years and happy. Peter really is Willows soulmate. I think that now that Nathan is put away things may settle. As far as Shelby she was a loony tune but she really didn't deserve to die. Oh Luke we know you would knock Laura up as much as possible!!! Great job as always writing Miranda making it so life like I'm blown to piece!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you enjoyed it! :)
DeleteI sure do hope things settle for a while they could all use the peace and quiet. Haha haha, girl you crack me up, but you're right. Luke would knock Laura up again if could but she ain't having it right now ;-)
Poor Cade, really messed up :/ Such a pity, he was such an interesting man. Wishing Peter and Willow all the best!
ReplyDeleteAwwww! I know Cade was a fun character to write for. Who knows he make another appearance again. I'd love to do flashback episodes it's just I need dioramas for that and so ya know it takes time :)
DeleteArggg! I just typed a longish comment then hit the wrong button, so it disappeared! I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed this story. Glad "Pencil Dick" err . . Nathan got caught in the end. I was worried when he showed up at Willow's bedside. When I saw the fisted hands before the reveal, I knew it was him! The summary at the end was great. So glad Peter didn't get prosecuted for the assault on Nathan. It was understandable under the circumstances. Who knows what he had planned for Willow. Looking forward to seeing how these 2 are doing and how Shaun and Amari deal with the pregnancy. As always, I am so vested in your stories and characters!
ReplyDeleteHi Phyllis,
DeleteAh man, yeah I have had that happen to me before, grrr!
Yup! Nathan was our guy all along. I'm not sure if he planned to hurt her again at the hospital but I think his intentions were dark indeed.
Yes, Peter got lucky Nathan would have basically had to admit to being guilty of attacking Willow ,if he wanted to press charges against Peter as to the reason he attacked him.
We will definitely learn more about Shaun and Amar...
Thank you so much I am so glad you enjoyed the series! :)
This was a happy ending. I hope that Peter wake up and ask Willow for her hand in marriage. I love them together. They need to make some babies. Lol! Nathan got what he deserved... Awesome episode as always! Looking forward to the next series.
ReplyDeleteHi Georgia Girl,
DeleteThank you, I am so glad you enjoyed it :)
We will see how things turn out for Peter and Willow. They still have a lot of stuff to get through. And Peter needs to revers that vasectomy if he wants to start a family, lol!
What a finale!!!
ReplyDeleteSo... pencil dick. It really was him. WOW! We all know he had a temper but I really didn't expect him to go this far. I actually felt sorry for the guy for getting dumped twice. *pfff* Serves him right being paralysed now. He will suffer for the rest of his life. HA!
I did hold my breath when he came to see Willow at the hospital. I totally expected him to finish her off. So glad she was able to get help in time. *phew*
That series was a roller coaster ride of emotions and it was a pleasure to be on it. :D Thanks for entertaining us so awesomely. Can't wait what your imagination has in store for these wonderful characters in the future. THANK YOU!
Hi Dani!
DeleteYeah he was quite scorned after what took place between him and Willow. Love and anger makes people do some crazy shit...Nathan definitely deserved to be paralyzed for hurting Willow.
I am so glad you enjoyed this series! I had so much fun working on it :)
"In the end, love is triumphant over all..." are words to live buy. Love is infinite, you can always have more. Your stories are so amazing and this one had me on the edge of my seat with each episode. *clap, clap, clap*
ReplyDeleteThank you I am so glad you enjoyed this episode and the whole series. I had a lot of fun with this one.
DeleteYou are so very right! Love is so important, we need more of it in the this people have forgotten how to be compassionate to their fellow man...
Thank you again! <3<3<3
Good thinking on Willow's part to call for help silently!
ReplyDelete'*Nathan* "Well isn't that up to Willow if I stay or go?..."
*Willow* "Get the fuck outta my room..."
*Summer* "Well there's you answer, I need you to leave..."'
Hahahaha, get rekt Nathan. XD Karma, as they say, is a bitch. :P
Oh that shot of Willow reaching out for Peter is just too beautiful! <3
I'm sad to see this arc end as it's been a real rollercoaster ride from start to finish but I can't wait for the next installment! :D
Hahaha! yeah Willow was not gonna have Nathan stick around...I like when she gets feisty it's fun.
DeleteAwe, yes it seems everyone really loved that shot of Willow reaching for Peter..
I am so glad you enjoyed it,I had so much fun with this series. It is sad to see it close but there will be more hopefully :)
I read this finale 3 times, then went back to the episode where Willow was stabbed, then reread this finale again. And again. THAT is how I loooooove your stories and this series. Brilliant!!! Thank you for writing such an epic beautiful love story for Willow and Peter. The scene when they are reunited, with Willow reaching out for him is soooooo beautiful. Love it. With L&L and W&P are finally (sort of) sorted, am looking forward to see how things go with A&S. Have a nice weekeeeend, Miranda!
ReplyDeleteAwe, wow! Well I am so glad that you enjoy my dolls and their crazy lives so much. This story had been itching to get outta my head for a very long time so glad I was finally able make it happen..
DeleteYes we will definitely learn more about Shaun and Amari...and always stay updated with Luke and Laura and Peter and Willow...But it's definitely time to get to know Shaun better ;-)
Whew! I can breathe again! I am glad Willow won't have to worry about Nathan ever again! I hope all of this makes Peter straighten up and be more responsible...especialy towards women. LOVED THIS STORY!
ReplyDeleteYes, take a deep breath it is finally all over now :)))
DeleteYou're right Willow does not have to worry anymore about Nathan, which is good lets hope she can over come all of the trauma. As for her and Peter I hope they can make it work, we all know now he definitely loves her and wants to be with her, but can he live up to the challenge? We will see!
This has been such a thrilling story. I didn't see it being Nathan. I thought Fiona was lurking around and Cade just didn't know. Well, everyone that's in jail deserves to be but I feel sorry for Shelby-Lynn's family. Willow is well rid of Nathan and I hope Peter is ready to settle down now.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am so very glad you enjoyed it all. Yeah that could have been a possible theory too, but no Fiona is definitely dead. It's what sent Cade into a rage. His whole life was turned upside down after he agreed to meet Peter an Luke for drinks a few years ago and kidnap Rufus, haha!
DeleteYes it is sad for Shelby, but I'm sure some other love sick girl will find a way to latch onto Peter...haha!
We will find out if the two do settle down, Peter seems to really want to make it work this time and Willow is giving him that chance.