This year for New Year's Eve Luke and Laura are leaving the boys with nana and pawpaw for the whole night, it has been a while since they had a night out alone together. When Krystal asked Laura what she wanted for Christmas, Laura said a date night with Luke. So the two made arrangements and earlier that day on new year's eve, Krystal and Scott picked up their two grandsons and are spending the new year with them. Tonight Luke and Laura are meeting up at Bull Tavern with Michelle and Benjamin for a double date night to ring in 2019.
Luke stands and waits by the door as Laura gathers the last of her things so they can get on their way....
*Luke* "Let's go babe....What are you looking for?"
Laura walking into the kitchen her heels clacking against the hardwood floor. The house is quiet, no children playing, no televison
blaring, just Luke's voice calling out to her...
*Luke* "C'mon babe..."
*Laura* "Here it is...found it!"
Laura grabs her phone then spins around to head back towards
Luke and the door, her heels again slapping against the hard
wood planks. Gotta have that phone on hand now a days!
*Luke* "What were you looking for? Your phone?"
Laura loves to get dolled up for New Year's Eve. She tries to every year, her and Luke have always gone out on most New Year's past,
but the last few years have been busy as they added a new member to the family. Now that Fin is going on two years old this year
they are finally hitting the town again.
*Laura* "Yeah, I left it in the kitchen after I was
done cleaning up...How do I look?"
Women. We can never not ask the question. We need to know their eyes are always on us. Laura knows Luke is smitten but she still likes the look on his face every time she asks. Luke's eyes move up
and down the length of her body as he smiles.
*Laura smiles with satisfaction* "I am now...lets go."
Luke and Laura head up the sidewalk as they near the door for Bull Tavern Luke turns to look at Laura. The bar is no doubt probably already crowded with customers. New Year's Eve is always a big night for bars. It's been some years too since these two celebrated NYE
here. Last time they did, Laura had just found
out she was pregnant with Phoenix.
*Luke* "Let's hurry and get inside...Looks like Hannah just cleared that booth..."
*Laura* "You sure love that booth, huh?..."
*Luke* "Of course I do babe...We have lots of memories there..."
Luke is right. They do have a lot of memories in this bar and at that particular booth. Many a evening when they were very first dating,
Laura would meet Luke here for a late dinner after
she was done working at Ma Cherie.
*Luke* "It's where I realized forever didn't seem so bad..."
*Laura drawls* "Awe....Luke...."
Luke is not often known to be the super sentimental, romantic
type, but when he is he makes sure Laura knows he means it deep from the bottom of his heart. Laura is the love of his life after all...
Once they get inside Luke stands and waits for Laura to slide into
the booth. She removes her coat as Luke watches and waits.
A smile turns up at the corner of his mouth...
*Laura* "What is it?..."
*Luke smiles* "Nothing babe...."
*Laura* "No. You're thinking about something..."
Laura steps in closer as she gets ready to slide into the booth.
Their eyes lock and she knows what's on his mind. It's
always on his mind. Men and their libidos. It makes Laura
go flush in the face just at the thought of it...
*Luke* "You're blushing..."
*Laura smiles* "Just thinking about what you were thinking..."
Luke looks down at her, his gaze darkens and he has to bite down on his lip...The urge to grab her by the hand and whisk her away is strong. Life got complicated now that it's no longer
just the two of them anymore but his feelings aren't. That
basic need to have her and love her is always there.
*Luke* "Sit down, Babe...before I change our plans for tonight."
Laura quickly scoots down into the booth and Luke follows in behind her. No way is she letting him drag her out of here early. She didn't get dressed to kill for the fun of it. Besides they're meeting Ben and Michelle tonight. Laura is excited to catch up one on one with her sister they didn't get to much over the Christmas holiday.
Laura was busy being hostess and cook.
*Laura smiles up at him* "I'm really glad we got this night out
together...I've been looking forward to it for weeks now."
*Luke* "You deserve it babe. You've worked hard this year for the holidays..."
*Laura* "I sure hope Michelle and Ben are willing to host
next year. I could use a longer break. Maybe we could just take the
boys on a Christmas vacation instead?"
Luke smiles reaches his arm around her and rubs
her shoulder pulling her into him.
*Luke* "If that's what you want to do."
*Laura* "Yeah, maybe...I dunno it was just a thought."
*Luke* "We could if you really want to. Just the 4 of us. I'd like that."
*Laura* "Yeah?..."
*Luke* "I say we seriously consider it..."
Meanwhile Benjamin waits on Michelle she got home late, despite the holidays she has been working long hard hours and doesn't see Benjamin till late in the evening usually. Both of them are looking forward to tonight been a while since they had a real date night as well. Michelle comes down the stairs and twirls, stopping to look up at her husband.

*Michelle* "So?..."
*Benjamin* "Absolutely perfect Darlin...You ready?"
*Michelle* "Uh huh..."
Michelle nods and then steps in closer.
*Michelle* "You look extra handsome tonight...."
*Benjamin* " know...this man is looking to get lucky tonight."
*Michelle* "Take me out first and sweep me off my feet tonight. Then
we'll see about you gettin' lucky."
*Benjamin* "You gonna make me work for it...."
*Michelle* "Always..."
While Laura and Luke wait for Michelle and Ben they
get their drinks served to their table and continue
to chat with each other.
*Luke* "Your birthday is in a week...You making any plans for that day."
Laura looks at him and smirks. She hasn't had time to think
about it. They have been so busy and she'd rather just forget
she's another year older.
*Laura* "Stay in bed all day?..."
Just then her phone vibrates with an incoming text
message. Laura quickly picks it up to make sure
it is not her mother.
*Luke* "Who is it?..."
*Laura tilting her phone* "It's Willow....she says happy new year."
Luke looks down at her phone and sees a pic of Willow smiling with Peter standing next to her. They look like they are about to head out for the night. Probably to the night club that Peter still manages. He looks happy, well as happy as Peter usually is. At least he has Willow he thinks...he deserves that much.
Laura types back a simple message of happy new year as well. She wishes they were here with them tonight. As much as she has disapproved of Peter in the past she knows Luke misses him but he won't ever admit it.
*Laura* "Will you ever patch things up with Peter?...It's been almost a year now."
*Luke* "Laura...Please don't fucking go there, not right now..."
*Laura* "I'm serious Luke! You need to forgive him and your own mother. You hardly spoke a word to her at Christmas. Being a mother myself it breaks my heart..."
*Luke* "Yeah but my mom is nothing like you, Babe..."
Luke takes a long pull on his beer and sets it back
down to look at Laura.
*Luke* "She's got no fucking morals when it comes to her love life.
Same as Pete. Where do you think he fucking learned it?"
*Laura* "I know. At least try to forgive your mom. She's your mother. She's
all you got. It's a new year, maybe some new beginnings?"
Then Laura looks away and lets the subject end there. She grabs her glass of wine to take a sip. Luke appreciates how much she cares about his relationship with his mother. Even though it will never ever be a normal one. Luke knows she is right. He needs let it go.
*Luke kissing her on the head* "I'll try babe..."
Laura turns and looks up at him. They have been through a lot together the years have added up. And despite all the drama and all the heartache nothing is better than being in his arms. Nothing.
*Laura* "That's all I ask..."
Luke leans in and kisses her. He is starting to feel the affects of that first mug of beer already. Then suddenly a soft, familiar voice breaks the two out of locking lips together.
*Michelle* "Hey you ain't midnight yet."
*Luke* "Hey! About fucking time you two made it...How's it going?"
Luke and Benjamin give each other a firm handshake. As
the girls also greet each other hello.
*Laura* "Hey sis...You look stunning!..."
*Michelle* " do you. Is that a new dress?"
*Laura* "Uh huh..."
and Laura and begin chatting right away.
*Michelle* "Sorry we'e so late...It took me forever to get out of the office tonight.
Poor Ben was dressed and waiting for me for over an hour..."
*Benjamin jokes* "Sometimes I begin to think she's married to her job and not me anymore."
*Michelle* "Oh stop it!...Does yours always tease like this?"
Everyone laughs they all know how much Michelle loves
her job, but still not as much as she loves her Benjamin. Michelle sips her wine and then looks up at Laura.
*Michelle* "So any good gossip you got for me?..."
*Laura lights up* "Yes I do! Guess who is out on a date tonight?!..."
Michelle hates guessing she wants cold hard facts. She
shrugs her shoulders and waits for Laura to continue.
Sipping her wine in the meantime.
*Laura continues* "Mari!...."
*Michelle gasps* "Really? Is she getting back together with Shaun?..."
*Laura sighs a bit* "No...Shaun is in LA right now for the band. Some new years eve show or something. It's some guy she recently met...I dunno know his name yet."
*Michelle itching for more* "Is that it? Is that all you know?..."
*Laura* "Yeah pretty much she texted me the other day that she met some guy and was planning to go out with him for New Years Eve...I haven't heard back from her yet..."
*Luke* "So does this mean you'll stop trying to play match maker with Shaun and Mari?..."*Laura* "Um...depends on what Mari tells me about this new guy..."
*Michelle* "I have to agree with Laura..."
*Luke smiles* "Fuck!...I feel bad for the poor bastard already..."
The girls both giggle they only want a man worthy to date
their cousin Amari. Her happiness is important to them. Benjamin
sits up tall and straight and tilts his hat up.
*Benjamin* "Well, Michelle and I have some big news to announce too...
Several things actually."
Benjamin decides to go ahead and take his hat off setting
it on the table in front of him. Laura immediately gets excited.

*Benjamin* "You want to say it, Darlin...Or should I..."
*Laura* "Oh my gawd! Please tell me you're pregnant. Are you pregnant?!"
Michelle reaches up to adjust Ben's collar.
*Michelle* "I can handle it..."
Laura is on pins and needles she cannot
take it any longer.
*Laura* "So?..."
*Michelle* "Benjamin is now head of the company. His father officially stepped down today. Tomorrow you're looking at the new CEO of Trudeau construction!..."
*Luke* "That's great news! Congratulations, man..."
Benjamin smiles and nods, thanking Luke. He has been waiting for years for his Dad to finally officially give him the title and responsibility.
*Luke to Ben* "So does this mean too the merger is finally all complete?..."
*Benjamin* "Yup!...finally."
Meanwhile the girls continue to talk to each other.
*Laura* "That's wonderful!...Man I really thought you were
gonna announce y'all were expecting."
*Michelle* "You promise not to say anything to mom?..."*Laura* "Wait, what?!..."
*Michelle grinning widely* "I stopped taking my birth control this week...
We plan to start trying within the next few weeks."
*Laura gasps* "Really?!..."
Michelle smiles and nods with nervous excitement all over her face. Benjamin finally wore her down and is getting a chance to
finally start a family. Laura looks like she almost wants
to cry she is so elated and happy.
*Laura* "Oh my gawd this is so exciting! I'm so excited for the
both of you! You will be a wonderful Mother..."
*Michelle* "You two are the only ones who know...Please don't tell mom,
Benjamin is worried she'll tell Erica. And we're are not wanting any of that drama."
Benjamin is Erica Trudeau's pride and joy. She loves her grandson dearly and it shows and it is also no secret she has been
hounding him for great grand-kids for years now.
*Laura* "Oh! Of course...definitely I understand. So does this
mean you will take a break from work?"
*Michelle* "I dunno. Ideally, I would like to keep working till the baby is born.
But first I gotta get pregnant then we'll see..."
Laura nods and smiles. Luke raises his mug for a toast. Everyone has been wondering when these two would eventually start a family. Luke was never in a hurry to before but now he understands.
*Luke* "Here's to a new life...and
new parents? Congrats you guys."
Everyone clinks their glasses together and toast. They continue on through the night with dinner and drinks and talk about whatever comes to mind as the hours pass. Everyone in the bar hoots and hollers as the clock strikes midnight...
*Luke* "Happy New Year, babe..."
*Laura* "Happy New Year."
Luke steals a kiss from Laura as the noise level rises in the bar, competing with the music coming from the jukebox. They plan to leave right after the new year and spend the rest of the night at home alone, enjoying a peaceful quiet remainder to their night.
But the rooms stands still for Michelle and Ben. That last time they were here in this bar for New Year's Benjamin surprised Michelle with a unexpected kiss she had surely thought she missed out on. Now it's 5 years later and they have new reasons to celebrate...*Michelle* "Benjamin?..."
*Benjamin* "Yes, Darlin'?..."
*Benjamin* "You mean, I'm done working for it?..."
*Michelle* "Uh...huh..."
*Benjamin* "Git ready Darlin' cause you ain't gettin' any sleep tanight..."
*Michelle smiles up at him* "I thought you might say that."
If you want to check out the old NYE episodes then
click here for those two links.
NYE 2013 at Bull Tavern Part 2
Thank you as always for tuning in. Hoping to stay on some kind of schedule for the coming weeks...
wish me luck! hehe.
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Happy New Year!! Oh I love it. That's so exciting for Benjamin and Michelle. In due time and when gods ready they will be wonderful parents. Luke and Laura are just so cute. Glad they got some one on one time with one another. I look forward to the new stories and new ideas. <3
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year everyone!! Oh how exciting for Michelle and Ben <3 I'm going to sit back and pray for news that a teeny bumpkin will grace these two!
ReplyDeleteyesss. i cant wait for benjamin and michelle to get pregnant. I hope willow and pete get engaged and start their family too. I love the story as always.
ReplyDeleteYay, Benjamin and Michelle starting a family! It's about time, LOL! I bet they will have cute babies too! Hope you had a wonderful New Year too!